Send passive notifications to Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA).
Updated 2024-06-15 01:47:05 +02:00
Your routes, in JavaScript
Updated 2024-06-15 06:46:03 +02:00
A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!
Updated 2024-06-14 22:12:53 +02:00
Many template engines in one collection with one universal API
Updated 2024-06-14 22:12:54 +02:00
Deploy a middleman built site over rsync, ftp, stfp, or git (e.g. gh-pages on github).
Updated 2024-06-14 22:13:49 +02:00
Logging Analyser
Updated 2024-06-14 22:23:20 +02:00
Updated 2024-06-14 23:00:38 +02:00
Convert Raspian Images to lvm + xfs and installs some usefull defaults.
Updated 2024-06-14 23:09:57 +02:00
Updates the linux-sources and install it to your system
Updated 2024-06-14 23:27:29 +02:00
Redirect output (and errors) to less
Updated 2024-06-14 23:37:46 +02:00
Control VDR via Webbrowser
Updated 2024-06-15 01:48:43 +02:00
LIRC client for Ruby
Updated 2024-06-15 01:48:45 +02:00
Mail is pain. Let's do it with pliers.
Updated 2024-06-15 02:42:09 +02:00
Select based event-handler for many servers and sockets
Updated 2024-06-15 08:12:30 +02:00
Multiplexer for SVDRP -- Allowes more than one connection to communicate with vdr
Updated 2024-06-15 08:26:14 +02:00
SMQL is a JSON-based query langauage similar to MQL. This gem convertes these querys to ActiveRecord.
Updated 2024-06-14 22:15:02 +02:00
Pure Ruby LDAP library
Updated 2024-06-14 22:15:58 +02:00
Progress Bar for terminal and KDE
Updated 2024-06-14 22:20:16 +02:00
Nagios passive alerts with friendly API - Create your alerts easily and send it to Nagios
Updated 2024-06-14 22:29:19 +02:00
ruby-libvirt is only a mapped api and unrubish. libvirt-ext extents functionality to be more rubish.
Updated 2024-06-14 22:39:57 +02:00