I'd screwed that up.
Also, fix some bugs in the #to_md
output method. Still not correct
(and I'm not sure I'm going to
bother completing the job), but
Add a Markdown syntax for attaching
attribute lists to list items (for both
ordered and unordered lists).
The syntax is trivial:
1. This is the first item
2. {: value="3"} We skip straight to #3
* This is an item
* {: style="color:red"} This is a red item
Sanitizer should recognize HTML elements
and attributes.
New Allowed Elements:
article aside audio canvas command details
dialog figcaption figure footer header
hgroup mark meter nav progress rp rt ruby
section source summary time video war
(OK, audio and video were already there)
New Allowed Attributes:
autocomplete contenteditable contextmenu
draggable formaction icon low max min
open optimum pattern placeholder preload
pubdate required reversed spellcheck step
Attributes removed:
abbr charset loopcount loopend loopstart
noshade nowrap rev rules
Maruku supports @start and @reversed on
ordered lists. It doesn't seem to support
IALs on li elements, so you still can't
attach @value to an li.
Support Marhdown Extra's fenced code blocks. [From Jason Blevins]
Fortran syntax colouring. [From Jason Blevins]
Turn on Syntax colouring, by default.
Point to Michel Fortin's Markdown Extra page.
In Rbuy 1.8, ?c returns an integer.
In Ruby 1.9, it returns a 1-character
string. This was causing one of our
LaTeX conversion functional tests to
The Regexp, used in Maruku to detect "email"
headers (used, e.g., for S5 slideshow metadata)
could, for some inputs, interact badly with
Instiki's Chunk Handler.
Maruku uses greedy Regexps in a number of places, which,
in unfavourable circumstances, can lead to exponential
slowdowns (an apparent hang).
We worked around one such bug in Revision 355. Recently,
Toby Bartels found another (in Table Header parsing).
The "real" solution seems to be to make sure the Regexps
are not greedy. (Thanks to Sam Ruby for spotting the problem!)
Reverted the workaround in Revision 355, fixed Toby's
bug, and several other similar Regexps.
A Maruku-syntax <div> with an unclosed IAL (and, it seems, at least one equation)
would cause Instiki to hang. Badly. Requiring a 'kill -9' to terminate it.
Reverting the OpenDiv and CloseDiv Regexps to my, more simple-minded, versions
fixes the problem.
Update dnsbl_check plugin to latest version.
Update Maruku to latest version.
In the wiki_controller, only apply the dnsbl_check before_filter
to the :edit, :new, and :save actions, instead of all actions.
This makes mundane "show" requests faster, but does not
compromise spam-fighting ability.