Better text/html serialization
For the Andrew Staceys of this world: deal with empty element in a more text/html-friendly fashion.
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 41 additions and 41 deletions
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class PageRendererTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def test_wiki_links_after_empty
assert_markup_parsed_as(%{<code/>\n<p>This is a <span class='newWikiWord'>wikilink<a href=} +
assert_markup_parsed_as(%{<code></code>\n<p>This is a <span class='newWikiWord'>wikilink<a href=} +
"<code></code>\n\nThis is a [[wikilink]].")
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class PageRendererTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
"would be <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/MyWay'>My Way</a> " +
"<math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns=''>" +
"<mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo><semantics>" +
"<annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'><svg/></annotation-xml></semantics></math> in kinda " +
"<annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'><svg></svg></annotation-xml></semantics></math> in kinda " +
"<a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/ThatWay'>That Way</a> in " +
"<span class='newWikiWord'>His Way<a href='../show/HisWay'>?</a></span> " +
%{though <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/MyWay'>My Way</a> OverThere \342\200\223 see } +
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ END_THM
%{<div class='maruku-equation'><math class='maruku-mathml' display='block' } +
%{xmlns=''><mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>} +
%{(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo><semantics><annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'>} +
%{<svg/></annotation-xml></semantics></math><span class='maruku-eq-tex'><code style='display: none;'>} +
%{<svg></svg></annotation-xml></semantics></math><span class='maruku-eq-tex'><code style='display: none;'>} +
%{\\sin(x) \\begin{svg}<svg/>\\end{svg}</code></span></div>},
"$$\\sin(x) \\begin{svg}<svg/>\\end{svg}$$")
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ END_THM
# currently, upper case HTML elements are not allowed
"<p>This <IMG SRC='' alt=''/> is an inline image link.</p>",
"<p>This <IMG SRC='' alt=''></IMG> is an inline image link.</p>",
'This <IMG SRC="" alt="" /> is an inline image link.')
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ END_THM
"<a class='existingWikiWord' href='MyWay.html'>My Way</a> " +
"<math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns=''>" +
"<mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo><semantics>" +
"<annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'><svg/></annotation-xml></semantics></math> in kinda " +
"<annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'><svg></svg></annotation-xml></semantics></math> in kinda " +
"<a class='existingWikiWord' href='ThatWay.html'>That Way</a> in " +
"<span class='newWikiWord'>His Way</span> though " +
%{<a class='existingWikiWord' href='MyWay.html'>My Way</a> OverThere \342\200\223 see } +
@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ require 'maruku/string_utils'
if (content_only)
xml = body.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 2 )
xml = body.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 18 )
doc2 = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("<div>"+S5_external+"</div>")
doc2.root.children.each{ |child| head << child }
xml = html.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 2 )
xml = html.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 18 )
Xhtml11_mathml2_svg11 + xml
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module MaRuKu; module Out; module HTML
d.root << render_footnotes
xml = d.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 2 )
xml = d.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 18 )
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module MaRuKu; module Out; module HTML
doc = to_html_document_tree
xml = ""
xml = doc.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 2 )
xml = doc.to_xml(:indent => (context[:indent] || 2), :save_with => 18 )
Xhtml11_mathml2_svg11 + xml
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Write a comment here
*** Output of inspect ***
md_el(:document,[md_par([md_im_image(["bar"], "/foo.jpg", nil)])],{},[])
*** Output of to_html ***
<p><img src="/foo.jpg" alt="bar"/></p>
<p><img src="/foo.jpg" alt="bar" /></p>
*** Output of to_latex ***
*** Output of to_md ***
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ md_el(:document,[
<p>That’s some text with a footnote <sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup> and another <sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" rel="footnote">2</a></sup> and another <sup id="fnref:3"><a href="#fn:3" rel="footnote">3</a></sup>.</p>
<p>This is not a footnote.</p>
<div class="footnotes"><hr/><ol><li id="fn:1">
<div class="footnotes"><hr /><ol><li id="fn:1">
<p>And that’s the footnote. This is second sentence (same paragraph). <a href="#fnref:1" rev="footnote">↩</a></p>
</li><li id="fn:2">
<p>This is the very long one.</p>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ md_el(:document,[
*** Output of to_html ***
<hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr />
*** Output of to_latex ***
\vspace{.5em} \hrule \vspace{.5em}
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ md_el(:document,[
*** Output of to_html ***
<p>One <div/>123</p>
<p>One <div></div>123</p>
*** Output of to_latex ***
One 123
*** Output of to_md ***
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ md_el(:document,[
*** Output of to_html ***
<div class="frame">
<a class="photo" href=""><img alt="" moz-do-not-send="true" src=""/></a>
<a class="photo" href=""><img alt="" moz-do-not-send="true" src="" /></a>
*** Output of to_latex ***
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ md_el(:document,[
*** Output of to_html ***
<div class="frame">
<a class="photo" href=""><img moz-do-not-send="true" src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Aperitif"/></a>
<a class="photo" href=""><img moz-do-not-send="true" src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Aperitif" /></a>
*** Output of to_latex ***
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ md_el(:document,[
<pre><code><p>here's an apostrophe & a quote "</p></code></pre>
<pre class="xml"><code lang="xml"><span class="punct"><</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span>here's an apostrophe & a quote "<span class="punct"></</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span></code></pre>
<pre class="xml"><code lang="xml" xml:lang="xml"><span class="punct"><</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span>here's an apostrophe & a quote "<span class="punct"></</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span></code></pre>
<pre class="not_supported"><code lang="not_supported"><p>here's an apostrophe & a quote "</p></code></pre>
<pre class="not_supported"><code lang="not_supported" xml:lang="not_supported"><p>here's an apostrophe & a quote "</p></code></pre>
<pre class="xml"><code lang="xml"><span class="punct"><</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span>here's an apostrophe & a quote "<span class="punct"></</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span></code></pre>
<pre class="xml"><code lang="xml" xml:lang="xml"><span class="punct"><</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span>here's an apostrophe & a quote "<span class="punct"></</span><span class="tag">p</span><span class="punct">></span></code></pre>
*** Output of to_latex ***
{\colorbox[rgb]{1.00,0.93,1.00}{\tt \char60p\char62here\char39s~an~apostrophe~\char38~a~quote~\char34\char60\char47p\char62}}
@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ md_el(:document,[
md_ref_def("css2", "", {:title=>"Optional title attribute"})
*** Output of to_html ***
<p>This page does not utilize <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets"/></p>
<p>This page does not utilize <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" /></p>
<p>Please mouseover to see the title: <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Title ok!"/></p>
<p>Please mouseover to see the title: <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Title ok!" /></p>
<p>Please mouseover to see the title: <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Title ok!"/></p>
<p>Please mouseover to see the title: <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Title ok!" /></p>
<p>I’ll say it one more time: this page does not use <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Optional title attribute"/></p>
<p>I’ll say it one more time: this page does not use <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Optional title attribute" /></p>
<p>This is double size: <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Optional title attribute"/></p>
<p>This is double size: <img src="" alt="Cascading Style Sheets" title="Optional title attribute" /></p>
*** Output of to_latex ***
This page does not utilize
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ md_el(:document,[
md_ref_def("image", "image.jpg", {:title=>nil})
*** Output of to_html ***
<p>This is an <img src="image.jpg" alt="image"/>.</p>
<p>This is an <img src="image.jpg" alt="image" />.</p>
<p>This is an <img src="image.jpg" alt="image"/>.</p>
<p>This is an <img src="image.jpg" alt="image" />.</p>
*** Output of to_latex ***
This is an .
@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ md_el(:document,[
<pre><code><img src=""/></code></pre>
<p>Result on span: <img src=""/></p>
<p>Result on span: <img src="" /></p>
<p>Result alone:</p>
<img src=""/>
<img src="" />
<p>Without closing:</p>
<img src=""/><div>
<img src="" /><div>
<p>This is</p>
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ md_el(:document,[
<p>Paragraph (1 space after), list with no space: * ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (2 spaces after), list with no space:<br/>* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (2 spaces after), list with no space:<br />* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (3 spaces after), list with no space: <br/>* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (3 spaces after), list with no space: <br />* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph with block quote:</p>
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ md_el(:document,[
<h2 id="header_2">header</h2>
<p>Paragraph with html after <div/></p>
<p>Paragraph with html after <div></div></p>
<p>Paragraph with html after, indented: <em>Emphasis</em></p>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Write a comment here
*** Output of inspect ***
md_el(:document,[md_html("<br />")],{},[])
*** Output of to_html ***
<br />
*** Output of to_latex ***
*** Output of to_md ***
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ md_el(:document,[
<p>Paragraph (1 space after), list with no space: * ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (2 spaces after), list with no space:<br/>* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (2 spaces after), list with no space:<br />* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (3 spaces after), list with no space: <br/>* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph (3 spaces after), list with no space: <br />* ciao</p>
<p>Paragraph with block quote:</p>
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ md_el(:document,[
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
<p>Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph Br-><br/>Paragraph 5</p>
<p>Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph Br-><br />Paragraph 5</p>
*** Output of to_latex ***
Paragraph 1
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ md_el(:document,[
],{:align=>[:left, :left, :left]},[])
*** Output of to_html ***
<table><thead><tr><th/><th>1</th><th>2</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: left;">A</td><td style="text-align: left;">X</td><td style="text-align: left;"/></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align: left;">B</td><td style="text-align: left;"/><td style="text-align: left;">X</td></tr>
<table><thead><tr><th></th><th>1</th><th>2</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style="text-align: left;">A</td><td style="text-align: left;">X</td><td style="text-align: left;"></td></tr>
<tr><td style="text-align: left;">B</td><td style="text-align: left;"></td><td style="text-align: left;">X</td></tr>
*** Output of to_latex ***
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ puts$stdin).to_html</code></pre>
<p>This is ruby code:</p>
<pre class="ruby"><code lang="ruby"><span class="ident">require</span> <span class="punct">'</span><span class="string">maruku</span><span class="punct">'</span></code></pre>
<pre class="ruby"><code lang="ruby" xml:lang="ruby"><span class="ident">require</span> <span class="punct">'</span><span class="string">maruku</span><span class="punct">'</span></code></pre>
*** Output of to_latex ***
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ md_el(:document,[
*** Output of to_html ***
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Break:<br/>Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Break:<br />Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet.</p>
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet Lorem ipsum Break:<br/>Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet</li>
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet Lorem ipsum Break:<br />Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet</li>
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet</li>
Add table
Reference in a new issue