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Making SSL-Certificates

Creates keys and certificate requests via openssl. It tries to keep files, if there exist. But if you change one file, files which depend on it, will be recreated by this program.


All files will be replaced, if files which it depends on, are newer. For example, if you create the example.key, and you run sslmake example.csr, your CSR will be replaced be a new. But if your CSR is newer than the KEY, it will not replace your CSR.

First Use

If you creates something a first time, then you are alright here. Renewing and removing will follow in 'Second Use'.

  • Create the config:

      # ./sslmake example.cnf

    This will copy /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf to local directory. Now you edit this file and you can do next step. Important are commonName_default and so on. If you do not know the %.cnf, you should read a openssl-howto about openssl.cnf.

  • Create the KEY:

      # ./sslmake %.key

    It will create a key-file %.key with a 4096 bit strong rsa.

  • Create the CSR:

      # ./sslmake %.csr

    This will use %.cnf as configfile and creates a key and the csr if didn't exists. Everything in one step.