2014-05-28 11:11:59 +01:00

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middleman-deploy Gem Version

Deploys a middleman built site via rsync, ftp, sftp, or git (e.g. gh-pages on github).


Add this to the Gemfile of the repository of your middleman site:

gem "middleman-deploy"

and run bundle install.


$ middleman build [--clean]
$ middleman deploy [--build-before]

To automatically run middleman build during middleman deploy, turn on the build_before option while activating the deploy extension:

activate :deploy do |deploy|
  # ...
  deploy.build_before = true # default: false

Possible Configurations

Middleman-deploy can deploy a site via rsync, ftp, sftp, or git.

Checkout the wiki for advanced set-up options.


Make sure that rsync is installed, and activate the extension by adding the following to config.rb:

activate :deploy do |deploy|
  deploy.method = :rsync
  deploy.host   = "www.example.com"
  deploy.path   = "/srv/www/site"
  # Optional Settings
  # deploy.user  = "tvaughan" # no default
  # deploy.port  = 5309 # ssh port, default: 22
  # deploy.clean = true # remove orphaned files on remote host, default: false
  # deploy.flags = "-rltgoDvzO --no-p --del" # add custom flags, default: -avz

Git (e.g. GitHub Pages)

Make sure that git is installed, and activate the extension by adding the following to config.rb:

activate :deploy do |deploy|
  deploy.method = :git
  # Optional Settings
  # deploy.remote   = "custom-remote" # remote name or git url, default: origin
  # deploy.branch   = "custom-branch" # default: gh-pages
  # deploy.strategy = :submodule      # commit strategy: can be :force_push or :submodule, default: :force_push
  # deploy.commit_message = "custom-message"      # commit message (can be empty), default: Automated commit at `timestamp` by middleman-deploy `version`

If you use a remote name, you must first add it using git remote add. Run git remote -v to see a list of possible remote names. If you use a git url, it must end with '.git'.

Afterwards, the build directory will become a git repo.

If you use the force push strategy, this branch will be created on the remote if it doesn't already exist. But if you use the submodule strategy, you must first initialize build folder as a submodule. See git submodule add documentation.


Activate the extension by adding the following to config.rb:

activate :deploy do |deploy|
  deploy.method   = :ftp
  deploy.host     = "ftp.example.com"
  deploy.path     = "/srv/www/site"
  deploy.user     = "tvaughan"
  deploy.password = "secret"


Activate the extension by adding the following to config.rb:

activate :deploy do |deploy|
  deploy.method   = :sftp
  deploy.host     = "sftp.example.com"
  deploy.port     = 22
  deploy.path     = "/srv/www/site"
  # Optional Settings
  # deploy.user     = "tvaughan" # no default
  # deploy.password = "secret" # no default

Multiple Environments

Deploy your site to more than one configuration using environment variables.

# config.rb
case ENV['TARGET'].to_s.downcase
when 'production'
  activate :deploy do |deploy|
    deploy.method   = :rsync
    deploy.host     = "www.example.com"
    deploy.path     = "/srv/www/production-site"
  activate :deploy do |deploy|
    deploy.method   = :rsync
    deploy.host     = "staging.example.com"
    deploy.path     = "/srv/www/staging-site"
# Rakefile
namespace :deploy do
  def deploy(env)
    puts "Deploying to #{env}"
    system "TARGET=#{env} bundle exec middleman deploy"

  task :staging do
    deploy :staging

  task :production do
    deploy :production
$ rake deploy:staging
$ rake deploy:production

Breaking Changes

  • v0.1.0
    • Removed the --clean command-line option. This option only applied to the rsync deploy method. The idea going forward is that command-line options must apply to all deploy methods. Options that are specific to a deploy method will only be available in config.rb.
    • Removed deploy from the after_build hook. This caused a deploy to be run each time build was called. This workflow never made sense. deploy was added to the after_build hook simply because it was available.


A BIG thanks to everyone who has contributed! Almost all pull requests are accepted.


Inspired by the rsync task in Octopress.