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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# we need fileutils for easy file access
require 'fileutils'
require 'rubygems'
include FileUtils
# we will need the modified rgettext.rb that can read erb templates
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/rgettext'
# RAILS_ROOT is just one up
RAILS_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..')
# $DEBUG = true
# goto RAILS_ROOT so we can address all files relatively from there
# the potfile will hold the temporary data before it is merged; note the
# filename .messages.pot (if you don't prepend a dot to the filename Dir.glob
# will get confused later on)
potfile = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/locale/.messages.pot"
# if the potfile exists from the previous run, delete it
rm_f potfile
# directories and extensions to harvest
dirpattern = '{app,components,config,custom,lib}'
extpattern = 'r{b,html,xml}'
files = Dir.glob("#{dirpattern}/**/*.#{extpattern}")
# run the harvester on the collected filenames and output to potfile files, potfile
# now iterate through all locale dirs and update/merge
Dir.glob('locale/*').each do |dir|
# check if every dir has a pofile to begin with, else msmerge will fail
# if not, use the potfile and don't merge
pofile = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{dir}/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po"
if File.exists?(pofile)
print "Updating pofile #{pofile} "
system "msgmerge --force-po --no-location --update #{pofile} #{potfile}"
print "The pofile '#{pofile}' does not exist. I will create it for you "
path_to_pofile = File.dirname(pofile)
mkdir path_to_pofile unless File.exists?(path_to_pofile)
cp potfile, pofile
puts ' .... done.'