Image titles were not being output (a long-standing Maruku bug). Also fix some broken specs. All the HTML specs pass. I hope they're "correct".
3.2 KiB
Write a comment abouth the test here. *** Parameters: *** {:css=>"style.css"} *** Markdown input: *** CSS: style.css
Result: Emphasis
<img src=""/>
Result on span:
Result alone:
Without closing:
This is *true* markdown text (no paragraph)
This is *true* markdown text (block paragraph)
This is a *true* markdown text. (no par) | This is *true* markdown text. (par) |
*** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_par(["Input:"]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"Emphasis"},[]), md_par(["Result: ", md_html("Emphasis")]), md_par(["Input:"]), md_el(:code,[],{:raw_code=>"<img src=""/>"},[]), md_par([ "Result on span: ", md_html("<img src="" />") ]), md_par(["Result alone:"]), md_html("<img src="" />"), md_par(["Without closing:"]), md_html("<img src="" />"), md_html("<div markdown="1">\n This is true markdown text (paragraph)\n\n <p markdown="1">\n This is true markdown text (no paragraph)\n
\n <p markdown="block">\n This is true markdown text (block paragraph)\n \n"), md_html("\n\n<td markdown="1">This is a true markdown text. (no par)\n<td markdown="block">This is true markdown text. (par)\n\nInput:
Result: Emphasis
<img src=""/>
Result on span:
Result alone:
Without closing:
This is
markdown text (paragraph)
This is
markdown text (no paragraph)
This is
markdown text (block paragraph)
This is a true markdown text. (no par) |
This is true markdown text. (par) |
\begin{verbatim}Emphasis\end{verbatim} Result:
Result on span:
Result alone:
Without closing: *** Output of to_md *** Input:
Result on span:
Result alone:
Without closing: *** Output of to_s *** Input:Result: Input:Result on span: Result alone:Without closing: