701 B
701 B
*** Parameters: *** require 'maruku/ext/math'; {:math_enabled => false} *** Markdown input: ***
This is not math
*** Output of inspect ***
md_el(:document,[md_par(["This is not math
."]), md_par(["[ \alpha ]"])],{},[])
*** Output of to_html ***
This is not $math$.
[ \alpha ]
*** Output of to_latex *** This is not \$math\$.[ $\backslash$alpha ]
*** Output of to_md ***
This is not math
[ \alpha ]
*** Output of to_s ***
This is not math
.[ \alpha ]
*** EOF ***
*** Output of Markdown.pl ***
This is not $math$.
[ \alpha ]
*** Output of Markdown.pl (parsed) ***
This is not $math$.
[ \alpha ]