1.2 KiB
I'm not sure if this should work at all...
*** Parameters: *** {} # params *** Markdown input: *** Ciao
- Tab
- Tab
- Tab
- Tab
*** Output of inspect *** nil *** Output of to_html ***
- Tab * Tab * Tab
\begin{itemize}% \item Tab * Tab * Tab
\end{itemize} *** Output of to_md *** Ciao
-ab * Tab * Tab *** Output of to_s *** CiaoTab * Tab * Tab *** EOF ***
Failed tests: [:inspect]
*** Output of inspect *** -----| WARNING | ----- md_el(:document,[ md_par(["Ciao"]), md_el(:ul,[md_el(:li_span,["Tab * Tab * Tab"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[])],{},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html ***
- Tab * Tab * Tab
\begin{itemize}% \item Tab * Tab * Tab
\end{itemize} *** Output of to_md *** Ciao
-ab * Tab * Tab *** Output of to_s *** CiaoTab * Tab * Tab *** Output of Markdown.pl ***
- Tab
- Tab
- Tab
- Tab
*** Output of Markdown.pl (parsed) ***
- Tab
- Tab
- Tab
- Tab