655 B
655 B
This shows how Maruku recovers from parsing errors *** Parameters: *** {:on_error=>:warning} *** Markdown input: *** Search on [Google images][ GoOgle search ] *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[md_par(["Search on Google imagesGoOgle search ]"])],{},[]) *** Output of to_html ***
Search on Google imagesGoOgle search ]
*** Output of to_latex *** Search on Google imagesGoOgle search ] *** Output of to_md *** Search on Google imagesGoOgle search ] *** Output of to_s *** Search on Google imagesGoOgle search ] *** EOF ***OK!
*** Output of Markdown.pl *** (not used anymore) *** Output of Markdown.pl (parsed) *** (not used anymore)