Image titles were not being output (a long-standing Maruku bug). Also fix some broken specs. All the HTML specs pass. I hope they're "correct".
1.3 KiB
1.3 KiB
Write a comment here *** Parameters: *** require 'maruku/ext/math';{} *** Markdown input: ***
x = y
= y
x = y
x = y
*** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_el(:equation,[],{:label=>nil,:math=>" x = y ",:num=>nil},[]), md_el(:equation,[],{:label=>nil,:math=>" x = y \n",:num=>nil},[]), md_el(:equation,[],{:label=>nil,:math=>" x = y \n",:num=>nil},[]), md_el(:equation,[],{:label=>nil,:math=>" x = y \n",:num=>nil},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html ***
x = y
x = y
= y
= y
x = y
x = y
x = y
x = y
*** Output of to_s ***