Jacques Distler 13a522525c REXML is dead. Long live Nokogiri.
Modify Maruku to use Nokogiri instead of REXML.
Produces a 3-fold speedup in the #to_html method.
2011-08-11 20:36:44 -05:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB

Write a comment abouth the test here.
*** Parameters: ***
*** Markdown input: ***
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium
Operation Tigra Genesis is going well.
*[Tigra Genesis]:
*** Output of inspect ***
"The ",
md_el(:abbr,["HTML"],{:title=>"Hyper Text Markup Language"},[]),
" specification is maintained by the ",
md_el(:abbr,["W3C"],{:title=>"World Wide Web Consortium"},[]),
md_el(:abbr_def,[],{:abbr=>"HTML",:text=>"Hyper Text Markup Language"},[]),
md_el(:abbr_def,[],{:abbr=>"W3C",:text=>"World Wide Web Consortium"},[]),
"Operation ",
md_el(:abbr,["Tigra Genesis"],{:title=>nil},[]),
" is going well."
md_el(:abbr_def,[],{:abbr=>"Tigra Genesis",:text=>nil},[])
*** Output of to_html ***
<p>The <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr> specification is maintained by the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr>.</p>
<p>Operation <abbr>Tigra Genesis</abbr> is going well.</p>
*** Output of to_latex ***
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.
Operation Tigra Genesis is going well.
*** Output of to_md ***
The HTMLspecification is maintained by
the W3C.
*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium
Operation Tigra Genesisis going well.
*[Tigra Genesis]:
*** Output of to_s ***
The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.Operation Tigra Genesis is going well.