
Class Index [+]



TODO: Refactor this class



Public Class Methods

from_lock(options) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 46
46:       def self.from_lock(options)
47:         s = new(options)
48:         Array(options["remote"]).each { |r| s.add_remote(r) }
49:         s
50:       end
new(options = {}) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 14
14:       def initialize(options = {})
15:         @options = options
16:         @remotes = (options["remotes"] || []).map { |r| normalize_uri(r) }
17:         @allow_remote = false
18:         @allow_cached = false
19:         # Hardcode the paths for now
20:         @caches = [ Bundler.app_cache ] + { |p| File.expand_path("#{p}/cache") }
21:         @spec_fetch_map = {}
22:       end

Public Instance Methods

==(o) click to toggle source
Alias for: eql?
add_remote(source) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 123
123:       def add_remote(source)
124:         @remotes << normalize_uri(source)
125:       end
cache(spec) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 115
115:       def cache(spec)
116:         cached_path = cached_gem(spec)
117:         raise GemNotFound, "Missing gem file '#{spec.full_name}.gem'." unless cached_path
118:         return if File.dirname(cached_path) == Bundler.app_cache.to_s
119: "  * #{File.basename(cached_path)}"
120:         FileUtils.cp(cached_path, Bundler.app_cache)
121:       end
cached!() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 28
28:       def cached!
29:         @allow_cached = true
30:       end
eql?(o) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 36
36:       def eql?(o)
37:         Rubygems === o
38:       end
Also aliased as: ==
fetch(spec) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 68
68:       def fetch(spec)
69:         spec, uri = @spec_fetch_map[spec.full_name]
70:         if spec
71:           path = download_gem_from_uri(spec, uri)
72:           s = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(path).spec
73:           spec.__swap__(s)
74:         end
75:       end
hash() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 32
32:       def hash
33:         Rubygems.hash
34:       end
install(spec) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 77
 77:       def install(spec)
 78:         path = cached_gem(spec)
 80:         if installed_specs[spec].any?
 81:  "Using #{} (#{spec.version}) "
 82:           return
 83:         end
 85: "Installing #{} (#{spec.version}) "
 87:         install_path = Bundler.requires_sudo? ? Bundler.tmp : Gem.dir
 88:         options = { :install_dir         => install_path,
 89:                     :ignore_dependencies => true,
 90:                     :wrappers            => true,
 91:                     :env_shebang         => true }
 92:         options.merge!(:bin_dir => "#{install_path}/bin") unless spec.executables.nil? || spec.executables.empty?
 94:         installer = path, options
 95:         installer.install
 97:         # SUDO HAX
 98:         if Bundler.requires_sudo?
 99:           sudo "mkdir -p #{Gem.dir}/gems #{Gem.dir}/specifications"
100:           sudo "cp -R #{Bundler.tmp}/gems/#{spec.full_name} #{Gem.dir}/gems/"
101:           sudo "cp -R #{Bundler.tmp}/specifications/#{spec.full_name}.gemspec #{Gem.dir}/specifications/"
102:           spec.executables.each do |exe|
103:             sudo "mkdir -p #{Gem.bindir}"
104:             sudo "cp -R #{Bundler.tmp}/bin/#{exe} #{Gem.bindir}"
105:           end
106:         end
108:         spec.loaded_from = "#{Gem.dir}/specifications/#{spec.full_name}.gemspec"
109:       end
merge_remotes(source) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 127
127:       def merge_remotes(source)
128:         @remotes = []
129:         source.remotes.each do |r|
130:           add_remote r.to_s
131:         end
132:       end
name() click to toggle source
Alias for: to_s
options() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 42
42:       def options
43:         { "remotes" => { |r| r.to_s } }
44:       end
remote!() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 24
24:       def remote!
25:         @allow_remote = true
26:       end
specs() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 64
64:       def specs
65:         @specs ||= fetch_specs
66:       end
sudo(str) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 111
111:       def sudo(str)
112:         Bundler.sudo(str)
113:       end
to_lock() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 52
52:       def to_lock
53:         out = "GEM\n"
54:         out << {|r| "  remote: #{r}\n" }.join
55:         out << "  specs:\n"
56:       end
to_s() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 58
58:       def to_s
59:         remote_names = { |r| r.to_s }.join(', ')
60:         "rubygems repository #{remote_names}"
61:       end
Also aliased as: name

Private Instance Methods

cached_gem(spec) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 136
136:       def cached_gem(spec)
137:         possibilities = { |p| "#{p}/#{spec.full_name}.gem" }
138:         possibilities.find { |p| File.exist?(p) }
139:       end
cached_specs() click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 186
186:       def cached_specs
187:         @cached_specs ||= begin
188:           idx = installed_specs.dup
190:           path = Bundler.app_cache
191:           Dir["#{path}/*.gem"].each do |gemfile|
192:             next if gemfile =~ /bundler\-[\d\.]+?\.gem/
194:             begin
195:               s ||= Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gemfile).spec
196:             rescue Gem::Package::FormatError
197:               raise GemspecError, "Could not read gem at #{gemfile}. It may be corrupted."
198:             end
200:             s.source = self
201:             idx << s
202:           end
203:         end
205:         idx
206:       end
download_gem_from_uri(spec, uri) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 247
247:       def download_gem_from_uri(spec, uri)
248:         spec.fetch_platform
250:         download_path = Bundler.requires_sudo? ? Bundler.tmp : Gem.dir
251:         gem_path = "#{Gem.dir}/cache/#{spec.full_name}.gem"
253:         FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{download_path}/cache")
254:, uri, download_path)
256:         if Bundler.requires_sudo?
257:           sudo "mkdir -p #{Gem.dir}/cache"
258:           sudo "mv #{Bundler.tmp}/cache/#{spec.full_name}.gem #{gem_path}"
259:         end
261:         gem_path
262:       end
fetch_all_remote_specs(&blk) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 232
232:       def fetch_all_remote_specs(&blk)
233:         begin
234:           # Fetch all specs, minus prerelease specs
235: , false).each(&blk)
236:           # Then fetch the prerelease specs
237:           begin
238:   , true).each(&blk)
239:           rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError
240:             Bundler.ui.warn "Could not fetch prerelease specs from #{self}"
241:           end
242:         rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError
243:           Bundler.ui.warn "Could not reach #{self}"
244:         end
245:       end
fetch_specs() click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 149
149:       def fetch_specs
150: do |idx|
151:           idx.use installed_specs
152:           idx.use cached_specs if @allow_cached || @allow_remote
153:           idx.use remote_specs if @allow_remote
154:         end
155:       end
installed_specs() click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 157
157:       def installed_specs
158:         @installed_specs ||= begin
159:           idx =
160:           have_bundler = false
161:           Gem.source_index.to_a.reverse.each do |dont_use_this_var, spec|
162:             next if == 'bundler' && spec.version.to_s != VERSION
163:             have_bundler = true if == 'bundler'
164:             spec.source = self
165:             idx << spec
166:           end
168:           # Always have bundler locally
169:           unless have_bundler
170:            # We're running bundler directly from the source
171:            # so, let's create a fake gemspec for it (it's a path)
172:            # gemspec
173:            bundler = do |s|
174:         = 'bundler'
175:              s.version  = VERSION
176:              s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
177:              s.source   = self
178:              s.loaded_from = File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)
179:            end
180:            idx << bundler
181:           end
182:           idx
183:         end
184:       end
normalize_uri(uri) click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 141
141:       def normalize_uri(uri)
142:         uri = uri.to_s
143:         uri = "#{uri}/" unless uri =~ %/$'
144:         uri = URI(uri)
145:         raise ArgumentError, "The source must be an absolute URI" unless uri.absolute?
146:         uri
147:       end
remote_specs() click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/source.rb, line 208
208:       def remote_specs
209:         @remote_specs ||= begin
210:           idx     =
211:           old     = Gem.sources
213:           remotes.each do |uri|
214:    "Fetching source index for #{uri}"
215:             Gem.sources = ["#{uri}"]
216:             fetch_all_remote_specs do |n,v|
217:               v.each do |name, version, platform|
218:                 next if name == 'bundler'
219:                 spec =, version, platform, uri)
220:                 spec.source = self
221:                 @spec_fetch_map[spec.full_name] = [spec, uri]
222:                 idx << spec
223:               end
224:             end
225:           end
226:           idx
227:         ensure
228:           Gem.sources = old
229:         end
230:       end

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