Class Rack::Auth::OpenID
In: lib/rack/auth/openid.rb
Parent: AbstractHandler

Rack::Auth::OpenID provides a simple method for permitting openid based logins. It requires the ruby-openid library from janrain to operate, as well as a rack method of session management.

The ruby-openid home page is at

The OpenID specifications can be found at and Documentation for published OpenID extensions and related topics can be found at

It is recommended to read through the OpenID spec, as well as ruby-openid‘s documentation, to understand what exactly goes on. However a setup as simple as the presented examples is enough to provide functionality.

This library strongly intends to utilize the OpenID 2.0 features of the ruby-openid library, while maintaining OpenID 1.0 compatiblity.

All responses from this rack application will be 303 redirects unless an error occurs, with the exception of an authentication request requiring an HTML form submission.

NOTE: Extensions are not currently supported by this implimentation of the OpenID rack application due to the complexity of the current ruby-openid extension handling.

NOTE: Due to the amount of data that this library stores in the session, Rack::Session::Cookie may fault.


Classes and Modules

Class Rack::Auth::OpenID::NoSession


OIDStore =   Required for ruby-openid
HTML = '<html><head><title>%s</title></head><body>%s</body></html>'


extensions  [R] 
options  [R] 

Public Class methods

A Hash of options is taken as it‘s single initializing argument. For example:

  simple_oid ='')

  return_oid ='', {
    :return_to => ''

  page_oid ='',
    :login_good => ''

  complex_oid ='',
    :return_to => '',
    :login_good => '',
    :auth_fail => [500, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'},
      'Unable to negotiate with foreign server.'],
    :immediate => true,
    :extensions => {
      ::OpenID::SReg => [['email'],['nickname']]


The first argument is the realm, identifying the site they are trusting with their identity. This is required.

NOTE: In OpenID 1.x, the realm or trust_root is optional and the return_to url is required. As this library strives tward ruby-openid 2.0, and OpenID 2.0 compatibiliy, the realm is required and return_to is optional. However, this implimentation is still backwards compatible with OpenID 1.0 servers.

The optional second argument is a hash of options.


:return_to defines the url to return to after the client authenticates with the openid service provider. This url should point to where Rack::Auth::OpenID is mounted. If :return_to is not provided, :return_to will be the current url including all query parameters.

:session_key defines the key to the session hash in the env. It defaults to ‘rack.session’.

:openid_param defines at what key in the request parameters to find the identifier to resolve. As per the 2.0 spec, the default is ‘openid_identifier’.

:immediate as true will make immediate type of requests the default. See OpenID specification documentation.

URL options

:login_good is the url to go to after the authentication process has completed.

:login_fail is the url to go to after the authentication process has failed.

:login_quit is the url to go to after the authentication process has been cancelled.

Response options

:no_session should be a rack response to be returned if no or an incompatible session is found.

:auth_fail should be a rack response to be returned if an OpenID::DiscoveryFailure occurs. This is typically due to being unable to access the identity url or identity server.

:error should be a rack response to return if any other generic error would occur and options[:catch_errors] is true.


:extensions should be a hash of openid extension implementations. The key should be the extension main module, the value should be an array of arguments for

The hash is iterated over and passed to add_extension for processing. Please see add_extension for further documentation.


     # File lib/rack/auth/openid.rb, line 137
137:       def initialize(realm, options={})
138:         @realm = realm
139:         realm = URI(realm)
140:         if realm.path.empty?
141:           raise ArgumentError, "Invalid realm path: '#{realm.path}'"
142:         elsif not realm.absolute?
143:           raise ArgumentError, "Realm '#{@realm}' not absolute"
144:         end
146:         [:return_to, :login_good, :login_fail, :login_quit].each do |key|
147:           if options.key? key and luri = URI(options[key])
148:             if !luri.absolute?
149:               raise ArgumentError, ":#{key} is not an absolute uri: '#{luri}'"
150:             end
151:           end
152:         end
154:         if options[:return_to] and ruri = URI(options[:return_to])
155:           if ruri.path.empty?
156:             raise ArgumentError, "Invalid return_to path: '#{ruri.path}'"
157:           elsif realm.path != ruri.path[0, realm.path.size]
158:             raise ArgumentError, 'return_to not within realm.' \
159:           end
160:         end
162:         # TODO: extension support
163:         if extensions = options.delete(:extensions)
164:           extensions.each do |ext, args|
165:             add_extension ext, *args
166:           end
167:         end
169:         @options = {
170:           :session_key => 'rack.session',
171:           :openid_param => 'openid_identifier',
172:           #:return_to, :login_good, :login_fail, :login_quit
173:           #:no_session, :auth_fail, :error
174:           :store => OIDStore,
175:           :immediate => false,
176:           :anonymous => false,
177:           :catch_errors => false
178:         }.merge(options)
179:         @extensions = {}
180:       end

Public Instance methods

The first argument should be the main extension module. The extension module should contain the constants:

  * class Request, with OpenID::Extension as an ancestor
  * class Response, with OpenID::Extension as an ancestor
  * string NS_URI, which defines the namespace of the extension, should
    be an absolute http uri

All trailing arguments will be passed to in check. The openid response will be passed to extension::Response#from_success_response, get_extension_args will be called on the result to attain the gathered data.

This method returns the key at which the response data will be found in the session, which is the namespace uri by default.


     # File lib/rack/auth/openid.rb, line 402
402:       def add_extension ext, *args
403:         if not ext.is_a? Module
404:           raise TypeError, "#{ext.inspect} is not a module"
405:         elsif !(m = %w'Request Response NS_URI' -
406:       { |c| c.to_s }).empty?
407:           raise ArgumentError, "#{ext.inspect} missing #{m*', '}"
408:         end
410:         consts = [ext::Request, ext::Response]
412:         if not consts.all?{|c| c.is_a? Class }
413:           raise TypeError, "#{ext.inspect}'s Request or Response is not a class"
414:         elsif not consts.all?{|c| ::OpenID::Extension > c }
415:           raise ArgumentError, "#{ext.inspect}'s Request or Response not a decendant of OpenID::Extension"
416:         end
418:         if not ext::NS_URI.is_a? String
419:           raise TypeError, "#{ext.inspect}'s NS_URI is not a string"
420:         elsif not uri = URI(ext::NS_URI)
421:           raise ArgumentError, "#{ext.inspect}'s NS_URI is not a valid uri"
422:         elsif not uri.scheme =~ /^https?$/
423:           raise ArgumentError, "#{ext.inspect}'s NS_URI is not an http uri"
424:         elsif not uri.absolute?
425:           raise ArgumentError, "#{ext.inspect}'s NS_URI is not and absolute uri"
426:         end
427:         @extensions[ext] = args
428:         return ext::NS_URI
429:       end

It sets up and uses session data at :openid within the session. It sets up the ::OpenID::Consumer using the store specified by options[:store].

If the parameter specified by options[:openid_param] is present, processing is passed to check and the result is returned.

If the parameter ‘openid.mode’ is set, implying a followup from the openid server, processing is passed to finish and the result is returned.

If neither of these conditions are met, a 400 error is returned.

If an error is thrown and options[:catch_errors] is false, the exception will be reraised. Otherwise a 500 error is returned.


     # File lib/rack/auth/openid.rb, line 199
199:       def call(env)
200:         env['rack.auth.openid'] = self
201:         session = env[@options[:session_key]]
202:         unless session and session.is_a? Hash
203:           raise(NoSession, 'No compatible session')
204:         end
205:         # let us work in our own namespace...
206:         session = (session[:openid] ||= {})
207:         unless session and session.is_a? Hash
208:           raise(NoSession, 'Incompatible session')
209:         end
211:         request = env
212:         consumer = session, @options[:store]
214:         if request.params['openid.mode']
215:           finish consumer, session, request
216:         elsif request.params[@options[:openid_param]]
217:           check consumer, session, request
218:         else
219:           env['rack.errors'].puts "No valid params provided."
220:           bad_request
221:         end
222:       rescue NoSession
223:         env['rack.errors'].puts($!.message, *$@)
225:         @options. ### Missing or incompatible session
226:           fetch :no_session, [ 500,
227:             {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'},
228:             $!.message ]
229:       rescue
230:         env['rack.errors'].puts($!.message, *$@)
232:         if not @options[:catch_error]
233:           raise($!)
234:         end
235:         @options.
236:           fetch :error, [ 500,
237:             {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'},
238:             'OpenID has encountered an error.' ]
239:       end

As the first part of OpenID consumer action, check retrieves the data required for completion.

  • session[:openid][:openid_param] is set to the submitted identifier to be authenticated.
  • session[:openid][:site_return] is set as the request‘s HTTP_REFERER, unless already set.
  • env is the openid checkid request instance.


     # File lib/rack/auth/openid.rb, line 250
250:       def check(consumer, session, req)
251:         session[:openid_param]  = req.params[@options[:openid_param]]
252:         oid = consumer.begin(session[:openid_param], @options[:anonymous])
253:         pp oid if $DEBUG
254:         req.env['rack.auth.openid.request'] = oid
256:         session[:site_return] ||= req.env['HTTP_REFERER']
258:         # SETUP_NEEDED check!
259:         # see OpenID::Consumer::CheckIDRequest docs
260:         query_args = [@realm, *@options.values_at(:return_to, :immediate)]
261:         query_args[1] ||= req.url
262:         query_args[2] = false if session.key? :setup_needed
263:         pp query_args if $DEBUG
265:         ## Extension support
266:         extensions.each do |ext,args|
267:           oid.add_extension*args)
268:         end
270:         if oid.send_redirect?(*query_args)
271:           redirect = oid.redirect_url(*query_args)
272:           if $DEBUG
273:             pp redirect
274:             pp Rack::Utils.parse_query(URI(redirect).query)
275:           end
276:           [ 303, {'Location'=>redirect}, [] ]
277:         else
278:           # check on 'action' option.
279:           formbody = oid.form_markup(*query_args)
280:           if $DEBUG
281:             pp formbody
282:           end
283:           body = HTML % ['Confirm...', formbody]
284:           [ 200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}, body.to_a ]
285:         end
286:       rescue ::OpenID::DiscoveryFailure => e
287:         # thrown from inside OpenID::Consumer#begin by yadis stuff
288:         req.env['rack.errors'].puts($!.message, *$@)
290:         @options. ### Foreign server failed
291:           fetch :auth_fail, [ 503,
292:             {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'},
293:             'Foreign server failure.' ]
294:       end

A conveniance method that returns the namespace of all current extensions used by this instance.


     # File lib/rack/auth/openid.rb, line 433
433:       def extension_namespaces
435:       end

This is the final portion of authentication. Unless any errors outside of specification occur, a 303 redirect will be returned with Location determined by the OpenID response type. If none of the response type :login_* urls are set, the redirect will be set to session[:openid][:site_return]. If session[:openid][:site_return] is unset, the realm will be used.

Any messages from OpenID‘s response are appended to the 303 response body.

Data gathered from extensions are stored in session[:openid] with the extension‘s namespace uri as the key.

  • env is the openid response.

The four valid possible outcomes are:

  • failure: options[:login_fail] or session[:site_return] or the realm
    • session[:openid] is cleared and any messages are send to rack.errors
    • session[:openid][‘authenticated’] is false
  • success: options[:login_good] or session[:site_return] or the realm
    • session[:openid] is cleared
    • session[:openid][‘authenticated’] is true
    • session[:openid][‘identity’] is the actual identifier
    • session[:openid][‘identifier’] is the pretty identifier
  • cancel: options[:login_good] or session[:site_return] or the realm
    • session[:openid] is cleared
    • session[:openid][‘authenticated’] is false
  • setup_needed: resubmits the authentication request. A flag is set for non-immediate handling.
    • session[:openid][:setup_needed] is set to true, which will prevent immediate style openid authentication.


     # File lib/rack/auth/openid.rb, line 332
332:       def finish(consumer, session, req)
333:         oid = consumer.complete(req.params, req.url)
334:         pp oid if $DEBUG
335:         req.env['rack.auth.openid.response'] = oid
337:         goto = session.fetch :site_return, @realm
338:         body = []
340:         case oid.status
341:         when ::OpenID::Consumer::FAILURE
342:           session.clear
343:           session['authenticated'] = false
344:           req.env['rack.errors'].puts oid.message
346:           goto = @options[:login_fail] if @options.key? :login_fail
347:           body << "Authentication unsuccessful.\n"
348:         when ::OpenID::Consumer::SUCCESS
349:           session.clear
351:           ## Extension support
352:           extensions.each do |ext, args|
353:             session[ext::NS_URI] = ext::Response.
354:               from_success_response(oid).
355:               get_extension_args
356:           end
358:           session['authenticated'] = true
359:           # Value for unique identification and such
360:           session['identity'] = oid.identity_url
361:           # Value for display and UI labels
362:           session['identifier'] = oid.display_identifier
364:           goto = @options[:login_good] if @options.key? :login_good
365:           body << "Authentication successful.\n"
366:         when ::OpenID::Consumer::CANCEL
367:           session.clear
368:           session['authenticated'] = false
370:           goto = @options[:login_fail] if @options.key? :login_fail
371:           body << "Authentication cancelled.\n"
372:         when ::OpenID::Consumer::SETUP_NEEDED
373:           session[:setup_needed] = true
374:           unless o_id = session[:openid_param]
375:             raise('Required values missing.')
376:           end
378:           goto = req.script_name+
379:             '?'+@options[:openid_param]+
380:             '='+o_id
381:           body << "Reauthentication required.\n"
382:         end
383:         body << oid.message if oid.message
384:         [ 303, {'Location'=>goto}, body]
385:       end
