Class Index [+]



This module holds several utilities:

1) Methods to convert thor namespaces to constants and vice-versa.

  Thor::Utils.namespace_from_thor_class(Foo::Bar::Baz) #=> "foo:bar:baz"

2) Loading thor files and sandboxing:


Public Class Methods

camel_case(str) click to toggle source

Receives a string and convert it to camel case. camel_case returns CamelCase.





     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 104
104:     def self.camel_case(str)
105:       return str if str !~ /_/ && str =~ /[A-Z]+.*/
106:       str.split('_').map { |i| i.capitalize }.join
107:     end
find_by_namespace(namespace) click to toggle source

Receives a namespace and search for it in the Thor::Base subclasses.



The namespace to search for.

    # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 24
24:     def self.find_by_namespace(namespace)
25:       namespace = "default#{namespace}" if namespace.empty? || namespace =~ /^:/
26:       Thor::Base.subclasses.find { |klass| klass.namespace == namespace }
27:     end
find_class_and_task_by_namespace(namespace, fallback = true) click to toggle source

Receives a namespace and tries to retrieve a Thor or Thor::Group class from it. It first searches for a class using the all the given namespace, if it’s not found, removes the highest entry and searches for the class again. If found, returns the highest entry as the class name.


  class Foo::Bar < Thor
    def baz

  class Baz::Foo < Thor::Group

  Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("foo:bar")     #=> Foo::Bar, nil # will invoke default task
  Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("baz:foo")     #=> Baz::Foo, nil
  Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("foo:bar:baz") #=> Foo::Bar, "baz"



     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 131
131:     def self.find_class_and_task_by_namespace(namespace, fallback = true)
132:       if namespace.include?(::) # look for a namespaced task
133:         pieces = namespace.split(":")
134:         task   = pieces.pop
135:         klass  = Thor::Util.find_by_namespace(pieces.join(":"))
136:       end
137:       unless klass # look for a Thor::Group with the right name
138:         klass, task = Thor::Util.find_by_namespace(namespace), nil
139:       end
140:       if !klass && fallback # try a task in the default namespace
141:         task = namespace
142:         klass = Thor::Util.find_by_namespace('')
143:       end
144:       return klass, task
145:     end
globs_for(path) click to toggle source

Where to look for Thor files.

     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 210
210:     def self.globs_for(path)
211:       ["#{path}/Thorfile", "#{path}/*.thor", "#{path}/tasks/*.thor", "#{path}/lib/tasks/*.thor"]
212:     end
load_thorfile(path, content=nil, debug=false) click to toggle source

Receives a path and load the thor file in the path. The file is evaluated inside the sandbox to avoid namespacing conflicts.

     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 150
150:     def self.load_thorfile(path, content=nil, debug=false)
151:       content ||= File.binread(path)
153:       begin
154:         Thor::Sandbox.class_eval(content, path)
155:       rescue Exception => e
156:         $stderr.puts "WARNING: unable to load thorfile #{path.inspect}: #{e.message}"
157:         if debug
158:           $stderr.puts *e.backtrace
159:         else
160:           $stderr.puts e.backtrace.first
161:         end
162:       end
163:     end
namespace_from_thor_class(constant) click to toggle source

Receives a constant and converts it to a Thor namespace. Since Thor tasks can be added to a sandbox, this method is also responsable for removing the sandbox namespace.

This method should not be used in general because it’s used to deal with older versions of Thor. On current versions, if you need to get the namespace from a class, just call namespace on it.



The constant to be converted to the thor path.



If we receive Foo::Bar::Baz it returns “foo:bar:baz“

    # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 43
43:     def self.namespace_from_thor_class(constant)
44:       constant = constant.to_s.gsub(/^Thor::Sandbox::/, "")
45:       constant = snake_case(constant).squeeze(":")
46:       constant
47:     end
namespaces_in_content(contents, file=__FILE__) click to toggle source

Given the contents, evaluate it inside the sandbox and returns the namespaces defined in the sandbox.





    # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 58
58:     def self.namespaces_in_content(contents, file=__FILE__)
59:       old_constants = Thor::Base.subclasses.dup
60:       Thor::Base.subclasses.clear
62:       load_thorfile(file, contents)
64:       new_constants = Thor::Base.subclasses.dup
65:       Thor::Base.subclasses.replace(old_constants)
67:!{ |c| c.namespace }
68:       new_constants.compact!
69:       new_constants
70:     end
ruby_command() click to toggle source

Return the path to the ruby interpreter taking into account multiple installations and windows extensions.

     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 217
217:     def self.ruby_command
218:       @ruby_command ||= begin
219:         ruby = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])
220:         ruby << RbConfig::CONFIG['EXEEXT']
222:         # escape string in case path to ruby executable contain spaces.
223:         ruby.sub!(/.*\s.*/, '"\&"')
224:         ruby
225:       end
226:     end
snake_case(str) click to toggle source

Receives a string and convert it to snake case. SnakeCase returns snake_case.





    # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 90
90:     def self.snake_case(str)
91:       return str.downcase if str =~ /^[A-Z_]+$/
92:       str.gsub(/\B[A-Z]/, '_\&').squeeze('_') =~ /_*(.*)/
93:       return $+.downcase
94:     end
thor_classes_in(klass) click to toggle source

Returns the thor classes declared inside the given class.

    # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 74
74:     def self.thor_classes_in(klass)
75:       stringfied_constants = { |c| c.to_s }
76: do |subclass|
77:         next unless
78:         stringfied_constants.include?("#{}::", ''))
79:       end
80:     end
thor_root() click to toggle source

Returns the root where thor files are located, dependending on the OS.

     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 189
189:     def self.thor_root
190:       File.join(user_home, ".thor").gsub(/\\/, '/')
191:     end
thor_root_glob() click to toggle source

Returns the files in the thor root. On Windows thor_root will be something like this:

  C:\Documents and Settings\james\.thor

If we don’t gsub the \ character, Dir.glob will fail.

     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 200
200:     def self.thor_root_glob
201:       files = Dir["#{thor_root}/*"]
203:! do |file|
204: ? File.join(file, "main.thor") : file
205:       end
206:     end
user_home() click to toggle source
     # File lib/bundler/vendor/thor/util.rb, line 165
165:     def self.user_home
166:       @@user_home ||= if ENV["HOME"]
167:         ENV["HOME"]
168:       elsif ENV["USERPROFILE"]
169:         ENV["USERPROFILE"]
170:       elsif ENV["HOMEDRIVE"] && ENV["HOMEPATH"]
171:         File.join(ENV["HOMEDRIVE"], ENV["HOMEPATH"])
172:       elsif ENV["APPDATA"]
173:         ENV["APPDATA"]
174:       else
175:         begin
176:           File.expand_path("~")
177:         rescue
178:           if File::ALT_SEPARATOR
179:             "C:/"
180:           else
181:             "/"
182:           end
183:         end
184:       end
185:     end

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