Rails 2.1
Update to Rails 2.1 final.
This commit is contained in:
257 changed files with 4058 additions and 1933 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
*2.1.0 RC1 (May 11th, 2008)*
*2.1.0 (May 31st, 2008)*
* Fixed that a return-path header would be ignored #7572 [joost]
@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ are all set up this way. An example of such a method:
recipients recipient
subject "[Signed up] Welcome #{recipient}"
from "system@loudthinking.com"
body(:recipient => recipient)
body :recipient => recipient
The body of the email is created by using an Action View template (regular
@ -78,21 +77,26 @@ Example:
This Mailman can be the target for Postfix. In Rails, you would use the runner like this:
This Mailman can be the target for Postfix or other MTAs. In Rails, you would use the runner in the
trivial case like this:
./script/runner 'Mailman.receive(STDIN.read)'
However, invoking Rails in the runner for each mail to be received is very resource intensive. A single
instance of Rails should be run within a daemon if it is going to be utilized to process more than just
a limited number of email.
== Configuration
The Base class has the full list of configuration options. Here's an example:
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address=>'smtp.yourserver.com', # default: localhost
:port=>'25', # default: 25
:authentication=>:plain # :plain, :login or :cram_md5
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => 'smtp.yourserver.com', # default: localhost
:port => '25', # default: 25
:user_name => 'user',
:password => 'pass',
:authentication => :plain # :plain, :login or :cram_md5
== Dependencies
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.rubyforge_project = "actionmailer"
s.homepage = "http://www.rubyonrails.org"
s.add_dependency('actionpack', '= 2.0.991' + PKG_BUILD)
s.add_dependency('actionpack', '= 2.1.0' + PKG_BUILD)
s.has_rdoc = true
s.requirements << 'none'
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ require 'action_mailer/utils'
require 'tmail/net'
module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# ActionMailer allows you to send email from your application using a mailer model and views.
# Action Mailer allows you to send email from your application using a mailer model and views.
# = Mailer Models
# To use ActionMailer, you need to create a mailer model.
# To use Action Mailer, you need to create a mailer model.
# $ script/generate mailer Notifier
# The generated model inherits from ActionMailer::Base. Emails are defined by creating methods within the model which are then
# used to set variables to be used in the mail template, to change options on the mail, or
# The generated model inherits from ActionMailer::Base. Emails are defined by creating methods within the model which are then
# used to set variables to be used in the mail template, to change options on the mail, or
# to add attachments.
# Examples:
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# * <tt>subject</tt> - The subject of your email. Sets the <tt>Subject:</tt> header.
# * <tt>from</tt> - Who the email you are sending is from. Sets the <tt>From:</tt> header.
# * <tt>cc</tt> - Takes one or more email addresses. These addresses will receive a carbon copy of your email. Sets the <tt>Cc:</tt> header.
# * <tt>bcc</tt> - Takes one or more email address. These addresses will receive a blind carbon copy of your email. Sets the <tt>Bcc</tt> header.
# * <tt>bcc</tt> - Takes one or more email addresses. These addresses will receive a blind carbon copy of your email. Sets the <tt>Bcc:</tt> header.
# * <tt>reply_to</tt> - Takes one or more email addresses. These addresses will be listed as the default recipients when replying to your email. Sets the <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header.
# * <tt>sent_on</tt> - The date on which the message was sent. If not set, the header wil be set by the delivery agent.
# * <tt>content_type</tt> - Specify the content type of the message. Defaults to <tt>text/plain</tt>.
# * <tt>headers</tt> - Specify additional headers to be set for the message, e.g. <tt>headers 'X-Mail-Count' => 107370</tt>.
@ -48,16 +49,16 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# named after each key in the hash containing the value that that key points to.
# So, for example, <tt>body :account => recipient</tt> would result
# in an instance variable <tt>@account</tt> with the value of <tt>recipient</tt> being accessible in the
# in an instance variable <tt>@account</tt> with the value of <tt>recipient</tt> being accessible in the
# view.
# = Mailer views
# Like ActionController, each mailer class has a corresponding view directory
# Like Action Controller, each mailer class has a corresponding view directory
# in which each method of the class looks for a template with its name.
# To define a template to be used with a mailing, create an <tt>.erb</tt> file with the same name as the method
# in your mailer model. For example, in the mailer defined above, the template at
# in your mailer model. For example, in the mailer defined above, the template at
# <tt>app/views/notifier/signup_notification.erb</tt> would be used to generate the email.
# Variables defined in the model are accessible as instance variables in the view.
@ -71,48 +72,48 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# You got a new note!
# <%= truncate(note.body, 25) %>
# = Generating URLs
# URLs can be generated in mailer views using <tt>url_for</tt> or named routes.
# Unlike controllers from Action Pack, the mailer instance doesn't have any context about the incoming request,
# so you'll need to provide all of the details needed to generate a URL.
# Unlike controllers from Action Pack, the mailer instance doesn't have any context about the incoming request,
# so you'll need to provide all of the details needed to generate a URL.
# When using <tt>url_for</tt> you'll need to provide the <tt>:host</tt>, <tt>:controller</tt>, and <tt>:action</tt>:
# <%= url_for(:host => "example.com", :controller => "welcome", :action => "greeting") %>
# When using named routes you only need to supply the <tt>:host</tt>:
# <%= users_url(:host => "example.com") %>
# You will want to avoid using the <tt>name_of_route_path</tt> form of named routes because it doesn't make sense to
# generate relative URLs in email messages.
# It is also possible to set a default host that will be used in all mailers by setting the <tt>:host</tt> option in
# It is also possible to set a default host that will be used in all mailers by setting the <tt>:host</tt> option in
# the <tt>ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options</tt> hash as follows:
# ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] = "example.com"
# This can also be set as a configuration option in <tt>config/environment.rb</tt>:
# config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "example.com" }
# If you do decide to set a default <tt>:host</tt> for your mailers you will want to use the
# <tt>:only_path => false</tt> option when using <tt>url_for</tt>. This will ensure that absolute URLs are generated because
# the <tt>url_for</tt> view helper will, by default, generate relative URLs when a <tt>:host</tt> option isn't
# the <tt>url_for</tt> view helper will, by default, generate relative URLs when a <tt>:host</tt> option isn't
# explicitly provided.
# = Sending mail
# Once a mailer action and template are defined, you can deliver your message or create it and save it
# Once a mailer action and template are defined, you can deliver your message or create it and save it
# for delivery later:
# Notifier.deliver_signup_notification(david) # sends the email
# mail = Notifier.create_signup_notification(david) # => a tmail object
# Notifier.deliver(mail)
# You never instantiate your mailer class. Rather, your delivery instance
# methods are automatically wrapped in class methods that start with the word
# <tt>deliver_</tt> followed by the name of the mailer method that you would
@ -127,13 +128,13 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
# def signup_notification(recipient)
# recipients recipient.email_address_with_name
# subject "New account information"
# body "account" => recipient
# from "system@example.com"
# content_type "text/html" # Here's where the magic happens
# recipients recipient.email_address_with_name
# subject "New account information"
# from "system@example.com"
# body :account => recipient
# content_type "text/html"
# end
# end
# end
# = Multipart email
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# recipients recipient.email_address_with_name
# subject "New account information"
# from "system@example.com"
# content_type "multipart/alternative"
# part :content_type => "text/html",
# :body => render_message("signup-as-html", :account => recipient)
@ -155,21 +157,26 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# end
# end
# end
# Multipart messages can also be used implicitly because ActionMailer will automatically
# Multipart messages can also be used implicitly because Action Mailer will automatically
# detect and use multipart templates, where each template is named after the name of the action, followed
# by the content type. Each such detected template will be added as separate part to the message.
# For example, if the following templates existed:
# * signup_notification.text.plain.erb
# * signup_notification.text.html.erb
# * signup_notification.text.xml.builder
# * signup_notification.text.x-yaml.erb
# Each would be rendered and added as a separate part to the message,
# with the corresponding content type. The same body hash is passed to
# each template.
# Each would be rendered and added as a separate part to the message,
# with the corresponding content type. The content type for the entire
# message is automatically set to <tt>multipart/alternative</tt>, which indicates
# that the email contains multiple different representations of the same email
# body. The same body hash is passed to each template.
# Implicit template rendering is not performed if any attachments or parts have been added to the email.
# This means that you'll have to manually add each part to the email and set the content type of the email
# to <tt>multipart/alternative</tt>.
# = Attachments
@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# a.body = generate_your_pdf_here()
# end
# end
# end
# end
# = Configuration options
@ -210,11 +217,11 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# * <tt>:user_name</tt> - If your mail server requires authentication, set the username in this setting.
# * <tt>:password</tt> - If your mail server requires authentication, set the password in this setting.
# * <tt>:authentication</tt> - If your mail server requires authentication, you need to specify the authentication type here.
# This is a symbol and one of <tt>:plain</tt>, <tt>:login</tt>, <tt>:cram_md5</tt>
# This is a symbol and one of <tt>:plain</tt>, <tt>:login</tt>, <tt>:cram_md5</tt>.
# * <tt>sendmail_settings</tt> - Allows you to override options for the <tt>:sendmail</tt> delivery method
# * <tt>:location</tt> - The location of the sendmail executable, defaults to "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
# * <tt>:arguments</tt> - The command line arguments
# * <tt>sendmail_settings</tt> - Allows you to override options for the <tt>:sendmail</tt> delivery method.
# * <tt>:location</tt> - The location of the sendmail executable. Defaults to <tt>/usr/sbin/sendmail</tt>.
# * <tt>:arguments</tt> - The command line arguments. Defaults to <tt>-i -t</tt>.
# * <tt>raise_delivery_errors</tt> - Whether or not errors should be raised if the email fails to be delivered.
@ -227,16 +234,16 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# for unit and functional testing.
# * <tt>default_charset</tt> - The default charset used for the body and to encode the subject. Defaults to UTF-8. You can also
# pick a different charset from inside a method with <tt>@charset</tt>.
# pick a different charset from inside a method with +charset+.
# * <tt>default_content_type</tt> - The default content type used for the main part of the message. Defaults to "text/plain". You
# can also pick a different content type from inside a method with <tt>@content_type</tt>.
# * <tt>default_mime_version</tt> - The default mime version used for the message. Defaults to "1.0". You
# can also pick a different value from inside a method with <tt>@mime_version</tt>.
# can also pick a different content type from inside a method with +content_type+.
# * <tt>default_mime_version</tt> - The default mime version used for the message. Defaults to <tt>1.0</tt>. You
# can also pick a different value from inside a method with +mime_version+.
# * <tt>default_implicit_parts_order</tt> - When a message is built implicitly (i.e. multiple parts are assembled from templates
# which specify the content type in their filenames) this variable controls how the parts are ordered. Defaults to
# ["text/html", "text/enriched", "text/plain"]. Items that appear first in the array have higher priority in the mail client
# <tt>["text/html", "text/enriched", "text/plain"]</tt>. Items that appear first in the array have higher priority in the mail client
# and appear last in the mime encoded message. You can also pick a different order from inside a method with
# <tt>@implicit_parts_order</tt>.
# +implicit_parts_order+.
class Base
include AdvAttrAccessor, PartContainer
include ActionController::UrlWriter if Object.const_defined?(:ActionController)
@ -249,16 +256,16 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
cattr_accessor :template_extensions
@@template_extensions = ['erb', 'builder', 'rhtml', 'rxml']
@@smtp_settings = {
:address => "localhost",
:port => 25,
:domain => 'localhost.localdomain',
:user_name => nil,
:password => nil,
@@smtp_settings = {
:address => "localhost",
:port => 25,
:domain => 'localhost.localdomain',
:user_name => nil,
:password => nil,
:authentication => nil
cattr_accessor :smtp_settings
@@sendmail_settings = {
:location => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
:arguments => '-i -t'
@ -270,10 +277,10 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
superclass_delegating_accessor :delivery_method
self.delivery_method = :smtp
@@perform_deliveries = true
cattr_accessor :perform_deliveries
@@deliveries = []
cattr_accessor :deliveries
@ -282,7 +289,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
@@default_content_type = "text/plain"
cattr_accessor :default_content_type
@@default_mime_version = "1.0"
cattr_accessor :default_mime_version
@ -291,47 +298,51 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# Specify the BCC addresses for the message
adv_attr_accessor :bcc
# Define the body of the message. This is either a Hash (in which case it
# specifies the variables to pass to the template when it is rendered),
# or a string, in which case it specifies the actual text of the message.
adv_attr_accessor :body
# Specify the CC addresses for the message.
adv_attr_accessor :cc
# Specify the charset to use for the message. This defaults to the
# +default_charset+ specified for ActionMailer::Base.
adv_attr_accessor :charset
# Specify the content type for the message. This defaults to <tt>text/plain</tt>
# in most cases, but can be automatically set in some situations.
adv_attr_accessor :content_type
# Specify the from address for the message.
adv_attr_accessor :from
# Specify the address (if different than the "from" address) to direct
# replies to this message.
adv_attr_accessor :reply_to
# Specify additional headers to be added to the message.
adv_attr_accessor :headers
# Specify the order in which parts should be sorted, based on content-type.
# This defaults to the value for the +default_implicit_parts_order+.
adv_attr_accessor :implicit_parts_order
# Defaults to "1.0", but may be explicitly given if needed.
adv_attr_accessor :mime_version
# The recipient addresses for the message, either as a string (for a single
# address) or an array (for multiple addresses).
adv_attr_accessor :recipients
# The date on which the message was sent. If not set (the default), the
# header will be set by the delivery agent.
adv_attr_accessor :sent_on
# Specify the subject of the message.
adv_attr_accessor :subject
# Specify the template name to use for current message. This is the "base"
# template name, without the extension or directory, and may be used to
# have multiple mailer methods share the same template.
@ -347,7 +358,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
def mailer_name=(value)
self.class.mailer_name = value
@ -377,8 +388,8 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# Receives a raw email, parses it into an email object, decodes it,
# instantiates a new mailer, and passes the email object to the mailer
# object's #receive method. If you want your mailer to be able to
# process incoming messages, you'll need to implement a #receive
# object's +receive+ method. If you want your mailer to be able to
# process incoming messages, you'll need to implement a +receive+
# method that accepts the email object as a parameter:
# class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
@ -425,7 +436,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# remain uninitialized (useful when you only need to invoke the "receive"
# method, for instance).
def initialize(method_name=nil, *parameters) #:nodoc:
create!(method_name, *parameters) if method_name
create!(method_name, *parameters) if method_name
# Initialize the mailer via the given +method_name+. The body will be
@ -484,7 +495,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# Delivers a TMail::Mail object. By default, it delivers the cached mail
# object (from the #create! method). If no cached mail object exists, and
# object (from the <tt>create!</tt> method). If no cached mail object exists, and
# no alternate has been given as the parameter, this will fail.
def deliver!(mail = @mail)
raise "no mail object available for delivery!" unless mail
@ -511,7 +522,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
@content_type ||= @@default_content_type.dup
@implicit_parts_order ||= @@default_implicit_parts_order.dup
@template ||= method_name
@mailer_name ||= Inflector.underscore(self.class.name)
@mailer_name ||= self.class.name.underscore
@parts ||= []
@headers ||= {}
@body ||= {}
@ -570,13 +581,14 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
def create_mail
m = TMail::Mail.new
m.subject, = quote_any_if_necessary(charset, subject)
m.to, m.from = quote_any_address_if_necessary(charset, recipients, from)
m.bcc = quote_address_if_necessary(bcc, charset) unless bcc.nil?
m.cc = quote_address_if_necessary(cc, charset) unless cc.nil?
m.subject, = quote_any_if_necessary(charset, subject)
m.to, m.from = quote_any_address_if_necessary(charset, recipients, from)
m.bcc = quote_address_if_necessary(bcc, charset) unless bcc.nil?
m.cc = quote_address_if_necessary(cc, charset) unless cc.nil?
m.reply_to = quote_address_if_necessary(reply_to, charset) unless reply_to.nil?
m.mime_version = mime_version unless mime_version.nil?
m.date = sent_on.to_time rescue sent_on if sent_on
m.date = sent_on.to_time rescue sent_on if sent_on
headers.each { |k, v| m[k] = v }
real_content_type, ctype_attrs = parse_content_type
@ -597,7 +609,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
part = (TMail::Mail === p ? p : p.to_mail(self))
m.parts << part
if real_content_type =~ /multipart/
ctype_attrs.delete "charset"
m.set_content_type(real_content_type, nil, ctype_attrs)
@ -612,7 +624,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
sender = mail['return-path'] || mail.from
Net::SMTP.start(smtp_settings[:address], smtp_settings[:port], smtp_settings[:domain],
Net::SMTP.start(smtp_settings[:address], smtp_settings[:port], smtp_settings[:domain],
smtp_settings[:user_name], smtp_settings[:password], smtp_settings[:authentication]) do |smtp|
smtp.sendmail(mail.encoded, sender, destinations)
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module ActionMailer
# helper FooHelper
# includes FooHelper in the template class.
# helper { def foo() "#{bar} is the very best" end }
# evaluates the block in the template class, adding method #foo.
# evaluates the block in the template class, adding method +foo+.
# helper(:three, BlindHelper) { def mice() 'mice' end }
# does all three.
def helper(*args, &block)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ require 'action_mailer/utils'
module ActionMailer
# Represents a subpart of an email message. It shares many similar
# attributes of ActionMailer::Base. Although you can create parts manually
# and add them to the #parts list of the mailer, it is easier
# and add them to the +parts+ list of the mailer, it is easier
# to use the helper methods in ActionMailer::PartContainer.
class Part
include ActionMailer::AdvAttrAccessor
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module ActionMailer
# Represents the body of the part, as a string. This should not be a
# Hash (like ActionMailer::Base), but if you want a template to be rendered
# into the body of a subpart you can do it with the mailer's #render method
# into the body of a subpart you can do it with the mailer's +render+ method
# and assign the result here.
adv_attr_accessor :body
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module ActionMailer
# regular email address, or it can be a phrase followed by an address in
# brackets. The phrase is the only part that will be quoted, and only if
# it needs to be. This allows extended characters to be used in the
# "to", "from", "cc", and "bcc" headers.
# "to", "from", "cc", "bcc" and "reply-to" headers.
def quote_address_if_necessary(address, charset)
if Array === address
address.map { |a| quote_address_if_necessary(a, charset) }
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
require 'rubygems'
gem 'tmail', '~> 1.2.2'
gem 'tmail', '~> 1.2.3'
rescue Gem::LoadError
$:.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/vendor/tmail-1.2.2"
$:.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/vendor/tmail-1.2.3"
@ -339,22 +339,36 @@ module TMail
def scanadd( str, force = false )
types = ''
strs = []
if str.respond_to?(:encoding)
enc = str.encoding
until str.empty?
if m = /\A[^\e\t\r\n ]+/.match(str)
types << (force ? 'j' : 'a')
strs.push m[0]
if str.respond_to?(:encoding)
strs.push m[0].force_encoding(enc)
strs.push m[0]
elsif m = /\A[\t\r\n ]+/.match(str)
types << 's'
strs.push m[0]
if str.respond_to?(:encoding)
strs.push m[0].force_encoding(enc)
strs.push m[0]
elsif m = /\A\e../.match(str)
esc = m[0]
str = m.post_match
if esc != "\e(B" and m = /\A[^\e]+/.match(str)
types << 'j'
strs.push m[0]
if str.respond_to?(:encoding)
strs.push m[0].force_encoding(enc)
strs.push m[0]
@ -453,7 +467,13 @@ module TMail
size = max_bytes(chunksize, str.size) - 6
size = (size % 2 == 0) ? (size) : (size - 1)
return nil if size <= 0
"\e$B#{str.slice!(0, size)}\e(B"
if str.respond_to?(:encoding)
enc = str.encoding
"\e$B#{str.slice!(0, size)}\e(B".force_encoding(enc)
"\e$B#{str.slice!(0, size)}\e(B"
def extract_A( chunksize, str )
@ -591,12 +591,17 @@ module TMail
# Destructively sets the message ID of the mail object instance to the passed in string
# Invalid message IDs are ignored (silently, unless configured otherwise) and result in
# a nil message ID. Left and right angle brackets are required.
# Example:
# mail = TMail::Mail.new
# mail.message_id = "<348F04F142D69C21-291E56D292BC@xxxx.net>"
# mail.message_id #=> "<348F04F142D69C21-291E56D292BC@xxxx.net>"
# mail.message_id = "this_is_my_badly_formatted_message_id"
# mail.message_id #=> "this_is_my_badly_formatted_message_id"
# mail.message_id #=> nil
def message_id=( str )
set_string_attr 'Message-Id', str
@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ module TMail
when /\AFrom (\S+)/
unixfrom = $1
when /^charset=.*/
when /^charset=.*/
raise SyntaxError, "wrong mail header: '#{line.inspect}'"
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ module TMail
ATOM_UNSAFE = /[#{Regexp.quote aspecial}#{control}#{lwsp}]/n
PHRASE_UNSAFE = /[#{Regexp.quote aspecial}#{control}]/n
TOKEN_UNSAFE = /[#{Regexp.quote tspecial}#{control}#{lwsp}]/n
# Returns true if the string supplied is free from characters not allowed as an ATOM
def atom_safe?( str )
not ATOM_UNSAFE === str
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module TMail
module VERSION
TINY = 2
TINY = 3
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module ActionMailer
module VERSION #:nodoc:
TINY = 991
TINY = 0
@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ class TestMailer < ActionMailer::Base
body "Nothing to see here."
def different_reply_to(recipient)
recipients recipient
subject "testing reply_to"
from "system@loudthinking.com"
sent_on Time.local(2008, 5, 23)
reply_to "atraver@gmail.com"
body "Nothing to see here."
def iso_charset(recipient)
@recipients = recipient
@subject = "testing isø charsets"
@ -445,6 +454,31 @@ class ActionMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded
def test_reply_to
expected = new_mail
expected.to = @recipient
expected.subject = "testing reply_to"
expected.body = "Nothing to see here."
expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com"
expected.reply_to = "atraver@gmail.com"
expected.date = Time.local 2008, 5, 23
created = nil
assert_nothing_raised do
created = TestMailer.create_different_reply_to @recipient
assert_not_nil created
assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded
assert_nothing_raised do
TestMailer.deliver_different_reply_to @recipient
assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded
def test_iso_charset
expected = new_mail( "iso-8859-1" )
expected.to = @recipient
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
*2.1.0 RC1 (May 11th, 2008)*
*2.1.0 (May 31st, 2008)*
* InstanceTag#default_time_from_options overflows to DateTime [Geoff Buesing]
* Fixed that forgery protection can be used without session tracking (Peter Jones) [#139]
* Added session(:on) to turn session management back on in a controller subclass if the superclass turned it off (Peter Jones) [#136]
* Change the request forgery protection to go by Content-Type instead of request.format so that you can't bypass it by POSTing to "#{request.uri}.xml" [rick]
* InstanceTag#default_time_from_options with hash args uses Time.current as default; respects hash settings when time falls in system local spring DST gap [Geoff Buesing]
* select_date defaults to Time.zone.today when config.time_zone is set [Geoff Buesing]
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.has_rdoc = true
s.requirements << 'none'
s.add_dependency('activesupport', '= 2.0.991' + PKG_BUILD)
s.add_dependency('activesupport', '= 2.1.0' + PKG_BUILD)
s.require_path = 'lib'
s.autorequire = 'action_controller'
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module ActionController
module Assertions
module ModelAssertions
# Ensures that the passed record is valid by ActiveRecord standards and returns any error messages if it is not.
# Ensures that the passed record is valid by Active Record standards and
# returns any error messages if it is not.
# ==== Examples
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module ActionController
# Asserts that the provided options can be used to generate the provided path. This is the inverse of #assert_recognizes.
# Asserts that the provided options can be used to generate the provided path. This is the inverse of +assert_recognizes+.
# The +extras+ parameter is used to tell the request the names and values of additional request parameters that would be in
# a query string. The +message+ parameter allows you to specify a custom error message for assertion failures.
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ module ActionController
# Asserts that path and options match both ways; in other words, it verifies that <tt>path</tt> generates
# <tt>options</tt> and then that <tt>options</tt> generates <tt>path</tt>. This essentially combines #assert_recognizes
# and #assert_generates into one step.
# <tt>options</tt> and then that <tt>options</tt> generates <tt>path</tt>. This essentially combines +assert_recognizes+
# and +assert_generates+ into one step.
# The +extras+ hash allows you to specify options that would normally be provided as a query string to the action. The
# +message+ parameter allows you to specify a custom error message to display upon failure.
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ module ActionController
NO_STRIP = %w{pre script style textarea}
# Adds the #assert_select method for use in Rails functional
# Adds the +assert_select+ method for use in Rails functional
# test cases, which can be used to make assertions on the response HTML of a controller
# action. You can also call #assert_select within another #assert_select to
# action. You can also call +assert_select+ within another +assert_select+ to
# make assertions on elements selected by the enclosing assertion.
# Use #css_select to select elements without making an assertions, either
# Use +css_select+ to select elements without making an assertions, either
# from the response HTML or elements selected by the enclosing assertion.
# In addition to HTML responses, you can make the following assertions:
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ module ActionController
# base element and any of its children. Returns an empty array if no
# match is found.
# The selector may be a CSS selector expression (+String+), an expression
# with substitution values (+Array+) or an HTML::Selector object.
# The selector may be a CSS selector expression (String), an expression
# with substitution values (Array) or an HTML::Selector object.
# ==== Examples
# # Selects all div tags
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ module ActionController
# starting from (and including) that element and all its children in
# depth-first order.
# If no element if specified, calling #assert_select will select from the
# response HTML. Calling #assert_select inside an #assert_select block will
# If no element if specified, calling +assert_select+ will select from the
# response HTML. Calling #assert_select inside an +assert_select+ block will
# run the assertion for each element selected by the enclosing assertion.
# ==== Example
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ module ActionController
# assert_select "li"
# end
# The selector may be a CSS selector expression (+String+), an expression
# The selector may be a CSS selector expression (String), an expression
# with substitution values, or an HTML::Selector object.
# === Equality Tests
@ -356,16 +356,16 @@ module ActionController
# === Using blocks
# Without a block, #assert_select_rjs merely asserts that the response
# Without a block, +assert_select_rjs+ merely asserts that the response
# contains one or more RJS statements that replace or update content.
# With a block, #assert_select_rjs also selects all elements used in
# With a block, +assert_select_rjs+ also selects all elements used in
# these statements and passes them to the block. Nested assertions are
# supported.
# Calling #assert_select_rjs with no arguments and using nested asserts
# Calling +assert_select_rjs+ with no arguments and using nested asserts
# asserts that the HTML content is returned by one or more RJS statements.
# Using #assert_select directly makes the same assertion on the content,
# Using +assert_select+ directly makes the same assertion on the content,
# but without distinguishing whether the content is returned in an HTML
# or JavaScript.
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ module ActionController
# #assert_select and #css_select call this to obtain the content in the HTML
# +assert_select+ and +css_select+ call this to obtain the content in the HTML
# page, or from all the RJS statements, depending on the type of response.
def response_from_page_or_rjs()
content_type = @response.content_type
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module ActionController
# :descendant => { :tag => "span",
# :child => /hello world/ }
# <b>Please note</b>: #assert_tag and #assert_no_tag only work
# <b>Please note</b>: +assert_tag+ and +assert_no_tag+ only work
# with well-formed XHTML. They recognize a few tags as implicitly self-closing
# (like br and hr and such) but will not work correctly with tags
# that allow optional closing tags (p, li, td). <em>You must explicitly
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ module ActionController
# Identical to #assert_tag, but asserts that a matching tag does _not_
# exist. (See #assert_tag for a full discussion of the syntax.)
# Identical to +assert_tag+, but asserts that a matching tag does _not_
# exist. (See +assert_tag+ for a full discussion of the syntax.)
# === Examples
# # Assert that there is not a "div" containing a "p"
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# end
# Actions, by default, render a template in the <tt>app/views</tt> directory corresponding to the name of the controller and action
# after executing code in the action. For example, the +index+ action of the +GuestBookController+ would render the
# after executing code in the action. For example, the +index+ action of the GuestBookController would render the
# template <tt>app/views/guestbook/index.erb</tt> by default after populating the <tt>@entries</tt> instance variable.
# Unlike index, the sign action will not render a template. After performing its main purpose (creating a
@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Requests are processed by the Action Controller framework by extracting the value of the "action" key in the request parameters.
# This value should hold the name of the action to be performed. Once the action has been identified, the remaining
# request parameters, the session (if one is available), and the full request with all the http headers are made available to
# request parameters, the session (if one is available), and the full request with all the HTTP headers are made available to
# the action through instance variables. Then the action is performed.
# The full request object is available with the request accessor and is primarily used to query for http headers. These queries
# The full request object is available with the request accessor and is primarily used to query for HTTP headers. These queries
# are made by accessing the environment hash, like this:
# def server_ip
@ -259,12 +259,12 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
include StatusCodes
# Controller specific instance variables which will not be accessible inside views.
@@protected_view_variables = %w(@assigns @performed_redirect @performed_render @variables_added @request_origin @url @parent_controller
@action_name @before_filter_chain_aborted @action_cache_path @_session @_cookies @_headers @_params
@_flash @_response)
# Prepends all the URL-generating helpers from AssetHelper. This makes it possible to easily move javascripts, stylesheets,
# and images to a dedicated asset server away from the main web server. Example:
# ActionController::Base.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com"
@ -291,10 +291,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
cattr_accessor :allow_concurrency
# Modern REST web services often need to submit complex data to the web application.
# The param_parsers hash lets you register handlers which will process the http body and add parameters to the
# <tt>params</tt> hash. These handlers are invoked for post and put requests.
# The <tt>@@param_parsers</tt> hash lets you register handlers which will process the HTTP body and add parameters to the
# <tt>params</tt> hash. These handlers are invoked for POST and PUT requests.
# By default application/xml is enabled. A XmlSimple class with the same param name as the root will be instantiated
# By default <tt>application/xml</tt> is enabled. A XmlSimple class with the same param name as the root will be instantiated
# in the <tt>params</tt>. This allows XML requests to mask themselves as regular form submissions, so you can have one
# action serve both regular forms and web service requests.
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Note: Up until release 1.1 of Rails, Action Controller would default to using XmlSimple configured to discard the
# root node for such requests. The new default is to keep the root, such that "<r><name>David</name></r>" results
# in params[:r][:name] for "David" instead of params[:name]. To get the old behavior, you can
# in <tt>params[:r][:name]</tt> for "David" instead of <tt>params[:name]</tt>. To get the old behavior, you can
# re-register XmlSimple as application/xml handler ike this:
# ActionController::Base.param_parsers[Mime::XML] =
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Controls the default charset for all renders.
@@default_charset = "utf-8"
cattr_accessor :default_charset
# The logger is used for generating information on the action run-time (including benchmarking) if available.
# Can be set to nil for no logging. Compatible with both Ruby's own Logger and Log4r loggers.
cattr_accessor :logger
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Controls the resource action separator
@@resource_action_separator = "/"
cattr_accessor :resource_action_separator
# Allow to override path names for default resources' actions
@@resources_path_names = { :new => 'new', :edit => 'edit' }
cattr_accessor :resources_path_names
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Adds a view_path to the front of the view_paths array.
# If the current class has no view paths, copy them from
# If the current class has no view paths, copy them from
# the superclass. This change will be visible for all future requests.
# ArticleController.prepend_view_path("views/default")
@ -444,9 +444,9 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Adds a view_path to the end of the view_paths array.
# If the current class has no view paths, copy them from
# If the current class has no view paths, copy them from
# the superclass. This change will be visible for all future requests.
# ArticleController.append_view_path("views/default")
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Replace sensitive parameter data from the request log.
# Filters parameters that have any of the arguments as a substring.
# Looks in all subhashes of the param hash for keys to filter.
@ -504,6 +504,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
protected :filter_parameters
# Don't render layouts for templates with the given extensions.
@ -643,12 +644,12 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
self.view_paths = []
# View load paths for controller.
def view_paths
def view_paths=(value)
@template.finder.view_paths = value # Mutex needed
@ -662,7 +663,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def prepend_view_path(path)
@template.finder.prepend_view_path(path) # Mutex needed
# Adds a view_path to the end of the view_paths array.
# This change affects the current request only.
@ -874,10 +875,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
elsif action_name = options[:action]
template = default_template_name(action_name.to_s)
if options[:layout] && !template_exempt_from_layout?(template)
render_with_a_layout(:file => template, :status => options[:status], :use_full_path => true, :layout => true)
render_with_a_layout(:file => template, :status => options[:status], :use_full_path => true, :layout => true)
render_with_no_layout(:file => template, :status => options[:status], :use_full_path => true)
elsif xml = options[:xml]
response.content_type ||= Mime::XML
@ -895,12 +896,12 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
if collection = options[:collection]
@template.send!(:render_partial_collection, partial, collection,
@template.send!(:render_partial_collection, partial, collection,
options[:spacer_template], options[:locals]), options[:status]
@template.send!(:render_partial, partial,
@template.send!(:render_partial, partial,
ActionView::Base::ObjectWrapper.new(options[:object]), options[:locals]), options[:status]
@ -1024,7 +1025,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# redirect_to articles_url
# redirect_to :back
# The redirection happens as a "302 Moved" header unless otherwise specified.
# The redirection happens as a "302 Moved" header unless otherwise specified.
# Examples:
# redirect_to post_url(@post), :status=>:found
@ -1035,17 +1036,17 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# When using <tt>redirect_to :back</tt>, if there is no referrer,
# RedirectBackError will be raised. You may specify some fallback
# behavior for this case by rescuing RedirectBackError.
def redirect_to(options = {}, response_status = {}) #:doc:
def redirect_to(options = {}, response_status = {}) #:doc:
raise ActionControllerError.new("Cannot redirect to nil!") if options.nil?
if options.is_a?(Hash) && options[:status]
status = options.delete(:status)
elsif response_status[:status]
status = response_status[:status]
status = 302
if options.is_a?(Hash) && options[:status]
status = options.delete(:status)
elsif response_status[:status]
status = response_status[:status]
status = 302
case options
when %r{^\w+://.*}
raise DoubleRenderError if performed?
@ -1119,7 +1120,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
response.body = text.is_a?(Proc) ? text : text.to_s
def initialize_template_class(response)
response.template = ActionView::Base.new(self.class.view_paths, {}, self)
response.template.extend self.class.master_helper_module
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# class ListsController < ApplicationController
# before_filter :authenticate, :except => :public
# caches_page :public
# caches_action :show, :feed
# caches_action :index, :show, :feed
# end
# In this example, the public action doesn't require authentication, so it's possible to use the faster page caching method. But both the
@ -27,15 +27,19 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# You can set modify the default action cache path by passing a :cache_path option. This will be passed directly to ActionCachePath.path_for. This is handy
# for actions with multiple possible routes that should be cached differently. If a block is given, it is called with the current controller instance.
# And you can also use :if to pass a Proc that specifies when the action should be cached.
# class ListsController < ApplicationController
# before_filter :authenticate, :except => :public
# caches_page :public
# caches_action :index, :if => Proc.new { |c| !c.request.format.json? } # cache if is not a JSON request
# caches_action :show, :cache_path => { :project => 1 }
# caches_action :show, :cache_path => Proc.new { |controller|
# controller.params[:user_id] ?
# caches_action :feed, :cache_path => Proc.new { |controller|
# controller.params[:user_id] ?
# controller.send(:user_list_url, c.params[:user_id], c.params[:id]) :
# controller.send(:list_url, c.params[:id]) }
# end
module Actions
def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
@ -49,7 +53,8 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# See ActionController::Caching::Actions for details.
def caches_action(*actions)
return unless cache_configured?
options = actions.extract_options!
around_filter(ActionCacheFilter.new(:cache_path => options.delete(:cache_path)), {:only => actions}.merge(options))
@ -67,16 +72,12 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
class ActionCacheFilter #:nodoc:
def initialize(*actions, &block)
@options = actions.extract_options!
@actions = Set.new(actions)
def initialize(options, &block)
@options = options
def before(controller)
return unless @actions.include?(controller.action_name.intern)
cache_path = ActionCachePath.new(controller, path_options_for(controller, @options))
if cache = controller.read_fragment(cache_path.path)
controller.rendered_action_cache = true
set_content_type!(controller, cache_path.extension)
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def after(controller)
return if !@actions.include?(controller.action_name.intern) || controller.rendered_action_cache || !caching_allowed(controller)
return if controller.rendered_action_cache || !caching_allowed(controller)
controller.write_fragment(controller.action_cache_path.path, controller.response.body)
@ -105,16 +106,16 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
controller.request.get? && controller.response.headers['Status'].to_i == 200
class ActionCachePath
attr_reader :path, :extension
class << self
def path_for(controller, options)
new(controller, options).path
def initialize(controller, options = {})
@extension = extract_extension(controller.request.path)
path = controller.url_for(options).split('://').last
@ -122,16 +123,16 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
add_extension!(path, @extension)
@path = URI.unescape(path)
def normalize!(path)
path << 'index' if path[-1] == ?/
def add_extension!(path, extension)
path << ".#{extension}" if extension
def extract_extension(file_path)
# Don't want just what comes after the last '.' to accommodate multi part extensions
# such as tar.gz.
@ -140,4 +141,4 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
@ -98,6 +98,17 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Check if a cached fragment from the location signified by <tt>key</tt> exists (see <tt>expire_fragment</tt> for acceptable formats)
def fragment_exist?(key, options = nil)
return unless cache_configured?
key = fragment_cache_key(key)
self.class.benchmark "Cached fragment exists?: #{key}" do
cache_store.exist?(key, options)
# Name can take one of three forms:
# * String: This would normally take the form of a path like "pages/45/notes"
# * Hash: Is treated as an implicit call to url_for, like { :controller => "pages", :action => "notes", :id => 45 }
@ -124,4 +135,4 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# class ListsController < ApplicationController
# caches_action :index, :show, :public, :feed
# cache_sweeper OpenBar::Sweeper, :only => [ :edit, :destroy, :share ]
# end
# end
module Sweeping
def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
sweepers.each do |sweeper|
ActiveRecord::Base.observers << sweeper if defined?(ActiveRecord) and defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)
sweeper_instance = (sweeper.is_a?(Symbol) ? Object.const_get(Inflector.classify(sweeper)) : sweeper).instance
sweeper_instance = (sweeper.is_a?(Symbol) ? Object.const_get(sweeper.to_s.classify) : sweeper).instance
if sweeper_instance.is_a?(Sweeper)
around_filter(sweeper_instance, :only => configuration[:only])
@ -94,4 +94,4 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
@ -6,25 +6,24 @@ class CGI #:nodoc:
attr_accessor :name, :value, :path, :domain, :expires
attr_reader :secure, :http_only
# Create a new CGI::Cookie object.
# Creates a new CGI::Cookie object.
# The contents of the cookie can be specified as a +name+ and one
# or more +value+ arguments. Alternatively, the contents can
# be specified as a single hash argument. The possible keywords of
# this hash are as follows:
# name:: the name of the cookie. Required.
# value:: the cookie's value or list of values.
# path:: the path for which this cookie applies. Defaults to the
# base directory of the CGI script.
# domain:: the domain for which this cookie applies.
# expires:: the time at which this cookie expires, as a +Time+ object.
# secure:: whether this cookie is a secure cookie or not (default to
# false). Secure cookies are only transmitted to HTTPS
# servers.
# http_only:: whether this cookie can be accessed by client side scripts (e.g. document.cookie) or only over HTTP
# More details: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.httpcookie.httponly.aspx
# Defaults to false.
# * <tt>:name</tt> - The name of the cookie. Required.
# * <tt>:value</tt> - The cookie's value or list of values.
# * <tt>:path</tt> - The path for which this cookie applies. Defaults to the
# base directory of the CGI script.
# * <tt>:domain</tt> - The domain for which this cookie applies.
# * <tt>:expires</tt> - The time at which this cookie expires, as a Time object.
# * <tt>:secure</tt> - Whether this cookie is a secure cookie or not (defaults to
# +false+). Secure cookies are only transmitted to HTTPS servers.
# * <tt>:http_only</tt> - Whether this cookie can be accessed by client side scripts (e.g. document.cookie) or only over HTTP.
# More details in http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.httpcookie.httponly.aspx. Defaults to +false+.
# These keywords correspond to attributes of the cookie object.
def initialize(name = '', *value)
if name.kind_of?(String)
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ class CGI #:nodoc:
@path = nil
@name = name['name']
@value = Array(name['value'])
@value = (name['value'].kind_of?(String) ? [name['value']] : Array(name['value'])).delete_if(&:blank?)
@domain = name['domain']
@expires = name['expires']
@secure = name['secure'] || false
@ -56,17 +55,17 @@ class CGI #:nodoc:
# Set whether the Cookie is a secure cookie or not.
# Sets whether the Cookie is a secure cookie or not.
def secure=(val)
@secure = val == true
# Set whether the Cookie is an HTTP only cookie or not.
# Sets whether the Cookie is an HTTP only cookie or not.
def http_only=(val)
@http_only = val == true
# Convert the Cookie to its string representation.
# Converts the Cookie to its string representation.
def to_s
buf = ''
buf << @name << '='
@ -79,11 +78,17 @@ class CGI #:nodoc:
# Parse a raw cookie string into a hash of cookie-name=>Cookie
# FIXME: work around broken 1.8.7 DelegateClass#respond_to?
def respond_to?(method, include_private = false)
return true if super(method)
return __getobj__.respond_to?(method, include_private)
# Parses a raw cookie string into a hash of <tt>cookie-name => cookie-object</tt>
# pairs.
# cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse("raw_cookie_string")
# # { "name1" => cookie1, "name2" => cookie2, ... }
# # => { "name1" => cookie1, "name2" => cookie2, ... }
def self.parse(raw_cookie)
cookies = Hash.new([])
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module ActionController
def initialize_with_stdinput(type = nil, stdinput = $stdin)
@stdinput = stdinput
@stdinput.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if @stdinput.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
initialize_without_stdinput(type || 'query')
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# * <tt>:new_session</tt> - if true, force creation of a new session. If not set, a new session is only created if none currently
# exists. If false, a new session is never created, and if none currently exists and the +session_id+ option is not set,
# an ArgumentError is raised.
# * <tt>:session_expires</tt> - the time the current session expires, as a +Time+ object. If not set, the session will continue
# * <tt>:session_expires</tt> - the time the current session expires, as a Time object. If not set, the session will continue
# indefinitely.
# * <tt>:session_domain</tt> - the hostname domain for which this session is valid. If not set, defaults to the hostname of the
# server.
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# variable is already set, wrap it in a StringIO.
def body
if raw_post = env['RAW_POST_DATA']
raw_post.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if raw_post.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Around filters wrap an action, executing code both before and after.
# They may be declared as method references, blocks, or objects responding
# to #filter or to both #before and #after.
# to +filter+ or to both +before+ and +after+.
# To use a method as an around_filter, pass a symbol naming the Ruby method.
# Yield (or block.call) within the method to run the action.
# To use a method as an +around_filter+, pass a symbol naming the Ruby method.
# Yield (or <tt>block.call</tt>) within the method to run the action.
# around_filter :catch_exceptions
@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# raise
# end
# To use a block as an around_filter, pass a block taking as args both
# To use a block as an +around_filter+, pass a block taking as args both
# the controller and the action block. You can't call yield directly from
# an around_filter block; explicitly call the action block instead:
# an +around_filter+ block; explicitly call the action block instead:
# around_filter do |controller, action|
# logger.debug "before #{controller.action_name}"
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# logger.debug "after #{controller.action_name}"
# end
# To use a filter object with around_filter, pass an object responding
# To use a filter object with +around_filter+, pass an object responding
# to <tt>:filter</tt> or both <tt>:before</tt> and <tt>:after</tt>. With a
# filter method, yield to the block as above:
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# end
# end
# With before and after methods:
# With +before+ and +after+ methods:
# around_filter Authorizer.new
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# end
# end
# If the filter has before and after methods, the before method will be
# called before the action. If before renders or redirects, the filter chain is
# halted and after will not be run. See Filter Chain Halting below for
# If the filter has +before+ and +after+ methods, the +before+ method will be
# called before the action. If +before+ renders or redirects, the filter chain is
# halted and +after+ will not be run. See Filter Chain Halting below for
# an example.
# == Filter chain skipping
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# <tt>before_filter</tt> and <tt>around_filter</tt> may halt the request
# before a controller action is run. This is useful, for example, to deny
# access to unauthenticated users or to redirect from http to https.
# access to unauthenticated users or to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.
# Simply call render or redirect. After filters will not be executed if the filter
# chain is halted.
@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# . /
# #after (actual filter code is run, unless the around filter does not yield)
# If #around returns before yielding, #after will still not be run. The #before
# filter and controller action will not be run. If #before renders or redirects,
# the second half of #around and will still run but #after and the
# action will not. If #around fails to yield, #after will not be run.
# If +around+ returns before yielding, +after+ will still not be run. The +before+
# filter and controller action will not be run. If +before+ renders or redirects,
# the second half of +around+ and will still run but +after+ and the
# action will not. If +around+ fails to yield, +after+ will not be run.
class FilterChain < ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallbackChain #:nodoc:
def append_filter_to_chain(filters, filter_type, &block)
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Shorthand for append_after_filter since it's the most common.
alias :after_filter :append_after_filter
# If you append_around_filter A.new, B.new, the filter chain looks like
# If you <tt>append_around_filter A.new, B.new</tt>, the filter chain looks like
# B#before
# A#before
@ -479,13 +479,13 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# A#after
# B#after
# With around filters which yield to the action block, #before and #after
# With around filters which yield to the action block, +before+ and +after+
# are the code before and after the yield.
def append_around_filter(*filters, &block)
filter_chain.append_filter_to_chain(filters, :around, &block)
# If you prepend_around_filter A.new, B.new, the filter chain looks like:
# If you <tt>prepend_around_filter A.new, B.new</tt>, the filter chain looks like:
# A#before
# B#before
@ -493,13 +493,13 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# B#after
# A#after
# With around filters which yield to the action block, #before and #after
# With around filters which yield to the action block, +before+ and +after+
# are the code before and after the yield.
def prepend_around_filter(*filters, &block)
filter_chain.prepend_filter_to_chain(filters, :around, &block)
# Shorthand for append_around_filter since it's the most common.
# Shorthand for +append_around_filter+ since it's the most common.
alias :around_filter :append_around_filter
# Removes the specified filters from the +before+ filter chain. Note that this only works for skipping method-reference
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# The Rails framework provides a large number of helpers for working with +assets+, +dates+, +forms+,
# +numbers+ and +ActiveRecord+ objects, to name a few. These helpers are available to all templates
# +numbers+ and Active Record objects, to name a few. These helpers are available to all templates
# by default.
# In addition to using the standard template helpers provided in the Rails framework, creating custom helpers to
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# controller which inherits from it.
# ==== Examples
# The +to_s+ method from the +Time+ class can be wrapped in a helper method to display a custom message if
# The +to_s+ method from the Time class can be wrapped in a helper method to display a custom message if
# the Time object is blank:
# module FormattedTimeHelper
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# end
# end
# +FormattedTimeHelper+ can now be included in a controller, using the +helper+ class method:
# FormattedTimeHelper can now be included in a controller, using the +helper+ class method:
# class EventsController < ActionController::Base
# helper FormattedTimeHelper
@ -74,22 +74,22 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# The +helper+ class method can take a series of helper module names, a block, or both.
# * <tt>*args</tt>: One or more +Modules+, +Strings+ or +Symbols+, or the special symbol <tt>:all</tt>.
# * <tt>*args</tt>: One or more modules, strings or symbols, or the special symbol <tt>:all</tt>.
# * <tt>&block</tt>: A block defining helper methods.
# ==== Examples
# When the argument is a +String+ or +Symbol+, the method will provide the "_helper" suffix, require the file
# When the argument is a string or symbol, the method will provide the "_helper" suffix, require the file
# and include the module in the template class. The second form illustrates how to include custom helpers
# when working with namespaced controllers, or other cases where the file containing the helper definition is not
# in one of Rails' standard load paths:
# helper :foo # => requires 'foo_helper' and includes FooHelper
# helper 'resources/foo' # => requires 'resources/foo_helper' and includes Resources::FooHelper
# When the argument is a +Module+, it will be included directly in the template class.
# When the argument is a module it will be included directly in the template class.
# helper FooHelper # => includes FooHelper
# When the argument is the symbol <tt>:all</tt>, the controller will include all helpers from
# <tt>app/helpers/**/*.rb</tt> under +RAILS_ROOT+.
# <tt>app/helpers/**/*.rb</tt> under RAILS_ROOT.
# helper :all
# Additionally, the +helper+ class method can receive and evaluate a block, making the methods defined available
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module ActionController
class MultiPartNeededException < Exception
# Create and initialize a new +Session+ instance.
# Create and initialize a new Session instance.
def initialize
@ -136,25 +136,25 @@ module ActionController
# Performs a GET request, following any subsequent redirect.
# See #request_via_redirect() for more information.
# See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
def get_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
request_via_redirect(:get, path, parameters, headers)
# Performs a POST request, following any subsequent redirect.
# See #request_via_redirect() for more information.
# See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
def post_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
request_via_redirect(:post, path, parameters, headers)
# Performs a PUT request, following any subsequent redirect.
# See #request_via_redirect() for more information.
# See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
def put_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
request_via_redirect(:put, path, parameters, headers)
# Performs a DELETE request, following any subsequent redirect.
# See #request_via_redirect() for more information.
# See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
def delete_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
request_via_redirect(:delete, path, parameters, headers)
@ -166,12 +166,12 @@ module ActionController
# Performs a GET request with the given parameters. The parameters may
# be +nil+, a Hash, or a string that is appropriately encoded
# (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data). The headers
# should be a hash. The keys will automatically be upcased, with the
# (<tt>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</tt> or <tt>multipart/form-data</tt>).
# The headers should be a hash. The keys will automatically be upcased, with the
# prefix 'HTTP_' added if needed.
# You can also perform POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with #post,
# #put, #delete, and #head.
# You can also perform POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with +post+,
# +put+, +delete+, and +head+.
def get(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
process :get, path, parameters, headers
@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ module ActionController
stdinput.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if stdinput.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
stdinput.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if stdinput.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
@stdinput = stdinput.is_a?(IO) ? stdinput : StringIO.new(stdinput || '')
@ -382,6 +384,8 @@ module ActionController
multipart_requestify(params).map do |key, value|
if value.respond_to?(:original_filename)
File.open(value.path) do |f|
f.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if f.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="#{key}"; filename="#{CGI.escape(value.original_filename)}"\r
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# with the remaining data.
# Note that you can define your own XML parameter parser which would allow you to describe multiple entities
# in a single request (i.e., by wrapping them all in a single root note), but if you just go with the flow
# in a single request (i.e., by wrapping them all in a single root node), but if you just go with the flow
# and accept Rails' defaults, life will be much easier.
# If you need to use a MIME type which isn't supported by default, you can register your own handlers in
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ module Mime
# end
# end
class Type
@@html_types = Set.new [:html, :all]
@@unverifiable_types = Set.new [:text, :json, :csv, :xml, :rss, :atom, :yaml]
cattr_reader :html_types, :unverifiable_types
# A simple helper class used in parsing the accept header
class AcceptItem #:nodoc:
attr_accessor :order, :name, :q
@ -100,7 +104,7 @@ module Mime
list[text_xml].name = Mime::XML.to_s
# Look for more specific xml-based types and sort them ahead of app/xml
# Look for more specific XML-based types and sort them ahead of app/xml
if app_xml
idx = app_xml
@ -153,12 +157,21 @@ module Mime
synonym.to_s == mime_type.to_s || synonym.to_sym == mime_type.to_sym
# Returns true if Action Pack should check requests using this Mime Type for possible request forgery. See
# ActionController::RequestForgerProtection.
def verify_request?
def html?
@@html_types.include?(to_sym) || @string =~ /html/
def method_missing(method, *args)
if method.to_s =~ /(\w+)\?$/
mime_type = $1.downcase.to_sym
mime_type == @symbol || (mime_type == :html && @symbol == :all)
$1.downcase.to_sym == to_sym
@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ Mime::Type.register "multipart/form-data", :multipart_form
Mime::Type.register "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", :url_encoded_form
# http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt
Mime::Type.register "application/json", :json, %w( text/x-json )
Mime::Type.register "application/json", :json, %w( text/x-json )
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module ActionController
# Polymorphic URL helpers are methods for smart resolution to a named route call when
# given an ActiveRecord model instance. They are to be used in combination with
# given an Active Record model instance. They are to be used in combination with
# ActionController::Resources.
# These methods are useful when you want to generate correct URL or path to a RESTful
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ module ActionController
# Nested resources and/or namespaces are also supported, as illustrated in the example:
# polymorphic_url([:admin, @article, @comment])
# #-> results in:
# results in:
# admin_article_comment_url(@article, @comment)
# == Usage within the framework
@ -38,11 +40,8 @@ module ActionController
# Example usage:
# edit_polymorphic_path(@post)
# #=> /posts/1/edit
# formatted_polymorphic_path([@post, :pdf])
# #=> /posts/1.pdf
# edit_polymorphic_path(@post) # => "/posts/1/edit"
# formatted_polymorphic_path([@post, :pdf]) # => "/posts/1.pdf"
module PolymorphicRoutes
# Constructs a call to a named RESTful route for the given record and returns the
# resulting URL string. For example:
@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ EOM
def parse_multipart_form_parameters(body, boundary, content_length, env)
parse_request_parameters(read_multipart(body, boundary, content_length, env))
def parse_multipart_form_parameters(body, boundary, body_size, env)
parse_request_parameters(read_multipart(body, boundary, body_size, env))
def extract_multipart_boundary(content_type_with_parameters)
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ EOM
EOL = "\015\012"
def read_multipart(body, boundary, content_length, env)
def read_multipart(body, boundary, body_size, env)
params = Hash.new([])
boundary = "--" + boundary
quoted_boundary = Regexp.quote(boundary)
@ -529,8 +529,14 @@ EOM
# start multipart/form-data
body.binmode if defined? body.binmode
case body
when File
body.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if body.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
when StringIO
body.string.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if body.string.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
boundary_size = boundary.size + EOL.size
content_length -= boundary_size
body_size -= boundary_size
status = body.read(boundary_size)
if nil == status
raise EOFError, "no content body"
@ -541,7 +547,7 @@ EOM
loop do
head = nil
content =
if 10240 < content_length
if 10240 < body_size
@ -563,24 +569,24 @@ EOM
buf[0 ... (buf.size - (EOL + boundary + EOL).size)] = ""
c = if bufsize < content_length
c = if bufsize < body_size
if c.nil? || c.empty?
raise EOFError, "bad content body"
content_length -= c.size
body_size -= c.size
buf = buf.sub(/\A((?:.|\n)*?)(?:[\r\n]{1,2})?#{quoted_boundary}([\r\n]{1,2}|--)/n) do
content.print $1
if "--" == $2
content_length = -1
body_size = -1
boundary_end = $2.dup
boundary_end = $2.dup
@ -607,7 +613,7 @@ EOM
params[name] = [content]
break if content_length == -1
break if body_size == -1
raise EOFError, "bad boundary end of body part" unless boundary_end=~/--/
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def verifiable_request_format?
request.format.html? || request.format.js?
request.content_type.nil? || request.content_type.verify_request?
# Sets the token value for the current session. Pass a <tt>:secret</tt> option
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ module ActionController
def benchmark(n)
def benchmark(n, profiling = false)
@quiet = true
print ' '
result = Benchmark.realtime do
n.times do |i|
@ -43,8 +43,15 @@ module ActionController
script = File.read(script_path)
source = <<-end_source
def run
def run(profiling = false)
if profiling
RubyProf.resume do
old_request_count = request_count
self.request_count = old_request_count
@ -91,21 +98,22 @@ module ActionController
def profile(sandbox)
results = RubyProf.profile { benchmark(sandbox) }
benchmark(sandbox, true)
results = RubyProf.stop
show_profile_results results
def benchmark(sandbox)
def benchmark(sandbox, profiling = false)
sandbox.request_count = 0
elapsed = sandbox.benchmark(options[:n]).to_f
elapsed = sandbox.benchmark(options[:n], profiling).to_f
count = sandbox.request_count.to_i
puts '%.2f sec, %d requests, %d req/sec' % [elapsed, count, count / elapsed]
def warmup(sandbox)
Benchmark.realtime { sandbox.run }
Benchmark.realtime { sandbox.run(false) }
def default_options
@ -136,6 +144,7 @@ module ActionController
def load_ruby_prof
gem 'ruby-prof', '>= 0.6.1'
require 'ruby-prof'
if mode = options[:measure]
RubyProf.measure_mode = RubyProf.const_get(mode.upcase)
@ -199,10 +199,8 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
def perform_action_with_rescue #:nodoc:
rescue Exception => exception # errors from action performed
return if rescue_action_with_handler(exception)
rescue Exception => exception
rescue_action_with_handler(exception) || rescue_action(exception)
def rescues_path(template_name)
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ module ActionController
# end
# end
# Along with the routes themselves, #resources generates named routes for use in
# Along with the routes themselves, +resources+ generates named routes for use in
# controllers and views. <tt>map.resources :messages</tt> produces the following named routes and helpers:
# Named Route Helpers
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ module ActionController
# edit_message edit_message_url(id), hash_for_edit_message_url(id),
# edit_message_path(id), hash_for_edit_message_path(id)
# You can use these helpers instead of #url_for or methods that take #url_for parameters. For example:
# You can use these helpers instead of +url_for+ or methods that take +url_for+ parameters. For example:
# redirect_to :controller => 'messages', :action => 'index'
# # and
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ module ActionController
# end
# end
# Along with the routes themselves, #resource generates named routes for
# Along with the routes themselves, +resource+ generates named routes for
# use in controllers and views. <tt>map.resource :account</tt> produces
# these named routes and helpers:
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ module ActionController
# Accepts a "route path" (a string defining a route), and returns the array
# of segments that corresponds to it. Note that the segment array is only
# partially initialized--the defaults and requirements, for instance, need
# to be set separately, via the #assign_route_options method, and the
# #optional? method for each segment will not be reliable until after
# #assign_route_options is called, as well.
# to be set separately, via the +assign_route_options+ method, and the
# <tt>optional?</tt> method for each segment will not be reliable until after
# +assign_route_options+ is called, as well.
def segments_for_route_path(path)
rest, segments = path, []
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ module ActionController
def extract_value
"#{local_name} = hash[:#{key}] && hash[:#{key}].collect { |path_component| CGI.escape(path_component) }.to_param #{"|| #{default.inspect}" if default}"
"#{local_name} = hash[:#{key}] && hash[:#{key}].collect { |path_component| CGI.escape(path_component.to_param, ActionController::Routing::Segment::UNSAFE_PCHAR) }.to_param #{"|| #{default.inspect}" if default}"
def default
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ require 'openssl' # to generate the HMAC message digest
# such as 'MD5', 'RIPEMD160', 'SHA256', etc.
# To generate a secret key for an existing application, run
# `rake secret` and set the key in config/environment.rb.
# "rake secret" and set the key in config/environment.rb.
# Note that changing digest or secret invalidates all existing sessions!
class CGI::Session::CookieStore
@ -130,17 +130,20 @@ class CGI::Session::CookieStore
# Marshal a session hash into safe cookie data. Include an integrity hash.
def marshal(session)
data = ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(session)).chop
CGI.escape "#{data}--#{generate_digest(data)}"
# Unmarshal cookie data to a hash and verify its integrity.
def unmarshal(cookie)
if cookie
data, digest = CGI.unescape(cookie).split('--')
unless digest == generate_digest(data)
data, digest = cookie.split('--')
# Do two checks to transparently support old double-escaped data.
unless digest == generate_digest(data) || digest == generate_digest(data = CGI.unescape(data))
raise TamperedWithCookie
@ -80,4 +80,4 @@ module ActionController
@request.remote_addr = '' # example.com
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'action_controller/test_case'
module ActionController #:nodoc:
class Base
# Process a test request called with a +TestRequest+ object.
# Process a test request called with a TestRequest object.
def self.process_test(request)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Either the RAW_POST_DATA environment variable or the URL-encoded request
# parameters.
def raw_post
env['RAW_POST_DATA'] ||= url_encoded_request_parameters
env['RAW_POST_DATA'] ||= returning(url_encoded_request_parameters) { |b| b.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if b.respond_to?(:force_encoding) }
def port=(number)
@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
@content_type = content_type
@original_filename = path.sub(/^.*#{File::SEPARATOR}([^#{File::SEPARATOR}]+)$/) { $1 }
@tempfile = Tempfile.new(@original_filename)
@tempfile.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if @tempfile.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
@tempfile.binmode if binary
FileUtils.copy_file(path, @tempfile.path)
@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
module TestProcess
def self.included(base)
# execute the request simulating a specific http method and set/volley the response
# execute the request simulating a specific HTTP method and set/volley the response
%w( get post put delete head ).each do |method|
base.class_eval <<-EOV, __FILE__, __LINE__
def #{method}(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module ActionPack #:nodoc:
module VERSION #:nodoc:
TINY = 991
TINY = 0
@ -168,12 +168,12 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
# Specify whether file modification times should be checked to see if a template needs recompilation
@@cache_template_loading = false
cattr_accessor :cache_template_loading
# Specify whether file extension lookup should be cached, and whether template base path lookup should be cached.
# Should be +false+ for development environments. Defaults to +true+.
@@cache_template_extensions = true
cattr_accessor :cache_template_extensions
def self.cache_template_extensions=(*args)
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("config.action_view.cache_template_extensions option has been deprecated and has no affect. " <<
"Please remove it from your config files.", caller)
# Specify whether RJS responses should be wrapped in a try/catch block
# that alert()s the caught exception (and then re-raises it).
@@debug_rjs = false
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
module ActionView
# CompiledTemplates modules hold methods that have been compiled.
# Templates are compiled into these methods so that they do not need to be
# read and parsed for each request.
# Each template may be compiled into one or more methods. Each method accepts a given
# set of parameters which is used to implement local assigns passing.
# To use a compiled template module, create a new instance and include it into the class
# in which you want the template to be rendered.
class CompiledTemplates < Module
attr_reader :method_names
def initialize
@method_names = Hash.new do |hash, key|
hash[key] = "__compiled_method_#{(hash.length + 1)}"
@mtimes = {}
# Return the full key for the given identifier and argument names
def full_key(identifier, arg_names)
[identifier, arg_names]
# Return the selector for this method or nil if it has not been compiled
def selector(identifier, arg_names)
key = full_key(identifier, arg_names)
method_names.key?(key) ? method_names[key] : nil
alias :compiled? :selector
# Return the time at which the method for the given identifier and argument names was compiled.
def mtime(identifier, arg_names)
@mtimes[full_key(identifier, arg_names)]
# Compile the provided source code for the given argument names and with the given initial line number.
# The identifier should be unique to this source.
# The file_name, if provided will appear in backtraces. If not provided, the file_name defaults
# to the identifier.
# This method will return the selector for the compiled version of this method.
def compile_source(identifier, arg_names, source, initial_line_number = 0, file_name = nil)
file_name ||= identifier
name = method_names[full_key(identifier, arg_names)]
arg_desc = arg_names.empty? ? '' : "(#{arg_names * ', '})"
fake_file_name = "#{file_name}#{arg_desc}" # Include the arguments for this version (for now)
method_def = wrap_source(name, arg_names, source)
module_eval(method_def, fake_file_name, initial_line_number)
@mtimes[full_key(identifier, arg_names)] = Time.now
rescue Exception => e # errors from compiled source
e.blame_file! identifier
# Wrap the provided source in a def ... end block.
def wrap_source(name, arg_names, source)
"def #{name}(#{arg_names * ', '})\n#{source}\nend"
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ module ActionView
# === Using asset hosts
# By default, Rails links to these assets on the current host in the public
# folder, but you can direct Rails to link to assets from a dedicated assets server by
# setting ActionController::Base.asset_host in your environment.rb. For example,
# let's say your asset host is assets.example.com.
# setting ActionController::Base.asset_host in your <tt>config/environment.rb</tt>. For example,
# let's say your asset host is <tt>assets.example.com</tt>.
# ActionController::Base.asset_host = "assets.example.com"
# image_tag("rails.png")
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ module ActionView
# This is useful since browsers typically open at most two connections to a single host,
# which means your assets often wait in single file for their turn to load. You can
# alleviate this by using a %d wildcard in <tt>asset_host</tt> (for example, "assets%d.example.com")
# to automatically distribute asset requests among four hosts (e.g., assets0.example.com through assets3.example.com)
# alleviate this by using a <tt>%d</tt> wildcard in <tt>asset_host</tt> (for example, "assets%d.example.com")
# to automatically distribute asset requests among four hosts (e.g., "assets0.example.com" through "assets3.example.com")
# so browsers will open eight connections rather than two.
# image_tag("rails.png")
@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ module ActionView
# Computes the path to a stylesheet asset in the public stylesheets directory.
# If the +source+ filename has no extension, .css will be appended.
# If the +source+ filename has no extension, <tt>.css</tt> will be appended.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by stylesheet_link_tag to build the stylesheet path.
# Used internally by +stylesheet_link_tag+ to build the stylesheet path.
# ==== Examples
# stylesheet_path "style" # => /stylesheets/style.css
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ module ActionView
alias_method :path_to_stylesheet, :stylesheet_path # aliased to avoid conflicts with a stylesheet_path named route
# Returns a stylesheet link tag for the sources specified as arguments. If
# you don't specify an extension, .css will be appended automatically.
# you don't specify an extension, <tt>.css</tt> will be appended automatically.
# You can modify the link attributes by passing a hash as the last argument.
# ==== Examples
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ module ActionView
# Computes the path to an image asset in the public images directory.
# Full paths from the document root will be passed through.
# Used internally by image_tag to build the image path.
# Used internally by +image_tag+ to build the image path.
# ==== Examples
# image_path("edit") # => /images/edit
@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ module ActionView
# Add the .ext if not present. Return full URLs otherwise untouched.
# Prefix with /dir/ if lacking a leading /. Account for relative URL
# Add the the extension +ext+ if not present. Return full URLs otherwise untouched.
# Prefix with <tt>/dir/</tt> if lacking a leading +/+. Account for relative URL
# roots. Rewrite the asset path for cache-busting asset ids. Include
# asset host, if configured, with the correct request protocol.
def compute_public_path(source, dir, ext = nil, include_host = true)
@ -502,9 +502,9 @@ module ActionView
# Pick an asset host for this source. Returns nil if no host is set,
# Pick an asset host for this source. Returns +nil+ if no host is set,
# the host if no wildcard is set, the host interpolated with the
# numbers 0-3 if it contains %d (the number is the source hash mod 4),
# numbers 0-3 if it contains <tt>%d</tt> (the number is the source hash mod 4),
# or the value returned from invoking the proc if it's a proc.
def compute_asset_host(source)
if host = ActionController::Base.asset_host
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ module ActionView
default[key] ||= time.send(key)
Time.utc(default[:year], default[:month], default[:day], default[:hour], default[:min], default[:sec])
Time.utc_time(default[:year], default[:month], default[:day], default[:hour], default[:min], default[:sec])
@ -73,30 +73,81 @@ module ActionView
# There are also methods for helping to build form tags in link:classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormOptionsHelper.html,
# link:classes/ActionView/Helpers/DateHelper.html, and link:classes/ActionView/Helpers/ActiveRecordHelper.html
module FormHelper
# Creates a form and a scope around a specific model object that is used as a base for questioning about
# values for the fields.
# Creates a form and a scope around a specific model object that is used as
# a base for questioning about values for the fields.
# <% form_for :person, @person, :url => { :action => "update" } do |f| %>
# <%= f.error_messages %>
# First name: <%= f.text_field :first_name %>
# Last name : <%= f.text_field :last_name %>
# Biography : <%= f.text_area :biography %>
# Admin? : <%= f.check_box :admin %>
# Rails provides succint resource-oriented form generation with +form_for+
# like this:
# <% form_for @offer do |f| %>
# <%= f.label :version, 'Version' %>:
# <%= f.text_field :version %><br />
# <%= f.label :author, 'Author' %>:
# <%= f.text_field :author %><br />
# <% end %>
# Worth noting is that the form_for tag is called in a ERb evaluation block, not an ERb output block. So that's <tt><% %></tt>,
# not <tt><%= %></tt>. Also worth noting is that form_for yields a <tt>form_builder</tt> object, in this example as <tt>f</tt>, which emulates
# the API for the stand-alone FormHelper methods, but without the object name. So instead of <tt>text_field :person, :name</tt>,
# you get away with <tt>f.text_field :name</tt>. Notice that you can even do <tt><%= f.error_messages %></tt> to display the
# error messsages of the model object in question.
# There, +form_for+ is able to generate the rest of RESTful form parameters
# based on introspection on the record, but to understand what it does we
# need to dig first into the alternative generic usage it is based upon.
# Even further, the form_for method allows you to more easily escape the instance variable convention. So while the stand-alone
# approach would require <tt>text_field :person, :name, :object => person</tt>
# to work with local variables instead of instance ones, the form_for calls remain the same. You simply declare once with
# <tt>:person, person</tt> and all subsequent field calls save <tt>:person</tt> and <tt>:object => person</tt>.
# === Generic form_for
# Also note that form_for doesn't create an exclusive scope. It's still possible to use both the stand-alone FormHelper methods
# and methods from FormTagHelper. For example:
# The generic way to call +form_for+ yields a form builder around a model:
# <% form_for :person, :url => { :action => "update" } do |f| %>
# <%= f.error_messages %>
# First name: <%= f.text_field :first_name %><br />
# Last name : <%= f.text_field :last_name %><br />
# Biography : <%= f.text_area :biography %><br />
# Admin? : <%= f.check_box :admin %><br />
# <% end %>
# There, the first argument is a symbol or string with the name of the
# object the form is about, and also the name of the instance variable the
# object is stored in.
# The form builder acts as a regular form helper that somehow carries the
# model. Thus, the idea is that
# <%= f.text_field :first_name %>
# gets expanded to
# <%= text_field :person, :first_name %>
# If the instance variable is not <tt>@person</tt> you can pass the actual
# record as the second argument:
# <% form_for :person, person, :url => { :action => "update" } do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
# In that case you can think
# <%= f.text_field :first_name %>
# gets expanded to
# <%= text_field :person, :first_name, :object => person %>
# You can even display error messages of the wrapped model this way:
# <%= f.error_messages %>
# In any of its variants, the rightmost argument to +form_for+ is an
# optional hash of options:
# * <tt>:url</tt> - The URL the form is submitted to. It takes the same fields
# you pass to +url_for+ or +link_to+. In particular you may pass here a
# named route directly as well. Defaults to the current action.
# * <tt>:html</tt> - Optional HTML attributes for the form tag.
# Worth noting is that the +form_for+ tag is called in a ERb evaluation block,
# not an ERb output block. So that's <tt><% %></tt>, not <tt><%= %></tt>.
# Also note that +form_for+ doesn't create an exclusive scope. It's still
# possible to use both the stand-alone FormHelper methods and methods from
# FormTagHelper. For example:
# <% form_for :person, @person, :url => { :action => "update" } do |f| %>
# First name: <%= f.text_field :first_name %>
@ -105,42 +156,38 @@ module ActionView
# Admin? : <%= check_box_tag "person[admin]", @person.company.admin? %>
# <% end %>
# Note: This also works for the methods in FormOptionHelper and DateHelper that are designed to work with an object as base,
# like FormOptionHelper#collection_select and DateHelper#datetime_select.
# This also works for the methods in FormOptionHelper and DateHelper that are
# designed to work with an object as base, like FormOptionHelper#collection_select
# and DateHelper#datetime_select.
# HTML attributes for the form tag can be given as <tt>:html => {...}</tt>. For example:
# === Resource-oriented style
# <% form_for :person, @person, :html => {:id => 'person_form'} do |f| %>
# As we said above, in addition to manually configuring the +form_for+ call,
# you can rely on automated resource identification, which will use the conventions
# and named routes of that approach. This is the preferred way to use +form_for+
# nowadays.
# For example, if <tt>@post</tt> is an existing record you want to edit
# <% form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
# The above form will then have the <tt>id</tt> attribute with the value </tt>person_form</tt>, which you can then
# style with CSS or manipulate with JavaScript.
# === Relying on record identification
# In addition to manually configuring the form_for call, you can also rely on record identification, which will use
# the conventions and named routes of that approach. Examples:
# <% form_for(@post) do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
# This will expand to be the same as:
# is equivalent to something like:
# <% form_for :post, @post, :url => post_path(@post), :html => { :method => :put, :class => "edit_post", :id => "edit_post_45" } do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
# And for new records:
# And for new records
# <% form_for(Post.new) do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
# This will expand to be the same as:
# expands to
# <% form_for :post, @post, :url => posts_path, :html => { :class => "new_post", :id => "new_post" } do |f| %>
# <% form_for :post, Post.new, :url => posts_path, :html => { :class => "new_post", :id => "new_post" } do |f| %>
# ...
# <% end %>
@ -150,7 +197,7 @@ module ActionView
# ...
# <% end %>
# And for namespaced routes, like admin_post_url:
# And for namespaced routes, like +admin_post_url+:
# <% form_for([:admin, @post]) do |f| %>
# ...
@ -277,13 +324,13 @@ module ActionView
# ==== Examples
# label(:post, :title)
# #=> <label for="post_title">Title</label>
# # => <label for="post_title">Title</label>
# label(:post, :title, "A short title")
# #=> <label for="post_title">A short title</label>
# # => <label for="post_title">A short title</label>
# label(:post, :title, "A short title", :class => "title_label")
# #=> <label for="post_title" class="title_label">A short title</label>
# # => <label for="post_title" class="title_label">A short title</label>
def label(object_name, method, text = nil, options = {})
InstanceTag.new(object_name, method, self, nil, options.delete(:object)).to_label_tag(text, options)
@ -588,6 +635,8 @@ module ActionView
value != 0
when String
value == checked_value
when Array
value.to_i != 0
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module ActionView
# end
# end
# Sample usage (selecting the associated +Author+ for an instance of +Post+, <tt>@post</tt>):
# Sample usage (selecting the associated Author for an instance of Post, <tt>@post</tt>):
# collection_select(:post, :author_id, Author.find(:all), :id, :name_with_initial, {:prompt => true})
# If <tt>@post.author_id</tt> is already <tt>1</tt>, this would return:
@ -144,10 +144,16 @@ module ActionView
# In addition to the <tt>:include_blank</tt> option documented above,
# this method also supports a <tt>:model</tt> option, which defaults
# to TimeZone. This may be used by users to specify a different time
# zone model object. (See #time_zone_options_for_select for more
# zone model object. (See +time_zone_options_for_select+ for more
# information.)
# You can also supply an array of TimeZone objects
# as +priority_zones+, so that they will be listed above the rest of the
# (long) list. (You can use TimeZone.us_zones as a convenience for
# obtaining a list of the US time zones.)
# Finally, this method supports a <tt>:default</tt> option, which selects
# a default TimeZone if the object's time zone is nil.
# a default TimeZone if the object's time zone is +nil+.
# Examples:
# time_zone_select( "user", "time_zone", nil, :include_blank => true)
@ -156,6 +162,8 @@ module ActionView
# time_zone_select( "user", 'time_zone', TimeZone.us_zones, :default => "Pacific Time (US & Canada)")
# time_zone_select( "user", 'time_zone', [ TimeZone['Alaska'], TimeZone['Hawaii'] ])
# time_zone_select( "user", "time_zone", TZInfo::Timezone.all.sort, :model => TZInfo::Timezone)
def time_zone_select(object, method, priority_zones = nil, options = {}, html_options = {})
InstanceTag.new(object, method, self, nil, options.delete(:object)).to_time_zone_select_tag(priority_zones, options, html_options)
@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ module ActionView
# Accepts a container (hash, array, enumerable, your type) and returns a string of option tags. Given a container
# where the elements respond to first and last (such as a two-element array), the "lasts" serve as option values and
# the "firsts" as option text. Hashes are turned into this form automatically, so the keys become "firsts" and values
# become lasts. If +selected+ is specified, the matching "last" or element will get the selected option-tag. +Selected+
# become lasts. If +selected+ is specified, the matching "last" or element will get the selected option-tag. +selected+
# may also be an array of values to be selected when using a multiple select.
# Examples (call, result):
@ -209,24 +217,22 @@ module ActionView
options_for_select(options, selected)
# Returns a string of <tt><option></tt> tags, like <tt>#options_from_collection_for_select</tt>, but
# Returns a string of <tt><option></tt> tags, like <tt>options_from_collection_for_select</tt>, but
# groups them by <tt><optgroup></tt> tags based on the object relationships of the arguments.
# Parameters:
# +collection+:: An array of objects representing the <tt><optgroup></tt> tags
# +group_method+:: The name of a method which, when called on a member of +collection+, returns an
# array of child objects representing the <tt><option></tt> tags
# +group_label_method+:: The name of a method which, when called on a member of +collection+, returns a
# string to be used as the +label+ attribute for its <tt><optgroup></tt> tag
# +option_key_method+:: The name of a method which, when called on a child object of a member of
# +collection+, returns a value to be used as the +value+ attribute for its
# <tt><option></tt> tag
# +option_value_method+:: The name of a method which, when called on a child object of a member of
# +collection+, returns a value to be used as the contents of its
# <tt><option></tt> tag
# +selected_key+:: A value equal to the +value+ attribute for one of the <tt><option></tt> tags,
# which will have the +selected+ attribute set. Corresponds to the return value
# of one of the calls to +option_key_method+. If +nil+, no selection is made.
# * +collection+ - An array of objects representing the <tt><optgroup></tt> tags.
# * +group_method+ - The name of a method which, when called on a member of +collection+, returns an
# array of child objects representing the <tt><option></tt> tags.
# * group_label_method+ - The name of a method which, when called on a member of +collection+, returns a
# string to be used as the +label+ attribute for its <tt><optgroup></tt> tag.
# * +option_key_method+ - The name of a method which, when called on a child object of a member of
# +collection+, returns a value to be used as the +value+ attribute for its <tt><option></tt> tag.
# * +option_value_method+ - The name of a method which, when called on a child object of a member of
# +collection+, returns a value to be used as the contents of its <tt><option></tt> tag.
# * +selected_key+ - A value equal to the +value+ attribute for one of the <tt><option></tt> tags,
# which will have the +selected+ attribute set. Corresponds to the return value of one of the calls
# to +option_key_method+. If +nil+, no selection is made.
# Example object structure for use with this method:
# class Continent < ActiveRecord::Base
@ -292,8 +298,8 @@ module ActionView
# a TimeZone.
# By default, +model+ is the TimeZone constant (which can be obtained
# in ActiveRecord as a value object). The only requirement is that the
# +model+ parameter be an object that responds to #all, and returns
# in Active Record as a value object). The only requirement is that the
# +model+ parameter be an object that responds to +all+, and returns
# an array of objects that represent time zones.
# NOTE: Only the option tags are returned, you have to wrap this call in
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'action_view/helpers/tag_helper'
module ActionView
module Helpers
# Provides a number of methods for creating form tags that doesn't rely on an ActiveRecord object assigned to the template like
# Provides a number of methods for creating form tags that doesn't rely on an Active Record object assigned to the template like
# FormHelper does. Instead, you provide the names and values manually.
# NOTE: The HTML options <tt>disabled</tt>, <tt>readonly</tt>, and <tt>multiple</tt> can all be treated as booleans. So specifying
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ module ActionView
# ==== Options
# * <tt>:multipart</tt> - If set to true, the enctype is set to "multipart/form-data".
# * <tt>:method</tt> - The method to use when submitting the form, usually either "get" or "post".
# If "put", "delete", or another verb is used, a hidden input with name _method
# is added to simulate the verb over post.
# * <tt>:method</tt> - The method to use when submitting the form, usually either "get" or "post".
# If "put", "delete", or another verb is used, a hidden input with name <tt>_method</tt>
# is added to simulate the verb over post.
# * A list of parameters to feed to the URL the form will be posted to.
# ==== Examples
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ module ActionView
url_options = options[:url]
url_options = url_options.merge(:escape => false) if url_options.is_a?(Hash)
function << "'#{url_for(url_options)}'"
function << "'#{escape_javascript(url_for(url_options))}'"
function << ", #{javascript_options})"
function = "#{options[:before]}; #{function}" if options[:before]
@ -595,8 +595,8 @@ module ActionView
# JavaScript sent with a Content-type of "text/javascript".
# Create new instances with PrototypeHelper#update_page or with
# ActionController::Base#render, then call #insert_html, #replace_html,
# #remove, #show, #hide, #visual_effect, or any other of the built-in
# ActionController::Base#render, then call +insert_html+, +replace_html+,
# +remove+, +show+, +hide+, +visual_effect+, or any other of the built-in
# methods on the yielded generator in any order you like to modify the
# content and appearance of the current page.
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ module ActionView
# Returns an object whose <tt>#to_json</tt> evaluates to +code+. Use this to pass a literal JavaScript
# Returns an object whose <tt>to_json</tt> evaluates to +code+. Use this to pass a literal JavaScript
# expression as an argument to another JavaScriptGenerator method.
def literal(code)
@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ module ActionView
def build_observer(klass, name, options = {})
if options[:with] && (options[:with] !~ /[\{=(.]/)
options[:with] = "'#{options[:with]}=' + value"
options[:with] = "'#{options[:with]}=' + encodeURIComponent(value)"
options[:with] ||= 'value' unless options[:function]
@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ module ActionView
# The JSON Encoder calls this to check for the #to_json method
# The JSON Encoder calls this to check for the +to_json+ method
# Since it's a blank slate object, I suppose it responds to anything.
def respond_to?(method)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module ActionView
module Helpers
module RecordTagHelper
# Produces a wrapper DIV element with id and class parameters that
# relate to the specified ActiveRecord object. Usage example:
# relate to the specified Active Record object. Usage example:
# <% div_for(@person, :class => "foo") do %>
# <%=h @person.name %>
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module ActionView
# content_tag_for creates an HTML element with id and class parameters
# that relate to the specified ActiveRecord object. For example:
# that relate to the specified Active Record object. For example:
# <% content_tag_for(:tr, @person) do %>
# <td><%=h @person.first_name %></td>
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module ActionView
self.class.white_list_sanitizer.sanitize(html, options)
# Sanitizes a block of css code. Used by #sanitize when it comes across a style attribute
# Sanitizes a block of CSS code. Used by +sanitize+ when it comes across a style attribute.
def sanitize_css(style)
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ module ActionView
# Gets the HTML::FullSanitizer instance used by strip_tags. Replace with
# any object that responds to #sanitize
# Gets the HTML::FullSanitizer instance used by +strip_tags+. Replace with
# any object that responds to +sanitize+.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.full_sanitizer = MySpecialSanitizer.new
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ module ActionView
@full_sanitizer ||= HTML::FullSanitizer.new
# Gets the HTML::LinkSanitizer instance used by strip_links. Replace with
# any object that responds to #sanitize
# Gets the HTML::LinkSanitizer instance used by +strip_links+. Replace with
# any object that responds to +sanitize+.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.link_sanitizer = MySpecialSanitizer.new
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ module ActionView
@link_sanitizer ||= HTML::LinkSanitizer.new
# Gets the HTML::WhiteListSanitizer instance used by sanitize and sanitize_css.
# Replace with any object that responds to #sanitize
# Gets the HTML::WhiteListSanitizer instance used by sanitize and +sanitize_css+.
# Replace with any object that responds to +sanitize+.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.white_list_sanitizer = MySpecialSanitizer.new
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ module ActionView
@white_list_sanitizer ||= HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.new
# Adds valid HTML attributes that the #sanitize helper checks for URIs.
# Adds valid HTML attributes that the +sanitize+ helper checks for URIs.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_uri_attributes = 'lowsrc', 'target'
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ module ActionView
# Adds to the Set of 'bad' tags for the #sanitize helper.
# Adds to the Set of 'bad' tags for the +sanitize+ helper.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_bad_tags = 'embed', 'object'
@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ module ActionView
def sanitized_bad_tags=(attributes)
# Adds to the Set of allowed tags for the #sanitize helper.
# Adds to the Set of allowed tags for the +sanitize+ helper.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_tags = 'table', 'tr', 'td'
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ module ActionView
# Adds to the Set of allowed html attributes for the #sanitize helper.
# Adds to the Set of allowed HTML attributes for the +sanitize+ helper.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_attributes = 'onclick', 'longdesc'
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ module ActionView
# Adds to the Set of allowed css properties for the #sanitize and #sanitize_css heleprs.
# Adds to the Set of allowed CSS properties for the #sanitize and +sanitize_css+ heleprs.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_css_properties = 'expression'
@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ module ActionView
# Adds to the Set of allowed css keywords for the #sanitize and #sanitize_css helpers.
# Adds to the Set of allowed CSS keywords for the +sanitize+ and +sanitize_css+ helpers.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_css_keywords = 'expression'
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ module ActionView
# Adds to the Set of allowed shorthand css properties for the #sanitize and #sanitize_css helpers.
# Adds to the Set of allowed shorthand CSS properties for the +sanitize+ and +sanitize_css+ helpers.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_shorthand_css_properties = 'expression'
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ module ActionView
# Adds to the Set of allowed protocols for the #sanitize helper.
# Adds to the Set of allowed protocols for the +sanitize+ helper.
# Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_protocols = 'ssh', 'feed'
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ module ActionView
# :url => { :action => "reload" },
# :complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "posts", :duration => 0.5)
# If no element_id is given, it assumes "element" which should be a local
# If no +element_id+ is given, it assumes "element" which should be a local
# variable in the generated JavaScript execution context. This can be
# used for example with drop_receiving_element:
# used for example with +drop_receiving_element+:
# <%= drop_receiving_element (...), :loading => visual_effect(:fade) %>
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ module ActionView
# element as parameters.
# Example:
# <%= sortable_element("my_list", :url => { :action => "order" }) %>
# In the example, the action gets a "my_list" array parameter
@ -79,60 +80,56 @@ module ActionView
# Additional +options+ are:
# <tt>:format</tt>:: A regular expression to determine what to send
# as the serialized id to the server (the default
# is <tt>/^[^_]*_(.*)$/</tt>).
# <tt>:constraint</tt>:: Whether to constrain the dragging to either <tt>:horizontal</tt>
# or <tt>:vertical</tt> (or false to make it unconstrained).
# <tt>:overlap</tt>:: Calculate the item overlap in the <tt>:horizontal</tt> or
# <tt>:vertical</tt> direction.
# <tt>:tag</tt>:: Which children of the container element to treat as
# sortable (default is <tt>li</tt>).
# <tt>:containment</tt>:: Takes an element or array of elements to treat as
# potential drop targets (defaults to the original
# target element).
# <tt>:only</tt>:: A CSS class name or arry of class names used to filter
# out child elements as candidates.
# <tt>:scroll</tt>:: Determines whether to scroll the list during drag
# operations if the list runs past the visual border.
# <tt>:tree</tt>:: Determines whether to treat nested lists as part of the
# main sortable list. This means that you can create multi-
# layer lists, and not only sort items at the same level,
# but drag and sort items between levels.
# <tt>:hoverclass</tt>:: If set, the Droppable will have this additional CSS class
# when an accepted Draggable is hovered over it.
# <tt>:handle</tt>:: Sets whether the element should only be draggable by an
# embedded handle. The value may be a string referencing a
# CSS class value (as of script.aculo.us V1.5). The first
# child/grandchild/etc. element found within the element
# that has this CSS class value will be used as the handle.
# <tt>:ghosting</tt>:: Clones the element and drags the clone, leaving the original
# in place until the clone is dropped (default is <tt>false</tt>).
# <tt>:dropOnEmpty</tt>:: If set to true, the Sortable container will be made into
# a Droppable, that can receive a Draggable (as according to
# the containment rules) as a child element when there are no
# more elements inside (default is <tt>false</tt>).
# <tt>:onChange</tt>:: Called whenever the sort order changes while dragging. When
# dragging from one Sortable to another, the callback is
# called once on each Sortable. Gets the affected element as
# its parameter.
# <tt>:onUpdate</tt>:: Called when the drag ends and the Sortable's order is
# changed in any way. When dragging from one Sortable to
# another, the callback is called once on each Sortable. Gets
# the container as its parameter.
# * <tt>:format</tt> - A regular expression to determine what to send as the
# serialized id to the server (the default is <tt>/^[^_]*_(.*)$/</tt>).
# * <tt>:constraint</tt> - Whether to constrain the dragging to either
# <tt>:horizontal</tt> or <tt>:vertical</tt> (or false to make it unconstrained).
# * <tt>:overlap</tt> - Calculate the item overlap in the <tt>:horizontal</tt>
# or <tt>:vertical</tt> direction.
# * <tt>:tag</tt> - Which children of the container element to treat as
# sortable (default is <tt>li</tt>).
# * <tt>:containment</tt> - Takes an element or array of elements to treat as
# potential drop targets (defaults to the original target element).
# * <tt>:only</tt> - A CSS class name or arry of class names used to filter
# out child elements as candidates.
# * <tt>:scroll</tt> - Determines whether to scroll the list during drag
# operations if the list runs past the visual border.
# * <tt>:tree</tt> - Determines whether to treat nested lists as part of the
# main sortable list. This means that you can create multi-layer lists,
# and not only sort items at the same level, but drag and sort items
# between levels.
# * <tt>:hoverclass</tt> - If set, the Droppable will have this additional CSS class
# when an accepted Draggable is hovered over it.
# * <tt>:handle</tt> - Sets whether the element should only be draggable by an
# embedded handle. The value may be a string referencing a CSS class value
# (as of script.aculo.us V1.5). The first child/grandchild/etc. element
# found within the element that has this CSS class value will be used as
# the handle.
# * <tt>:ghosting</tt> - Clones the element and drags the clone, leaving
# the original in place until the clone is dropped (default is <tt>false</tt>).
# * <tt>:dropOnEmpty</tt> - If true the Sortable container will be made into
# a Droppable, that can receive a Draggable (as according to the containment
# rules) as a child element when there are no more elements inside (default
# is <tt>false</tt>).
# * <tt>:onChange</tt> - Called whenever the sort order changes while dragging. When
# dragging from one Sortable to another, the callback is called once on each
# Sortable. Gets the affected element as its parameter.
# * <tt>:onUpdate</tt> - Called when the drag ends and the Sortable's order is
# changed in any way. When dragging from one Sortable to another, the callback
# is called once on each Sortable. Gets the container as its parameter.
# See http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
def sortable_element(element_id, options = {})
@ -170,8 +167,8 @@ module ActionView
# Makes the element with the DOM ID specified by +element_id+ receive
# dropped draggable elements (created by draggable_element).
# and make an AJAX call By default, the action called gets the DOM ID
# dropped draggable elements (created by +draggable_element+).
# and make an AJAX call. By default, the action called gets the DOM ID
# of the element as parameter.
# Example:
@ -182,32 +179,30 @@ module ActionView
# http://script.aculo.us for more documentation.
# Some of these +options+ include:
# <tt>:accept</tt>:: Set this to a string or an array of strings describing the
# allowable CSS classes that the draggable_element must have in order
# to be accepted by this drop_receiving_element.
# <tt>:confirm</tt>:: Adds a confirmation dialog.
# Example:
# :confirm => "Are you sure you want to do this?"
# <tt>:hoverclass</tt>:: If set, the drop_receiving_element will have this additional CSS class
# when an accepted draggable_element is hovered over it.
# <tt>:onDrop</tt>:: Called when a draggable_element is dropped onto this element.
# Override this callback with a javascript expression to
# change the default drop behavour.
# Example:
# :onDrop => "function(draggable_element, droppable_element, event) { alert('I like bananas') }"
# * <tt>:accept</tt> - Set this to a string or an array of strings describing the
# allowable CSS classes that the +draggable_element+ must have in order
# to be accepted by this +drop_receiving_element+.
# This callback gets three parameters:
# The +Draggable+ element, the +Droppable+ element and the
# +Event+ object. You can extract additional information about the
# drop - like if the Ctrl or Shift keys were pressed - from the +Event+ object.
# <tt>:with</tt>:: A JavaScript expression specifying the parameters for the XMLHttpRequest.
# Any expressions should return a valid URL query string.
# * <tt>:confirm</tt> - Adds a confirmation dialog. Example:
# :confirm => "Are you sure you want to do this?"
# * <tt>:hoverclass</tt> - If set, the +drop_receiving_element+ will have
# this additional CSS class when an accepted +draggable_element+ is
# hovered over it.
# * <tt>:onDrop</tt> - Called when a +draggable_element+ is dropped onto
# this element. Override this callback with a JavaScript expression to
# change the default drop behavour. Example:
# :onDrop => "function(draggable_element, droppable_element, event) { alert('I like bananas') }"
# This callback gets three parameters: The Draggable element, the Droppable
# element and the Event object. You can extract additional information about
# the drop - like if the Ctrl or Shift keys were pressed - from the Event object.
# * <tt>:with</tt> - A JavaScript expression specifying the parameters for
# the XMLHttpRequest. Any expressions should return a valid URL query string.
def drop_receiving_element(element_id, options = {})
javascript_tag(drop_receiving_element_js(element_id, options).chop!)
@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ require 'html/document'
module ActionView
module Helpers #:nodoc:
# The TextHelper module provides a set of methods for filtering, formatting
# and transforming strings, which can reduce the amount of inline Ruby code in
# your views. These helper methods extend ActionView making them callable
# The TextHelper module provides a set of methods for filtering, formatting
# and transforming strings, which can reduce the amount of inline Ruby code in
# your views. These helper methods extend ActionView making them callable
# within your template files.
module TextHelper
# The preferred method of outputting text in your views is to use the
# <%= "text" %> eRuby syntax. The regular _puts_ and _print_ methods
# do not operate as expected in an eRuby code block. If you absolutely must
module TextHelper
# The preferred method of outputting text in your views is to use the
# <%= "text" %> eRuby syntax. The regular _puts_ and _print_ methods
# do not operate as expected in an eRuby code block. If you absolutely must
# output text within a non-output code block (i.e., <% %>), you can use the concat method.
# ==== Examples
# <%
# concat "hello", binding
# <%
# concat "hello", binding
# # is the equivalent of <%= "hello" %>
# if (logged_in == true):
@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ module ActionView
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
# If +text+ is longer than +length+, +text+ will be truncated to the length of
# If +text+ is longer than +length+, +text+ will be truncated to the length of
# +length+ (defaults to 30) and the last characters will be replaced with the +truncate_string+
# (defaults to "...").
# ==== Examples
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", 14)
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", 14)
# # => Once upon a...
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away")
# truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away")
# # => Once upon a time in a world f...
# truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", 25, "(clipped)")
@ -63,20 +63,20 @@ module ActionView
# Highlights one or more +phrases+ everywhere in +text+ by inserting it into
# a +highlighter+ string. The highlighter can be specialized by passing +highlighter+
# a +highlighter+ string. The highlighter can be specialized by passing +highlighter+
# as a single-quoted string with \1 where the phrase is to be inserted (defaults to
# '<strong class="highlight">\1</strong>')
# ==== Examples
# highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails')
# highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails')
# # => You searched for: <strong class="highlight">rails</strong>
# highlight('You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh', 'actionpack')
# # => You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh
# # => You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh
# highlight('You searched for: rails', ['for', 'rails'], '<em>\1</em>')
# highlight('You searched for: rails', ['for', 'rails'], '<em>\1</em>')
# # => You searched <em>for</em>: <em>rails</em>
# highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails', "<a href='search?q=\1'>\1</a>")
# # => You searched for: <a href='search?q=rails>rails</a>
def highlight(text, phrases, highlighter = '<strong class="highlight">\1</strong>')
@ -89,23 +89,23 @@ module ActionView
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
# Extracts an excerpt from +text+ that matches the first instance of +phrase+.
# Extracts an excerpt from +text+ that matches the first instance of +phrase+.
# The +radius+ expands the excerpt on each side of the first occurrence of +phrase+ by the number of characters
# defined in +radius+ (which defaults to 100). If the excerpt radius overflows the beginning or end of the +text+,
# then the +excerpt_string+ will be prepended/appended accordingly. The resulting string will be stripped in any case.
# If the +phrase+ isn't found, nil is returned.
# ==== Examples
# excerpt('This is an example', 'an', 5)
# excerpt('This is an example', 'an', 5)
# # => "...s is an exam..."
# excerpt('This is an example', 'is', 5)
# excerpt('This is an example', 'is', 5)
# # => "This is a..."
# excerpt('This is an example', 'is')
# excerpt('This is an example', 'is')
# # => "This is an example"
# excerpt('This next thing is an example', 'ex', 2)
# excerpt('This next thing is an example', 'ex', 2)
# # => "...next..."
# excerpt('This is also an example', 'an', 8, '<chop> ')
@ -147,33 +147,24 @@ module ActionView
# Attempts to pluralize the +singular+ word unless +count+ is 1. If +plural+
# is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, if the ActiveSupport Inflector
# is loaded, it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form, otherwise
# it will just add an 's' to the +singular+ word.
# Attempts to pluralize the +singular+ word unless +count+ is 1. If
# +plural+ is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, otherwise
# it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form
# ==== Examples
# pluralize(1, 'person')
# pluralize(1, 'person')
# # => 1 person
# pluralize(2, 'person')
# pluralize(2, 'person')
# # => 2 people
# pluralize(3, 'person', 'users')
# pluralize(3, 'person', 'users')
# # => 3 users
# pluralize(0, 'person')
# # => 0 people
def pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil)
"#{count || 0} " + if count == 1 || count == '1'
elsif plural
elsif Object.const_defined?("Inflector")
singular + "s"
"#{count || 0} " + ((count == 1 || count == '1') ? singular : (plural || singular.pluralize))
# Wraps the +text+ into lines no longer than +line_width+ width. This method
@ -229,7 +220,7 @@ module ActionView
# Returns the text with all the Textile codes turned into HTML tags,
# Returns the text with all the Textile codes turned into HTML tags,
# but without the bounding <p> tag that RedCloth adds.
# You can learn more about Textile's syntax at its website[http://www.textism.com/tools/textile].
@ -273,25 +264,25 @@ module ActionView
# # => "<p>We like to <em>write</em> <code>code</code>, not just <em>read</em> it!</p>"
# markdown("The [Markdown website](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) has more information.")
# # => "<p>The <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown website</a>
# # => "<p>The <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown website</a>
# # has more information.</p>"
# markdown('')
# # => '<p><img src="http://rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png" alt="The ROR logo" title="Ruby on Rails" /></p>'
# # => '<p><img src="http://rubyonrails.com/images/rails.png" alt="The ROR logo" title="Ruby on Rails" /></p>'
def markdown(text)
text.blank? ? "" : BlueCloth.new(text).to_html
rescue LoadError
# We can't really help what's not there
# Returns +text+ transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules.
# Two or more consecutive newlines(<tt>\n\n</tt>) are considered as a
# Two or more consecutive newlines(<tt>\n\n</tt>) are considered as a
# paragraph and wrapped in <tt><p></tt> tags. One newline (<tt>\n</tt>) is
# considered as a linebreak and a <tt><br /></tt> tag is appended. This
# method does not remove the newlines from the +text+.
# method does not remove the newlines from the +text+.
# You can pass any HTML attributes into <tt>html_options</tt>. These
# You can pass any HTML attributes into <tt>html_options</tt>. These
# will be added to all created paragraphs.
# ==== Examples
# my_text = "Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break."
@ -316,19 +307,19 @@ module ActionView
text << "</p>"
# Turns all URLs and e-mail addresses into clickable links. The +link+ parameter
# Turns all URLs and e-mail addresses into clickable links. The +link+ parameter
# will limit what should be linked. You can add HTML attributes to the links using
# +href_options+. Options for +link+ are <tt>:all</tt> (default),
# <tt>:email_addresses</tt>, and <tt>:urls</tt>. If a block is given, each URL and
# +href_options+. Options for +link+ are <tt>:all</tt> (default),
# <tt>:email_addresses</tt>, and <tt>:urls</tt>. If a block is given, each URL and
# e-mail address is yielded and the result is used as the link text.
# ==== Examples
# auto_link("Go to http://www.rubyonrails.org and say hello to david@loudthinking.com")
# auto_link("Go to http://www.rubyonrails.org and say hello to david@loudthinking.com")
# # => "Go to <a href=\"http://www.rubyonrails.org\">http://www.rubyonrails.org</a> and
# # say hello to <a href=\"mailto:david@loudthinking.com\">david@loudthinking.com</a>"
# auto_link("Visit http://www.loudthinking.com/ or e-mail david@loudthinking.com", :urls)
# # => "Visit <a href=\"http://www.loudthinking.com/\">http://www.loudthinking.com/</a>
# # => "Visit <a href=\"http://www.loudthinking.com/\">http://www.loudthinking.com/</a>
# # or e-mail david@loudthinking.com"
# auto_link("Visit http://www.loudthinking.com/ or e-mail david@loudthinking.com", :email_addresses)
@ -338,9 +329,9 @@ module ActionView
# auto_link(post_body, :all, :target => '_blank') do |text|
# truncate(text, 15)
# end
# # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"http://www.myblog.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.m...</a>.
# # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"http://www.myblog.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.m...</a>.
# Please e-mail me at <a href=\"mailto:me@email.com\">me@email.com</a>."
def auto_link(text, link = :all, href_options = {}, &block)
return '' if text.blank?
case link
@ -349,15 +340,15 @@ module ActionView
when :urls then auto_link_urls(text, href_options, &block)
# Creates a Cycle object whose _to_s_ method cycles through elements of an
# array every time it is called. This can be used for example, to alternate
# classes for table rows. You can use named cycles to allow nesting in loops.
# Passing a Hash as the last parameter with a <tt>:name</tt> key will create a
# named cycle. You can manually reset a cycle by calling reset_cycle and passing the
# array every time it is called. This can be used for example, to alternate
# classes for table rows. You can use named cycles to allow nesting in loops.
# Passing a Hash as the last parameter with a <tt>:name</tt> key will create a
# named cycle. You can manually reset a cycle by calling reset_cycle and passing the
# name of the cycle.
# ==== Examples
# ==== Examples
# # Alternate CSS classes for even and odd numbers...
# @items = [1,2,3,4]
# <table>
@ -370,8 +361,8 @@ module ActionView
# # Cycle CSS classes for rows, and text colors for values within each row
# @items = x = [{:first => 'Robert', :middle => 'Daniel', :last => 'James'},
# {:first => 'Emily', :middle => 'Shannon', :maiden => 'Pike', :last => 'Hicks'},
# @items = x = [{:first => 'Robert', :middle => 'Daniel', :last => 'James'},
# {:first => 'Emily', :middle => 'Shannon', :maiden => 'Pike', :last => 'Hicks'},
# {:first => 'June', :middle => 'Dae', :last => 'Jones'}]
# <% @items.each do |item| %>
# <tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd", :name => "row_class") -%>">
@ -401,8 +392,8 @@ module ActionView
return cycle.to_s
# Resets a cycle so that it starts from the first element the next time
# Resets a cycle so that it starts from the first element the next time
# it is called. Pass in +name+ to reset a named cycle.
# ==== Example
@ -428,12 +419,12 @@ module ActionView
class Cycle #:nodoc:
attr_reader :values
def initialize(first_value, *values)
@values = values.unshift(first_value)
def reset
@index = 0
@ -453,7 +444,7 @@ module ActionView
@_cycles = Hash.new unless defined?(@_cycles)
return @_cycles[name]
def set_cycle(name, cycle_object)
@_cycles = Hash.new unless defined?(@_cycles)
@_cycles[name] = cycle_object
@ -462,22 +453,22 @@ module ActionView
( # leading text
<\w+.*?>| # leading HTML tag, or
[^=!:'"/]| # leading punctuation, or
[^=!:'"/]| # leading punctuation, or
^ # beginning of line
(?:https?://)| # protocol spec, or
(?:www\.) # www.*
[-\w]+ # subdomain or domain
(?:\.[-\w]+)* # remaining subdomains or domain
(?::\d+)? # port
(?:/(?:(?:[~\w\+@%=-]|(?:[,.;:][^\s$]))+)?)* # path
(?:/(?:(?:[~\w\+@%=\(\)-]|(?:[,.;:][^\s$]))+)?)* # path
(?:\?[\w\+@%&=.;-]+)? # query string
(?:\#[\w\-]*)? # trailing anchor
([[:punct:]]|\s|<|$) # trailing text
([[:punct:]]|<|$|) # trailing text
}x unless const_defined?(:AUTO_LINK_RE)
# Turns all urls into clickable links. If a block is given, each url
@ -502,7 +493,7 @@ module ActionView
body = text.dup
text.gsub(/([\w\.!#\$%\-+.]+@[A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)+)/) do
text = $1
if body.match(/<a\b[^>]*>(.*)(#{Regexp.escape(text)})(.*)<\/a>/)
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module ActionView
include JavaScriptHelper
# Returns the URL for the set of +options+ provided. This takes the
# same options as url_for in ActionController (see the
# same options as +url_for+ in Action Controller (see the
# documentation for ActionController::Base#url_for). Note that by default
# <tt>:only_path</tt> is <tt>true</tt> so you'll get the relative /controller/action
# instead of the fully qualified URL like http://example.com/controller/action.
@ -120,17 +120,72 @@ module ActionView
# exception.
# ==== Examples
# Because it relies on +url_for+, +link_to+ supports both older-style controller/action/id arguments
# and newer RESTful routes. Current Rails style favors RESTful routes whenever possible, so base
# your application on resources and use
# link_to "Profile", profile_path(@profile)
# # => <a href="/profiles/1">Profile</a>
# or the even pithier
# link_to "Profile", @profile
# # => <a href="/profiles/1">Profile</a>
# in place of the older more verbose, non-resource-oriented
# link_to "Profile", :controller => "profiles", :action => "show", :id => @profile
# # => <a href="/profiles/show/1">Profile</a>
# Similarly,
# link_to "Profiles", profiles_path
# # => <a href="/profiles">Profiles</a>
# is better than
# link_to "Profiles", :controller => "profiles"
# # => <a href="/profiles">Profiles</a>
# Classes and ids for CSS are easy to produce:
# link_to "Articles", articles_path, :id => "news", :class => "article"
# # => <a href="/articles" class="article" id="news">Articles</a>
# Be careful when using the older argument style, as an extra literal hash is needed:
# link_to "Articles", { :controller => "articles" }, :id => "news", :class => "article"
# # => <a href="/articles" class="article" id="news">Articles</a>
# Leaving the hash off gives the wrong link:
# link_to "WRONG!", :controller => "articles", :id => "news", :class => "article"
# # => <a href="/articles/index/news?class=article">WRONG!</a>
# +link_to+ can also produce links with anchors or query strings:
# link_to "Comment wall", profile_path(@profile, :anchor => "wall")
# # => <a href="/profiles/1#wall">Comment wall</a>
# link_to "Ruby on Rails search", :controller => "searches", :query => "ruby on rails"
# # => <a href="/searches?query=ruby+on+rails">Ruby on Rails search</a>
# link_to "Nonsense search", searches_path(:foo => "bar", :baz => "quux")
# # => <a href="/searches?foo=bar&baz=quux">Nonsense search</a>
# The three options specfic to +link_to+ (<tt>:confirm</tt>, <tt>:popup</tt>, and <tt>:method</tt>) are used as follows:
# link_to "Visit Other Site", "http://www.rubyonrails.org/", :confirm => "Are you sure?"
# # => <a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');">Visit Other Site</a>
# link_to "Help", { :action => "help" }, :popup => true
# # => <a href="/testing/help/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">Help</a>
# link_to "View Image", { :action => "view" }, :popup => ['new_window_name', 'height=300,width=600']
# # => <a href="/testing/view/" onclick="window.open(this.href,'new_window_name','height=300,width=600');return false;">View Image</a>
# link_to "View Image", @image, :popup => ['new_window_name', 'height=300,width=600']
# # => <a href="/images/9" onclick="window.open(this.href,'new_window_name','height=300,width=600');return false;">View Image</a>
# link_to "Delete Image", { :action => "delete", :id => @image.id }, :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete
# # => <a href="/testing/delete/9/" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure?')) { var f = document.createElement('form');
# link_to "Delete Image", @image, :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete
# # => <a href="/images/9" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure?')) { var f = document.createElement('form');
# f.style.display = 'none'; this.parentNode.appendChild(f); f.method = 'POST'; f.action = this.href;
# var m = document.createElement('input'); m.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); m.setAttribute('name', '_method');
# m.setAttribute('value', 'delete'); f.appendChild(m);f.submit(); };return false;">Delete Image</a>
@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ module ActionView #:nodoc:
# Register a class that knows how to handle template files with the given
# extension. This can be used to implement new template types.
# The constructor for the class must take the ActiveView::Base instance
# as a parameter, and the class must implement a #render method that
# as a parameter, and the class must implement a +render+ method that
# takes the contents of the template to render as well as the Hash of
# local assigns available to the template. The #render method ought to
# local assigns available to the template. The +render+ method ought to
# return the rendered template as a string.
def self.register_template_handler(extension, klass)
@@template_handlers[extension.to_sym] = klass
@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
require 'active_support/test_case'
module ActionView
class NonInferrableHelperError < ActionViewError
def initialize(name)
super "Unable to determine the helper to test from #{name}. " +
"You'll need to specify it using tests YourHelper in your " +
"test case definition"
class TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase
class_inheritable_accessor :helper_class
@@helper_class = nil
@ -29,7 +21,7 @@ module ActionView
def determine_default_helper_class(name)
name.sub(/Test$/, '').constantize
rescue NameError
raise NonInferrableHelperError.new(name)
@ -42,7 +34,9 @@ module ActionView
setup :setup_with_helper_class
def setup_with_helper_class
self.class.send(:include, helper_class)
if helper_class && !self.class.ancestors.include?(helper_class)
self.class.send(:include, helper_class)
class TestController < ActionController::Base
@ -131,6 +131,10 @@ class AssertResponseWithUnexpectedErrorController < ActionController::Base
def index
raise 'FAIL'
def show
render :text => "Boom", :status => 500
module Admin
@ -483,6 +487,16 @@ class ActionPackAssertionsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => e
assert e.message.include?('FAIL')
def test_assert_response_failure_response_with_no_exception
@controller = AssertResponseWithUnexpectedErrorController.new
get :show
assert_response :success
flunk 'Expected non-success response'
rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
flunk "assert_response failed to handle failure response with missing, but optional, exception."
class ActionPackHeaderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ CACHE_DIR = 'test_cache'
FILE_STORE_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../temp/', CACHE_DIR)
ActionController::Base.page_cache_directory = FILE_STORE_PATH
ActionController::Base.cache_store = :file_store, FILE_STORE_PATH
ActionController::Base.view_paths = [ File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../fixtures/' ]
class PageCachingTestController < ActionController::Base
caches_page :ok, :no_content, :if => Proc.new { |c| !c.request.format.json? }
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ class PageCachingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_page_caching_conditional_options
@request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/json'
get :ok
@ -151,12 +152,15 @@ end
class ActionCachingTestController < ActionController::Base
caches_action :index, :redirected, :forbidden
caches_action :index, :redirected, :forbidden, :if => Proc.new { |c| !c.request.format.json? }
caches_action :show, :cache_path => 'http://test.host/custom/show'
caches_action :edit, :cache_path => Proc.new { |c| c.params[:id] ? "http://test.host/#{c.params[:id]};edit" : "http://test.host/edit" }
caches_action :with_layout
layout 'talk_from_action.erb'
def index
@cache_this = Time.now.to_f.to_s
@cache_this = MockTime.now.to_f.to_s
render :text => @cache_this
@ -169,14 +173,26 @@ class ActionCachingTestController < ActionController::Base
headers["Status"] = "403 Forbidden"
def with_layout
@cache_this = MockTime.now.to_f.to_s
render :text => @cache_this, :layout => true
alias_method :show, :index
alias_method :edit, :index
alias_method :destroy, :index
def expire
expire_action :controller => 'action_caching_test', :action => 'index'
render :nothing => true
class MockTime < Time
# Let Time spicy to assure that Time.now != Time.now
def to_f
class ActionCachingMockController
@ -216,18 +232,48 @@ class ActionCacheTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
get :index
cached_time = content_to_cache
assert_equal cached_time, @response.body
assert_cache_exists 'hostname.com/action_caching_test'
assert fragment_exist?('hostname.com/action_caching_test')
get :index
assert_equal cached_time, @response.body
def test_simple_action_not_cached
get :destroy
cached_time = content_to_cache
assert_equal cached_time, @response.body
assert !fragment_exist?('hostname.com/action_caching_test/destroy')
get :destroy
assert_not_equal cached_time, @response.body
def test_action_cache_with_layout
get :with_layout
cached_time = content_to_cache
assert_not_equal cached_time, @response.body
assert fragment_exist?('hostname.com/action_caching_test/with_layout')
get :with_layout
assert_not_equal cached_time, @response.body
assert_equal @response.body, read_fragment('hostname.com/action_caching_test/with_layout')
def test_action_cache_conditional_options
@request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/json'
get :index
assert !fragment_exist?('hostname.com/action_caching_test')
def test_action_cache_with_custom_cache_path
get :show
cached_time = content_to_cache
assert_equal cached_time, @response.body
assert_cache_exists 'test.host/custom/show'
assert fragment_exist?('test.host/custom/show')
get :show
@ -236,11 +282,11 @@ class ActionCacheTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_action_cache_with_custom_cache_path_in_block
get :edit
assert_cache_exists 'test.host/edit'
assert fragment_exist?('test.host/edit')
get :edit, :id => 1
assert_cache_exists 'test.host/1;edit'
assert fragment_exist?('test.host/1;edit')
def test_cache_expiration
@ -349,9 +395,12 @@ class ActionCacheTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
@request.host = 'hostname.com'
def assert_cache_exists(path)
full_path = File.join(FILE_STORE_PATH, "views", path + '.cache')
assert File.exist?(full_path), "#{full_path.inspect} does not exist."
def fragment_exist?(path)
def read_fragment(path)
@ -391,6 +440,19 @@ class FragmentCachingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_nil @controller.read_fragment('name')
def test_fragment_exist__with_caching_enabled
@store.write('views/name', 'value')
assert @controller.fragment_exist?('name')
assert !@controller.fragment_exist?('other_name')
def test_fragment_exist__with_caching_disabled
ActionController::Base.perform_caching = false
@store.write('views/name', 'value')
assert !@controller.fragment_exist?('name')
assert !@controller.fragment_exist?('other_name')
def test_write_fragment__with_caching_enabled
assert_nil @store.read('views/name')
assert_equal 'value', @controller.write_fragment('name', 'value')
@ -435,7 +497,6 @@ class FragmentCachingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal 'generated till now -> ', buffer
def test_fragment_for
@store.write('views/expensive', 'fragment content')
fragment_computed = false
@ -516,7 +577,7 @@ class FunctionalFragmentCachingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
ActionController::Base.perform_caching = true
@store = ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new
ActionController::Base.cache_store = @store
ActionController::Base.cache_store = @store
@controller = FunctionalCachingController.new
@request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
@response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
@ -529,17 +590,17 @@ Hello
This bit's fragment cached
assert_equal expected_body, @response.body
assert_equal "This bit's fragment cached", @store.read('views/test.host/functional_caching/fragment_cached')
def test_fragment_caching_in_partials
get :html_fragment_cached_with_partial
assert_response :success
assert_match /Fragment caching in a partial/, @response.body
assert_match "Fragment caching in a partial", @store.read('views/test.host/functional_caching/html_fragment_cached_with_partial')
def test_fragment_caching_in_rjs_partials
xhr :get, :js_fragment_cached_with_partial
assert_response :success
@ -547,8 +608,3 @@ CACHED
assert_match "Fragment caching in a partial", @store.read('views/test.host/functional_caching/js_fragment_cached_with_partial')
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class CookieTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_expiring_cookie
get :logout
assert_equal [ CGI::Cookie::new("name" => "user_name", "value" => "", "expires" => Time.at(0)) ], @response.headers["cookie"]
assert_equal CGI::Cookie::new("name" => "user_name", "value" => "", "expires" => Time.at(0)).value, []
def test_cookiejar_accessor
@ -137,4 +138,9 @@ class CookieTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
cookies = CGI::Cookie.parse('return_to=http://rubyonrails.org/search?term=api&scope=all&global=true')
assert_equal({"return_to" => ["http://rubyonrails.org/search?term=api&scope=all&global=true"]}, cookies)
def test_cookies_should_not_be_split_on_values_with_newlines
cookies = CGI::Cookie.new("name" => "val", "value" => "this\nis\na\ntest")
assert cookies.size == 1
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ class FilterParamTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@controller = FilterParamController.new
def test_filter_parameters
assert FilterParamController.respond_to?(:filter_parameter_logging)
assert !@controller.respond_to?(:filter_parameters)
assert @controller.respond_to?(:filter_parameters)
test_hashes = [[{},{},[]],
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ class FilterParamTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
[{'foo'=>'bar', 'baz'=>'foo'},{'foo'=>'[FILTERED]', 'baz'=>'[FILTERED]'},%w'foo baz'],
[{'foo'=>{'foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'foo'}},{'foo'=>'[FILTERED]'},%w'f banana']]
test_hashes.each do |before_filter, after_filter, filter_words|
assert_equal after_filter, @controller.filter_parameters(before_filter)
assert_equal after_filter, @controller.send!(:filter_parameters, before_filter)
FilterParamController.filter_parameter_logging(*filter_words) do |key, value|
value.reverse! if key =~ /bargain/
@ -37,7 +37,13 @@ class FilterParamTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
before_filter['barg'] = {'bargain'=>'gain', 'blah'=>'bar', 'bar'=>{'bargain'=>{'blah'=>'foo'}}}
after_filter['barg'] = {'bargain'=>'niag', 'blah'=>'[FILTERED]', 'bar'=>{'bargain'=>{'blah'=>'[FILTERED]'}}}
assert_equal after_filter, @controller.filter_parameters(before_filter)
assert_equal after_filter, @controller.send!(:filter_parameters, before_filter)
def test_filter_parameters_is_protected
assert !FilterParamController.action_methods.include?('filter_parameters')
assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @controller.filter_parameters([{'password' => '[FILTERED]'}]) }
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class HelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_helper_block_include
assert_equal expected_helper_methods, missing_methods
assert_nothing_raised {
@controller_class.helper { include TestHelper }
@controller_class.helper { include HelperTest::TestHelper }
assert [], missing_methods
@ -52,16 +52,33 @@ class MimeTypeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_type_convenience_methods
types = [:html, :xml, :png, :pdf, :yaml, :url_encoded_form]
# Don't test Mime::ALL, since it Mime::ALL#html? == true
types = Mime::SET.to_a.map(&:to_sym).uniq - [:all]
# Remove custom Mime::Type instances set in other tests, like Mime::GIF and Mime::IPHONE
types.delete_if { |type| !Mime.const_defined?(type.to_s.upcase) }
types.each do |type|
mime = Mime.const_get(type.to_s.upcase)
assert mime.send("#{type}?"), "Mime::#{type.to_s.upcase} is not #{type}?"
(types - [type]).each { |t| assert !mime.send("#{t}?"), "Mime::#{t.to_s.upcase} is #{t}?" }
assert mime.send("#{type}?"), "#{mime.inspect} is not #{type}?"
(types - [type]).each { |other_type| assert !mime.send("#{other_type}?"), "#{mime.inspect} is #{other_type}?" }
def test_mime_all_is_html
assert Mime::ALL.all?, "Mime::ALL is not all?"
assert Mime::ALL.html?, "Mime::ALL is not html?"
def test_verifiable_mime_types
unverified_types = Mime::Type.unverifiable_types
all_types = Mime::SET.to_a.map(&:to_sym)
# Remove custom Mime::Type instances set in other tests, like Mime::GIF and Mime::IPHONE
all_types.delete_if { |type| !Mime.const_defined?(type.to_s.upcase) }
unverified, verified = all_types.partition { |type| Mime::Type.unverifiable_types.include? type }
assert verified.all? { |type| Mime.const_get(type.to_s.upcase).verify_request? }, "Not all Mime Types are verified: #{verified.inspect}"
assert unverified.all? { |type| !Mime.const_get(type.to_s.upcase).verify_request? }, "Some Mime Types are verified: #{unverified.inspect}"
@ -101,19 +101,79 @@ module RequestForgeryProtectionTests
post :unsafe
assert_response :success
def test_should_not_allow_post_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) { post :index }
def test_should_not_allow_put_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) { put :index }
def test_should_not_allow_delete_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) { delete :index }
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_post_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
post :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_put_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
put :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_delete_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
delete :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_post_sent_as_url_encoded_form_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::URL_ENCODED_FORM.to_s
post :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_put_sent_as_url_encoded_form_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::URL_ENCODED_FORM.to_s
put :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_delete_sent_as_url_encoded_form_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::URL_ENCODED_FORM.to_s
delete :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_post_sent_as_multipart_form_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::MULTIPART_FORM.to_s
post :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_put_sent_as_multipart_form_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::MULTIPART_FORM.to_s
put :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_api_formatted_delete_sent_as_multipart_form_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) do
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::MULTIPART_FORM.to_s
delete :index, :format => 'xml'
def test_should_not_allow_xhr_post_without_token
assert_raises(ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken) { xhr :post, :index }
@ -142,16 +202,19 @@ module RequestForgeryProtectionTests
def test_should_allow_post_with_xml
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::XML.to_s
post :index, :format => 'xml'
assert_response :success
def test_should_allow_put_with_xml
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::XML.to_s
put :index, :format => 'xml'
assert_response :success
def test_should_allow_delete_with_xml
@request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = Mime::XML.to_s
delete :index, :format => 'xml'
assert_response :success
@ -50,6 +50,13 @@ class UriReservedCharactersRoutingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
:additional => ["add#{@segment}itional-1", "add#{@segment}itional-2"] }
assert_equal options, @set.recognize_path("/controller/act#{@escaped}ion/var#{@escaped}iable/add#{@escaped}itional-1/add#{@escaped}itional-2")
def test_route_generation_allows_passing_non_string_values_to_generated_helper
assert_equal "/controller/action/variable/1/2", @set.generate(:controller => "controller",
:action => "action",
:variable => "variable",
:additional => [1, 2])
class LegacyRouteSetTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ class CookieStoreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
{ :empty => ['BAgw--0686dcaccc01040f4bd4f35fe160afe9bc04c330', {}],
:a_one => ['BAh7BiIGYWkG--5689059497d7f122a7119f171aef81dcfd807fec', { 'a' => 1 }],
:typical => ['BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7BiILbm90aWNlIgxIZXkgbm93--9d20154623b9eeea05c62ab819be0e2483238759', { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => { 'notice' => 'Hey now' }}],
:flashed => ['BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7AA%3D%3D--bf9785a666d3c4ac09f7fe3353496b437546cfbf', { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => {} }] }
:flashed => ['BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7AA==--bf9785a666d3c4ac09f7fe3353496b437546cfbf', { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => {} }],
:double_escaped => [CGI.escape('BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7AA%3D%3D--bf9785a666d3c4ac09f7fe3353496b437546cfbf'), { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => {} }] }
def setup
@ -101,6 +103,15 @@ class CookieStoreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_restores_double_encoded_cookies
set_cookie! cookie_value(:double_escaped)
new_session do |session|
assert_equal session["user_id"], 123
assert_equal session["flash"], {}
def test_close_doesnt_write_cookie_if_data_is_blank
new_session do |session|
assert_no_cookies session
@ -241,6 +252,7 @@ class CookieStoreWithMD5DigestTest < CookieStoreTest
{ :empty => ['BAgw--0415cc0be9579b14afc22ee2d341aa21', {}],
:a_one => ['BAh7BiIGYWkG--5a0ed962089cc6600ff44168a5d59bc8', { 'a' => 1 }],
:typical => ['BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7BiILbm90aWNlIgxIZXkgbm93--f426763f6ef435b3738b493600db8d64', { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => { 'notice' => 'Hey now' }}],
:flashed => ['BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7AA%3D%3D--0af9156650dab044a53a91a4ddec2c51', { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => {} }] }
:flashed => ['BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7AA==--0af9156650dab044a53a91a4ddec2c51', { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => {} }],
:double_escaped => [CGI.escape('BAh7ByIMdXNlcl9pZGkBeyIKZmxhc2h7AA%3D%3D--0af9156650dab044a53a91a4ddec2c51'), { 'user_id' => 123, 'flash' => {} }] }
@ -511,16 +511,26 @@ XML
FILES_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../fixtures/multipart'
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
READ_BINARY = 'rb:binary'
READ_PLAIN = 'r:binary'
def test_test_uploaded_file
filename = 'mona_lisa.jpg'
path = "#{FILES_DIR}/#{filename}"
content_type = 'image/png'
expected = File.read(path)
expected.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if expected.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
file = ActionController::TestUploadedFile.new(path, content_type)
assert_equal filename, file.original_filename
assert_equal content_type, file.content_type
assert_equal file.path, file.local_path
assert_equal File.read(path), file.read
assert_equal expected, file.read
def test_test_uploaded_file_with_binary
@ -529,10 +539,10 @@ XML
content_type = 'image/png'
binary_uploaded_file = ActionController::TestUploadedFile.new(path, content_type, :binary)
assert_equal File.open(path, 'rb').read, binary_uploaded_file.read
assert_equal File.open(path, READ_BINARY).read, binary_uploaded_file.read
plain_uploaded_file = ActionController::TestUploadedFile.new(path, content_type)
assert_equal File.open(path, 'r').read, plain_uploaded_file.read
assert_equal File.open(path, READ_PLAIN).read, plain_uploaded_file.read
def test_fixture_file_upload_with_binary
@ -541,10 +551,10 @@ XML
content_type = 'image/jpg'
binary_file_upload = fixture_file_upload(path, content_type, :binary)
assert_equal File.open(path, 'rb').read, binary_file_upload.read
assert_equal File.open(path, READ_BINARY).read, binary_file_upload.read
plain_file_upload = fixture_file_upload(path, content_type)
assert_equal File.open(path, 'r').read, plain_file_upload.read
assert_equal File.open(path, READ_PLAIN).read, plain_file_upload.read
def test_fixture_file_upload
@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
require 'abstract_unit'
require 'action_view/helpers/date_helper'
require 'action_view/compiled_templates'
class CompiledTemplateTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@ct = ActionView::CompiledTemplates.new
@v = Class.new
@v.send :include, @ct
@a = './test_compile_template_a.rhtml'
@b = './test_compile_template_b.rhtml'
@s = './test_compile_template_link.rhtml'
def teardown
[@a, @b, @s].each do |f|
FileUtils.rm(f) if File.exist?(f) || File.symlink?(f)
attr_reader :ct, :v
def test_name_allocation
hi_world = ct.method_names['hi world']
hi_sexy = ct.method_names['hi sexy']
wish_upon_a_star = ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
assert_equal hi_world, ct.method_names['hi world']
assert_equal hi_sexy, ct.method_names['hi sexy']
assert_equal wish_upon_a_star, ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
assert_equal 3, [hi_world, hi_sexy, wish_upon_a_star].uniq.length
def test_wrap_source
"def aliased_assignment(value)\nself.value = value\nend",
@ct.wrap_source(:aliased_assignment, [:value], 'self.value = value')
"def simple()\nnil\nend",
@ct.wrap_source(:simple, [], 'nil')
def test_compile_source_single_method
selector = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a], 'a + a')
assert_equal 2, @v.new.send(selector, 1)
assert_equal 4, @v.new.send(selector, 2)
assert_equal -4, @v.new.send(selector, -2)
assert_equal 0, @v.new.send(selector, 0)
def test_compile_source_two_method
sel1 = test_compile_source_single_method # compile the method in the other test
sel2 = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a, :b], 'a + b + a + b')
assert_not_equal sel1, sel2
assert_equal 2, @v.new.send(sel1, 1)
assert_equal 4, @v.new.send(sel1, 2)
assert_equal 6, @v.new.send(sel2, 1, 2)
assert_equal 32, @v.new.send(sel2, 15, 1)
def test_mtime
t1 = Time.now
mtime = ct.mtime('doubling method', [:a])
assert mtime < Time.now
assert mtime > t1
uses_mocha 'test_compile_time' do
def test_compile_time
t = Time.now
File.open(@a, "w"){|f| f.puts @a}
File.open(@b, "w"){|f| f.puts @b}
# windows doesn't support symlinks (even under cygwin)
windows = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/)
`ln -s #{@a} #{@s}` unless windows
v = ActionView::Base.new
v.base_path = '.'
v.cache_template_loading = false
ta = ActionView::Template.new(v, @a, false, {})
tb = ActionView::Template.new(v, @b, false, {})
ts = ActionView::Template.new(v, @s, false, {})
@handler_class = ActionView::Template.handler_class_for_extension(:rhtml)
@handler = @handler_class.new(v)
# All templates were created at t+1
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 2 : 3).returns(t + 1.second)
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report true for all since they have not been compiled
assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, t)
assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, t)
assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, t) unless windows
assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
# All templates are rendered at t+2
Time.expects(:now).times(windows ? 2 : 3).returns(t + 2.seconds)
v.send(:render_template, ta)
v.send(:render_template, tb)
v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
a_n = v.method_names[@a]
b_n = v.method_names[@b]
s_n = v.method_names[@s] unless windows
# all of the files have changed since last compile
assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] > t
assert @handler.compile_time[b_n] > t
assert @handler.compile_time[s_n] > t unless windows
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report false for all since none have changed since compile
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 12).returns(t + 1.second)
assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, @handler.compile_time[a_n])
assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, @handler.compile_time[b_n])
assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, @handler.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
v.send(:render_template, ta)
v.send(:render_template, tb)
v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
# none of the files have changed since last compile
assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert @handler.compile_time[b_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert @handler.compile_time[s_n] < t + 3.seconds unless windows
`rm #{@s}; ln -s #{@b} #{@s}` unless windows
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report true for symlink since it has changed since compile
# t + 3.seconds is for the symlink
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 9).returns(
*(windows ? [ t + 1.second, t + 1.second ] :
[ t + 1.second, t + 1.second, t + 3.second ]) * 3)
assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, @handler.compile_time[a_n])
assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, @handler.compile_time[b_n])
assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, @handler.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
# Only the symlink template gets rendered at t+3
Time.stubs(:now).returns(t + 3.seconds) unless windows
v.send(:render_template, ta)
v.send(:render_template, tb)
v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
# the symlink has changed since last compile
assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert @handler.compile_time[b_n] < t + 3.seconds
assert_equal @handler.compile_time[s_n], t + 3.seconds unless windows
FileUtils.touch @b
# private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
# should report true for symlink and file at end of symlink
# since it has changed since last compile
# t+4 is for @b and also for the file that @s points to, which is @b
File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 12).returns(
*(windows ? [ t + 1.second, t + 4.seconds ] :
[ t + 1.second, t + 4.seconds, t + 3.second, t + 4.seconds ]) * 3)
assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, @handler.compile_time[a_n])
assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, @handler.compile_time[b_n])
assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, @handler.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
Time.expects(:now).times(windows ? 1 : 2).returns(t + 5.seconds)
v.send(:render_template, ta)
v.send(:render_template, tb)
v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
# the file at the end of the symlink has changed since last compile
# both the symlink and the file at the end of it should be recompiled
assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] < t + 5.seconds
assert_equal @handler.compile_time[b_n], t + 5.seconds
assert_equal @handler.compile_time[s_n], t + 5.seconds unless windows
@ -1722,6 +1722,12 @@ class DateHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal 2, dummy_instance_tag.send!(:default_time_from_options, :hour => 2).hour
def test_instance_tag_default_time_from_options_handles_far_future_date
dummy_instance_tag = ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.new(1,2,3)
time = dummy_instance_tag.send!(:default_time_from_options, :year => 2050, :month => 2, :day => 10, :hour => 15, :min => 30, :sec => 45)
assert_equal 2050, time.year
@ -181,6 +181,17 @@ class FormHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
'<input checked="checked" id="post_secret" name="post[secret]" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="post[secret]" type="hidden" value="0" />',
check_box("post", "secret?")
@post.secret = ['0']
'<input id="post_secret" name="post[secret]" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="post[secret]" type="hidden" value="0" />',
check_box("post", "secret")
@post.secret = ['1']
'<input checked="checked" id="post_secret" name="post[secret]" type="checkbox" value="1" /><input name="post[secret]" type="hidden" value="0" />',
check_box("post", "secret")
def test_check_box_with_explicit_checked_and_unchecked_values
@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ class Author::Nested < Author; end
class PrototypeHelperBaseTest < ActionView::TestCase
tests ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper
attr_accessor :template_format
def setup
@ -86,6 +84,11 @@ class PrototypeHelperTest < PrototypeHelperBaseTest
link_to_remote("Remote outauthor", { :url => { :action => "whatnot" }, :html => { :class => "fine" } })
def test_link_to_remote_url_quote_escaping
assert_dom_equal %(<a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('http://www.example.com/whatnot\\\'s', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;">Remote</a>),
link_to_remote("Remote", { :url => { :action => "whatnot's" } })
def test_periodically_call_remote
assert_dom_equal %(<script type="text/javascript">\n//<![CDATA[\nnew PeriodicalExecuter(function() {new Ajax.Updater('schremser_bier', 'http://www.example.com/mehr_bier', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true})}, 10)\n//]]>\n</script>),
periodically_call_remote(:update => "schremser_bier", :url => { :action => "mehr_bier" })
@ -214,9 +217,9 @@ class PrototypeHelperTest < PrototypeHelperBaseTest
def test_observe_field_using_with_option
expected = %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nnew Form.Element.Observer('glass', 300, function(element, value) {new Ajax.Request('http://www.example.com/check_value', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'id=' + value})})\n//]]>\n</script>)
expected = %(<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nnew Form.Element.Observer('glass', 300, function(element, value) {new Ajax.Request('http://www.example.com/check_value', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'id=' + encodeURIComponent(value)})})\n//]]>\n</script>)
assert_dom_equal expected, observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "check_value" }, :with => 'id')
assert_dom_equal expected, observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "check_value" }, :with => "'id=' + value")
assert_dom_equal expected, observe_field("glass", :frequency => 5.minutes, :url => { :action => "check_value" }, :with => "'id=' + encodeURIComponent(value)")
def test_observe_field_using_json_in_with_option
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
text = "A\r\n \nB\n\n\r\n\t\nC\nD".freeze
assert_equal "<p>A\n<br /> \n<br />B</p>\n\n<p>\t\n<br />C\n<br />D</p>", simple_format(text)
assert_equal %q(<p class="test">This is a classy test</p>), simple_format("This is a classy test", :class => 'test')
assert_equal %Q(<p class="test">para 1</p>\n\n<p class="test">para 2</p>), simple_format("para 1\n\npara 2", :class => 'test')
assert_equal %Q(<p class="test">para 1</p>\n\n<p class="test">para 2</p>), simple_format("para 1\n\npara 2", :class => 'test')
def test_truncate
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
def test_truncate_multibyte
with_kcode 'none' do
assert_equal "\354\225\210\353\205\225\355...", truncate("\354\225\210\353\205\225\355\225\230\354\204\270\354\232\224", 10)
assert_equal "\354\225\210\353\205\225\355...", truncate("\354\225\210\353\205\225\355\225\230\354\204\270\354\232\224", 10)
with_kcode 'u' do
assert_equal "\354\225\204\353\246\254\353\236\221 \354\225\204\353\246\254 ...",
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
"This is a <b>beautiful</b> morning, but also a <b>beautiful</b> day",
highlight("This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day", "beautiful", '<b>\1</b>')
"This text is not changed because we supplied an empty phrase",
highlight("This text is not changed because we supplied an empty phrase", nil)
@ -166,18 +166,9 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("2 counters", pluralize(2, "count", "counters"))
assert_equal("0 counters", pluralize(nil, "count", "counters"))
assert_equal("2 people", pluralize(2, "person"))
assert_equal("10 buffaloes", pluralize(10, "buffalo"))
uses_mocha("should_just_add_s_for_pluralize_without_inflector_loaded") do
def test_should_just_add_s_for_pluralize_without_inflector_loaded
assert_equal("1 count", pluralize(1, "count"))
assert_equal("2 persons", pluralize(2, "person"))
assert_equal("2 personss", pluralize("2", "persons"))
assert_equal("2 counts", pluralize(2, "count"))
assert_equal("10 buffalos", pluralize(10, "buffalo"))
assert_equal("10 buffaloes", pluralize(10, "buffalo"))
assert_equal("1 berry", pluralize(1, "berry"))
assert_equal("12 berries", pluralize(12, "berry"))
def test_auto_link_parsing
@ -195,6 +186,7 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
urls.each do |url|
@ -271,6 +263,8 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal email2_result, auto_link(email2_raw)
assert_equal '', auto_link(nil)
assert_equal '', auto_link('')
assert_equal "#{link_result} #{link_result} #{link_result}", auto_link("#{link_raw} #{link_raw} #{link_raw}")
assert_equal '<a href="http://www.rubyonrails.com">Ruby On Rails</a>', auto_link('<a href="http://www.rubyonrails.com">Ruby On Rails</a>')
def test_auto_link_at_eol
@ -298,7 +292,7 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("2", value.to_s)
assert_equal("3", value.to_s)
def test_cycle_class_with_no_arguments
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { value = Cycle.new() }
@ -311,11 +305,11 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("2", cycle("one", 2, "3"))
assert_equal("3", cycle("one", 2, "3"))
def test_cycle_with_no_arguments
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { value = cycle() }
def test_cycle_resets_with_new_values
assert_equal("even", cycle("even", "odd"))
assert_equal("odd", cycle("even", "odd"))
@ -325,7 +319,7 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("3", cycle(1, 2, 3))
assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3))
def test_named_cycles
assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3, :name => "numbers"))
assert_equal("red", cycle("red", "blue", :name => "colors"))
@ -334,24 +328,24 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("3", cycle(1, 2, 3, :name => "numbers"))
assert_equal("red", cycle("red", "blue", :name => "colors"))
def test_default_named_cycle
assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3))
assert_equal("2", cycle(1, 2, 3, :name => "default"))
assert_equal("3", cycle(1, 2, 3))
def test_reset_cycle
assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3))
assert_equal("2", cycle(1, 2, 3))
assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3))
def test_reset_unknown_cycle
def test_recet_named_cycle
assert_equal("1", cycle(1, 2, 3, :name => "numbers"))
assert_equal("red", cycle("red", "blue", :name => "colors"))
@ -361,7 +355,7 @@ class TextHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
assert_equal("2", cycle(1, 2, 3, :name => "numbers"))
assert_equal("red", cycle("red", "blue", :name => "colors"))
def test_cycle_no_instance_variable_clashes
@cycles = %w{Specialized Fuji Giant}
assert_equal("red", cycle("red", "blue"))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Changes from extracting bits to ActiveModel
* ActiveModel::Observer#add_observer!
It has a custom hook to define after_find that should really be in a
ActiveRecord::Observer subclass:
def add_observer!(klass)
klass.class_eval 'def after_find() end' unless
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Active Model
Totally experimental library that aims to extract common model mixins from
ActiveRecord for use in ActiveResource (and other similar libraries).
This is in a very rough state (no autotest or spec rake tasks set up yet),
so please excuse the mess.
Here's what I plan to extract:
* ActiveModel::Observing
* ActiveModel::Callbacks
* ActiveModel::Validations
# for ActiveResource params and ActiveRecord options
* ActiveModel::Scoping
# to_json, to_xml, etc
* ActiveModel::Serialization
I'm trying to keep ActiveRecord compatibility where possible, but I'm
annotating the spots where I'm diverging a bit.
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