2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
require File . expand_path ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ) + '/../test_helper' )
class PageRendererTest < Test :: Unit :: TestCase
fixtures :webs , :pages , :revisions , :system , :wiki_references
def setup
@wiki = Wiki . new
@web = webs ( :test_wiki )
@page = pages ( :home_page )
@revision = revisions ( :home_page_second_revision )
def test_wiki_word_linking
@web . add_page ( 'SecondPage' , 'Yo, yo. Have you EverBeenHated' ,
Time . now , 'DavidHeinemeierHansson' , test_renderer )
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal ( " <p>Yo, yo. Have you <span class='newWikiWord'>Ever Been Hated " +
" <a href='../show/EverBeenHated'>?</a></span></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
rendered_content ( @web . page ( " SecondPage " ) ) )
@web . add_page ( 'EverBeenHated' , 'Yo, yo. Have you EverBeenHated' , Time . now ,
'DavidHeinemeierHansson' , test_renderer )
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal ( " <p>Yo, yo. Have you <a class='existingWikiWord' " +
" href='../show/EverBeenHated'>Ever Been Hated</a></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
rendered_content ( @web . page ( " SecondPage " ) ) )
def test_wiki_words
assert_equal %w( HisWay MyWay SmartEngine SmartEngineGUI ThatWay ) ,
test_renderer ( @revision ) . wiki_words . sort
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NoWikiWord' , 'hey you!' , Time . now , 'Me' , test_renderer )
assert_equal [ ] , test_renderer ( @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NoWikiWord' ) . revisions . last ) . wiki_words
def test_existing_pages
assert_equal %w( MyWay SmartEngine ThatWay ) , test_renderer ( @revision ) . existing_pages . sort
def test_unexisting_pages
assert_equal %w( HisWay SmartEngineGUI ) , test_renderer ( @revision ) . unexisting_pages . sort
def test_content_with_wiki_links
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <p><span class='newWikiWord'>His Way<a href='../show/HisWay'>?</a></span> " +
" would be <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/MyWay'>My Way</a> " +
" <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> " +
" <mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo><semantics> " +
" <annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'><svg/></annotation-xml></semantics></math> in kinda " +
" <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/ThatWay'>That Way</a> in " +
" <span class='newWikiWord'>His Way<a href='../show/HisWay'>?</a></span> " +
2008-05-20 17:02:10 -05:00
%{ though <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/MyWay'>My Way</a> OverThere \342 \200 \223 see } +
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/SmartEngine'>Smart Engine</a> in that " +
" <span class='newWikiWord'>Smart Engine GUI " +
" <a href='../show/SmartEngineGUI'>?</a></span></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
test_renderer ( @revision ) . display_content
def test_markdown
2007-10-27 17:34:29 -05:00
set_web_property :markup , :markdownMML
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
%{ <p>equation <math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> } +
%{ <mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo></math></p> } ,
2007-10-27 17:34:29 -05:00
" equation $ \\ sin(x)$ " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2008-10-25 00:52:59 -05:00
re = Regexp . new ( '\\A<h1 id=\'my_headline_\\d{1,4}\'>My Headline</h1>\n\n<p>that <span class=\'newWikiWord\'>Smart Engine GUI<a href=\'../show/SmartEngineGUI\'>\?</a></span></p>\\Z' )
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
assert_match_markup_parsed_as ( re , " My Headline \n =========== \n \n that SmartEngineGUI " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
assert_match_markup_parsed_as ( re , " # My Headline # \n \n that SmartEngineGUI " )
2008-10-25 00:52:59 -05:00
str1 = %{ <div class='un_defn'> \n <h6 id='definition_ \\ d \{ 1,4 \} '>Definition</h6> \n \n <p>Let <math } +
%{ class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>H</mi> } +
%{ </math> be a subgroup of a group <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://w } +
%{ ww.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math>. A <em>left coset</em> of <math class='maruku-m } +
%{ athml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>H</mi></math> in <math } +
%{ class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi> } +
%{ </math> is a subset of <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/ } +
%{ 1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math> that is of the form <math class='maruku-mathml' display=' } +
%{ inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>x</mi><mi>H</mi></math>, where <math } +
%{ class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>x</mi> } +
%{ <mo> \342 \210 \210 </mo><mi>G</mi></math> and <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns } +
%{ ='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>x</mi><mi>H</mi><mo>=</mo><mo stretchy='false'> \\ \{ < } +
%{ /mo><mi>x</mi><mi>h</mi><mo>:</mo><mi>h</mi><mo> \342 \210 \210 </mo><mi>H</mi><mo stretchy='fals } +
%{ e'> \\ \} </mo></math>.</p> \n \n <p>Similarly a <em>right coset</em> of <math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>H</mi></math> in <math class } +
%{ ='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math } +
%{ > is a subset of <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/M } +
%{ ath/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math> that is of the form <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline } +
%{ ' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>H</mi><mi>x</mi></math>, where <math class=' } +
%{ maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>H</mi><mi>x</m } +
%{ i><mo>=</mo><mo stretchy='false'> \\ \{ </mo><mi>h</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>:</mo><mi>h</mi><mo> \342 \210 \210 } +
%{ </mo><mi>H</mi><mo stretchy='false'> \\ \} </mo></math>.</p> \n </div> \n \n } +
%{ <div class='num_lemma' id='LeftCosetsDisjoint'> \n <h6 id='lemma_ \\ d \{ 1,4 \} '>Lemma</h6> \n \n <p> } +
%{ Let <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> } +
%{ <mi>H</mi></math> be a subgroup of a group <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns } +
%{ ='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math>, and let <math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>x</mi></math> and <math cla } +
%{ ss='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>y</mi></ma } +
%{ th> be elements of <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/ } +
%{ Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math>. Suppose that <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmln } +
%{ s='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>x</mi><mi>H</mi><mo> \342 \210 \251 </mo><mi>y</mi><mi> } +
%{ H</mi></math> is non-empty. Then <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://ww } +
%{ w.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>x</mi><mi>H</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>y</mi><mi>H</mi></math>.</p> \n </d } +
%{ iv> \n \n <div class='proof'> \n <h6 id='proof_ \\ d \{ 1,4 \} '>Proof</h6> \n \n <p>Let <math class='maruku-m } +
%{ athml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>z</mi></math> be some e } +
%{ lement of <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/Math } +
%{ ML'><mi>x</mi><mi>H</mi><mo> \342 \210 \251 </mo><mi>y</mi><mi>H</mi></math>.</p> \n </div> \n \n } +
%{ <div class='num_lemma' id='SizeOfLeftCoset'> \n <h6 id='lemma_ \\ d \{ 1,4 \} '>Lemma</h6> \n \n <p> } +
%{ Let <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> } +
%{ <mi>H</mi></math> be a finite subgroup of a group <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns } +
%{ ='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math>.</p> \n </div> \n \n } +
%{ <div class='num_theorem' id='Lagrange'> \n <h6 id='theorem_ \\ d \{ 1,4 \} '>Theorem</h6> \n \n <p><strong> \\ (Lagrange \342 \200 \231 s Theorem \\ ).</strong> Let <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math> be a finite group, and let <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>H</mi></math> be a subgroup of <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math>.</p> \n </div> }
str2 = <<END_THM
+ - - { : . un_defn }
###### Definition
Let $H $ be a subgroup of a group $G $. A * left coset * of $H $ in $G $ is a subset of $G $ that is of the form $x H $, where $x \ \ in G $ and $x H = \ \ { x h : h \ \ in H \ \ } $.
Similarly a * right coset * of $H $ in $G $ is a subset of $G $ that is of the form $H x $, where $H x = \ \ { h x : h \ \ in H \ \ } $.
= - -
+ - - { : . num_lemma #LeftCosetsDisjoint}
###### Lemma
Let $H $ be a subgroup of a group $G $, and let $x $ and $y $ be
elements of $G $. Suppose that $x H \ \ cap y H $ is non - empty . Then $x H = y H $.
= - -
+ - - { : . proof }
###### Proof
Let $z $ be some element of $x H \ \ cap y H $.
= - -
+ - - { : . num_lemma #SizeOfLeftCoset}
###### Lemma
Let $H $ be a finite subgroup of a group $G $.
= - -
+ - - { : . num_theorem #Lagrange}
###### Theorem
** ( Lagrange ' s Theorem ) . ** Let $G $ be a finite group , and let $H $ be a subgroup of $G $.
= - -
assert_match_markup_parsed_as ( Regexp . new ( str1 ) , str2 )
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
2007-12-21 08:53:45 -06:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
%{ <p>SVG <animateColor title='MathML'><span class='newWikiWord'> } +
%{ Math ML<a href='../show/MathML'>?</a></span></animateColor></p> } ,
2007-12-21 08:53:45 -06:00
" SVG <animateColor title='MathML'>MathML</animateColor> " )
2007-10-26 00:48:43 -05:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
%{ <div class='maruku-equation'><math class='maruku-mathml' display='block' } +
%{ xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'> } +
%{ (</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo><semantics><annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'> } +
2008-10-23 22:44:53 -05:00
%{ <svg/></annotation-xml></semantics></math><span class='maruku-eq-tex'><code style='display: none;'> } +
%{ \\ sin(x) \\ begin { svg } <svg/> \\ end { svg } </code></span></div> } ,
2008-05-21 02:06:31 -05:00
" $$ \\ sin(x) \\ begin{svg}<svg/> \\ end{svg}$$ " )
2007-10-26 00:48:43 -05:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
code_block = [
'This is a code block:' ,
'' ,
' def a_method(arg)' ,
' return ThatWay' ,
'' ,
] . join ( " \n " )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
%{ <p>This is a code block:</p> \n \n <pre><code>def a_method(arg) \n } +
2007-06-13 23:05:15 -05:00
%{ return ThatWay</code></pre> \n \n <p>Nice!</p> } ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
code_block )
2008-05-21 14:14:43 -05:00
assert_markup_parsed_as ( %{ <p>You then needed to edit (or create) a user.js file in } +
%{ your Mozilla profile, which read either (<span class='newWikiWord'>Mac OSX<a h } +
%{ ref='../show/MacOSX'>?</a></span>)</p> \n \n <pre><code> user_pref("font.mat } +
%{ hfont-family", "Math1,Math2,Math4,Symbol");</code></pre> } ,
%{ You then needed to edit (or create) a user.js file in your Mozilla profile, whic } +
%{ h read either (MacOSX) \n \n user_pref("font.mathfont-family", "Math1,Math2,Math4,Symbol"); } )
2007-10-27 17:34:29 -05:00
2007-10-28 14:04:30 -05:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
%{ <p><math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> } +
%{ <mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo></math> ecuasi \303 \263 n</p> } ,
2007-10-28 14:04:30 -05:00
" $ \\ sin(x)$ ecuasi \303 \263 n " )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
%{ <p>ecuasi \303 \263 n</p> \n <div class='maruku-equation'><math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='block' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>sin</mi> } +
%{ <mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo></math> } +
2008-10-23 22:44:53 -05:00
%{ <span class='maruku-eq-tex'><code style='display: none;'> \\ sin(x)</code></span></div> } ,
2007-10-28 14:04:30 -05:00
" ecuasi \303 \263 n \n $$ \\ sin(x)$$ " )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
%{ <p>ecuasi \303 \263 n</p> \n \n <p><math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> } +
%{ <mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo></math></p> } ,
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
" ecuasi \303 \263 n \n \n $ \\ sin(x)$ " )
2007-10-27 17:34:29 -05:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
%{ <p>ecuasi \303 \263 n <math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> } +
%{ <mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo></math></p> } ,
2007-10-27 17:34:29 -05:00
" ecuasi \303 \263 n $ \\ sin(x)$ " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_markdown_hyperlink_with_slash
# in response to a bug, see http://dev.instiki.org/attachment/ticket/177
set_web_property :markup , :markdown
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><a href='http://example/with/slash'>text</a></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'[text](http://example/with/slash)' )
def test_mixed_formatting
textile_and_markdown = [
'Markdown heading' ,
'================' ,
'' ,
'h2. Textile heading' ,
'' ,
'*some* **text** _with_ -styles-' ,
'' ,
'* list 1' ,
'* list 2'
] . join ( " \n " )
set_web_property :markup , :markdown
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
re = Regexp . new (
'<h1 id=\'markdown_heading_\d{1,4}\'>Markdown heading</h1>\n\n' +
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" <p>h2. Textile heading</p> \n \n " +
" <p><em>some</em> <strong>text</strong> <em>with</em> -styles-</p> \n \n " +
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
" <ul> \n <li>list 1</li> \n \n <li>list 2</li> \n </ul> " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
assert_match_markup_parsed_as ( re , textile_and_markdown )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
set_web_property :markup , :textile
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2007-06-13 23:05:15 -05:00
" <p>Markdown heading<br/>================</p> \n \n \n \t <h2>Textile heading</h2> " +
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" \n \n \n \t <p><strong>some</strong> <b>text</b> <em>with</em> <del>styles</del></p> " +
" \n \n \n \t <ul> \n \t <li>list 1</li> \n \t \t <li>list 2</li> \n \t </ul> " ,
textile_and_markdown )
set_web_property :markup , :mixed
assert_markup_parsed_as (
" <h1>Markdown heading</h1> \n \n \n \t <h2>Textile heading</h2> \n \n \n \t " +
" <p><strong>some</strong> <b>text</b> <em>with</em> <del>styles</del></p> \n \n \n \t " +
" <ul> \n \t <li>list 1</li> \n \t \t <li>list 2</li> \n \t </ul> " ,
textile_and_markdown )
def test_rdoc
set_web_property :markup , :rdoc
@revision = Revision . new ( :page = > @page , :content = > '+hello+ that SmartEngineGUI' ,
:author = > Author . new ( 'DavidHeinemeierHansson' ) )
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <tt>hello</tt> that <span class='newWikiWord'>Smart Engine GUI " +
" <a href='../show/SmartEngineGUI'>?</a></span> \n \n " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
test_renderer ( @revision ) . display_content
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
# def test_content_with_auto_links
# assert_markup_parsed_as(
# '<p><a href="http://www.loudthinking.com/">http://www.loudthinking.com/</a> ' +
# 'points to <a class="existingWikiWord" href="../show/ThatWay">That Way</a> from ' +
# '<a href="mailto:david@loudthinking.com">david@loudthinking.com</a></p>',
# 'http://www.loudthinking.com/ points to ThatWay from david@loudthinking.com')
# end
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_content_with_aliased_links
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p>Would a <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/SmartEngine'>clever motor " +
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'</a> go by any other name?</p>' ,
'Would a [[SmartEngine|clever motor]] go by any other name?' )
def test_content_with_wikiword_in_em
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><em>should we go <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/ThatWay'> " +
" That Way</a> or <span class='newWikiWord'>This Way<a href='../show/ThisWay'>?</a> " +
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
'</span></em></p>' ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'_should we go ThatWay or ThisWay _' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
# wikiwords are invalid as styles, must be in "name: value" form
def test_content_with_wikiword_in_style_tag
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p>That is some <em style=''>Stylish Emphasis</em></p> " ,
" That is some <em style='WikiWord'>Stylish Emphasis</em> " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
# validates format of style..
def test_content_with_valid_style_in_style_tag
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p>That is some <em style='text-align: right;'>Stylish Emphasis</em></p> " ,
" That is some <em style='text-align: right'>Stylish Emphasis</em> " )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_content_with_escaped_wikiword
# there should be no wiki link
assert_markup_parsed_as ( '<p>WikiWord</p>' , '\WikiWord' )
def test_content_with_pre_blocks
2007-10-07 01:59:50 -05:00
set_web_property :markup , :markdownMML
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2007-10-07 01:59:50 -05:00
" <p>A <code>class SmartEngine</code> would not mark up</p> \n \n <pre><code>CodeBlocks</code></pre> \n \n <p>would it?</p> " ,
" A `class SmartEngine` would not mark up \n \n CodeBlocks \n \n would it? " )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
" <p>A <code>class SmartEngine</code> would not mark up</p> \n <pre>CodeBlocks</pre> \n <p>would it?</p> " ,
" A <code>class SmartEngine</code> would not mark up \n \n <pre>CodeBlocks</pre> \n \n would it? " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
# def test_content_with_autolink_in_parentheses
# assert_markup_parsed_as(
# '<p>The W3C body (<a href="http://www.w3c.org">' +
# 'http://www.w3c.org</a>) sets web standards</p>',
# 'The W3C body (http://www.w3c.org) sets web standards')
# end
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_content_with_link_in_parentheses
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p>(<a href='http://wiki.org/wiki.cgi?WhatIsWiki'>What is a wiki?</a>)</p> " ,
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
'([What is a wiki?](http://wiki.org/wiki.cgi?WhatIsWiki))' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_content_with_image_link
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p>This <img alt='' src='http://hobix.com/sample.jpg'/> is a Markdown image link.</p> " ,
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
'This  is a Markdown image link.' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_content_with_inlined_img_tag
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p>This <img alt='' src='http://hobix.com/sample.jpg'/> is an inline image link.</p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'This <img src="http://hobix.com/sample.jpg" alt="" /> is an inline image link.' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
# currently, upper case HTML elements are not allowed
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-21 02:06:31 -05:00
" <p>This <IMG SRC='http://hobix.com/sample.jpg' alt=''/> is an inline image link.</p> " ,
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
'This <IMG SRC="http://hobix.com/sample.jpg" alt="" /> is an inline image link.' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_nowiki_tag
assert_markup_parsed_as (
'<p>Do not mark up [[this text]] or http://www.thislink.com.</p>' ,
'Do not mark up <nowiki>[[this text]]</nowiki> ' +
'or <nowiki>http://www.thislink.com</nowiki>.' )
2008-05-20 17:02:10 -05:00
def test_malformed_nowiki
assert_markup_parsed_as (
'<p><i><b/></i></p>' ,
'<nowiki><i><b></i></b></nowiki> ' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_multiline_nowiki_tag
assert_markup_parsed_as (
" <p>Do not mark \n up [[this text]] \n and http://this.url.com but markup " +
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <span class='newWikiWord'>this<a href='../show/this'>?</a></span></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" Do not <nowiki>mark \n up [[this text]] \n " +
" and http://this.url.com </nowiki> but markup [[this]] " )
2007-09-11 20:49:56 -05:00
2008-05-20 17:02:10 -05:00
def test_markdown_nowiki_tag
assert_markup_parsed_as (
'<p>Do not mark up *this text* or http://www.thislink.com.</p>' ,
'Do not mark up <nowiki>*this text*</nowiki> ' +
'or <nowiki>http://www.thislink.com</nowiki>.' )
2007-09-11 20:49:56 -05:00
def test_sanitize_nowiki_tag
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-21 14:14:43 -05:00
'<p>[[test]]&<a href=\'a&b\'>shebang</a> <script>alert("xss!");</script> *foo*</p>' ,
2007-09-11 20:49:56 -05:00
'<nowiki>[[test]]&<a href="a&b">shebang</a> <script>alert("xss!");</script> *foo*</nowiki>' )
2008-05-17 15:02:16 -05:00
def test_entities
assert_markup_parsed_as (
" <p>Known: \342 \210 \256 . Pass-through: &. Unknown: &foo;.</p> " ,
" Known: ∮. Pass-through: &. Unknown: &foo;. " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_content_with_bracketted_wiki_word
set_web_property :brackets_only , true
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p>This is a WikiWord and a tricky name <span class='newWikiWord'> " +
" Sperberg-McQueen<a href='../show/Sperberg-McQueen'>?</a></span>.</p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'This is a WikiWord and a tricky name [[Sperberg-McQueen]].' )
def test_content_for_export
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <p><span class='newWikiWord'>His Way</span> would be " +
" <a class='existingWikiWord' href='MyWay.html'>My Way</a> " +
" <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> " +
" <mi>sin</mi><mo stretchy='false'>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo stretchy='false'>)</mo><semantics> " +
" <annotation-xml encoding='SVG1.1'><svg/></annotation-xml></semantics></math> in kinda " +
" <a class='existingWikiWord' href='ThatWay.html'>That Way</a> in " +
" <span class='newWikiWord'>His Way</span> though " +
2008-05-20 17:02:10 -05:00
%{ <a class='existingWikiWord' href='MyWay.html'>My Way</a> OverThere \342 \200 \223 see } +
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <a class='existingWikiWord' href='SmartEngine.html'>Smart Engine</a> in that " +
" <span class='newWikiWord'>Smart Engine GUI</span></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
test_renderer ( @revision ) . display_content_for_export
def test_double_replacing
@revision . content = " VersionHistory \r \n \r \n cry VersionHistory "
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <p><span class='newWikiWord'>Version History " +
" <a href='../show/VersionHistory'>?</a></span></p> \n \n <p>cry " +
" <span class='newWikiWord'>Version History<a href='../show/VersionHistory'>?</a> " +
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'</span></p>' ,
test_renderer ( @revision ) . display_content
@revision . content = " f \r \n VersionHistory \r \n \r \n cry VersionHistory "
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <p>f <span class='newWikiWord'>Version History " +
" <a href='../show/VersionHistory'>?</a></span></p> \n \n <p>cry " +
" <span class='newWikiWord'>Version History<a href='../show/VersionHistory'>?</a> " +
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" </span></p> " ,
test_renderer ( @revision ) . display_content
def test_difficult_wiki_words
@revision . content = " [[It's just awesome GUI!]] "
2008-05-22 02:46:45 -05:00
assert_equal " <p><span class='newWikiWord'>It& # 39;s just awesome GUI! " +
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <a href='../show/It%27s+just+awesome+GUI%21'>?</a></span></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
test_renderer ( @revision ) . display_content
def test_revisions_diff
Revision . create ( :page = > @page , :content = > 'What a blue and lovely morning' ,
:author = > Author . new ( 'DavidHeinemeierHansson' ) , :revised_at = > Time . now )
Revision . create ( :page = > @page , :content = > 'What a red and lovely morning today' ,
:author = > Author . new ( 'DavidHeinemeierHansson' ) , :revised_at = > Time . now )
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
assert_equal " <p><span> What a<del class='diffmod'> blue</del><ins class='diffmod'> red " +
" </ins> and lovely morning<ins class='diffins'> today</ins></span></p> " , test_renderer ( @page . revisions . last ) . display_diff
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2008-05-17 01:43:11 -05:00
def test_nowiki_sanitization
assert_markup_parsed_as ( '<p>This sentence contains <span>a & b</span> ' +
2008-05-21 14:14:43 -05:00
'<script>alert("XSS!");</script>. Do not touch!</p>' ,
2008-05-17 01:43:11 -05:00
'This sentence contains <nowiki><span>a & b</span> <script>alert("XSS!");' +
'</script></nowiki>. Do not touch!' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_link_to_file
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><span class='newWikiWord'>doc.pdf<a href='../file/doc.pdf'>?</a></span></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'[[doc.pdf:file]]' )
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
def test_link_to_pic_and_file
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
WikiFile . delete_all
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils . rm_rf ( " #{ RAILS_ROOT } /public/wiki1/files/* " )
@web . wiki_files . create ( :file_name = > 'square.jpg' , :description = > 'Square' , :content = > 'never mind' )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><img alt='Blue Square' src='../file/square.jpg'/></p> " ,
2007-10-09 03:16:07 -05:00
'[[square.jpg|Blue Square:pic]]' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><img alt='Square' src='../file/square.jpg'/></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'[[square.jpg:pic]]' )
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><a class='existingWikiWord' href='../file/square.jpg' title='Square'>Blue Square</a></p> " ,
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
'[[square.jpg|Blue Square:file]]' )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><a class='existingWikiWord' href='../file/square.jpg' title='Square'>Square</a></p> " ,
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
'[[square.jpg:file]]' )
def test_link_to_pic_and_file_null_desc
WikiFile . delete_all
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils . rm_rf ( " #{ RAILS_ROOT } /public/wiki1/files/* " )
@web . wiki_files . create ( :file_name = > 'square.jpg' , :description = > '' , :content = > 'never mind' )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><img alt='Blue Square' src='../file/square.jpg'/></p> " ,
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
'[[square.jpg|Blue Square:pic]]' )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><img alt='' src='../file/square.jpg'/></p> " ,
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
'[[square.jpg:pic]]' )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><a class='existingWikiWord' href='../file/square.jpg' title=''>Blue Square</a></p> " ,
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
'[[square.jpg|Blue Square:file]]' )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><a class='existingWikiWord' href='../file/square.jpg' title=''></a></p> " ,
2007-10-09 23:56:55 -05:00
'[[square.jpg:file]]' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_link_to_non_existant_pic
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><span class='newWikiWord'>NonExistant<a href='../file/NonExistant.jpg'>?</a> " +
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'</span></p>' ,
'[[NonExistant.jpg|NonExistant:pic]]' )
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><span class='newWikiWord'>NonExistant.jpg<a href='../file/NonExistant.jpg'>?</a> " +
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
'</span></p>' ,
'[[NonExistant.jpg:pic]]' )
def test_wiki_link_with_colon
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <p><span class='newWikiWord'>Instiki:Colon<a href='../../instiki/show/Colon'>?</a></span></p> " ,
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
'[[Instiki:Colon]]' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_list_with_tildas
list_with_tildas = <<-EOL
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
* [ a ] ( ~ b )
* c ~ d
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
" <ul> \n <li><a href='~b'>a</a></li> \n \n <li>c~ d</li> \n </ul> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
list_with_tildas )
def test_textile_image_in_mixed_wiki
set_web_property :markup , :mixed
assert_markup_parsed_as (
2008-01-11 23:53:29 -06:00
" <p><img alt='' src='http://google.com'/> \n ss</p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" !http://google.com! \r \n ss " )
def test_references_creation_links
new_page = @web . add_page ( 'NewPage' , 'HomePage NewPage' ,
Time . local ( 2004 , 4 , 4 , 16 , 50 ) , 'AlexeyVerkhovsky' , test_renderer )
references = new_page . wiki_references ( true )
assert_equal 2 , references . size
assert_equal 'HomePage' , references [ 0 ] . referenced_name
assert_equal WikiReference :: LINKED_PAGE , references [ 0 ] . link_type
assert_equal 'NewPage' , references [ 1 ] . referenced_name
assert_equal WikiReference :: LINKED_PAGE , references [ 1 ] . link_type
def test_references_creation_includes
new_page = @web . add_page ( 'NewPage' , '[[!include IncludedPage]]' ,
Time . local ( 2004 , 4 , 4 , 16 , 50 ) , 'AlexeyVerkhovsky' , test_renderer )
references = new_page . wiki_references ( true )
assert_equal 1 , references . size
assert_equal 'IncludedPage' , references [ 0 ] . referenced_name
assert_equal WikiReference :: INCLUDED_PAGE , references [ 0 ] . link_type
def test_references_creation_categories
new_page = @web . add_page ( 'NewPage' , " Foo \n category: NewPageCategory " ,
Time . local ( 2004 , 4 , 4 , 16 , 50 ) , 'AlexeyVerkhovsky' , test_renderer )
references = new_page . wiki_references ( true )
assert_equal 1 , references . size
assert_equal 'NewPageCategory' , references [ 0 ] . referenced_name
assert_equal WikiReference :: CATEGORY , references [ 0 ] . link_type
2007-09-11 20:49:56 -05:00
def test_references_creation_sanitized_categories
new_page = @web . add_page ( 'NewPage' , " Foo \n category: <script>alert('XSS');</script> " ,
Time . local ( 2004 , 4 , 4 , 16 , 50 ) , 'AlexeyVerkhovsky' , test_renderer )
references = new_page . wiki_references ( true )
assert_equal 1 , references . size
assert_equal " <script>alert(& # 39;XSS& # 39;);</script> " , references [ 0 ] . referenced_name
assert_equal WikiReference :: CATEGORY , references [ 0 ] . link_type
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_rendering_included_page_under_different_modes
included = @web . add_page ( 'Included' , 'link to HomePage' , Time . now , 'AnAuthor' , test_renderer )
main = @web . add_page ( 'Main' , '[[!include Included]]' , Time . now , 'AnAuthor' , test_renderer )
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <p>link to <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../show/HomePage'>Home Page</a></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
test_renderer ( main ) . display_content
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <p>link to <a class='existingWikiWord' href='../published/HomePage'>Home Page</a></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
test_renderer ( main ) . display_published
2008-05-15 01:22:13 -05:00
assert_equal " <p>link to <a class='existingWikiWord' href='HomePage.html'>Home Page</a></p> " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
test_renderer ( main ) . display_content_for_export
def add_sample_pages
@in_love = @web . add_page ( 'EverBeenInLove' , 'Who am I me' ,
Time . local ( 2004 , 4 , 4 , 16 , 50 ) , 'DavidHeinemeierHansson' , test_renderer )
@hated = @web . add_page ( 'EverBeenHated' , 'I am me EverBeenHated' ,
Time . local ( 2004 , 4 , 4 , 16 , 51 ) , 'DavidHeinemeierHansson' , test_renderer )
def assert_markup_parsed_as ( expected_output , input )
revision = Revision . new ( :page = > @page , :content = > input , :author = > Author . new ( 'AnAuthor' ) )
assert_equal expected_output , test_renderer ( revision ) . display_content , 'Rendering output not as expected'
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
def assert_match_markup_parsed_as ( expected_output , input )
revision = Revision . new ( :page = > @page , :content = > input , :author = > Author . new ( 'AnAuthor' ) )
assert_match expected_output , test_renderer ( revision ) . display_content , 'Rendering output not as expected'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def rendered_content ( page )
test_renderer ( page . revisions . last ) . display_content
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00