A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!
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= Ruby Holidays Gem A set of functions to deal with holidays in Ruby. Extends Ruby's built-in Date class and supports custom holiday definition lists. === Installation To install the gem from RubyForge: gem install holidays Or, download the source <tt>.tgz</tt> file from http://rubyforge.org/holidays and extract it somewhere in your include path. === Examples For more information, see the notes at the top of the Holidays module. ==== Using the Holidays class Get all holidays on April 25, 2008 in Australia. date = Date.civil(2008,4,25) Holidays.by_day(date, :au) => [{:name => 'ANZAC Day',...}] Get holidays that are observed on July 2, 2007 in British Columbia, Canada. date = Date.civil(2007,7,2) Holidays.by_day(date, :ca_bc, :observed) => [{:name => 'Canada Day',...}] Get all holidays in July, 2008 in Canada and the US. from = Date.civil(2008,7,1) to = Date.civil(2008,7,31) Holidays.between(from, to, :ca, :us) => [{:name => 'Canada Day',...} {:name => 'Independence Day',...}] Get informal holidays in February. from = Date.civil(2008,2,1) to = Date.civil(2008,2,15) Holidays.between(from, to) => [{:name => 'Valentine\'s Day',...}] ==== Extending Ruby's Date class Check which holidays occur in Iceland on January 1, 2008. d = Date.civil(2008,7,1) d.holidays(:is) => [{:name => 'Nýársdagur'}...] Lookup Canada Day in different regions. d = Date.civil(2008,7,1) d.holiday?(:ca) # Canada => true d.holiday?(:ca_bc) # British Columbia, Canada => true d.holiday?(:fr) # France => false === Credits and code * Project page: http://code.dunae.ca/holidays * Source: http://code.dunae.ca/svn/holidays * Docs: http://code.dunae.ca/holidays/doc By Alex Dunae (dunae.ca, e-mail 'code' at the same domain), 2007. Made on Vancouver Island.