2012-03-24 18:22:11 +05:30

967 B

#refex matching a ref and a refex

A refex is a word I made up to mean "a regex that matches a ref". If you know [regular expressions][regex] you're halfway there.

The only extra info you need is:

  • for convenience, a refex not starting with refs/ is assumed to start with refs/heads/. This means normal branches can be referred to like this:

    RW  master      =   alice
    # becomes 'refs/heads/master' internally

    while tags will need to be fully qualified

    RW  refs/tags/v[0-9]    =   bob
  • a refex is implicitly anchored at the start, but not at the end. In regular expression lingo, a ^ is assumed at the start (but no $ at the end is assumed). So a refex of master will allow all these:


    If you want to restrict to just the one specific ref, use

    RW  master$     =   alice