2012-03-24 18:22:11 +05:30

80 lines
2 KiB

# odds and ends
Most of these items don't fit anywhere or fit in more than one place or are of
the nature of background information.
## #include include files
Gitolite allows you to break up the configuration into multiple files and
include them in the main file for convenience.
include "foo.conf"
will include the contents of the file "foo.conf" from the "conf" directory.
* You can also use a glob (`include "*.conf"`), or put your include files
into subdirectories of "conf" (`include "foo/bar.conf"`), or both
(`include "repos/*.conf"`).
* Included files are always searched relative to the gitolite-admin repo's
"conf/" directory.
* If you ended up recursing, files that have been already processed once are
skipped, with a warning.
<font color="gray">Advanced users: `subconf`, a command that is very closely
related to `include`, is documented [here][subconf].</font>
## #deny-rules applying deny rules at the pre-git access check
The access [rules][] rules section describes the problem. To recap, you want
@staff = alice bob wally ashok
repo foo
RW+ = alice # line 1
RW+ dev = bob # line 2
- = wally # line 3
RW temp/ = @staff # line 4
to deny Wally even *read* access.
The way to do this is to add this line to the repo:
option deny-rules = 1
If you want this for all your repos, just add this somewhere at the top of
your conf file
repo @all
option deny-rules = 1
## #rule-accum rule accumulation
Gitolite was meant to collect rules from multiple places and apply them all.
For example, this:
repo foo
RW = u1
@gr1 = foo bar
repo @gr1
RW = u2
R = u3
repo @all
R = gitweb
is effectively the same as this, for repo foo:
repo foo
RW = u1
RW = u2
R = u3
R = gitweb
This extends to patterns also, but I'll leave an example for later.