2009-10-21 19:19:20 +05:30

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more complex ssh setups

What do you need to know in order to create more complex ssh setups (for instance if you have two gitolite servers you are administering)? Once more unto the breach, here's more ssh magic!

In this document:

  • files on client
  • files on the server
  • sanity checks
  • two gitolite servers to manage?

files on client

  • default keypair; used to get shell access to servers. You would have copied this pubkey to the gitolite server in order to log in without a password. (On Linux systems you may have used ssh-copy-id to do that). You would have done this before you ran the easy install script, because otherwise easy install won't run!

  • gitolite keypair; the "sitaram" in this is the 3rd argument to the src/ command you ran; the easy install script does the rest


files on the server

  • the authkeys file; this contains one line containing the pubkey of each user who is permitted to login without a password.

    Pubkey lines that give shell access look like this:

    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC[snip]uPjrUiAUew== /home/sitaram/.ssh/id_rsa

    On a typical server there will be only one or two of these lines.

    Note that the last bit (/home/sitaram/.ssh/id_rsa) is purely a comment field and can be anything. Also, the actual lines are much longer, about 400 characters; I snipped 'em in the middle, as you can see.

    In contrast, pubkey lines that give access to git repos hosted by gitolite looks like this:

    command="[some path]src/gl-auth-command sitaram",[some restrictions] ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC[snip]s18OnB42oQ== sitaram@sita-lt

    You will have many more of these lines -- one for every pubkey file in keydir/ of your gitolite-admin repo, with the corresponding username in place of "sitaram" in the example above.

    The "command=" at the beginning ensures that when someone with the corresponding private key logs in, they don't get a shell. Instead, the gl-auth-command program is run, and (in this example) is given the argument sitaram. This is how gitolite is invoked, (and is told the user logging in is "sitaram").

  • config file; this file has an entry for gitolite access:


    Let's step back a bit. Normally, you might expect to access gitolite repos like this:


    But this won't work, because this ends up using the default keypair (normally), which gives you a command line. Which means it won't invoke the gl-auth-command program at all, and so none of gitolite's access control will work.

    You need to force ssh to use the other keypair when performing a git operation. With just ssh, that would be

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/sitaram git@server

    but git does not support putting an alternate keypair in the URL.

    Luckily, ssh has a very convenient way of capturing all the mundane information (username, hostname, port number (if it's not the default 22), and keypair to be used) in one "paragraph". This is what the para looks like for us (the easy install script puts it there the first time):

    host gitolite
         user git
         hostname server
         identityfile ~/.ssh/sitaram

    (The "gitolite" can be anything you want of course; it's like an alias for all the stuff below it). This ensures that typing

    ssh gitolite

    is equivalent to

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/sitaram git@server

    and therefore this:

    git clone gitolite:reponame.git

    now works as expected, invoking the special keypair instead of the default one.

sanity checks

  • ssh gitolite should get you the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND error. If you get a command line, something is wrong

  • conversely, ssh git@server should get you a command line

  • the "origin" URL in any clones should look like gitolite:reponame.git instead of something more complex

two gitolite servers to manage?

  • they can have the same key; no harm there (example,

  • instead of just one ssh/config para, you now have two (assuming that the remote user on both machines is called "git"):

    host gitolite
         user git
         hostname server
         identityfile ~/.ssh/sitaram
    host gitolite2
         user git
         hostname server2
         identityfile ~/.ssh/sitaram