2010-04-16 20:07:50 +05:30

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output of the "info" and "expand" commands

Running "ssh git@server info" or "ssh git@server expand" gives you certain output. This doclet describes the output; you're welcome to help me make it clearer :)

There are 3 columns of permissions (create, read, and write) in the output, although the first column is often blank.

Here is the output of the 2 commands (info and expand):

the "info" command


ssh git@server info
ssh git@server info [list of users]

The "info" command shows you all the repos (and repo patterns) in the config file that you have been given any kind of access to. If you're an admin you can append a list of users to see their permissions instead of your own. (Side note: if you installed using easy-install that would probably be ssh gitolite info, by the way).

  • col 1 (exists only if the "repo" name is actually a pattern)

    • @: @all users have permission to create repos matching this pattern
    • C: this user has permission to create repos matching this pattern
  • col 2

    • @: @all users have read access to this repo
    • r: this user has read access to @all repos
    • R: this user has read access to this repo
  • col 3: same as col 2, but for write access instead of read

the "expand" command


ssh git@server expand [optional pattern]

The "expand" command trawls through all the repositories on the server, limiting to repos matching the pattern you provide (default is all repos found).

For each repo found, it searches for it in the config -- either the actual repo entry (when the repo is not a wildcard repo), or an entry for the wildcard that matches it -- and reports permissions. It also takes into account extra permissions enabled by the setperms command (see doc/4-wildcard-repositories.mkd). It shows you the "creater" of the repo as an additional column, defaulting to <gitolite> if it was not a wildcard repo.

  • col 1: not used

  • col 2: same as col 2 for info, except substitute "repo" with "repo or wildcard matching this repo"

  • col 3: same as col 2, but for write access instead of read