2009-08-28 09:50:34 +05:30

1.7 KiB

assorted faqs, tips, and notes on gitolite

errors, warnings, notes...

  • cloning an empty repo is only possible with clients greater than 1.6.2. So at least one of your clients needs to have a recent git. Once at least one commit has been made, older clients can also use it.

  • when you clone an empty repo, git seems to complain about the remote hanging up or something. I have no idea what that is, but it doesn't seem to hurt anything. This happens even in normal git, not just gitolite.

  • once in a while, if you're feeling particularly BOFH-ish, take a look at $GL_ADMINDIR/log :-)

special cases

one user, many keys

Sometimes the same user needs to access the server from differnt machines (like a desktop and a laptop, for instance). Gitolite needs to be given all these public keys, but associate all of them with the same user.

Recall from the "admin" document that each "user" has one public key file called "", which seems to imply a one-to-one match.

But this is not strictly true -- gitolite allows a filename to have a small "location" piece attached to it. So you can have "" and "", for instance, and they'll all be treated as keys for "sitaram". Just add both the files to "keydir/", and use the username "sitaram" (without the "@location" part) in your gitolite.conf file.

Advantages: if a user reports one of his keys is lost or needs replacing, it's easy to remove or replace just that.

(Contrast with gitosis, which keeps multiple entries in the same "" file. Deleting or changing one of the keys involves editing the file and figuring out which key is the right one!)