2012-04-08 08:13:31 +05:30

1.4 KiB

quick install, setup, and clone

(Please do not ignore the "assumptions" list below).

On the server:

# get the software
git clone -b g3 git://

# install it
gitolite/install -ln

# setup the initial repos with your key
gitolite setup -pk

On your workstation:

# clone the admin repo so you can start adding stuff
git clone git@host:gitolite-admin.git


  • this is a fresh install, not a migration from the old gitolite (v1.x, v2.x).

  • on the server, your $PATH contains $HOME/bin. If you don't like that, there are [other install methods][install].

  • "" is your public key from your workstation.

    • also, this key does not already have shell access to this gitolite hosting user
  • the setup command does not generate any warnings.

    • if it does, please see [common errors][ce] and fix things before continuing, or read the more complete [setup][] page.


Note that the clone path is NOT "repositories/gitolite-admin.git". If you clone with a path that includes "repositories/", the clone should fail. If the clone does succeed, a subsequent push should fail :-) See [this][ybpfail] for some details. If that doesn't make enough sense read all of [ssh][].

next steps

Next steps are usually adding [users][] and [repos][] and learning about [access control][conf].