class OmniauthCallbacksController

Public Instance Methods

failure_message() click to toggle source

Extend the standard message generation to accept our custom exception

# File app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb, line 9
def failure_message
  exception = env["omniauth.error"]
  error   = exception.error_reason if exception.respond_to?(:error_reason)
  error ||= exception.error        if exception.respond_to?(:error)
  error ||= exception.message      if exception.respond_to?(:message)
  error ||= env["omniauth.error.type"].to_s
  error.to_s.humanize if error
ldap() click to toggle source
# File app/controllers/omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb, line 18
def ldap
  # We only find ourselves here if the authentication to LDAP was successful.
  @user = User.find_for_ldap_auth(request.env["omniauth.auth"], current_user)
  if @user.persisted?
    @user.remember_me = true
  sign_in_and_redirect @user