363 lines
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363 lines
16 KiB
#compdef mdfind
# Author: W. G. Scott
# Revised for 10.5 on Jan 22 2009
# July 5 2005
# for Mac OS X v. 10.4 and above
# set -x
# Use a new version for 10.5 and above:
if [[ $(uname) == Darwin && $(sw_vers -productVersion) < 10.5 ]]; then
# Old version of completion function for OS X 10.4:
_mdfind () {
# These have to be put in the environment file to work the first time
zmodload zsh/complist 2>/dev/null
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=10
zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt '%S -- more -- %s'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
# SYNOPSIS mdfind [-0] [-live] [-onlyin directory] query
# -0 Prints an ASCII NUL character after each result path. This
# is useful when used in conjunction with xargs -0.
# -live Causes the mdfind command to provide live-updates to the num-
# ber of files matching the query. When an update causes the
# query results to change the number of matches is updated.
# The find can be cancelled by typing ctrl-C.
# -onlyin dir
# Limit the scope of the search to the directory specified.
# example:
# mdfind -onlyin /Applications -onlyin /Developer "kMDItemContentType == 'com.apple.application-*'"
_arguments -C \
'-gui[use GUI menu of completions]: :->usethegui'\
'-0[used in conjunction with xargs -0]'\
'-live[live updates in search]'\
'-onlyin[specify the Directory]: :->mdsearchpath'\
'*: :->mdsearchstring'
# These functions are for "mdsearchstring"
# This function corresponds to simply entering any unrestricted string.
# There isn't anything to complete, but we need to add a space to get it to
# work right. (The _nothing fuction I would think should work, but it doesn't.)
function _stringquery {
compadd -X %B' i.e., type in your search string at the prompt, %b' " "
#_message "Now type in your search string,"
# This function generates a template for a search that is to be confined to a specified
# metadata attribute. It uses mdimport -A to find the list of possibilities, and then
# generates a template as the completion. It terminates with a single and double quote.
# The quoting structure is important.
function _querycomp {
compadd -X %B' or select one of the metadata attributes for searching from the menu below %b' \
-Q -P \" -p kMDItem -S " == '*YourSearchStringGoesHere*'\"" $(/usr/bin/mdimport -A | awk '{print $1}' | \
perl -p -e "s;('|kMDItem);;g" )
# If we want to add a second metadata search template, we have to first remove the
# trailing double quote that follows the single quote generated by _querycomp
function _chomp { BUFFER=${BUFFER/\'\"/\'} } #'
# This function first calls _chomp to chomp off the double quote, and then it appends the
# Boolean AND operator (&&) and then the second template, which closes with a single and
# then double quote. Any number of these can be added recursively, thanks to putting the
# _chomp function at the beginning.
function _queryandcomp {
# Boolean and to append a second query
compadd -R _chomp -X %B'The metadata attributes, below, alternate Boolian AND and OR %b' \
-Q -P \&\&\ -p kMDItem -S \
" == '*YourSearchStringGoesHere*'\"" $(/usr/bin/mdimport -A | awk '{print $1}' | \
perl -p -e "s;('|kMDItem);;g" )
# Same as _queryand, except uses the Boolean OR operator (||).
function _queryorcomp {
# Boolean or appends a second query
compadd -R _chomp -X %B'The metadata attributes, below, alternate Boolian AND and OR %b' \
-Q -P \|\|\ -p kMDItem -S \
" == '*YourSearchStringGoesHere*'\"" $(/usr/bin/mdimport -A | awk '{print $1}' | \
perl -p -e "s;('|kMDItem);;g" )
case "$state" in
_message 'Using Pashua GUI menu: please select a completion category'
if [[ $words == *kMDItem* && $words != *gui* ]];then
_message "Adding another searching criterion ..."
_alternative _queryandcomp _queryorcomp
elif [[ $words == *kMDItem* ]];then
_message "Adding another searching criterion ..."
_message 'Using Pashua GUI menu: please select a completion category'
_message "Enter any string either by itself or by replacing \"YourStringGoesHere\" in the metadata search template."
_alternative _stringquery _querycomp
_message 'possible search paths: prepend / for root-level directories'
# New version of completion function for OS X 10.5 and above:
_mdfind () {
# These have to be put in the environment file to work the first time
zmodload zsh/complist 2>/dev/null
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=10
zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt '%S -- more -- %s'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
# mdfind [-live] [-count] [-onlyin directory] query
# The mdfind command consults the central metadata store and returns a list of files that match the given
# metadata query. The query can be a string or a query expression.
# The following options are available:
# -0 Prints an ASCII NUL character after each result path. This is useful when used in conjunc-
# tion with xargs -0.
# -live Causes the mdfind command to provide live-updates to the number of files matching the
# query. When an update causes the query results to change the number of matches is updated.
# The find can be cancelled by typing ctrl-C.
# -count Causes the mdfind command to output the total number of matches, instead of the path to the
# matching items.
# -onlyin dir
# Limit the scope of the search to the directory specified.
# -literal Force the provided query string to be taken as a literal query string, without interpreta-
# tion.
# -interpret Force the provided query string to be interpreted as if the user had typed the string into
# the Spotlight menu. For example, the string "search" would produce the following query
# string:
# (* = search* cdw || kMDItemTextContent = search* cdw)
# The following examples are shown as given to the shell.
# This returns all files with any metadata attribute value matching the string "image":
# mdfind image
# This returns all files that contain "MyFavoriteAuthor" in the kMDItemAuthor metadata attribute:
# mdfind "kMDItemAuthor == '*MyFavoriteAuthor*'"
# This returns all files with any metadata attribute value matching the string "skateboard". The find
# continues to run after gathering the initial results, providing a count of the number of files that
# match the query.
# mdfind -live skateboard
# relevant example:
# mdfind -onlyin /Applications -onlyin /Developer "kMDItemContentType == 'com.apple.application-*'"
_arguments -C \
'-0[used in conjunction with xargs -0]: :->supply_pattern'\
'-s[show contents of smart folder <name>]: :->savedSearch'\
'-count[output total number of matches]: :->supply_pattern' \
'-interpret[user-friendly Spotlight string query]: :->supply_pattern'\
'-literal[force over-rides interpret]: :->mdsearchstring'\
'-live[live updates in search]: :->supply_pattern'\
'-onlyin[specify the Directory]: :->mdsearchpath'\
'*: :->supply_pattern_or_option'
# '*:pattern: '
# This function is for "savedSearch"
function _SavedSearches {
compadd \
"${(f)"$( command ls ~/Library/Saved\ Searches/**/*.savedSearch | perl -p -e "s|$HOME/Library/Saved\ Searches/||g",'s|.savedSearch||g' )"}"
# These functions are for "mdsearchstring"
# This function corresponds to simply entering any unrestricted string.
# There isn't anything to complete, but we need to add a space to get it to
# work right. (The _nothing fuction I would think should work, but it doesn't.)
function _stringquery {
compadd -X %B' i.e., type in your search string at the prompt, %b' " "
#_message "Now type in your search string,"
# This function generates a template for a search that is to be confined to a specified
# metadata attribute. It uses mdimport -A to find the list of possibilities, and then
# generates a template as the completion. It terminates with a single and double quote.
# The quoting structure is important.
function _querycomp {
compadd -X %B' or select one of the metadata attributes for searching from the menu below %b' \
-Q -P \" -p kMDItem -S " == '*YourSearchStringGoesHere*'\"" $(/usr/bin/mdimport -A | awk '{print $1}' | \
perl -p -e "s;('|kMDItem);;g" )
# If we want to add a second metadata search template, we have to first remove the
# trailing double quote that follows the single quote generated by _querycomp
function _chomp { BUFFER=${BUFFER/\'\"/\'} } #'
# This function first calls _chomp to chomp off the double quote, and then it appends the
# Boolean AND operator (&&) and then the second template, which closes with a single and
# then double quote. Any number of these can be added recursively, thanks to putting the
# _chomp function at the beginning.
function _queryandcomp {
# Boolean and to append a second query
compadd -R _chomp -X %B'The metadata attributes, below, alternate Boolian AND and OR %b' \
-Q -P \&\&\ -p kMDItem -S \
" == '*YourSearchStringGoesHere*'\"" $(/usr/bin/mdimport -A | awk '{print $1}' | \
perl -p -e "s;('|kMDItem);;g" )
# Same as _queryand, except uses the Boolean OR operator (||).
function _queryorcomp {
# Boolean or appends a second query
compadd -R _chomp -X %B'The metadata attributes, below, alternate Boolian AND and OR %b' \
-Q -P \|\|\ -p kMDItem -S \
" == '*YourSearchStringGoesHere*'\"" $(/usr/bin/mdimport -A | awk '{print $1}' | \
perl -p -e "s;('|kMDItem);;g" )
case "$state" in
if [[ $words == *kMDItem* && $words != *gui* ]];then
_message "Adding another searching criterion ..."
_alternative _queryandcomp _queryorcomp
elif [[ $words == *kMDItem* ]];then
_message "Adding another searching criterion ..."
_message 'Using Pashua GUI menu: please select a completion category'
_message "Enter any string either by itself or by replacing \"YourStringGoesHere\" in the metadata search template."
_alternative _stringquery _querycomp
_message 'possible search paths: prepend / for root-level directories'
_message 'possible Saved Searches in $HOME/Library/Saved\ Searches'
_message "Enter any string you would supply to SpotLight."
_message "Enter \"-<tab>\" to choose an option, or simply type any string you would supply to SpotLight."
fi # Test OS X 10.5 or above
_mdfind "$@"