truckle and cave ================ `cave` is very powerful package mangler. If you do not know it, you will not know exherbo, too. So you should try exherbo or you never will need `truckle`. `truckle` will do thing, which `cave` will never do, for example uses a pager automaticaly for longer output. Useful if you want to install many packages. And will use `sudo` if needed. Why did not `cave` provide these things? It's unclean and it should be clean. While `cave` is a very powerful package mangler, `truckle` is a smart tool for often used functions of `cave` Usage ===== truckle *PREARGS Command *ARGS Arguments ========= Precede the command, it's possible to set some arguments. These Arguments really must precede the command. - `-C|--list-commands` will list all possible commands and exit. - `-h|--help` will print this help and exit. - `-n|--dummy` will print the shellcode, which will be executed, if not --dummy. - `-s|--sudo on|off|auto` will use (or not) sudo if you are not root. - `-c|--color|--colour on|off|auto` will control the colorfull output of `cave`. - `-L|--log-level LOGLEVEL` will control the log-level of `cave`. - `-p|--pager PAGER` will change the pager to display. Instead of on|off you can use 0|true or 1|false too. Default is everytime auto. Environment =========== - `DUMMY=1` will print the shellcode, which will be executed, like `--dummy`. - `NOSUDO=1` will prevent of using sudo, if you are not root, like `--sudo off`. - `PAGER=more` will change the pager to more, instead of less, like `--pager more`. Commands ======== Most commands are like by cave. - `search` is pagered. - `show` is pagered. - `resolve` is pagered and resumable. Do *not* use `-x`! Use `resume`. - `install` is resumable and like `cave resolve -x`. - `upgrade` is pagered and resumable and like `cave resolve -c world`. Do *not* use `-x`! Use `resume`. - `remove` is pagered, resumable and like `cave uninstall`. Do *not* use `-x`! Use `resume`. - `uninstall` is resumable and like `cave uninstall -x`. - `fix-linkage` is pagered and resumable. - `do` and `resume` are resumable and will resume or execute the last command. Resumable ========= You do not need to set a resume-file. truckle will determine it automaticaly. First, you can give a first argument for tagging. Tag must be numerical! truckle 321 resolve netcat6 truckle 321 do If you do not give a tag, truckle will use the actual terminal-device-number. If it isn't possible to determine terminal, the parent-pid will be used. Like cave but different ======================= Some commands will be displayed by a pager, so you can scroll up and down like truckle resolve WHAT # cave -cy resolve WHAT | less -R truckle remove WHAT # cave -cy uninstall WHAT | less -R Some commands are not displayed by a pager, but will execute: truckle install WHAT # cave -cy resolve -x WHAT truckle uninstall WHAT # cave -cy uninstall -x WHAT «do» and «resume» are special, to execute the last command: truckle resume # | do # cave resume trdo # | tresume # shortcuts