#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'time' require 'pathname' require 'shellwords' require 'getoptlong' require 'active_support/time' require 'json' require 'fcntl' class Die (?:#{Types.map{|t|Regexp.quote t}.join '|'})) \ + (? [a-zA-Z0-9/+]+ ) # base64 encoded \ + (? .*? ) # we use it as ident \ * }x Re = /\A#{RE}\z/ attr :type, :key attr_accessor :comment def self.parse line m = Re.match line return nil if m.nil? self.new m[:type], m[:pubkey], m[:comment] end def initialize type, key, comment die "Unknown PubKey type <#{type}>" unless Types.include?( type) die "Not a (base64-encoded) PubKey <#{key}>" if %r<[^a-zA-Z0-9/+]> =~ key @type, @key, @comment = type, key, comment end def to_s "#{@type} #{@key} #{@comment}" end def == other_pub other_pub.kind_of?( PublicKey) and @type == other_pub.type and @key == other_pub.key end end class AuthorizedKeys LINERE = %r{ (?:(? (?:[a-z-]+ (?:=\"[^"]*\")?) # one option (?:, (?:[a-z-]+ (?: = \"[^"]*\")?) )* # , more options )\ )? #{PublicKey::RE} }x LineRe = /\A#{LINERE}\z/ attr_reader :file def self.parse line if m = LineRe.match( line) return PublicKey.new( m[:type], m[:pubkey], m[:comment]), m[:options] end end def initialize file @file = file end def each_line &block @file.each_line &block end def each_parsed_line &block return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given? @file.each_line do |l| case l.chomp! when /\A\s*# *(.*)\z/ yield :comment, l, $1 when /\A\s*$/ yield :empty, l else pk, o = self.class.parse( l) if pk yield :pub, l, o, pk else yield :unknown, l end end end end def each &block each_parsed_line {|t, *a| yield *a if :pub == t } end def get ident each do |line, opts, pk| return opts, pk if ident === pk.comment end nil end alias :[] :get def add! options, pub @file.open 'a+' do |f| f.puts "#{options} #{pub}" end end def delete! ident tmp = Pathname.new "#{@file}.tmp.#{Process.pid}" ret = 0 tmp.open 'w' do |f| self.each_parsed_line do |t, l, *a| if :pub == t and a[1].comment == ident ret += 1 else f.puts l end end end if 0 == ret tmp.unlink else @file.unlink tmp.rename @file end ret end end class PublicKeyFile include FileHelper attr_reader :type, :ident def initialize file, type, ident @file, @type, @ident = file, type, ident end def prepare authkeysfile, ident opts, entry = authkeysfile[ident] die "PubKey not found in authorized_keys: #{ident}" unless entry if exist? entry == @file.read.chomp else @file.open( 'a+') {|f| f.puts entry } entry == PublicKey.parse( @file.read.chomp) end rescue Errno::ENOENT die "PubKey unusable" end end class CertifcateFile include FileHelper attr_reader :metadata def initialize file @file = file end def parse r = {} popen %w[ssh-keygen -L -f], @file do |f| mode = nil f.each_line do |l| case l.chomp when /^ Valid: from ([^ ][^ ]*) to ([^ ][^ ]*)$/ r[:valid] = Time.parse( $1) ... Time.parse( $2) when /^ Type: ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) certificate$/ r[:type] = [$1, $2] when /^ Public key: ([^ ]+) (.*)$/ r[:pubkey]= [$1, $2] when /^ Signing CA: ([^ ]+) (.*)$/ r[:signca]= [$1, $2] when /^ Key ID: (.*)$/ r[:keyid] = $1.sub /\A"?(.*?)"?\z/, '\1' when /^ Serial: (\d+)$/ r[:serial]= $1.to_i when /^ Principals: \(node\)$/ r[:principals] = [] when /^ Principals:\s*$/ mode = :principals r[:principals] = [] when /^ Extensions: \(none\)$/ r[:extensions] = [] when /^ Extensions:\s*$/ mode = :extensions r[:extensions] = [] when /^ Critical Options: \(none\)$/ r[:critopts] = [] when /^ Critical Options:\s*$/ mode = :critopts r[:critopts] = [] when /^ ([^ ].*)$/ r[mode].push $1 else end end end @metadata = r end def [] key (@metadata || parse)[key] end alias to_hash [] def valid_at? ts exist? and self[:valid].include?( ts) end def create pubfile, type:, valid:, serial:, cafile:, info:, principals:, pubsdir: #sign_user_pub opts err = popen( %w[ssh-keygen -V], "#{valid.begin.strftime '%Y%m%d'}:#{valid.end.strftime '%Y%m%d'}", (:host == type ? '-h' : nil), '-s', cafile, '-P', '', '-z', serial, '-I', info, '-n', principals.join(','), pubfile, err: %i[child out] ) {|l| l.read } die "Creating certificate failed [#{$?.inspect}]: #{err}" unless 0 == $?.exitstatus serialkeyfile = pubsdir + 'serials' + serial.to_s serialkeyfile.open( 'a+') {|f| f.write self.read } self end end class SerialFile include FileHelper def initialize file @file = file end def read open 'a+' do |fh| fh.read.to_i end end alias to_i read alias get read def increment! open 'a+' do |fh| (1+fh.read.to_i).tap do |val| fh.rewind fh.truncate 0 fh.print val end end end alias inc! increment! end class Lock attr_reader :path, :file LOCK_T = [Fcntl::F_WRLCK, IO::SEEK_SET, 0, 0, 0].pack('s_s_q_q_q_') UNLOCK_T = [Fcntl::F_UNLCK, IO::SEEK_SET, 0, 0, 0].pack('s_s_q_q_q_') def initialize path @path = path @file = @path.open File::CREAT|File::RDWR, 0600 end def exclusive!() die "Unable to get lock." unless @file.fcntl Fcntl::F_SETLKW, LOCK_T end def release!() die "Unable to release lock." unless @file.fcntl Fcntl::F_SETLKW, UNLOCK_T end def exclusive &block exclusive! yield ensure release! end end module REs HOSTNAME = /[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?/ Hostname = /\A#{HOSTNAME}\z/ DOMAINNAME = /#{HOSTNAME}(?:\.#{HOSTNAME})*\.?/ Domainname = /\A#{DOMAINNAME}\z/ USERNAME = /[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/ Username = /\A#{USERNAME}\z/ USERIDENT = /#{USERNAME}@#{DOMAINNAME}/ Userident = /\A#{USERIDENT}\z/ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/17871737 OCTET = /1?[0-9]?[0-9] | 2[0-4][0-9] | 25[0-5]/x IPV4ADDR = /#{OCTET}\.#{OCTET}\.#{OCTET}\.#{OCTET}/ IPv4Addr = /\A#{IPV4ADDR}\z/ IPV6SEG = /[0-9a-fA-Z]{1,4}/ IPV6ADDR = %r< (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){7,7}#{IPV6SEG}| # 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){1,7}:| # 1:: 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:: (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){1,6}:#{IPV6SEG}| # 1::8 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){1,5}(?::#{IPV6SEG}){1,2}| # 1::7:8 1:2:3:4:5::7:8 1:2:3:4:5::8 (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){1,4}(?::#{IPV6SEG}){1,3}| # 1::6:7:8 1:2:3:4::6:7:8 1:2:3:4::8 (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){1,3}(?::#{IPV6SEG}){1,4}| # 1::5:6:7:8 1:2:3::5:6:7:8 1:2:3::8 (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){1,2}(?::#{IPV6SEG}){1,5}| # 1::4:5:6:7:8 1:2::4:5:6:7:8 1:2::8 #{IPV6SEG}:(?:(?::#{IPV6SEG}){1,6})| # 1::3:4:5:6:7:8 1::3:4:5:6:7:8 1::8 :(?:(?::#{IPV6SEG}){1,7}|:)| # ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::8 :: fe80:(?::#{IPV6SEG}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}| # fe80::7:8%eth0 fe80::7:8%1 (link-local IPv6 addresses with zone index) ::(?:ffff(?::0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}IPV4ADDR| # :: ::ffff: ::ffff:0: (IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses and IPv4-translated addresses) (?:#{IPV6SEG}:){1,4}:IPV4ADDR # 2001:db8:3:4:: 64:ff9b:: (IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Address) >x IPv6Addr = /\A#{IPV6ADDR}\z/ IPADDR = /#{IPV6ADDR}|#{IPV4ADDR}/ IPAddr = /\A#{IPADDR}\z/ end class Main attr_reader :admin, :type, :ident, :principals, :info, :expire_in, :gracetime alias :admin? :admin def initialize *argv die "2..4 arguments (type ident [principals [info]]) expected. "+ "Provided count of arguments: #{argv.length}" unless (2..4) === argv.length type, @ident, @principals, @info = argv[0..3] @admin, @type, @expire_in, @gracetime = false, type.to_sym, 12.weeks, 1.week prepare files end def prepare case @type when :host die "Invalid ident: #{@ident}" unless REs::Domainname =~ @ident @expire_in, @gracetime = 360.days, 30.days @info ||= "host: #{@ident}" @principals = ([@ident] + @principals.split( ',').map do |e| if /:/ =~ e or /\A[0-9.]+\z/ =~ e or /\A[^.]+\z/ =~ e e else e = e.gsub /\.?\z/, '' [e, "#{e}."] end end ).flatten.compact.map do |e| if /\A\[/ =~ e e else [e, "[#{e}]:19"] end end.flatten.compact.uniq when :user die "Invalid ident: #{@ident}" unless REs::Userident =~ @ident @info ||= "user: #{@ident}" @principals = @principals.split ',' when :admin die "Invalid ident: #{@ident}" unless REs::Userident =~ @ident @info ||= "admin: #{@ident}" @type, @admin = :user, true @principals = @principals.split ',' else die "Invalid type: #{@type}" end end attr_reader :lock, :pubsdir, :pubfile, :certfile, :cafile, :capubfile, :serialfile, :authkeysfile def files @config = begin JSON.parse Pathname.new( "~/.config/ssh-ca.conf").read rescue Errno::ENOENT {} rescue JSON::JSONError die "500, Internal server error" end @lock = Lock.new Pathname.new( @config[:lockfile] || "/run/lock/ssh-ca.lock") @storage = Pathname.new( @config[:storage] || "~/.local/sshca") @pubsdir = if @config[:pubsdir] then Pathname.new @config[:pubsdir] else @storage + 'pubs' end.expand_path @pubfile = PublicKeyFile.new @pubsdir + "#{@type}-#{@ident}.pub", @type, @ident @certfile = CertifcateFile.new @pubsdir + "#{@type}-#{@ident}-cert.pub" @cafile = @storage + "ca" @capubfile = @storage + "ca.pub" @serialfile = SerialFile.new @storage + "serial" @authkeysfile = AuthorizedKeys.new Pathname.new( @config[:authorized_keys_file] || "~/.ssh/authorized_keys").expand_path @binfile = @config[:command] || __FILE__ end def help msg=nil STDERR.puts msg if msg conn = "#{ENV['LOGNAME']}@#{`hostname -f`}".chomp STDERR.puts <<-EOHELP.gsub( /^\s*#(.*)$/, admin? ? ":\\1" : "").sub(/\n+/, "\n").gsub( /^\s*:/, '') :Usage: ssh #{conn} renew [force] [show] : ssh #{conn} show : ssh #{conn} help : ssh #{conn} jsonl # ssh #{conn} keylist # ssh #{conn} keyimport host|user|admin IDENT PRINCIPALS* # ssh #{conn} keydelete IDENT : :[h]elp :[r]enew Renews (if expires in graceperiod) or creates (if not existing) certificate : [f]orce forces renewal, also if valid for graceperiod :[s]how Shows current certificate :jsonl Expect commands via STDIN as JSONL and responses via STDOUT in JSONL : Request format: [0, CMD, ARGS...] : Response format: [SCODE, BODY] : SCODEs are like HTTP. #keylist Lists installed keys #keyimport host|user|admin IDENT PRINCIPALS* # Import new key as host (a host-key) or user|admin (a user-key) # Users and hosts are allowed to renew there keys. # Admins are allowed to administrate keys (import/delete). #keydelete IDENT # Deletes key of this IDENT : :possible CMD: :}]> => : => : : RENEWED indicates if file was renewed (true|false). : CONTENT is the content of the certfile (String). : DATA is the parsed file (ssh-keygen -L) (Hash). EOHELP exit 1 end def show argv die "Unexpected addition parameters: #{argv.shelljoin}" unless 1 == argv.length die "No certfile, yet: #{@certfile.basename}" unless @certfile.exist? lock.exclusive do puts @certfile.read end end def renew argv begin unexpected = argv[1..-1] - %w[s show f force] die "Unknown argument: #{unexpected.shelljoin}" unless unexpected.empty? end show = ! (argv[1..-1] & %w[s show]).empty? force = ! (argv[1..-1] & %w[f force]).empty? lock.exclusive do @pubfile.prepare @authkeysfile, ident die "Pubfile or pub in authorized_keys for #{ident} not found." unless @pubfile.exist? if !force && @certfile.exist? && @certfile.valid_at?( @gracetime.from_now) && @certfile[:principals].sort == principals.sort STDERR.print "Certificate [#{@certfile[:serial]}|#{@certfile[:keyid]}] "+ "valid between #{@certfile[:valid]} as #{@certfile[:principals].sort.join ', '}\n" STDERR.flush STDOUT.print "#{@certfile.read.chomp}\n" if show exit 0 end STDERR.puts "Renew certificate for #{ident} as #{principals.sort.join ', '}" @certfile.create @pubfile, type: type, valid: -5.minutes.ago..@expire_in.from_now, serial: @serialfile.increment!, cafile: @cafile, info: info, principals: principals, pubsdir: @pubsdir puts @certfile.read if show end end def jsonl STDIN.each_line do |line| begin line = JSON.parse line, symbolize_names: true cmd, args = line[0].to_sym, line[1..-1] case cmd when :renew die "renew expects no or a Hash as args." unless (0..1).include?( args.length) && args.kind_of?( Hash) args ||= {} args[:force] = !!args[:force] lock.exclusive do @pubfile.prepare authkeyfile, ident die "Pubfile or pub in authorized_keys for #{ident} not found." unless @pubfile.exist? if !args[:force] && @certfile.valid_at?( @gracetime.from_now) STDOUT.puts [200, false, @certfile.metadata, @certfile.read].to_json end @certfile.create @pubfile, type: type, pubsdir: @pubsdir, valid: -5.minutes.ago..@expire_in.from_now, serial: @serialfile.increment!, cafile: @cafile, info: info, principals: principals STDOUT.puts [200, true, @certfile.metadata, @certfile.read].to_json end when :get lock.exclusive do STDOUT.puts [200, @certfile.metadata, @certfile.read].to_json end else die "Unknown command." end rescue Object STDOUT.puts [500, $!.class.name, $!.to_s].to_json end end end def keyimport argv help "Unknown command: #{argv[0]}" unless admin type, ident, *principals = argv[1..-1].map(&:downcase) case type when 'host' die "Ident must be a domainname / hostname" unless REs::Domainname =~ ident principals.each do |princ| case princ when REs::Domainname then # ok when REs::IPv6Addr then # ok when REs::IPv4Addr then # ok else die "Principals must be domainnames or IP-addresses, not <#{princ}>" end end when 'user', 'admin' die "Ident must be user@hostname (lower cased)" unless REs::Userident =~ ident else die "Type of key expected (host, user, admin) instead of <#{type}>." end str = STDIN.readline.chomp pk, _ = PublicKey.parse( str) die "Cannot parse public key <#{str}>." unless pk pk.comment = ident lock.exclusive do @authkeysfile.add! "restrict,command=\"#{__FILE__} #{type} #{ident} #{principals.join ','}\"", pk end end def keydelete argv help "Unknown command: #{argv[0]}" unless admin ident = argv[1] lock.exclusive do @authkeysfile.delete! ident end end def keylist argv help "Unknown command: #{argv[0]}" unless admin lock.exclusive do @authkeysfile.each_line {|l| STDOUT.print l } end end def exec cmd help unless cmd die "Unallowed char in arguments [\\0]" if cmd.include? 0.chr argv = cmd.shellsplit case argv[0] when *%w[h help] then help when *%w[s show] then show argv when *%w[r renew] then renew argv when 'jsonl' then jsonl argv when 'keyimport' then keyimport argv when 'keydelete' then keydelete argv when 'keylist' then keylist argv else help "Unknown command: #{argv[0]}" end end end ################################################# begin main = Main.new *ARGV main.exec ENV['SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND'] rescue SystemExit raise rescue Die STDERR.puts $! exit 1 rescue Object STDERR.puts "#$! (#{$!.class})", *$!.backtrace exit 2 end