# SmqlToAR - Parser: Converts SMQL to ActiveRecord # Copyright (C) 2011 Denis Knauf # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . class SmqlToAR ############################################################################# # Alle Subklassen (qualitativ: ConditionTypes::*), die als Superklasse Condition haben, # stellen eine Regel dar, unter diesen sie das gesuchte Objekt annehmen. # Nimmt eine solche Klasse ein Object nicht an, so wird die naechste Klasse ausprobiert. # Es wird in der Reihenfolge abgesucht, in der #constants die Klassen liefert, # wobei angenommen wird, dass diese nach dem Erstellungszeitpunkt sortiert sind, # aeltere zuerst. # Nimmt eine Klasse ein Objekt an, so soll diese Klasse instanziert werden. # Alles weitere siehe Condition. module ConditionTypes extend SmqlToAR::Assertion class < [:givenname, :surname, :nick] def split_keys k k.split( '|').collect &:to_sym end def conditions &e unless block_given? r = Enumerator.new( self, :conditions) s = self r.define_singleton_method :[] do |k| s.conditions.select {|c| c::Operator === k } end return r end constants.each do |c| next if :Condition == c c = const_get c next if Condition === c yield c end end # Eine Regel parsen. # Ex: Person, "givenname=", "Peter" def try_parse_it model, colop, val r = nil #p :try_parse => { :model => model, :colop => colop, :value => val } conditions.each do |c| raise_unless colop =~ /^(?:\d*:)?(.*?)(\W*)$/, UnexpectedColOpError.new( model, colop, val) col, op = $1, $2 col = split_keys( col).collect {|c| Column.new model, c } r = c.try_parse model, col, op, val break if r end raise_unless r, UnexpectedError.new( model, colop, val) r end # Alle Regeln parsen. Die Regeln sind in einem Hash der Form {colop => val} # Ex: Person, {"givenname=", "Peter", "surname=", "Mueller"} def try_parse model, colopvals colopvals.collect do |colop, val| #p :try_parse => { colop: colop, val: val, model: model } try_parse_it model, colop, val end rescue SMQLError => e raise SubSMQLError.new( colopvals, model, e) end # Erstellt eine Condition fuer eine Regel. def simple_condition superclass, op = nil, where = nil, expected = nil cl = Class.new superclass cl.const_set :Operator, op if op cl.const_set :Where, where if where cl.const_set :Expected, expected if expected cl end end class Condition include SmqlToAR::Assertion extend SmqlToAR::Assertion attr_reader :value, :cols Operator = nil Expected = [] Where = nil class < name, :try_parse => op, :cols => cols, :with => self::Operator, :value => val, :expected => self::Expected, :model => model.name new model, cols, val if self::Operator === op and self::Expected.any?( &it === val) end def inspect "#{self.name}(:operator=>#{self::Operator.inspect}, :expected=>#{self::Expected.inspect}, :where=>#{self::Where.inspect})" end end def initialize model, cols, val @model, @cols = model, cols @value = case val when Hash, Range then val else Array.wrap val end verify end def inspect "#<#{self.class.name}:0x#{(self.object_id<<1).to_s 16} model: #{self.class.name}, cols: #{@cols.inspect}, value: #{@value.inspect}>" end def verify @cols.each do |col| verify_column col verify_allowed col end end # Gibt es eine Spalte diesen Namens? # Oder: Gibt es eine Relation diesen Namens? (Hier nicht der Fall) def verify_column col raise_unless col.exist_in?, NonExistingColumnError.new( %w[Column], col) end # Modelle koennen Spalten/Relationen verbieten mit Model#smql_protected. # Dieses muss ein Object mit #include?( name_als_string) zurueckliefern, # welches true fuer verboten und false fuer, erlaubt steht. def verify_allowed col raise_if col.protected?, ProtectedColumnError.new( col) end # Erstelle alle noetigen Klauseln. builder nimmt diese entgegen, # wobei builder.joins, builder.select, builder.where und builder.wobs von interesse sind. # mehrere Schluessel bedeuten, dass die Values _alle_ zutreffen muessen, wobei die Schluessel geODERt werden. # Ex: # 1) {"givenname=", "Peter"} #=> givenname = 'Peter' # 2) {"givenname=", ["Peter", "Hans"]} #=> ( givenname = 'Peter' OR givenname = 'Hans' ) # 3) {"givenname|surname=", ["Peter", "Mueller"]} # #=> ( givenname = 'Peter' OR surname = 'Peter' ) AND ( givenname = 'Mueller' OR surname = 'Mueller' ) def build builder, table values = Hash[ @value.collect {|value| [ builder.vid, value ] } ] values.each {|k, v| builder.wobs k.sym => v } if 1 == @cols.length @cols.each do |col| col.joins builder, table col = builder.column table+col.path, col.col builder.where values.keys.collect {|vid| self.class::Where % [ col, vid.to_s ] } end else b2 = SmqlToAR::And.new builder values.keys.each do |vid| b2.where SmqlToAR::Or[ *@cols.collect {|col| col.joins builder, table col = builder.column table+col.path, col.col self.class::Where % [ col, vid.to_s ] }] end end self end end class NotInRange < Condition Operator = '!..' Where = "%s NOT BETWEEN %s AND %s" Expected = [Range, lambda {|val| Array === val && 2 == val.length } ] def initialze model, cols, val if Array === val && 2 == val.length f, l = val f, l = Time.parse(f), Time.parse(l) if f.kind_of? String val = f..l end super model, cols, val end def build builder, table builder.wobs (v1 = builder.vid) => @value.begin, (v2 = builder.vid) => @value.end @cols.each do |col| col.joins builder, table builder.where self.class::Where % [ builder.column( table+col.path, col.col), v1, v2] end self end end InRange = simple_condition NotInRange, '..', "%s BETWEEN %s AND %s" class NotIn < Condition Operator = '!|=' Where = "%s NOT IN (%s)" Expected = [Array] def build builder, table builder.wobs (v = builder.vid).to_sym => @value @cols.each do |col| col.joins builder, table builder.where self.class::Where % [ builder.column( table+col.path, col.col), v.to_s] end self end end In = simple_condition NotIn, '|=', '%s IN (%s)', [Array] In2 = simple_condition In, '', nil, [Array] NotEqual = simple_condition Condition, '!=', "%s <> %s", [Array, String, Numeric] NotEqual2 = simple_condition Condition, '<>', "%s <> %s", [Array, String, Numeric] GreaterThanOrEqual = simple_condition Condition, '>=', "%s >= %s", [Array, Numeric] LesserThanOrEqual = simple_condition Condition, '<=', "%s <= %s", [Array, Numeric] # Examples: # { 'articles=>' => { id: 1 } } # { 'articles=>' => [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 } ] } class EqualJoin b2 } end self end end # Takes to Queries. # First Query will be a Subquery, second a regular query. # Example: # Person.smql 'sub.articles:' => [{'limit:' => 1, 'order:': 'updated_at desc'}, {'content~' => 'some text'}] # Person must have as last Article (compared by updated_at) owned by Person a Artive which has 'some text' in content. # The last Article needn't to have 'some text' has content, the subquery takes it anyway. # But the second query compares to it and never to any other Article, because these are filtered by first query. # The difference to # Person.smql :articles => {'content~' => 'some text', 'limit:' => 1, 'order:': 'updated_at desc'} # is, second is not allowed (limit and order must be in root) and this means something like # "Person must have the Article owned by Person which has 'some text' in content. # limit and order has no function in this query and this article needn't to be the last." =begin class SubEqualJoin < EqualJoin Operator = '()' Expected = [lambda {|x| x.kind_of?( Array) and (1..2).include?( x.length) and x.all?( &it.kind_of?( Hash))}] def initialize model, cols, val super model, cols, val[1] # sub: model, subquery, sub(condition) @cols.each {|col, sub| sub[ 1..-1] = SmqlToAR.new( col.relation, val[0]).parse, *sub[-1] } end def verify_column col raise_unless col.child?, ConColumnError.new( [:Column], col) end def build builder, table @cols.each do |col, sub| t = table+col.to_a builder.sub_joins t, col, *sub[0..1] #ap sub: sub[2..-1] sub[2..-1].each &it.build( builder, t) end self end end =end Equal = simple_condition Condition, '=', "%s = %s", [Array, String, Numeric] Equal2 = simple_condition Equal, '', "%s = %s", [String, Numeric] GreaterThan = simple_condition Condition, '>', "%s > %s", [Array, Numeric] LesserThan = simple_condition Condition, '<', "%s < %s", [Array, Numeric] NotIlike = simple_condition Condition, '!~', "%s NOT ILIKE %s", [Array, String] Ilike = simple_condition Condition, '~', "%s ILIKE %s", [Array, String] Exists = simple_condition Condition, '', '%s IS NOT NULL', [TrueClass] NotExists = simple_condition Condition, '', '%s IS NULL', [FalseClass] Join = simple_condition EqualJoin, '', nil, [Hash] InRange2 = simple_condition InRange, '', nil, [Range] class Select < Condition Operator = '' Expected = [nil] def verify_column col raise_unless col.exist_in? || SmqlToAR.model_of( col.last_model, col.col), NonExistingSelectableError.new( col) end def build builder, table @cols.each do |col| if col.exist_in? col.joins builder, table builder.select table+col.to_a else col.joins {|j, m| builder.includes table+j } builder.includes table+col.to_a end end self end end class Functions < Condition Operator = ':' Expected = [String, Array, Hash, Numeric, nil] class Function include SmqlToAR::Assertion Name = nil Expected = [] attr_reader :model, :func, :args class <#{self::Name}, :expected=>#{self::Expected})" end end def initialize model, func, args @model, @func, @args = model, func, args end end class Order < Function Name = :order Expected = [String, Array, Hash, nil] def initialize model, func, args args = case args when String then [args] when Array, Hash then args.to_a when nil then nil else raise 'Oops' end args.andand.collect! do |o| o = Array.wrap o col = Column.new model, o.first o = 'desc' == o.last.to_s.downcase ? :DESC : :ASC raise_unless col.exist_in?, NonExistingColumnError.new( [:Column], col) [col, o] end super model, func, args end def build builder, table return if @args.blank? @args.each do |o| col, o = o col.joins builder, table t = table + col.path raise_unless 1 == t.length, RootOnlyFunctionError.new( t) builder.order t, col.col, o end end end class Limit < Function Name = :limit Expected = [Fixnum] def build builder, table raise_unless 1 == table.length, RootOnlyFunctionError.new( table) builder.limit = Array.wrap(@args).first.to_i end end class Offset < Function Name = :offset Expected = [Fixnum] def build builder, table raise_unless 1 == table.length, RootOnlyFunctionError.new( table) builder.offset = Array.wrap(@args).first.to_i end end def self.new model, col, val r = nil constants.each do |c| next if [:Function, :Where, :Expected, :Operator].include? c c = const_get c next if Function === c or not c.respond_to?( :try_parse) r = c.try_parse model, col.first.to_sym, val break if r end r end end end end