# SmqlToAR - Builds AR-querys: Converts SMQL to ActiveRecord # Copyright (C) 2011 Denis Knauf # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . class SmqlToAR ####################################################################################### # Baut die Queries zusammen. class QueryBuilder # Erzeugt einen eindeutigen Identikator "cX", wobei X iteriert wird. class Vid attr_reader :vid def initialize( vid) @vid = vid end def to_s() ":c#{@vid}" end def to_sym() "c#{@vid}".to_sym end alias sym to_sym def to_i() @vid end end attr_reader :table_alias, :model, :table_model, :base_table, :_where, :_select, :_wobs, :_joins attr_accessor :logger def initialize model @logger = SmqlToAR.logger @table_alias = Hash.new do |h, k| k = Array.wrap k h[k] = "smql,#{k.join(',')}" end @_vid, @_where, @_wobs, @model, @quoter = 0, [], {}, model, model.connection @base_table = [model.table_name.to_sym] @table_alias[ @base_table] = @base_table.first t = quote_table_name @table_alias[ @base_table] @_select, @_joins, @_joined, @_includes, @_order = ["DISTINCT #{t}.*"], "", [], [], [] @table_model = {@base_table => @model} end def vid() Vid.new( @_vid+=1) end # Jede via where uebergebene Condition wird geodert und alle zusammen werden geundet. # "Konjunktive Normalform". Allerdings duerfen Conditions auch Komplexe Abfragen enthalten. # Ex: builder.where( 'a = a', 'b = c').where( 'c = d', 'e = e').where( 'x = y').where( '( m = n AND o = p )', 'f = g') # #=> WHERE ( a = a OR b = c ) AND ( c = d OR e = e ) AND x = y ( ( m = n AND o = p ) OR f = g ) def where *cond @_where.push cond self end def wobs vals @_wobs.update vals self end def quote_column_name name @quoter.quote_column_name( name).gsub /"\."/, ',' end def quote_table_name name @quoter.quote_table_name( name).gsub /"\."/, ',' end def column table, name "#{quote_table_name table.kind_of?(String) ? table : @table_alias[table]}.#{quote_column_name name}" end def build_join orig, pretable, table, prekey, key " JOIN #{quote_table_name orig.to_sym} AS #{quote_table_name table} ON #{column pretable, prekey} = #{column table, key} " end def join table, model return self if @_joined.include? table # Already joined pretable = table[0...-1] @table_model[ table] = model premodel = @table_model[ pretable] t = @table_alias[ table] pt = quote_table_name @table_alias[ table[ 0...-1]] refl = premodel.reflections[table.last] case refl.macro when :has_many @_joins += build_join model.table_name, pretable, t, premodel.primary_key, refl.primary_key_name when :belongs_to @_joins += build_join model.table_name, pretable, t, refl.primary_key_name, premodel.primary_key when :has_and_belongs_to_many jointable = [','] + table @_joins += build_join refl.options[:join_table], pretable, @table_alias[jointable], premodel.primary_key, refl.primary_key_name @_joins += build_join model.table_name, jointable, t, refl.association_foreign_key, refl.association_primary_key else raise BuilderError, "Unkown reflection macro: #{refl.macro.inspect}" end @_joined.push table self end def includes table @_includes.push table self end def select col @_select.push quote_column_name( @table_alias[col]) self end def order table, col, o ct = column table, col @_select.push ct @_order.push "#{ct} #{:DESC == o ? :DESC : :ASC}" self end class Dummy def method_missing m, *a, &e #p :dummy => m, :pars => a, :block => e self end end def build_ar where_str = @_where.collect do |w| w = Array.wrap w 1 == w.length ? w.first : "( #{w.join( ' OR ')} )" end.join ' AND ' incls = {} @_includes.each do |inc| b = incls inc[1..-1].collect {|rel| b = b[rel] ||= {} } end @logger.debug incls: incls, joins: @_joins @model = @model. select( @_select.join( ', ')). joins( @_joins). where( where_str, @_wobs). order( @_order.join( ', ')). includes( incls) end def fix_calculate def @model.calculate operation, column_name, options = nil options = options.try(:dup) || {} options[:distinct] = true unless options.except(:distinct).present? column_name = klass.primary_key unless column_name.present? super operation, column_name, options end self end def to_ar build_ar fix_calculate @model end end end