# SmqlToAR - Base library: Converts SMQL to ActiveRecord # Copyright (C) 2011 Denis Knauf # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . class SmqlToAR include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable ############################################################################r # Exceptions class SMQLError < Exception attr_reader :data def initialize data @data = data super data.inspect end end # Ein Fehler ist in einem Subquery aufgetreten. # Die eigentliche Exception wird in @data[:exception] hinterlegt. class SubSMQLError < SMQLError def initialize query, model, exception ex = {:class => exception.class, :message => exception.message} ex[:data] = exception.data if exception.respond_to? :data super :query => query, :model => model.to_s, :exception => ex set_backtrace exception.backtrace end end class ParseError < SMQLError; end # Malformed ColOp class UnexpectedColOpError < ParseError def initialize model, colop, val super :got => colop, :val => val, :model => model.to_s end end class UnexpectedError < ParseError def initialize model, colop, val super :got => {colop => val}, :model => model.to_s end end class NonExistingSelectableError < SMQLError def initialize got super :got => got end end class NonExistingColumnError < SMQLError def initialize expected, got super :expected => expected, :got => got end end class NonExistingRelationError < SMQLError def initialize expected, got super :expected => expected, :got => got end end class ProtectedColumnError < SMQLError def initialize protected_column super :protected_column => protected_column end end class OnlyOrderOnBaseError < SMQLError def initialize path super :path => path end end class BuilderError < Exception; end ############################################################################# # Model der Relation `rel` von `model` def self.model_of model, rel model.reflections[ rel.to_sym].andand.klass end # Eine Spalte in einer Tabelle, relativ zu `Column#model`. # Kann auch einen Pfad `Column#path` haben, wobei `Column#col` dann # eine Relation von dem Model der letzten Relation von `Column#path` ist. class Column include Enumerable attr_reader :path, :col attr_accessor :model def initialize model, *col @model = model @last_model = nil *@path, @col = Array.wrap( col).collect {|s| s.to_s.split /[.\/]/ }.flatten.collect &:to_sym end def last_model @last_model ||= each{} end def each model = @model @path.each do |rel| model = SmqlToAR.model_of model, rel return false unless model yield rel, model end model end def exist_in? model = last_model return false unless model model.column_names.include? @col.to_s end def protected? model = @model each do |rel, _model| pr = Array.wrap model.respond_to?( :smql_protected) ? model.smql_protected : nil pr.include? rel.to_s model = _model end pr = Array.wrap model.respond_to?( :smql_protected) ? model.smql_protected : nil pr.include? @col.to_s end def joins builder = nil, table = nil, &exe pp = [] table = Array.wrap table exe ||= builder ? lambda {|j, m| builder.join table+j, m} : Array.method( :[]) collect do |rel, model| pp.push rel exe.call pp, model end end def to_a() @path+[@col] end def to_s() to_a.join '.' end def to_sym() to_s.to_sym end def to_json() to_s end def inspect() "#" end def relation() SmqlToAR.model_of last_model, @col end def allowed?() ! self.protected? end end attr_reader :model, :query, :conditions, :builder, :order attr_accessor :logger if defined? Rails class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie initializer "active_record.logger" do SmqlToAR.logger = ::Rails.logger end end else require 'logger' @@logger = Logger.new $stdout end class <