require 'helper' class TestRubyTimeoutInterrupt < Test::Unit::TestCase def blocking t = FFI::LibC.fopen '/dev/ptmx', 'r' b = FFI::LibC.malloc 1025 s = FFI::LibC.fread b, 1, 1024, t ensure FFI::LibC.fclose t if t b if b end def assert_no_defined_timeout_yet assert TimeoutInterrupt.timeouts.empty?, "For testing, no timeout should be defined, yet!" end should "not interrupt a long blocking call with the old Timeout" do time = Benchmark.realtime do begin TimeoutInterrupt.timeout(5) do Timeout.timeout(1) do blocking assert false, "Should be unreachable!" end end rescue Timeout::Error :ok end end assert 3 < time, "Did timeout!" end should "interrupt a long blocking call with the new TimeoutInterrupt" do time = Benchmark.realtime do begin TimeoutInterrupt.timeout(1) do blocking assert false, "Should be unreachable!" end rescue Timeout::Error :ok end end assert 3 > time, "Did not interrupt." end should "interrupt scoped timeout, but not outer timeout" do assert_no_defined_timeout_yet begin TimeoutInterrupt.timeout(10) do TimeoutInterrupt.timeout(1) do Kernel.sleep 2 end assert false, "Should be unreachable!" end rescue Timeout::Error :ok end assert TimeoutInterrupt.timeouts.empty?, "There are timeouts defined, yet!" end should "clear timeouts, if not timed out, too." do assert_no_defined_timeout_yet TimeoutInterrupt.timeout(10) {} assert TimeoutInterrupt.timeouts.empty?, "There are timeouts defined, yet!" end should "return a Proc if now block given, but do not create a timeout." do assert_no_defined_timeout_yet assert TimeoutInterrupt.timeout(10).kind_of?( Proc), "Did not return a Proc." end should "run a returned Proc with given timeout." do assert_no_defined_timeout_yet to = TimeoutInterrupt.timeout(10) called = false { called = true } assert called, "Did not called." end end