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2013-03-06 11:58:38 +01:00
require 'ffi/libc'
require 'timeout'
# Helper module for `TimeoutInterrupt`
# @see TimeoutInterrupt
module TimeoutInterruptSingleton
class <<self
# Stores all timeouts.
# @param thread [nil] must be nil! Do not use it yet!
# @return [Hash< key(Integer): [at(Time), backtrace(Array<String>), exception(Exception)] >]
def timeouts thread = nil
@timeouts ||= {|h,k| h[k] = {} }
thread = Thread.current unless thread.kind_of? Thread
thread ? @timeouts[thread] : @timeouts
# If there's a timed out timeout, it will raise its exception.
# Can be used for handling ALRM-signal.
# It will prepare the next timeout, too.
# The timeout will not removed from timeouts, because it is timed out, yet.
# First, if timeout-scope will be exit, it will be removed.
# @return [nil]
def alarm_trap sig
# There is a timed out timeout? It will raise it!
# You need not to check it yourself, it will do it for you.
# @return [nil]
def raise_if_sb_timed_out
return if self.timeouts.empty?
key, (at, bt, exception) = self.timeouts.min_by {|key,(at,bt,ex)| at }
return if < at
raise exception, 'execution expired', bt
# Prepares the next timeout. Sets the trap and the shortest timeout as alarm.
# @return [nil]
def setup
if timeouts.empty?
Signal.trap( 'ALRM') {}
FFI::LibC.alarm 0
Signal.trap 'ALRM', &method( :alarm_trap)
key, (at, bt) = timeouts.min_by {|key,(at,bt)| at }
FFI::LibC.alarm (at - + 1
# Creates a timeout and calls your block, which has to finish before timeout occurs.
# @param seconds [0] No timeout, so block can take any time.
# @param seconds [Integer] In `seconds` Seconds, it should raise a timeout, if not finished.
# @param seconds [nil] If also no block given, everything will be ignored and
# it will call {setup} for checking and preparing next known timeout.
# @param exception [Exception] which will be raised if timed out.
# @param exception [nil] `TimeoutInterrupt::Error` will be used to raise.
# @param block [Proc] Will be called and should finish its work before it timed out.
# @param block [nil] Nothing will happen, instead it will return a Proc,
# which can be called with a block to use the timeout.
# @return If block given, the returned value of your block.
# Or if not, it will return a Proc, which will expect a Proc if called.
# This Proc has no arguments and will prepare a timeout, like if you had given a block.
# You can rescue `Timeout::Error`, instead `TimeoutInterrupt::Error`, it will work too.
# It will call your given block, which has `seconds` seconds to end.
# If you want to prepare a timeout, which should be used many times,
# without giving `seconds` and `exception`, you can omit the block,
# so, `TimeoutInterruptSingleton#timeout` will return a `Proc`, which want to have the block.
# There is a problem with scoped timeouts. If you rescue a timeout in an other timeout,
# it's possible, that the other timeout will never timeout, because both are timed out at once.
# Than you need to call `TimeoutInterruptSingleton#timeout` without arguments.
# It will prepare the next timeout or it will raise it directy, if timed out.
# @see TimeoutInterrupt.timeout
# @see TimeoutInterrupt#timeout
# @raise exception
def timeout seconds = nil, exception = nil, &block
return yield( seconds) if seconds.nil? || 0 == seconds if block_given?
return setup if seconds.nil?
seconds = seconds.to_i
exception ||= TimeoutInterrupt::Error
raise exception, "Timeout must be longer than '0' seconds." unless 0 < seconds
unless block_given?
return lambda {|&e|
raise exception, "Expect a lambda." unless e
timeout seconds, exception, &e
at = + seconds
key, bt = Random.rand( 2**64-1), Kernel.caller
self.timeouts[key] = [at, bt, exception]
yield seconds
self.timeouts.delete key
2013-03-06 11:58:38 +01:00
2013-03-06 11:58:38 +01:00
# Can be included, or used directly.
# In both cases, it provides {#timeout}.
# @see TimeoutInterruptSingleton
module TimeoutInterrupt
# The {TimeoutInterrupt::Error} is the default exception, which will be raised,
# if something will time out.
# Its base-class is {Timeout::Error}, so you can replace {Timeout} by {TimeoutInterrupt} without
# replacing your `rescue Timeout::Error`, but you can.
class Error < Timeout::Error
2013-03-06 11:58:38 +01:00
# Creates a timeout and calls your block, which has to finish before timeout occurs.
# @param seconds [0] No timeout, so block can take any time.
# @param seconds [Integer] In `seconds` Seconds, it should raise a timeout, if not finished.
# @param seconds [nil] If also no block given, everything will be ignored and
# it will call {setup} for checking and preparing next known timeout.
# @param exception [Exception] which will be raised if timed out.
# @param exception [nil] `TimeoutInterrupt::Error` will be used to raise.
# @param block [Proc] Will be called and should finish its work before it timed out.
# @param block [nil] Nothing will happen, instead it will return a Proc,
# which can be called with a block to use the timeout.
# @return If block given, the returned value of your block.
# Or if not, it will return a Proc, which will expect a Proc if called.
# This Proc has no arguments and will prepare a timeout, like if you had given a block.
# You can rescue `Timeout::Error`, instead `TimeoutInterrupt::Error`, it will work too.
# It will call your given block, which has `seconds` seconds to end.
# If you want to prepare a timeout, which should be used many times,
# without giving `seconds` and `exception`, you can omit the block,
# so, `TimeoutInterruptSingleton#timeout` will return a `Proc`, which want to have the block.
# There is a problem with scoped timeouts. If you rescue a timeout in an other timeout,
# it's possible, that the other timeout will never timeout, because both are timed out at once.
# Than you need to call `TimeoutInterruptSingleton#timeout` without arguments.
# It will prepare the next timeout or it will raise it directy, if timed out.
# @see TimeoutInterrupt#timeout
# @see TimeoutInterruptSingleton.timeout
# @raise exception
def self.timeout seconds = nil, exception = nil, &block
TimeoutInterruptSingleton.timeout seconds, exception, &block
2013-03-06 11:58:38 +01:00
# Creates a timeout and calls your block, which has to finish before timeout occurs.
# @param seconds [0] No timeout, so block can take any time.
# @param seconds [Integer] In `seconds` Seconds, it should raise a timeout, if not finished.
# @param seconds [nil] If also no block given, everything will be ignored and
# it will call {setup} for checking and preparing next known timeout.
# @param exception [Exception] which will be raised if timed out.
# @param exception [nil] `TimeoutInterrupt::Error` will be used to raise.
# @param block [Proc] Will be called and should finish its work before it timed out.
# @param block [nil] Nothing will happen, instead it will return a Proc,
# which can be called with a block to use the timeout.
# @return If block given, the returned value of your block.
# Or if not, it will return a Proc, which will expect a Proc if called.
# This Proc has no arguments and will prepare a timeout, like if you had given a block.
# You can rescue `Timeout::Error`, instead `TimeoutInterrupt::Error`, it will work too.
# It will call your given block, which has `seconds` seconds to end.
# If you want to prepare a timeout, which should be used many times,
# without giving `seconds` and `exception`, you can omit the block,
# so, `TimeoutInterruptSingleton#timeout` will return a `Proc`, which want to have the block.
# There is a problem with scoped timeouts. If you rescue a timeout in an other timeout,
# it's possible, that the other timeout will never timeout, because both are timed out at once.
# Than you need to call `TimeoutInterruptSingleton#timeout` without arguments.
# It will prepare the next timeout or it will raise it directy, if timed out.
# @note This method is useful, if you `include TimeoutInterrupt`. You can call it directly.
# @see TimeoutInterrupt.timeout
# @see TimeoutInterruptSingleton.timeout
# @raise exception
def timeout seconds = nil, exception = nil, &block
TimeoutInterruptSingleton.timeout seconds, exception, &block
2013-03-06 11:58:38 +01:00