module NSCA class Client class Connection attr_reader :iv_key, :timestamp, :socket, :packet_version, :password def *args conn = new *args if block_given? begin yield conn ensure conn && conn.close end else conn end end # opts must be a hash # host, port [, opts] # socket [, opts] # host, opts # need `opts = {port: Port}`! # opts # need `opts = {port: Port, hostname: Hostname}`! # opts # need `opts = {port: Port, socket: Socket}`! def initialize *args opts = {} opts = args.pop.dup if args.last.is_a? Hash opts[:host] ||= opts[:hostname] opts[:sock] ||= opts[:socket] opts[:pass] ||= opts[:password] case args[0] when String opts[:host] = args[0] opts[:port] ||= args[1] when IO opts[:sock] = args[0] end @socket = if opts[:sock].is_a? IO opts[:sock] elsif opts[:host].is_a? String opts[:host], opts[:port] else raise ArgumentError, "Socket or hostname+port expected." end @packet_version = opts[:packet_version] || PacketV3 # read iv_key and timestamp iv_key_and_timestamp = @socket.recv 132 @iv_key, ts = iv_key_and_timestamp.unpack 'a128N' @timestamp = ts @password = opts[:pass] end # Builds a check-result-line for NSCA. # # Will be terminated by end-of-terminate. # @param [Time,Integer,nil] timestamp Checked at this time # @param [0..3] return_code `NSCA::ReturnCode` # @param [String(length<64),nil] hostname If nil, local hostname will be used. # Must be known by Nagios. # @param [String(length<128)] service Name of Service. Must be known by Nagios. # @param [String(length<512)] status Status-line inclusive optional Performance Data. def build_packet timestamp, return_code, hostname, service, status packet = timestamp || @timestamp, return_code, hostname, service, status @iv_key, @password end # Sends a check-result. # @see #build_packet def send_packet( *a) @socket.write build_packet( *a) end # Sends check-results # @param [Array] results def send *results results.flatten.each do |r| send_packet r.timestamp, r.retcode, r.hostname, r.service, r.text end end # Closes connection to NSCA. def close( *a) @socket.close( *a) end end attr_reader :hostname, :port, :password def initialize hostname = nil, port = nil, password = nil @hostname, @port, @password = hostname, port, password end def open( &e) @hostname, @port, @password, &e end def send( *results) open {|conn| conn.send results } end end end