require 'helper' require 'dummy_server' require 'securerandom' class TestNSCA < Test::Unit::TestCase context 'xor' do should 'return a if a (random) will xored double with random key. (1000 rounds)' do 1000.times do key_len = SecureRandom.random_number 1000 a_len = SecureRandom.random_number 1000 key = SecureRandom.random_bytes key_len a = SecureRandom.random_bytes a_len assert_equal a, NSCA.xor( key, NSCA.xor(key, a)) end end end end class TestNSCACommunication < Test::Unit::TestCase Port = 5787 include NSCA::Checks context "our dummy test server on localhost:#{Port} with random password" do should 'receive data' do password = SecureRandom.random_bytes timestamp = PD1 = perfdata :pd1_in_sec, :s, 10, 20, 0, 30 PD2 = perfdata :pd2_in_1, 1, 0.99, 0.98, 0, 1 PD3 = perfdata :pd3_count, :c, 3, 5, 0 T0 = check 'TestNSCA0', '' T1 = check 'TestNSCA1', '', [PD1, PD2] T2 = check :TestNSCA2, '', [PD1, PD2, PD3] checks = [] t0 = 1, "0123456789"*51+"AB", nil, timestamp) # oversized service name checks << t0 pd1 = 3 pd2 = 0.9996 pd3 = 2 t1 = nil, "Should be OK", [pd1, pd2, pd3], timestamp) checks << t1 NSCA::destinations.clear NSCA::destinations << 'localhost', Port, password: password) server = { NSCA.dummy_server Port, password: password } sleep 1 # server needs time to start... NSCA::send *checks pc0, pc1 = server.value [[t0, pc0], [t1, pc1]].each do |(test, packet)| assert_equal test.hostname, packet.hostname assert_equal test.service, packet.service assert_equal timestamp.to_i, packet.timestamp.to_i assert_equal test.retcode, packet.return_code end # original with B, but B is char 512 and will be replaced by \0 assert_equal pc0.status, "0123456789"*51+"A" assert_equal pc1.status, "Should be OK | pd1_in_sec=3s,10,20,0,30 pd2_in_1=0.99961,0.99,0.98,0,1 pd3_count=2c,3,5,0," end should 'fail crc32 if wrong password' do password = SecureRandom.random_bytes timestamp = T3 = check 'TestNSCA0', '' NSCA::destinations.clear NSCA::destinations << 'localhost', Port, password: password+'a') server = { NSCA.dummy_server Port, password: password } sleep 1 # server needs time to start... NSCA::send 1, 'status', nil, timestamp) assert_raise NSCA::Packet::CSC32CheckFailed do server.join end end end end class TestNSCA::ReturnCode < Test::Unit::TestCase context 'return code' do should( 'be 0 == OK') { assert NSCA::ReturnCode.find(0) == NSCA::ReturnCode::OK } should( 'be 1 == WARNING') { assert NSCA::ReturnCode.find(1) == NSCA::ReturnCode::WARNING } should( 'be 2 == CRITICAL') { assert NSCA::ReturnCode.find(2) == NSCA::ReturnCode::CRITICAL } should( 'be 3 == UNKNOWN') { assert NSCA::ReturnCode.find(3) == NSCA::ReturnCode::UNKNOWN } end end class TestNSCA::Helper < Test::Unit::TestCase context 'class gen name' do should 'generate class names' do assert :Total_run_check_measure == NSCA::Helper.class_name_gen( 'total run check measure') end should 'do not generate class names, if no letter' do assert nil == NSCA::Helper.class_name_gen( '123 321, 43 _ ?') end end end class TestNSCA::PerformanceData < Test::Unit::TestCase should 'set a subclass for new PerfData-types' do NSCA::PerformanceData.create 'subclass test' assert_nothing_raised NameError do assert NSCA::PerformanceData::Subclass_test, "No subclass created." end end def perfdata *a *a end context 'Created NSCA::PerformanceData-subclasses' do should 'be the same like returned' do PA = NSCA::PerformanceData.create 'returned and subclass the same test' assert_equal PA, NSCA::PerformanceData::Returned_and_subclass_the_same_test end should 'not exists, if #new used' do pb = 'no subclass' assert_raise NameError do NSCA::PerformanceData::No_subclass end end should 'have a unit if given' do assert :s == perfdata( 'have an unit test', :s).unit, "Not s as unit" end should 'have not a unit if not given' do assert nil == perfdata( 'have not an unit test', nil).unit, "Not nil as unit" end should 'have a warn thresh if given' do assert 3 == perfdata( 'have a warn test', nil, 3).warn, "Not 3 as warn" end should 'have not a warn thresh if not given' do assert nil == perfdata( 'have not a warn test', nil, nil).warn, "Not nil as warn" end end context 'Measure' do should 'work with s' do PC = perfdata 'something in seconds', :s assert PC.measure { true }.is_a?( PC), 'can not be created?' end should 'work with ms' do PD = perfdata 'something in mili seconds', :ms assert PD.measure { true }.is_a?( PD), 'can not be created?' end should 'not work with something else' do PE = perfdata 'something else than time', :c assert_raise NSCA::PerformanceData::TimeUnitExpected do PE.measure { true } end end should 'measure something between 1s..3s if i sleep 2 seconds' do PF = perfdata 'wait 2 seconds', :s pf = PF.measure { sleep 2 } assert (1..3).include?( pf.value), "Not in range 1s..3s: #{pf.value}s" end should 'measure something between 1000ms..3000ms if i sleep 2 seconds' do PG = perfdata 'wait 2000 mili second', :ms pf = PG.measure { sleep 2 } assert (1000..3000).include?( pf.value), "Not in range 1000ms..3000ms: #{pf.value}ms" end end end class TestNSCA::Check < Test::Unit::TestCase context 'Subclasses' do should 'be created by NSCA::Check.create' do CA = NSCA::Check.create 'a uniq name' assert_same CA, NSCA::Check::A_uniq_name end end context 'No Subclasses' do should 'be created by' do CB = 'a uniq name, too' assert_raise NameError, 'A class named NSCA::Check::A_uniq_name_too exists' do CB == NSCA::Check::A_uniq_name_too end end end context 'Clones' do should 'have old class as superclass' do CC1 = 'a check which will be for cloning') CC2 = CC1.clone assert_equal CC2.superclass, CC1 end should 'have the same data' do CD1 = 'a check for same data after cloning' CD2 = CD1.clone assert_equal CD2.to_a, CD2.to_a end should 'have the same data, except specific data' do CE1 = 'a check for same data after cloning again, but...' CE2 = CE1.clone service: '... but the service will be changed.' assert_not_equal CE1.service, CE2.service assert_equal 'a check for same data after cloning again, but...', CE1.service assert_equal '... but the service will be changed.', CE2.service ce1_data, ce2_data = CE1.to_a, CE2.to_a ce1_data[0] = ce2_data[0] = 'dummy' assert_equal ce1_data, ce2_data end end end