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# $Id$
# Net::LDAP for Ruby
# Copyright (C) 2006 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved.
# Written and maintained by Francis Cianfrocca, gmail: garbagecat10.
# This program is free software.
# You may re-distribute and/or modify this program under the same terms
# as Ruby itself: Ruby Distribution License or GNU General Public License.
# See Net::LDAP for documentation and usage samples.
require 'socket'
require 'ostruct'
require 'net/ber'
require 'net/ldap/pdu'
require 'net/ldap/filter'
require 'net/ldap/dataset'
require 'net/ldap/psw'
require 'net/ldap/entry'
module Net
# == Net::LDAP
# This library provides a pure-Ruby implementation of the
# LDAP client protocol, per RFC-1777.
# It can be used to access any server which implements the
# LDAP protocol.
# Net::LDAP is intended to provide full LDAP functionality
# while hiding the more arcane aspects
# the LDAP protocol itself, and thus presenting as Ruby-like
# a programming interface as possible.
# === Quick-start for the Impatient
# require 'rubygems'
# require 'net/ldap'
# ldap = :host => server_ip_address,
# :port => 389,
# :auth => {
# :method => :simple,
# :username => "cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com",
# :password => "opensesame"
# }
# filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "cn", "George*" )
# treebase = "dc=example,dc=com"
# :base => treebase, :filter => filter ) do |entry|
# puts "DN: #{entry.dn}"
# entry.each do |attribute, values|
# puts " #{attribute}:"
# values.each do |value|
# puts " --->#{value}"
# end
# end
# end
# p ldap.get_operation_result
# == Quick introduction to LDAP
# We're going to provide a quick and highly informal introduction to LDAP
# terminology and
# typical operations. If you're comfortable with this material, skip
# ahead to "How to use Net::LDAP." If you want a more rigorous treatment
# of this material, we recommend you start with the various IETF and ITU
# standards that control LDAP.
# === Entities
# LDAP is an Internet-standard protocol used to access directory servers.
# The basic search unit is the <i>entity,</i> which corresponds to
# a person or other domain-specific object.
# A directory service which supports the LDAP protocol typically
# stores information about a number of entities.
# === Principals
# LDAP servers are typically used to access information about people,
# but also very often about such items as printers, computers, and other
# resources. To reflect this, LDAP uses the term <i>entity,</i> or less
# commonly, <i>principal,</i> to denote its basic data-storage unit.
# === Distinguished Names
# In LDAP's view of the world,
# an entity is uniquely identified by a globally-unique text string
# called a <i>Distinguished Name,</i> originally defined in the X.400
# standards from which LDAP is ultimately derived.
# Much like a DNS hostname, a DN is a "flattened" text representation
# of a string of tree nodes. Also like DNS (and unlike Java package
# names), a DN expresses a chain of tree-nodes written from left to right
# in order from the most-resolved node to the most-general one.
# If you know the DN of a person or other entity, then you can query
# an LDAP-enabled directory for information (attributes) about the entity.
# Alternatively, you can query the directory for a list of DNs matching
# a set of criteria that you supply.
# === Attributes
# In the LDAP view of the world, a DN uniquely identifies an entity.
# Information about the entity is stored as a set of <i>Attributes.</i>
# An attribute is a text string which is associated with zero or more
# values. Most LDAP-enabled directories store a well-standardized
# range of attributes, and constrain their values according to standard
# rules.
# A good example of an attribute is <tt>cn,</tt> which stands for "Common Name."
# In many directories, this attribute is used to store a string consisting of
# a person's first and last names. Most directories enforce the convention that
# an entity's <tt>cn</tt> attribute have <i>exactly one</i> value. In LDAP
# jargon, that means that <tt>cn</tt> must be <i>present</i> and
# <i>single-valued.</i>
# Another attribute is <tt>mail,</tt> which is used to store email addresses.
# (No, there is no attribute called "email," perhaps because X.400 terminology
# predates the invention of the term <i>email.</i>) <tt>mail</tt> differs
# from <tt>cn</tt> in that most directories permit any number of values for the
# <tt>mail</tt> attribute, including zero.
# === Tree-Base
# We said above that X.400 Distinguished Names are <i>globally unique.</i>
# In a manner reminiscent of DNS, LDAP supposes that each directory server
# contains authoritative attribute data for a set of DNs corresponding
# to a specific sub-tree of the (notional) global directory tree.
# This subtree is generally configured into a directory server when it is
# created. It matters for this discussion because most servers will not
# allow you to query them unless you specify a correct tree-base.
# Let's say you work for the engineering department of Big Company, Inc.,
# whose internet domain is You may find that your departmental
# directory is stored in a server with a defined tree-base of
# ou=engineering,dc=bigcompany,dc=com
# You will need to supply this string as the <i>tree-base</i> when querying this
# directory. (Ou is a very old X.400 term meaning "organizational unit."
# Dc is a more recent term meaning "domain component.")
# === LDAP Versions
# (stub, discuss v2 and v3)
# === LDAP Operations
# The essential operations are: #bind, #search, #add, #modify, #delete, and #rename.
# ==== Bind
# #bind supplies a user's authentication credentials to a server, which in turn verifies
# or rejects them. There is a range of possibilities for credentials, but most directories
# support a simple username and password authentication.
# Taken by itself, #bind can be used to authenticate a user against information
# stored in a directory, for example to permit or deny access to some other resource.
# In terms of the other LDAP operations, most directories require a successful #bind to
# be performed before the other operations will be permitted. Some servers permit certain
# operations to be performed with an "anonymous" binding, meaning that no credentials are
# presented by the user. (We're glossing over a lot of platform-specific detail here.)
# ==== Search
# Calling #search against the directory involves specifying a treebase, a set of <i>search filters,</i>
# and a list of attribute values.
# The filters specify ranges of possible values for particular attributes. Multiple
# filters can be joined together with AND, OR, and NOT operators.
# A server will respond to a #search by returning a list of matching DNs together with a
# set of attribute values for each entity, depending on what attributes the search requested.
# ==== Add
# #add operation specifies a new DN and an initial set of attribute values. If the operation
# succeeds, a new entity with the corresponding DN and attributes is added to the directory.
# ==== Modify
# #modify specifies an entity DN, and a list of attribute operations. #modify is used to change
# the attribute values stored in the directory for a particular entity.
# #modify may add or delete attributes (which are lists of values) or it change attributes by
# adding to or deleting from their values.
# There are three easier methods to modify an entry's attribute values:
# #add_attribute, #replace_attribute, and #delete_attribute.
# ==== Delete
# #delete operation specifies an entity DN. If it succeeds, the entity and all its attributes
# is removed from the directory.
# ==== Rename (or Modify RDN)
# #rename (or #modify_rdn) is an operation added to version 3 of the LDAP protocol. It responds to
# the often-arising need to change the DN of an entity without discarding its attribute values.
# In earlier LDAP versions, the only way to do this was to delete the whole entity and add it
# again with a different DN.
# #rename works by taking an "old" DN (the one to change) and a "new RDN," which is the left-most
# part of the DN string. If successful, #rename changes the entity DN so that its left-most
# node corresponds to the new RDN given in the request. (RDN, or "relative distinguished name,"
# denotes a single tree-node as expressed in a DN, which is a chain of tree nodes.)
# == How to use Net::LDAP
# To access Net::LDAP functionality in your Ruby programs, start by requiring
# the library:
# require 'net/ldap'
# If you installed the Gem version of Net::LDAP, and depending on your version of
# Ruby and rubygems, you _may_ also need to require rubygems explicitly:
# require 'rubygems'
# require 'net/ldap'
# Most operations with Net::LDAP start by instantiating a Net::LDAP object.
# The constructor for this object takes arguments specifying the network location
# (address and port) of the LDAP server, and also the binding (authentication)
# credentials, typically a username and password.
# Given an object of class Net:LDAP, you can then perform LDAP operations by calling
# instance methods on the object. These are documented with usage examples below.
# The Net::LDAP library is designed to be very disciplined about how it makes network
# connections to servers. This is different from many of the standard native-code
# libraries that are provided on most platforms, which share bloodlines with the
# original Netscape/Michigan LDAP client implementations. These libraries sought to
# insulate user code from the workings of the network. This is a good idea of course,
# but the practical effect has been confusing and many difficult bugs have been caused
# by the opacity of the native libraries, and their variable behavior across platforms.
# In general, Net::LDAP instance methods which invoke server operations make a connection
# to the server when the method is called. They execute the operation (typically binding first)
# and then disconnect from the server. The exception is Net::LDAP#open, which makes a connection
# to the server and then keeps it open while it executes a user-supplied block. Net::LDAP#open
# closes the connection on completion of the block.
class LDAP
class LdapError < Exception; end
VERSION = "0.0.1"
SearchScope_BaseObject = 0
SearchScope_SingleLevel = 1
SearchScope_WholeSubtree = 2
SearchScopes = [SearchScope_BaseObject, SearchScope_SingleLevel, SearchScope_WholeSubtree]
AsnSyntax = {
:application => {
:constructed => {
0 => :array, # BindRequest
1 => :array, # BindResponse
2 => :array, # UnbindRequest
3 => :array, # SearchRequest
4 => :array, # SearchData
5 => :array, # SearchResult
6 => :array, # ModifyRequest
7 => :array, # ModifyResponse
8 => :array, # AddRequest
9 => :array, # AddResponse
10 => :array, # DelRequest
11 => :array, # DelResponse
12 => :array, # ModifyRdnRequest
13 => :array, # ModifyRdnResponse
14 => :array, # CompareRequest
15 => :array, # CompareResponse
16 => :array, # AbandonRequest
24 => :array, # Unsolicited Notification
:context_specific => {
:primitive => {
0 => :string, # password
1 => :string, # Kerberos v4
2 => :string, # Kerberos v5
DefaultHost = ""
DefaultPort = 389
DefaultAuth = {:method => :anonymous}
ResultStrings = {
0 => "Success",
1 => "Operations Error",
2 => "Protocol Error",
16 => "No Such Attribute",
17 => "Undefined Attribute Type",
20 => "Attribute or Value Exists",
32 => "No Such Object",
34 => "Invalid DN Syntax",
48 => "Invalid DN Syntax",
48 => "Inappropriate Authentication",
49 => "Invalid Credentials",
50 => "Insufficient Access Rights",
51 => "Busy",
52 => "Unavailable",
53 => "Unwilling to perform",
65 => "Object Class Violation",
68 => "Entry Already Exists"
# LDAP::result2string
def LDAP::result2string code
ResultStrings[code] || "unknown result (#{code})"
# Instantiate an object of type Net::LDAP to perform directory operations.
# This constructor takes a Hash containing arguments. The following arguments
# are supported:
# * :host => the LDAP server's IP-address (default
# * :port => the LDAP server's TCP port (default 389)
# * :auth => a Hash containing authorization parameters. Currently supported values include:
# {:method => :anonymous} and
# {:method => :simple, :username => your_user_name, :password => your_password }
# Instantiating a Net::LDAP object does <i>not</i> result in network traffic to
# the LDAP server. It simply stores the connection and binding parameters in the
# object.
def initialize args = {}
@host = args[:host] || DefaultHost
@port = args[:port] || DefaultPort
@verbose = false # Make this configurable with a switch on the class.
@auth = args[:auth] || DefaultAuth
# This variable is only set when we are created with LDAP::open.
# All of our internal methods will connect using it, or else
# they will create their own.
@open_connection = nil
# #open takes the same parameters as #new. #open makes a network connection to the
# LDAP server and then passes a newly-created Net::LDAP object to the caller-supplied block.
# Within the block, you can call any of the instance methods of Net::LDAP to
# perform operations against the LDAP directory. #open will perform all the
# operations in the user-supplied block on the same network connection, which
# will be closed automatically when the block finishes.
# auth = {:method => :simple, :username => username, :password => password}
# :host => ipaddress, :port => 389, :auth => auth ) do |ldap|
# ... )
# ldap.add( ... )
# ldap.modify( ... )
# end
def LDAP::open args
ldap1 = args {|ldap| yield ldap }
# Returns a meaningful result any time after
# a protocol operation (#bind, #search, #add, #modify, #rename, #delete)
# has completed.
# It returns an #OpenStruct containing an LDAP result code (0 means success),
# and a human-readable string.
# unless ldap.bind
# puts "Result: #{ldap.get_operation_result.code}"
# puts "Message: #{ldap.get_operation_result.message}"
# end
def get_operation_result
os =
if @result
os.code = @result
os.code = 0
os.message = LDAP.result2string( os.code )
# Opens a network connection to the server and then
# passes <tt>self</tt> to the caller-supplied block. The connection is
# closed when the block completes. Used for executing multiple
# LDAP operations without requiring a separate network connection
# (and authentication) for each one.
# <i>Note:</i> You do not need to log-in or "bind" to the server. This will
# be done for you automatically.
# For an even simpler approach, see the class method Net::LDAP#open.
# auth = {:method => :simple, :username => username, :password => password}
# ldap = :host => ipaddress, :port => 389, :auth => auth )
# do |ldap|
# ... )
# ldap.add( ... )
# ldap.modify( ... )
# end
# First we make a connection and then a binding, but we don't
# do anything with the bind results.
# We then pass self to the caller's block, where he will execute
# his LDAP operations. Of course they will all generate auth failures
# if the bind was unsuccessful.
def open
raise "open already in progress" ) if @open_connection
@open_connection = :host => @host, :port => @port )
@open_connection.bind @auth
yield self
# <i>DEPRECATED.</i> Performs an LDAP search, waits for the operation to complete, and
# passes a result set to the caller-supplied block.
# If an open call is in progress (@open_connection will be non-nil),
# then ASSUME a bind has been performed and accepted, and just
# execute the search.
# If @open_connection is nil, then we have to connect, bind,
# search, and then disconnect. (The disconnect is not strictly
# necessary but it's friendlier to the network to do it here
# rather than waiting for Ruby's GC.)
# Note that in the standalone case, we're permitting the caller
# to modify the auth parms.
def searchx args
if @open_connection
@result = @open_connection.searchx( args ) {|values|
yield( values ) if block_given?
@result = 0
conn = :host => @host, :port => @port )
if (@result = conn.bind( args[:auth] || @auth )) == 0
@result = conn.searchx( args ) {|values|
yield( values ) if block_given?
@result == 0
# Searches the LDAP directory for directory entries.
# Takes a hash argument with parameters. Supported parameters include:
# * :base (a string specifying the tree-base for the search);
# * :filter (an object of type Net::LDAP::Filter, defaults to objectclass=*);
# * :attributes (a string or array of strings specifying the LDAP attributes to return from the server);
# * :return_result (a boolean specifying whether to return a result set).
# * :attributes_only (a boolean flag, defaults false)
# * :scope (one of: Net::LDAP::SearchScope_BaseObject, Net::LDAP::SearchScope_SingleLevel, Net::LDAP::SearchScope_WholeSubtree. Default is WholeSubtree.)
# #search queries the LDAP server and passes <i>each entry</i> to the
# caller-supplied block, as an object of type Net::LDAP::Entry.
# If the search returns 1000 entries, the block will
# be called 1000 times. If the search returns no entries, the block will
# not be called.
# #search returns either a result-set or a boolean, depending on the
# value of the <tt>:return_result</tt> argument. The default behavior is to return
# a result set, which is a hash. Each key in the hash is a string specifying
# the DN of an entry. The corresponding value for each key is a Net::LDAP::Entry object.
# If you request a result set and #search fails with an error, it will return nil.
# Call #get_operation_result to get the error information returned by
# the LDAP server.
# When <tt>:return_result => false,</tt> #search will
# return only a Boolean, to indicate whether the operation succeeded. This can improve performance
# with very large result sets, because the library can discard each entry from memory after
# your block processes it.
# treebase = "dc=example,dc=com"
# filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "mail", "a*.com" )
# attrs = ["mail", "cn", "sn", "objectclass"]
# :base => treebase, :filter => filter, :attributes => attrs, :return_result => false ) do |entry|
# puts "DN: #{entry.dn}"
# entry.each do |attr, values|
# puts ".......#{attr}:"
# values.each do |value|
# puts " #{value}"
# end
# end
# end
# This is a re-implementation of search that replaces the
# original one (now renamed searchx and possibly destined to go away).
# The difference is that we return a dataset (or nil) from the
# call, and pass _each entry_ as it is received from the server
# to the caller-supplied block. This will probably make things
# far faster as we can do useful work during the network latency
# of the search. The downside is that we have no access to the
# whole set while processing the blocks, so we can't do stuff
# like sort the DNs until after the call completes.
# It's also possible that this interacts badly with server timeouts.
# We'll have to ensure that something reasonable happens if
# the caller has processed half a result set when we throw a timeout
# error.
# Another important difference is that we return a result set from
# this method rather than a T/F indication.
# Since this can be very heavy-weight, we define an argument flag
# that the caller can set to suppress the return of a result set,
# if he's planning to process every entry as it comes from the server.
def search args
result_set = (args and args[:return_result] == false) ? nil : {}
if @open_connection
@result = args ) {|entry|
result_set[entry.dn] = entry if result_set
yield( entry ) if block_given?
@result = 0
conn = :host => @host, :port => @port )
if (@result = conn.bind( args[:auth] || @auth )) == 0
@result = args ) {|entry|
(result_set[entry.dn] = entry) if result_set
yield( entry ) if block_given?
@result == 0 and result_set
# #bind connects to the LDAP server and requests authentication
# based on the <tt>:auth</tt> parameter passed to #open or #new.
# It takes no parameters.
# User code generally will not call #bind. It will be called
# implicitly by the library whenever an LDAP operation is
# requested. #bind can be useful to test authentication.
# If there is an @open_connection, then perform the bind
# on it. Otherwise, connect, bind, and disconnect.
# The latter operation is obviously useful only as an auth check.
def bind
if @open_connection
@result = @open_connection.bind @auth
conn = :host => @host, :port => @port )
@result = conn.bind @auth
@result == 0
# #bind_as is for testing authentication credentials.
# Most likely a "standard" name (like a CN or an email
# address) will be presented along with a password.
# We'll bind with the main credential given in the
# constructor, query the full DN of the user given
# to us as a parameter, then unbind and rebind as the
# new user.
# <i>This method is currently an unimplemented stub.</i>
def bind_as
# Adds a new entry to the remote LDAP server.
# Supported arguments:
# :dn :: Full DN of the new entry
# :attributes :: Attributes of the new entry.
# The attributes argument is supplied as a Hash keyed by Strings or Symbols
# giving the attribute name, and mapping to Strings or Arrays of Strings
# giving the actual attribute values. Observe that most LDAP directories
# enforce schema constraints on the attributes contained in entries.
# #add will fail with a server-generated error if your attributes violate
# the server-specific constraints.
# Here's an example:
# dn = "cn=George Smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
# attr = {
# :cn => "George Smith",
# :objectclass => ["top", "inetorgperson"],
# :sn => "Smith",
# :mail => ""
# }
# (:host => host) do |ldap|
# ldap.add( :dn => dn, :attributes => attr )
# end
def add args
if @open_connection
@result = @open_connection.add( args )
@result = 0
conn = :host => @host, :port => @port )
if (@result = conn.bind( args[:auth] || @auth )) == 0
@result = conn.add( args )
@result == 0
# _DEPRECATED_ - Please use #add_attribute, #replace_attribute, or #delete_attribute.
# Modifies the attribute values of a particular entry on the LDAP directory.
# Takes a hash with arguments. Supported arguments are:
# :dn :: (the full DN of the entry whose attributes are to be modified)
# :operations :: (the modifications to be performed, detailed next)
# This method returns True or False to indicate whether the operation
# succeeded or failed, with extended information available by calling
# #get_operation_result.
# The LDAP protocol provides a full and well thought-out set of operations
# for changing the values of attributes, but they are necessarily somewhat complex
# and not always intuitive. If these instructions are confusing or incomplete,
# please send us email or create a bug report on rubyforge.
# The :operations parameter to #modify takes an array of operation-descriptors.
# Each individual operation is specified in one element of the array, and
# most LDAP servers will attempt to perform the operations in order.
# Each of the operations appearing in the Array must itself be an Array
# with exactly three elements:
# an operator:: must be :add, :replace, or :delete
# an attribute name:: the attribute name (string or symbol) to modify
# a value:: either a string or an array of strings.
# The :add operator will, unsurprisingly, add the specified values to
# the specified attribute. If the attribute does not already exist,
# :add will create it. Most LDAP servers will generate an error if you
# to add a value that already exists.
# :replace will erase the current value(s) for the specified attribute,
# if there are any, and replace them with the specified value(s).
# :delete will remove the specified value(s) from the specified attribute.
# If you pass nil, an empty string, or an empty array as the value parameter
# to a :delete operation, the _entire_ _attribute_ will be deleted.
# For example:
# dn = ",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
# ops = [
# [:add, :mail, ""],
# [:replace, :mail, ["", ""]],
# [:delete, :sn, nil]
# ]
# ldap.modify :dn => dn, :operations => ops
# <i>(This example is contrived since you probably wouldn't add a mail
# value right before replacing the whole attribute, but it shows that order
# of execution matters. Also, many LDAP servers won't let you delete SN
# because it would be a schema violation.)</i>
# It's essential to keep in mind that if you specify more than one operation in
# a call to #modify, most LDAP servers will attempt to perform all of the operations
# in the order you gave them.
# This matters because you may specify operations on the
# same attribute which must be performed in a certain order.
# Most LDAP servers will _stop_ processing your modifications if one of them
# causes an error on the server (such as a schema-constraint violation).
# If this happens, you will probably get a result code from the server that
# reflects only the operation that failed, and you may or may not get extended
# information that will tell you which one failed. #modify has no notion
# of an atomic transaction. If you specify a chain of modifications in one
# call to #modify, and one of them fails, the preceding ones will usually
# not be "rolled back," resulting in a partial update. This is a limitation
# of the LDAP protocol, not of Net::LDAP.
def modify args
if @open_connection
@result = @open_connection.modify( args )
@result = 0
conn = :host => @host, :port => @port )
if (@result = conn.bind( args[:auth] || @auth )) == 0
@result = conn.modify( args )
@result == 0
# Add a value to an attribute.
# Takes the full DN of the entry to modify,
# the name (Symbol or String) of the attribute, and the value (String or
# Array). If the attribute does not exist (and there are no schema violations),
# #add_attribute will create it with the caller-specified values.
# If the attribute already exists (and there are no schema violations), the
# caller-specified values will be _added_ to the values already present.
# Returns True or False to indicate whether the operation
# succeeded or failed, with extended information available by calling
# #get_operation_result. See also #replace_attribute and #delete_attribute.
# dn = "cn=modifyme,dc=example,dc=com"
# ldap.add_attribute dn, :mail, ""
def add_attribute dn, attribute, value
modify :dn => dn, :operations => [[:add, attribute, value]]
# Replace the value of an attribute.
# #replace_attribute can be thought of as equivalent to calling #delete_attribute
# followed by #add_attribute. It takes the full DN of the entry to modify,
# the name (Symbol or String) of the attribute, and the value (String or
# Array). If the attribute does not exist, it will be created with the
# caller-specified value(s). If the attribute does exist, its values will be
# _discarded_ and replaced with the caller-specified values.
# Returns True or False to indicate whether the operation
# succeeded or failed, with extended information available by calling
# #get_operation_result. See also #add_attribute and #delete_attribute.
# dn = "cn=modifyme,dc=example,dc=com"
# ldap.replace_attribute dn, :mail, ""
def replace_attribute dn, attribute, value
modify :dn => dn, :operations => [[:replace, attribute, value]]
# Delete an attribute and all its values.
# Takes the full DN of the entry to modify, and the
# name (Symbol or String) of the attribute to delete.
# Returns True or False to indicate whether the operation
# succeeded or failed, with extended information available by calling
# #get_operation_result. See also #add_attribute and #replace_attribute.
# dn = "cn=modifyme,dc=example,dc=com"
# ldap.delete_attribute dn, :mail
def delete_attribute dn, attribute
modify :dn => dn, :operations => [[:delete, attribute, nil]]
# Rename an entry on the remote DIS by changing the last RDN of its DN.
# _Documentation_ _stub_
def rename args
if @open_connection
@result = @open_connection.rename( args )
@result = 0
conn = :host => @host, :port => @port )
if (@result = conn.bind( args[:auth] || @auth )) == 0
@result = conn.rename( args )
@result == 0
# modify_rdn is an alias for #rename.
def modify_rdn args
rename args
# Delete an entry from the LDAP directory.
# Takes a hash of arguments.
# The only supported argument is :dn, which must
# give the complete DN of the entry to be deleted.
# Returns True or False to indicate whether the delete
# succeeded. Extended status information is available by
# calling #get_operation_result.
# dn = ",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
# ldap.delete :dn => dn
def delete args
if @open_connection
@result = @open_connection.delete( args )
@result = 0
conn = :host => @host, :port => @port )
if (@result = conn.bind( args[:auth] || @auth )) == 0
@result = conn.delete( args )
@result == 0
end # class LDAP
class LDAP
# This is a private class used internally by the library. It should not be called by user code.
class Connection # :nodoc:
LdapVersion = 3
# initialize
def initialize server
@conn = server[:host], server[:port] )
raise "no connection to server" )
yield self if block_given?
# close
# This is provided as a convenience method to make
# sure a connection object gets closed without waiting
# for a GC to happen. Clients shouldn't have to call it,
# but perhaps it will come in handy someday.
def close
@conn = nil
# next_msgid
def next_msgid
@msgid ||= 0
@msgid += 1
# bind
def bind auth
user,psw = case auth[:method]
when :anonymous
when :simple
[auth[:username] || auth[:dn], auth[:password]]
raise "invalid binding information" ) unless (user && psw)
msgid = next_msgid.to_ber
request = [LdapVersion.to_ber, user.to_ber, psw.to_ber_contextspecific(0)].to_ber_appsequence(0)
request_pkt = [msgid, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write request_pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax) and pdu = be )) or raise "no bind result" )
# search
# Alternate implementation, this yields each search entry to the caller
# as it are received.
# TODO, certain search parameters are hardcoded.
# TODO, if we mis-parse the server results or the results are wrong, we can block
# forever. That's because we keep reading results until we get a type-5 packet,
# which might never come. We need to support the time-limit in the protocol.
# WARNING: this code substantially recapitulates the searchx method.
def search args = {}
search_filter = (args && args[:filter]) || Filter.eq( "objectclass", "*" )
search_base = (args && args[:base]) || "dc=example,dc=com"
search_attributes = ((args && args[:attributes]) || []).map {|attr| attr.to_s.to_ber}
attributes_only = (args and args[:attributes_only] == true)
scope = args[:scope] || Net::LDAP::SearchScope_WholeSubtree
raise "invalid search scope" ) unless SearchScopes.include?(scope)
request = [
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
result_code = 0
while (be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = be ))
case pdu.app_tag
when 4 # search-data
yield( pdu.search_entry ) if block_given?
when 5 # search-result
result_code = pdu.result_code
raise "invalid response-type in search: #{pdu.app_tag}" )
# searchx
# Original implementation, this doesn't return until all data have been
# received from the server.
# TODO, certain search parameters are hardcoded.
# TODO, if we mis-parse the server results or the results are wrong, we can block
# forever. That's because we keep reading results until we get a type-5 packet,
# which might never come. We need to support the time-limit in the protocol.
# WARNING: this code substantially recapitulates the search method.
def searchx args
search_filter = (args && args[:filter]) || Filter.eq( "objectclass", "*" )
search_base = (args && args[:base]) || "dc=example,dc=com"
search_attributes = ((args && args[:attributes]) || []).map {|attr| attr.to_s.to_ber}
request = [
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
search_results = {}
result_code = 0
while (be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = be ))
case pdu.app_tag
when 4 # search-data
search_results [pdu.search_dn] = pdu.search_attributes
when 5 # search-result
result_code = pdu.result_code
block_given? and yield( search_results )
raise "invalid response-type in search: #{pdu.app_tag}" )
# modify
# TODO, need to support a time limit, in case the server fails to respond.
# TODO!!! We're throwing an exception here on empty DN.
# Should return a proper error instead, probaby from farther up the chain.
# TODO!!! If the user specifies a bogus opcode, we'll throw a
# confusing error here ("to_ber_enumerated is not defined on nil").
def modify args
modify_dn = args[:dn] or raise "Unable to modify empty DN"
modify_ops = []
a = args[:operations] and a.each {|op, attr, values|
# TODO, fix the following line, which gives a bogus error
# if the opcode is invalid.
op_1 = {:add => 0, :delete => 1, :replace => 2} [op.to_sym].to_ber_enumerated
modify_ops << [op_1, [attr.to_s.to_ber, {|v| v.to_ber}.to_ber_set].to_ber_sequence].to_ber_sequence
request = [modify_dn.to_ber, modify_ops.to_ber_sequence].to_ber_appsequence(6)
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = be )) && (pdu.app_tag == 7) or raise "response missing or invalid" )
# add
# TODO, need to support a time limit, in case the server fails to respond.
def add args
add_dn = args[:dn] or raise"Unable to add empty DN")
add_attrs = []
a = args[:attributes] and a.each {|k,v|
add_attrs << [ k.to_s.to_ber, {|m| m.to_ber}.to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence
request = [add_dn.to_ber, add_attrs.to_ber_sequence].to_ber_appsequence(8)
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = be )) && (pdu.app_tag == 9) or raise "response missing or invalid" )
# rename
# TODO, need to support a time limit, in case the server fails to respond.
def rename args
old_dn = args[:olddn] or raise "Unable to rename empty DN"
new_rdn = args[:newrdn] or raise "Unable to rename to empty RDN"
delete_attrs = args[:delete_attributes] ? true : false
request = [old_dn.to_ber, new_rdn.to_ber, delete_attrs.to_ber].to_ber_appsequence(12)
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = be )) && (pdu.app_tag == 13) or raise "response missing or invalid" )
# delete
# TODO, need to support a time limit, in case the server fails to respond.
def delete args
dn = args[:dn] or raise "Unable to delete empty DN"
request = dn.to_s.to_ber_application_string(10)
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = be )) && (pdu.app_tag == 11) or raise "response missing or invalid" )
end # class Connection
end # class LDAP
end # module Net