Pure Ruby LDAP library
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= Net::LDAP for Ruby == Description Pure Ruby LDAP library. == Where === Issues & Project Homepage http://rubyforge.org/projects/net-ldap === Code http://github.com/RoryO/ruby-net-ldap/ == FEATURES/PROBLEMS The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an Internet protocol for accessing distributed directory services. Net::LDAP is an LDAP support library written in pure Ruby. It supports most LDAP client features and a subset of server features as well. * Standards-based (going for RFC 4511) * Portable: 100% Ruby == SYNOPSIS See Net::LDAP for documentation and usage samples. == REQUIREMENTS Net::LDAP requires Ruby 1.8.7-compliant interpreter or better. == INSTALL Net::LDAP is a pure Ruby library. It does not require any external libraries. You can install the RubyGems version of Net::LDAP available from the usual sources. * gem install net-ldap Simply require 'net/ldap'. == CREDITS Net::LDAP was originally developed by: * Francis Cianfrocca blackhedd@rubyforge.org Contributions since: * Emiel van de Laar emiel@rubyforge.org * Rory O'Connell roryo@rubyforge.org * Kaspar Schiess eule@rubyforge.org * Austin Ziegler austin@rubyforge.org * Dimitrij Denissenko dimdenis@rubyforge.org * "nowhereman" on GitHub == LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 by Francis Cianfrocca and other contributors. Please read the file LICENSE for licensing restrictions on this library. In the simplest terms, this library is available under the same terms as Ruby itself. Available under the same terms as Ruby. See LICENSE in the main distribution for full licensing information.