module Net class LDAP module Extensions module Bignum def to_ber #i = [self].pack('w') #i.length > 126 and raise "range error in bignum" ) #[2, i.length].pack("CC") + i # Ruby represents Bignums as two's-complement numbers so we may actually be # good as far as representing negatives goes. # I'm sure this implementation can be improved performance-wise if necessary. # Ruby's Bignum#size returns the number of bytes in the internal representation # of the number, but it can and will include leading zero bytes on at least # some implementations. Evidently Ruby stores these as sets of quadbytes. # It's not illegal in BER to encode all of the leading zeroes but let's strip # them out anyway. # sz = self.size out = "\000" * sz (sz*8).times {|bit| if self[bit] == 1 out[bit/8] += (1 << (bit % 8)) end } while out.length > 1 and out[-1] == 0 out.slice!(-1,1) end [2, out.length].pack("CC") + out.reverse end end end end end