# $Id$ # # Copyright (C) 2006 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved. # Gmail account: garbagecat10. # # This is an LDAP server intended for unit testing of Net::LDAP. # It implements as much of the protocol as we have the stomach # to implement but serves static data. Use ldapsearch to test # this server! # # To make this easier to write, we use the Ruby/EventMachine # reactor library. # require 'stringio' #------------------------------------------------ class String def read_ber! syntax=nil s = StringIO.new self pdu = s.read_ber(syntax) if pdu if s.eof? slice!(0, length) else slice!(0, length - s.read.length) end end pdu end end module LdapServer LdapServerAsnSyntax = { :application => { :constructed => { 0 => :array, # LDAP BindRequest 3 => :array # LDAP SearchRequest }, :primitive => { 2 => :string, # ldapsearch sends this to unbind } }, :context_specific => { :primitive => { 0 => :string, # simple auth (password) 7 => :string # present filter }, } } def post_init $logger.info "Accepted LDAP connection" @authenticated = false end def receive_data data @data ||= ""; @data << data while pdu = @data.read_ber!(LdapServerAsnSyntax) begin handle_ldap_pdu pdu rescue $logger.error "closing connection due to error #{$!}" close_connection end end end def handle_ldap_pdu pdu tag_id = pdu[1].ber_identifier case tag_id when 0x60 handle_bind_request pdu when 0x63 handle_search_request pdu when 0x42 # bizarre thing, it's a null object (primitive application-2) # sent by ldapsearch to request an unbind (or a kiss-off, not sure which) close_connection_after_writing else $logger.error "received unknown packet-type #{tag_id}" close_connection_after_writing end end def handle_bind_request pdu # TODO, return a proper LDAP error instead of blowing up on version error if pdu[1][0] != 3 send_ldap_response 1, pdu[0].to_i, 2, "", "We only support version 3" elsif pdu[1][1] != "cn=bigshot,dc=bayshorenetworks,dc=com" send_ldap_response 1, pdu[0].to_i, 48, "", "Who are you?" elsif pdu[1][2].ber_identifier != 0x80 send_ldap_response 1, pdu[0].to_i, 7, "", "Keep it simple, man" elsif pdu[1][2] != "opensesame" send_ldap_response 1, pdu[0].to_i, 49, "", "Make my day" else @authenticated = true send_ldap_response 1, pdu[0].to_i, 0, pdu[1][1], "I'll take it" end end def handle_search_request pdu unless @authenticated send_ldap_response 5, pdu[0].to_i, 50, "", "Who did you say you were?" return end treebase = pdu[1][0] if treebase != "dc=bigdomain,dc=com" send_ldap_response 5, pdu[0].to_i, 32, "", "unknown treebase" return end # pdu[1][7] is the attributes. It's an empty array to signify ALL attributes. puts "WARNING, not interpreting attributes specifier" =begin Search Response ::= CHOICE { entry [APPLICATION 4] SEQUENCE { objectName LDAPDN, attributes SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { AttributeType, SET OF AttributeValue } }, resultCode [APPLICATION 5] LDAPResult } =end send_data( [ pdu[0].to_i.to_ber, [ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".to_ber, [ [ "mail".to_ber, ["aaa".to_ber, "bbb".to_ber, "ccc".to_ber].to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence, [ "objectclass".to_ber, ["111".to_ber, "222".to_ber, "333".to_ber].to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence, [ "cn".to_ber, ["CNCNCNCN".to_ber].to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence, ].to_ber_sequence ].to_ber_appsequence(4) ].to_ber_sequence) send_data( [ pdu[0].to_i.to_ber, [ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".to_ber, [ [ "mail".to_ber, ["aaa".to_ber, "bbb".to_ber, "ccc".to_ber].to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence, [ "objectclass".to_ber, ["111".to_ber, "222".to_ber, "333".to_ber].to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence, [ "cn".to_ber, ["CNCNCNCN".to_ber].to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence, ].to_ber_sequence ].to_ber_appsequence(4) ].to_ber_sequence) send_ldap_response 5, pdu[0].to_i, 0, "", "Was that what you wanted?" end def send_ldap_response pkt_tag, msgid, code, dn, text send_data( [msgid.to_ber, [code.to_ber, dn.to_ber, text.to_ber].to_ber_appsequence(pkt_tag) ].to_ber ) end end #------------------------------------------------ if __FILE__ == $0 require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine' require 'logger' $logger = Logger.new $stderr $logger.info "adding ../lib to loadpath, to pick up dev version of Net::LDAP." $:.unshift "../lib" require 'net/ldap' EventMachine.run { $logger.info "starting LDAP server on port 3890" EventMachine.start_server "", 3890, LdapServer EventMachine.add_periodic_timer 60, proc {$logger.info "heartbeat"} } end