# $Id$ # # $:.unshift "lib" require 'test/unit' require 'net/ldap' require 'stringio' class TestLdapClient < Test::Unit::TestCase # TODO: these tests crash and burn if the associated # LDAP testserver isn't up and running. # We rely on being able to read a file with test data # in LDIF format. # TODO, WARNING: for the moment, this data is in a file # whose name and location are HARDCODED into the # instance method load_test_data. def setup @host = "" @port = 3890 @auth = { :method => :simple, :username => "cn=bigshot,dc=bayshorenetworks,dc=com", :password => "opensesame" } @ldif = load_test_data end # Get some test data which will be used to validate # the responses from the test LDAP server we will # connect to. # TODO, Bogus: we are HARDCODING the location of the file for now. # def load_test_data ary = File.readlines( "tests/testdata.ldif" ) hash = {} while line = ary.shift and line.chomp! if line =~ /^dn:[\s]*/i dn = $' hash[dn] = {} while attr = ary.shift and attr.chomp! and attr =~ /^([\w]+)[\s]*:[\s]*/ hash[dn][$1.downcase.intern] ||= [] hash[dn][$1.downcase.intern] << $' end end end hash end # Binding tests. # Need tests for all kinds of network failures and incorrect auth. # TODO: Implement a class-level timeout for operations like bind. # Search has a timeout defined at the protocol level, other ops do not. # TODO, use constants for the LDAP result codes, rather than hardcoding them. def test_bind ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => @auth assert_equal( true, ldap.bind ) assert_equal( 0, ldap.get_operation_result.code ) assert_equal( "Success", ldap.get_operation_result.message ) bad_username = @auth.merge( {:username => "cn=badguy,dc=imposters,dc=com"} ) ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => bad_username assert_equal( false, ldap.bind ) assert_equal( 48, ldap.get_operation_result.code ) assert_equal( "Inappropriate Authentication", ldap.get_operation_result.message ) bad_password = @auth.merge( {:password => "cornhusk"} ) ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => bad_password assert_equal( false, ldap.bind ) assert_equal( 49, ldap.get_operation_result.code ) assert_equal( "Invalid Credentials", ldap.get_operation_result.message ) end def test_search ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => @auth search = {:base => "dc=smalldomain,dc=com"} assert_equal( 32, ldap.search( search )) search = {:base => "dc=bayshorenetworks,dc=com"} assert_equal( 0, ldap.search( search )) ldap.search( search ) {|res| assert_equal( res, @ldif ) } end # This is a helper routine for test_search_attributes. def internal_test_search_attributes attrs_to_search ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => @auth assert( ldap.bind ) search = { :base => "dc=bayshorenetworks,dc=com", :attributes => attrs_to_search } ldif = @ldif ldif.each {|dn,entry| entry.delete_if {|attr,value| ! attrs_to_search.include?(attr) } } assert_equal( 0, ldap.search( search )) ldap.search( search ) {|res| res_keys = res.keys.sort ldif_keys = ldif.keys.sort assert( res_keys, ldif_keys ) res.keys.each {|rk| assert( res[rk], ldif[rk] ) } } end def test_search_attributes internal_test_search_attributes [:mail] internal_test_search_attributes [:cn] internal_test_search_attributes [:ou] internal_test_search_attributes [:hasaccessprivilege] internal_test_search_attributes ["mail"] internal_test_search_attributes ["cn"] internal_test_search_attributes ["ou"] internal_test_search_attributes ["hasaccessrole"] internal_test_search_attributes [:mail, :cn, :ou, :hasaccessrole] internal_test_search_attributes [:mail, "cn", :ou, "hasaccessrole"] end def test_search_filters ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => @auth search = { :base => "dc=bayshorenetworks,dc=com", :filter => Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "sn", "Fosse" ) } ldap.search( search ) {|res| p res } end def test_open ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => @auth ldap.open {|ldap| 10.times { rc = ldap.search( :base => "dc=bayshorenetworks,dc=com" ) assert_equal( 0, rc ) } } end def test_ldap_open Net::LDAP.open( :host => @host, :port => @port, :auth => @auth ) {|ldap| 10.times { rc = ldap.search( :base => "dc=bayshorenetworks,dc=com" ) assert_equal( 0, rc ) } } end end