2006-04-16 11:23:12 +02:00
# $Id$
# Net::LDAP for Ruby
# Copyright (C) 2006 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved.
# Gmail: garbagecat10
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# == Miscellaneous
# For reasons relating to the source-code layout, this file doesn't
# require all the outboard stuff it actually needs, like netber.
# Until we figure out how to do that without damaging the directory
# structure, we're reliant on user programs to explicitly require
# everything, and in the correct order too!
# == BUGS:
# Try querying the objectGUID attribute from an A/D. It's a binary value
# which we're reading correctly, but we need to make sure it gets base64-encoded
# if we're going to put it out to an LDIF.
require 'socket'
2006-04-17 02:41:49 +02:00
require 'net/ber'
require 'net/ldap/pdu'
require 'net/ldap/filter'
2006-04-18 02:11:36 +02:00
require 'net/ldap/dataset'
2006-04-16 11:23:12 +02:00
module Net
# class LDAP
class LDAP
class LdapError < Exception; end
AsnSyntax = {
:application => {
:constructed => {
0 => :array, # BindRequest
1 => :array, # BindResponse
2 => :array, # UnbindRequest
3 => :array, # SearchRequest
4 => :array, # SearchData
5 => :array, # SearchResult
6 => :array, # ModifyRequest
7 => :array, # ModifyResponse
8 => :array, # AddRequest
9 => :array, # AddResponse
10 => :array, # DelRequest
11 => :array, # DelResponse
12 => :array, # ModifyRdnRequest
13 => :array, # ModifyRdnResponse
14 => :array, # CompareRequest
15 => :array, # CompareResponse
16 => :array, # AbandonRequest
:context_specific => {
:primitive => {
0 => :string, # password
1 => :string, # Kerberos v4
2 => :string, # Kerberos v5
DefaultHost = ""
DefaultPort = 389
DefaultAuth = {:method => :anonymous}
ResultStrings = {
0 => "Success",
1 => "Operations Error",
16 => "No Such Attribute",
17 => "Undefined Attribute Type",
20 => "Attribute or Value Exists",
32 => "No Such Object",
34 => "Invalid DN Syntax",
48 => "Invalid DN Syntax",
48 => "Inappropriate Authentication",
49 => "Invalid Credentials",
50 => "Insufficient Access Rights",
51 => "Busy",
52 => "Unavailable",
53 => "Unwilling to perform",
68 => "Entry Already Exists"
# LDAP::result2string
def LDAP::result2string code
ResultStrings[code] || "unknown result (#{code})"
# initialize
def initialize args
@host = args[:host] || DefaultHost
@port = args[:port] || DefaultPort
@verbose = false # Make this configurable with a switch on the class.
@auth = args[:auth] || DefaultAuth
# This variable is only set when we are created with LDAP::open.
# All of our internal methods will connect using it, or else
# they will create their own.
@open_connection = nil
# open
def LDAP::open
# search
def search args
conn = Connection.new( :host => @host, :port => @port )
# TODO, hardcoded Ldap result code in next line
(rc = conn.bind @auth) == 0 or return rc
result_code = conn.search( args ) {|values|
block_given? and yield( values )
# bind
# Bind and unbind.
# Can serve as a connectivity test as well as an auth test.
def bind
conn = Connection.new( :host => @host, :port => @port )
conn.bind @auth
# bind_as
# This is for testing authentication credentials.
# Most likely a "standard" name (like a CN or an email
# address) will be presented along with a password.
# We'll bind with the main credential given in the
# constructor, query the full DN of the user given
# to us as a parameter, then unbind and rebind as the
# new user.
def bind_as
# add
# Add a full RDN to the remote DIS.
def add args
conn = Connection.new( :host => @host, :port => @port )
# TODO, hardcoded Ldap result code in next line
(rc = conn.bind @auth) == 0 or return rc
conn.add( args )
# modify
# Modify the attributes of an entry on the remote DIS.
def modify args
conn = Connection.new( :host => @host, :port => @port )
# TODO, hardcoded Ldap result code in next line
(rc = conn.bind @auth) == 0 or return rc
conn.modify( args )
# rename
# Rename an entry on the remote DIS by changing the last RDN of its DN.
def rename args
conn = Connection.new( :host => @host, :port => @port )
# TODO, hardcoded Ldap result code in next line
(rc = conn.bind @auth) == 0 or return rc
conn.rename( args )
end # class LDAP
class LDAP
class Connection
LdapVersion = 3
# initialize
def initialize server
@conn = TCPsocket.new( server[:host], server[:port] )
raise LdapError.new( "no connection to server" )
block_given? and yield self
# next_msgid
def next_msgid
@msgid ||= 0
@msgid += 1
# bind
def bind auth
user,psw = case auth[:method]
when :anonymous
when :simple
[auth[:username] || auth[:dn], auth[:password]]
raise LdapError.new( "invalid binding information" ) unless (user && psw)
msgid = next_msgid.to_ber
request = [LdapVersion.to_ber, user.to_ber, psw.to_ber_contextspecific(0)].to_ber_appsequence(0)
request_pkt = [msgid, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write request_pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax) and pdu = Net::LdapPdu.new( be )) or raise LdapError.new( "no bind result" )
# search
# TODO, certain search parameters are hardcoded.
# TODO, if we mis-parse the server results or the results are wrong, we can block
# forever. That's because we keep reading results until we get a type-5 packet,
# which might never come. We need to support the time-limit in the protocol.
def search args
search_filter = (args && args[:filter]) || Filter.eq( "objectclass", "*" )
search_base = (args && args[:base]) || "dc=example,dc=com"
search_attributes = ((args && args[:attributes]) || []).map {|attr| attr.to_s.to_ber}
request = [
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
search_results = {}
result_code = 0
while (be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = LdapPdu.new( be ))
case pdu.app_tag
when 4 # search-data
search_results [pdu.search_dn] = pdu.search_attributes
when 5 # search-result
result_code = pdu.result_code
block_given? and yield( search_results )
raise LdapError.new( "invalid response-type in search: #{pdu.app_tag}" )
# modify
# TODO, need to support a time limit, in case the server fails to respond.
# TODO!!! We're throwing an exception here on empty DN.
# Should return a proper error instead, probaby from farther up the chain.
# TODO!!! If the user specifies a bogus opcode, we'll throw a
# confusing error here ("to_ber_enumerated is not defined on nil").
def modify args
modify_dn = args[:dn] or raise "Unable to modify empty DN"
modify_ops = []
a = args[:operations] and a.each {|op, attr, values|
# TODO, fix the following line, which gives a bogus error
# if the opcode is invalid.
op_1 = {:add => 0, :delete => 1, :replace => 2} [op.to_sym].to_ber_enumerated
modify_ops << [op_1, [attr.to_s.to_ber, values.to_a.map {|v| v.to_ber}.to_ber_set].to_ber_sequence].to_ber_sequence
request = [modify_dn.to_ber, modify_ops.to_ber_sequence].to_ber_appsequence(6)
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = LdapPdu.new( be )) && (pdu.app_tag == 7) or raise LdapError.new( "response missing or invalid" )
# add
# TODO, need to support a time limit, in case the server fails to respond.
def add args
add_dn = args[:dn] or raise LdapError.new("Unable to add empty DN")
add_attrs = []
a = args[:attributes] and a.each {|k,v|
add_attrs << [ k.to_s.to_ber, v.to_a.map {|m| m.to_ber}.to_ber_set ].to_ber_sequence
request = [add_dn.to_ber, add_attrs.to_ber_sequence].to_ber_appsequence(8)
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = LdapPdu.new( be )) && (pdu.app_tag == 9) or raise LdapError.new( "response missing or invalid" )
# rename
# TODO, need to support a time limit, in case the server fails to respond.
def rename args
old_dn = args[:olddn] or raise "Unable to rename empty DN"
new_rdn = args[:newrdn] or raise "Unable to rename to empty RDN"
delete_attrs = args[:delete_attributes] ? true : false
request = [old_dn.to_ber, new_rdn.to_ber, delete_attrs.to_ber].to_ber_appsequence(12)
pkt = [next_msgid.to_ber, request].to_ber_sequence
@conn.write pkt
(be = @conn.read_ber(AsnSyntax)) && (pdu = LdapPdu.new( be )) && (pdu.app_tag == 13) or raise LdapError.new( "response missing or invalid" )
end # class Connection
end # class LDAP
end # module Net
if __FILE__ == $0
puts "No default action"