2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Gem :: Specification . new do | s |
s . name = %q{ net-ldap }
2012-01-30 20:07:45 -08:00
s . version = " 0.2.20110317223539 "
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . required_rubygems_version = Gem :: Requirement . new ( " >= 0 " ) if s . respond_to? :required_rubygems_version =
s . authors = [ " Francis Cianfrocca " , " Emiel van de Laar " , " Rory O'Connell " , " Kaspar Schiess " , " Austin Ziegler " ]
2011-03-17 21:53:45 -04:00
s . date = %q{ 2011-03-17 }
s . description = %q{ Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ) , an IETF standard protocol for
accessing distributed directory services . Net :: LDAP is written completely in
Ruby with no external dependencies . It supports most LDAP client features and a
subset of server features as well .
Net :: LDAP has been tested against modern popular LDAP servers including
OpenLDAP and Active Directory . The current release is mostly compliant with
earlier versions of the IETF LDAP RFCs ( 2251 – 2256 , 2829 – 2830 , 3377 , and 3771 ) .
Our roadmap for Net :: LDAP 1 . 0 is to gain full < em > client < / em> compliance with
the most recent LDAP RFCs ( 4510 – 4519 , plutions of 4520 – 4532 ) . }
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . email = [ " blackhedd@rubyforge.org " , " gemiel@gmail.com " , " rory.ocon@gmail.com " , " kaspar.schiess@absurd.li " , " austin@rubyforge.org " ]
2011-03-17 21:53:45 -04:00
s . extra_rdoc_files = [ " Manifest.txt " , " Contributors.rdoc " , " Hacking.rdoc " , " History.rdoc " , " License.rdoc " , " README.rdoc " ]
2011-03-17 22:35:01 -04:00
s . files = [ " .autotest " , " .rspec " , " Contributors.rdoc " , " Hacking.rdoc " , " History.rdoc " , " License.rdoc " , " Manifest.txt " , " README.rdoc " , " Rakefile " , " autotest/discover.rb " , " lib/net-ldap.rb " , " lib/net/ber.rb " , " lib/net/ber/ber_parser.rb " , " lib/net/ber/core_ext.rb " , " lib/net/ber/core_ext/array.rb " , " lib/net/ber/core_ext/bignum.rb " , " lib/net/ber/core_ext/false_class.rb " , " lib/net/ber/core_ext/fixnum.rb " , " lib/net/ber/core_ext/string.rb " , " lib/net/ber/core_ext/true_class.rb " , " lib/net/ldap.rb " , " lib/net/ldap/dataset.rb " , " lib/net/ldap/dn.rb " , " lib/net/ldap/entry.rb " , " lib/net/ldap/filter.rb " , " lib/net/ldap/password.rb " , " lib/net/ldap/pdu.rb " , " lib/net/snmp.rb " , " net-ldap.gemspec " , " spec/integration/ssl_ber_spec.rb " , " spec/spec.opts " , " spec/spec_helper.rb " , " spec/unit/ber/ber_spec.rb " , " spec/unit/ber/core_ext/string_spec.rb " , " spec/unit/ldap/dn_spec.rb " , " spec/unit/ldap/entry_spec.rb " , " spec/unit/ldap/filter_spec.rb " , " spec/unit/ldap_spec.rb " , " test/common.rb " , " test/test_entry.rb " , " test/test_filter.rb " , " test/test_ldap_connection.rb " , " test/test_ldif.rb " , " test/test_password.rb " , " test/test_rename.rb " , " test/test_snmp.rb " , " test/testdata.ldif " , " testserver/ldapserver.rb " , " testserver/testdata.ldif " , " .gemtest " ]
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . homepage = %q{ http://net-ldap.rubyforge.org/ }
2011-03-17 21:53:45 -04:00
s . rdoc_options = [ " --main " , " README.rdoc " ]
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . require_paths = [ " lib " ]
s . required_ruby_version = Gem :: Requirement . new ( " >= 1.8.7 " )
s . rubyforge_project = %q{ net-ldap }
2011-03-17 21:53:45 -04:00
s . rubygems_version = %q{ 1.5.2 }
s . summary = %q{ Net::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), an IETF standard protocol for accessing distributed directory services }
2011-03-16 19:32:49 -04:00
s . test_files = [ " test/test_entry.rb " , " test/test_filter.rb " , " test/test_ldap_connection.rb " , " test/test_ldif.rb " , " test/test_password.rb " , " test/test_rename.rb " , " test/test_snmp.rb " ]
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
if s . respond_to? :specification_version then
s . specification_version = 3
if Gem :: Version . new ( Gem :: VERSION ) > = Gem :: Version . new ( '1.2.0' ) then
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< hoe-git > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 19:32:49 -04:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< hoe-gemspec > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< metaid > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 19:32:49 -04:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< flexmock > , [ " ~> 0.9.0 " ] )
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< rspec > , [ " ~> 2.0 " ] )
2011-03-17 21:53:45 -04:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " >= 2.9.1 " ] )
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe-git > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 19:32:49 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe-gemspec > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< metaid > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 19:32:49 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< flexmock > , [ " ~> 0.9.0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< rspec > , [ " ~> 2.0 " ] )
2011-03-17 21:53:45 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " >= 2.9.1 " ] )
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe-git > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 19:32:49 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe-gemspec > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< metaid > , [ " ~> 1 " ] )
2011-03-16 19:32:49 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< flexmock > , [ " ~> 0.9.0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< rspec > , [ " ~> 2.0 " ] )
2011-03-17 21:53:45 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " >= 2.9.1 " ] )
2011-03-16 14:13:13 -05:00