require 'spec_helper' require 'timeout' require 'tempfile' describe LXC::Container do before(:all) do container.start container.wait('RUNNING', 3) end after(:all) do container.stop container.wait('STOPPED', 3) end context 'when container is running' do it 'should be have init pid greater that 0' do expect(container.init_pid).to be > 1 end it '#running? should return true' do expect(container).to be_running end it 'its state should be "RUNNING"' do expect(container.state).to eq('RUNNING') end it 'should have loop back interfacce' do expect(container.interfaces).to include('lo') end it 'should have eth0 interfacce' do expect(container.interfaces).to include('eth0') end end context '#ip_addresses' do it 'should have a valid ip address' do Timeout::timeout(10) do while container.ip_addresses.empty? sleep 1 end end expect(container.ip_addresses).to_not be_empty path = "/tmp/tc_lxc_running_ifconfig_eth0.#{}" file =, 'w+') begin nses = LXC::CLONE_NEWNET | LXC::CLONE_NEWUTS container.attach(wait: true, stdout:file, namespaces: nses) do LXC.run_command('ifconfig eth0') end file.rewind expect(file.readline).to match(/^eth0\s+Link\sencap:Ethernet\s+HWaddr\s/) ensure file.close File.unlink(path) end end end it 'should allow setting cgroup values' do max_mem = container.cgroup_item('memory.max_usage_in_bytes') cur_lim = container.cgroup_item('memory.limit_in_bytes') expect(container.set_cgroup_item('memory.limit_in_bytes', max_mem)).to_not be_nil expect(container.cgroup_item('memory.limit_in_bytes')).to_not eq(cur_lim) end context 'cloning a container' do it 'should allow cloning container' do if container.running? container.stop container.wait('STOPPED', 3) end expect(container.init_pid).to be_nil expect(container).to_not be_running expect(container.state).to eq('STOPPED') expect do begin clone = container.clone('test_clone') clone.start clone.stop ensure clone.destroy end end.to_not raise_error end end end