Tags, ct volume_move, PVE::Output, small fixes.

Proxmox supports tags, so class Proxmox supports tags, too.
It is possible to show and change tags in config and `e status` prints

The new command `e ct volume_move NAMEORID DISK POOL` "moves" the disk
of a CT to an other RBD-pool.  It only supports RBD, yet.
It uses XFS on the new device.
The CT must be stopped on the same machine, you are calling the command.

The class PVE::Output helps to print status.  Supports info, failed and
progress (with a spinner).  Monitoring tasks used a custom spinner,
which is now part of the new PVE::Output.

The status of CTs/VMs/Nodes are symbols only.  Strings shouldn't be used
This commit is contained in:
Denis Knauf 2023-01-16 17:30:23 +01:00
parent d558af77b6
commit 20db6bd9b2
6 changed files with 349 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ require_relative 'cli/qm'
require_relative 'cli/node' require_relative 'cli/node'
require_relative 'cli/storage' require_relative 'cli/storage'
class UsageError <RuntimeError
class DenCli::Sub class DenCli::Sub
def provide_help name: nil, aliases: nil, min: nil def provide_help name: nil, aliases: nil, min: nil
base = self base = self
@ -26,6 +23,73 @@ class DenCli::Sub
end end
class PVE::Cli class PVE::Cli
class RuntimeError <::RuntimeError
class UsageError <RuntimeError
def UsageError msg
raise UsageError, msg
class OperationalError <RuntimeError
def OperationalError msg
raise OperationalError, msg
class ConditionViolation <RuntimeError
def ConditionViolation msg
raise ConditionViolation, msg
class Output
LINERESET = "\r\e[J"
RESET = "\e[0m"
SUCCESS_ = "\e[32;1m✓"
FAILED_ = "\e[31;1m✗"
PROGRESS_ = "\e[33;1m%s"
INFO_ = "\e[33;1m•"
attr_accessor :host
def initialize host
@host, @spinners, @spin = host, "▖▘▝▗", 0
def progress format, *args, **kwargs
STDERR.printf PROGRESS, @host, @spinners[@spin = (@spin + 1) % 4]
STDERR.printf( format, *args, **kwargs)
def info format, *args, **kwargs
STDERR.printf INFO, @host
STDERR.printf( format, *args, **kwargs)
def failed format, *args, **kwargs
STDERR.printf FAILED, @host
STDERR.printf( format, *args, **kwargs)
def success format, *args, **kwargs
STDERR.printf SUCCESS, @host
STDERR.printf( format, *args, **kwargs)
def reset
attr_reader :cfg, :cli attr_reader :cfg, :cli
def connect def connect
@ -44,6 +108,7 @@ class PVE::Cli
symbolize_names: true symbolize_names: true
@cli = DenCli.new File.basename($0), "PVE CLI" @cli = DenCli.new File.basename($0), "PVE CLI"
@interactive = false @interactive = false
@out = Output.new "<>"
prepare prepare
end end
@ -52,18 +117,18 @@ class PVE::Cli
end end
def enter host, *args def enter host, *args
@out.host = host.name
r = host.enter *args r = host.enter *args
STDERR.puts "! #{$?.exitstatus}" unless r operational_error "Exitstatus: #{$?.exitstatus}" unless r
end end
def wait_state host, state, timeout: nil, lock: nil def wait_state host, state, timeout: nil, lock: nil
spinners, spin = "▖▘▝▗", 0 @out.host = host.name
r = r =
host.wait state, lock: lock, timeout: timeout, secs: 0.2 do |state, lock| host.wait state, lock: lock, timeout: timeout, secs: 0.2 do |state, lock|
lock = " (locked: #{lock})" if lock @out.progress "Still %s%s...", state, lock ? " (locked: #{lock})" : ''
STDERR.printf "\r[%s] \e[33;1m%s\e[0m Still %s%s...\e[J", host.name, spinners[spin = (spin + 1) % 4], state, lock
end end
STDERR.printf "\r\e[J" @out.reset
exit 1 if interactive? and !r exit 1 if interactive? and !r
end end
@ -71,7 +136,7 @@ class PVE::Cli
log = task.log start: logn, limit: limit log = task.log start: logn, limit: limit
log = [] if [{n: 1, t: 'no content'}] == log log = [] if [{n: 1, t: 'no content'}] == log
unless log.empty? unless log.empty?
STDERR.printf "\r\e[J" @out.reset
log.each {|l| puts l[:t] } log.each {|l| puts l[:t] }
logn = log.last[:n] logn = log.last[:n]
end end
@ -80,9 +145,9 @@ class PVE::Cli
def wait task, secs: nil, text: nil, timeout: nil def wait task, secs: nil, text: nil, timeout: nil
secs ||= 0.1 secs ||= 0.1
spinners, spin, logn = "▖▘▝▗", 0, 0 logn = 0
STDERR.puts task.upid STDOUT.puts task.upid
host = task.host&.name @out.host = host = task.host&.name || '<>'
loop do loop do
s = task.status s = task.status
logn = self.task_log task, logn logn = self.task_log task, logn
@ -92,17 +157,14 @@ class PVE::Cli
break if 0 == logn - r break if 0 == logn - r
logn = r logn = r
end end
STDERR.printf "\r[%s] %s %s %s\e[J\n", if s.successfull?
host || s.id, @out.success "%s %s", text && "#{text}:", s.stopped? ? :finished : s.status
s.successfull? ? "\e[32;1m✓\e[0m" : "\e[31;1m✗\e[0m", else
text && "#{text}:", @out.failed "%s %s", text && "#{text}:", s.stopped? ? :finished : s.status
s.stopped? ? :finished : s.status end
return s return s
end end
STDERR.printf "\r[%s] \e[33;1m%s\e[0m %s...\e[J", @out.progress text || "Working"
host || s[:id],
spinners[spin = (spin + 1) % 4],
text || "Working"
sleep secs sleep secs
end end
end end
@ -116,7 +178,7 @@ class PVE::Cli
def start host, node: nil, timeout: nil, fire: nil, secs: nil def start host, node: nil, timeout: nil, fire: nil, secs: nil
timeout ||= 60 timeout ||= 60
if host.running? if host.running?
STDERR.puts "Already running." condition_violation "Already running."
return return
end end
task = host.start task = host.start
@ -130,7 +192,7 @@ class PVE::Cli
def stop host, timeout: nil, fire: nil, secs: nil def stop host, timeout: nil, fire: nil, secs: nil
timeout ||= 30 timeout ||= 30
if host.stopped? if host.stopped?
STDERR.puts "Already stopped." preset_error "Already stopped."
return return
end end
task = host.stop task = host.stop
@ -161,6 +223,137 @@ class PVE::Cli
end end
end end
def rbd_device_map image_spec, &exe
dev = IO.popen( [*%w[rbd device map], image_spec]) {|io| io.read }.chomp
raise OperationalError, "Device mapping #{image_spec} localy failed." unless $?.success?
yield dev
system *%w[rbd device unmap], image_spec
raise OperationalError, "Device unmapping #{image_spec} failed." unless $?.success?
def rbd_devices_maps spec, *specs, &exe
rbd_device_map spec do |dev|
if specs.empty?
yield dev
rbd_devices_maps *specs do |*devs|
yield dev, *devs
def mount dev, mp, &exe
system 'mount', dev.to_s, mp.to_s
begin yield
# it could be possible, that a process is working in fs, yet.
sleep 1
system 'umount', mp.to_s
def ct_volume_move ct, disk, destination
@out.host = ct.name
host = Proxmox::Node.find_by_name! Socket.gethostname
unless host.node == ct.node.node
ConditionViolation( "CT is hosted on #{ct.node.node}, not local (#{Socket.gethostname})")
# Lock, we do not want changes, while we check/prepare,
# these checks could be obsolete while moving.
configupdate = {}
ct.lock :migrate do
disk =
case disk
when 'rootfs', /\Amp\d+\z/ then disk.to_sym
else UsageError( "Unknown disk #{disk}")
ctcnf = ct.config
UsageError( "CT has no disk #{disk}") if ctcnf[disk].nil?
UsageError( "CT not stopped, yet.") unless ct.stopped?
dest = host.storage.find {|x| destination == x.storage }
ConditionViolation( "Destination storage #{dest.storage} disabled") unless dest.enabled?
ConditionViolation( "Destination storage #{dest.storage} not active") unless dest.active?
unless /\A([^:]+):([^,]+)(,.+)?\z/ =~ ctcnf[disk]
OperationalError( "disk-specification cannot be parsed: [#{disk}: #{ctcnf[disk]}]")
source, name, diskopts = $1, $2, $3.to_s
src = host.storage.find {|x| source == x.storage }
ConditionViolation( "Source storage #{dest.storage} disabled") unless dest.enabled?
ConditionViolation( "Source storage #{dest.storage} not active") unless dest.active?
case src.type
when 'rbd'
else ConditionViolation( "Storage type #{src.type} not supported as source. (supported: rbd only, yet)")
#unless c = src.content.find {|x| x.name == name }
# usage_error "Source storage #{src.storage} has no disk named #{name}"
case dest.type
when 'rbd'
else ConditionViolation( "Storage type #{dest.type} not supported as destination. (supported: rbd only, yet)")
#if c = dest.content.find {|x| x.name == name }
# usage_error "Destination storage #{dest.storage} has already a disk named #{name}"
src_image_spec, dest_image_spec = "#{source}/#{name}", "#{destination}/#{name}"
mp_path = Pathname.new( "/var/lib/lxc/").join ct.vmid.to_s
mp_path.mkdir unless mp_path.exist?
src_mp, dest_mp = mp_path + src_image_spec.gsub('/','-'), mp_path + dest_image_spec.gsub('/','-')
src_mp.mkdir unless src_mp.exist?
dest_mp.mkdir unless dest_mp.exist?
# We check, if something is mounted already on our mountpoints.
# We check it later, too, but later cleaning up would be impossible.
# We do not trust only this checks, so we check later, too.
ConditionViolation( "Something already mounted at #{src_mp}") if src_mp.mountpoint?
ConditionViolation( "Something already mounted at #{dest_mp}") if dest_mp.mountpoint?
rbd_image_info = JSON.parse IO.popen( [*%w[rbd info --format json], src_image_spec]) {|io| io.read }
OperationalError( "Couldn't determine size of #{src_image_spec}.") unless $?.success?
# checks and preparation done.
size = rbd_image_info['size']/1024/1024
unless system *%w[rbd create -s], size.to_s, dest_image_spec
OperationalError( "Creating disk #{dest_image_spec} failed.")
@out.progress "Map devices %s, %s \e[J", ct.name, dest_image_spec, src_image_spec
rbd_devices_maps dest_image_spec, src_image_spec do |dest_dev, src_dev|
@out.info "Maped source device %s => %s => %s", src_image_spec, src_dev, src_mp
@out.info "Maped destination device %s => %s => %s", dest_image_spec, dest_dev, dest_mp
@out.info "Formatting destination disk"
unless system *%w[mkfs.xfs -mreflink=1 -bsize=4096 -ssize=4096], dest_dev
OperationalError( "Formatting #{dest_image_spec} failed.")
OperationalError( "Something already mounted at #{src_mp}") if src_mp.mountpoint?
@out.progress "Mounting source disk"
mount src_dev, src_mp do
OperationalError( "Something already mounted at #{src_mp}") if dest_mp.mountpoint?
@out.progress "Mounting destination disk"
mount dest_dev, dest_mp do
#@out.info "rsyncing..."
#system *%w[rsync -aHAX --info=progress2], "#{src_mp}/", "#{dest_mp}/"
IO.popen %w[rsync -ahHAX --info=progress2] + ["#{src_mp}/", "#{dest_mp}/"] do |io|
io.each_line("\r") {|l| @out.progress 'rsync|%s', l.chomp }
OperationalError( "rsync had an error. [#{$?.exitcode}]") unless $?.success?
unusedfield = (0..20).map{|i| "unused#{i}" }.find {|n| ctcnf[n].nil? }
configupdate = {unusedfield => "#{source}:#{name}", disk => "#{destination}:#{name}#{diskopts}"}
ct.cnfset **configupdate
@out.success "disk moved."
def node_opt node = nil def node_opt node = nil
node ? [Proxmox::Node.find_by_name!( node)] : Proxmox::Node.all node ? [Proxmox::Node.find_by_name!( node)] : Proxmox::Node.all
end end
@ -174,10 +367,17 @@ class PVE::Cli
end end
end end
def hosting_table target:, status:, sort: def hosting_table target:, status:, sort:, tags:
connect connect
to = TablizedOutput.new %w[Status HA ID Name Host Uptime CPU/% Mem/MiB Mem/% Disk/MiB Disk/%], format: '<<<<<>>>>>>' to = TablizedOutput.new %w[Status HA ID Name Host Uptime CPU/% Mem/MiB Mem/% Disk/MiB Disk/% Tags], format: '<<<<<>>>>>><'
target &&= /\A#{target}\z/i target &&= /\A#{target}\z/i
nottags = nil
if tags
tags = tags.split /,/
nottags = tags.grep /\A-/
tags -= nottags
nottags.map! {|x| x[1..-1] }
status = status =
case status case status
when /\Asta(r(t(ed?)?)?)?\z/i, /\Aon(l(i(ne?)?)?)?\z/i, /\Ar(u(n(n(i(ng?)?)?)?)?)?\z/i, '1' when /\Asta(r(t(ed?)?)?)?\z/i, /\Aon(l(i(ne?)?)?)?\z/i, /\Ar(u(n(n(i(ng?)?)?)?)?)?\z/i, '1'
@ -186,17 +386,25 @@ class PVE::Cli
%i[stopped offline] %i[stopped offline]
when nil, '', /\Aa(ll?)?\z/i then nil when nil, '', /\Aa(ll?)?\z/i then nil
else else
raise DenKn::UsageError, "Unknown state #{status}" usage_error "Unknown state #{status}"
end end
push = push =
if target and status begin
lambda {|n| to.push tablized_virt( n) if n === target and status.include?( n.state) } condition = []
elsif target condition.push lambda {|n| n === target } if target
lambda {|n| to.push tablized_virt( n) if n === target } if status
elsif status condition.push lambda {|n| !n.respond_to?( :status) or status.include?( n.status) }
lambda {|n| to.push tablized_virt( n) if status.include? n.state } end
else if tags
lambda {|n| to.push tablized_virt( n) } condition.push lambda {|n|
if n.respond_to?( :tags) and n.tags
nt = n.tags
[] == tags - nt and nottags == nottags - nt
else false
lambda {|n| to.push tablized_virt( n) if condition.all? {|c| c.call n} }
end end
yield push yield push
to.print order: sort.each_char.map {|c| (2*c.ord[5]-1) * (' sainhucmd'.index( c.downcase)) } to.print order: sort.each_char.map {|c| (2*c.ord[5]-1) * (' sainhucmd'.index( c.downcase)) }
@ -257,25 +465,30 @@ class PVE::Cli
def call *argv def call *argv
cli.call *argv cli.call *argv
rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse
STDERR.puts "#{$!.request}: #{$!.to_s} - #{$!.response} (#{$!.class})" #, $!.backtrace.map {|b|" #{b}"} @out.failed "%s: %s - %s (%s)", $!.request, $!, $!.response, $!.class
rescue UsageError, DenCli::UsageError #STDERR.puts $!.backtrace.map {|b|" #{b}"}
STDERR.puts $! exit 1
rescue DenCli::UsageError, RuntimeError
@out.failed "%s", $!
exit 1 exit 1
end end
def per_argument arguments, print: nil, &exe def per_argument arguments, print: nil, &exe
arguments.each do |argument| arguments.each do |argument|
STDERR.printf print, argument if print @out.host = argument
@out.info "\e[1;34m#{print}\e[0m", argument if print
begin begin
yield argument yield argument
rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse
STDERR.puts "#{$!.request}: #{$!.to_s} - #{JSON.parse( $!.response.body)}" @out.failed "%s: %s - %s", $!.request, $!, JSON.parse( $!.response.body)
rescue UsageError, DenCli::UsageError rescue DenCli::UsageError, RuntimeError
STDERR.puts $! @out.failed "%s", $!
rescue RestClient::BadRequest rescue RestClient::BadRequest
STDERR.puts $!.message.inspect @out.failed "%p", $!.message
rescue Interrupt
@out.failed "Interrupted by user"
rescue SystemExit rescue SystemExit
STDERR.puts "Failed with exit code: #{$!.status}" if 0 < $!.status @out.failed "Exitcode: %d", $!.status if 0 < $!.status
end end
end end
end end
@ -320,8 +533,8 @@ class PVE::Cli
end end
[ [
case v.status case v.status
when "running", "online" then ColoredString.new v.status, "32" when :running, :online then ColoredString.new v.status, "32"
when "stopped" then ColoredString.new v.status, "31" when :stopped, :offline then ColoredString.new v.status, "31"
else v.status else v.status
end, end,
ha&.state || '·', ha&.state || '·',
@ -340,6 +553,7 @@ class PVE::Cli
if v.respond_to?(:maxdisk) and 0 < v.maxdisk.to_i if v.respond_to?(:maxdisk) and 0 < v.maxdisk.to_i
TablizedOutput::Percentage.new( v.disk.to_f/v.maxdisk.to_f) TablizedOutput::Percentage.new( v.disk.to_f/v.maxdisk.to_f)
else unknown end, else unknown end,
v.respond_to?(:tags) ? v.tags.join(', ') : '',
] ]
end end
end end

View file

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ def cli_base
each {|c| puts c } each {|c| puts c }
} }
cli.cmd( :status, "Lists Nodes/VMs/CTs with status", &lambda {|target=nil, sort:, node: nil, status: nil| cli.cmd( :status, "Lists Nodes/VMs/CTs with status", &lambda {|target=nil, sort:, node: nil, status: nil, tags: nil|
hosting_table target: target, status: status, sort: sort do |push| hosting_table target: target, status: status, sort: sort, tags: tags do |push|
node_opt( node). node_opt( node).
each( &push).lazy. each( &push).lazy.
flat_map {|n| [ Thread.new( n, &:lxc), Thread.new( n, &:qemu) ] }. flat_map {|n| [ Thread.new( n, &:lxc), Thread.new( n, &:qemu) ] }.
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ def cli_base
}). }).
opt( :sort, '-s', '--sort=COLUMNS', "Sort by COLUMNs eg hn for host and name ([s]tatus, h[a], [i]d, [n]ame (default), [h]ost, [u]ptime, [c]pu, [m]em, [d]isk)", default: 'n'). opt( :sort, '-s', '--sort=COLUMNS', "Sort by COLUMNs eg hn for host and name ([s]tatus, h[a], [i]d, [n]ame (default), [h]ost, [u]ptime, [c]pu, [m]em, [d]isk)", default: 'n').
opt( :node, '-n', '--node=NODE', "List only hosted by this NODE"). opt( :node, '-n', '--node=NODE', "List only hosted by this NODE").
opt( :status, '-S', '--status=STATUS', "Filter for status (running, stopped, ...) (default: no filter)") opt( :status, '-S', '--status=STATUS', "Filter for status (running, stopped, ...) (default: no filter)").
opt( :tags, '-t', '--tags=TAGS', "Filter by comma-seperated tags. All tags must be present for Machine")
def val2str v def val2str v
case v case v

View file

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ def cli_ct
end.sort.each {|c| puts c } end.sort.each {|c| puts c }
} }
ct_cli.cmd( :status, "Lists CTs with status", aliases: [nil], &lambda {|target=nil, sort: nil, node: nil, status: nil| ct_cli.cmd( :status, "Lists CTs with status", aliases: [nil], &lambda {|target=nil, sort: nil, node: nil, status: nil, tags: nil|
hosting_table target: target, status: status, sort: sort do |push| hosting_table target: target, status: status, sort: sort, tags: tags do |push|
node_opt( node). node_opt( node).
each( &push).lazy. each( &push).lazy.
map {|n| Thread.new n, &:lxc }. map {|n| Thread.new n, &:lxc }.
@ -19,31 +19,40 @@ def cli_ct
}). }).
opt( :sort, '-s', '--sort=COLUMNS', "Sort by COLUMNs eg hn for host and name ([s]tatus, h[a], [i]d, [n]ame (default), [h]ost, [u]ptime, [c]pu, [m]em, [d]isk)", default: 'n'). opt( :sort, '-s', '--sort=COLUMNS', "Sort by COLUMNs eg hn for host and name ([s]tatus, h[a], [i]d, [n]ame (default), [h]ost, [u]ptime, [c]pu, [m]em, [d]isk)", default: 'n').
opt( :node, '-n', '--node=NODE', "List only hosted by this NODE"). opt( :node, '-n', '--node=NODE', "List only hosted by this NODE").
opt( :status, '-S', '--status=STATUS', "Filter for status (running, stopped, ...) (default: no filter)") opt( :status, '-S', '--status=STATUS', "Filter for status (running, stopped, ...) (default: no filter)").
opt( :tags, '-t', '--tags=TAGS', "Filter by comma-seperated tags. All tags must be present for CT")
ct_cli.cmd :enter, "Enter Console of CT", &lambda {|name_or_id| ct_cli.cmd :enter, "Enter Console of CT", &lambda {|name_or_id|
connect connect
STDERR.puts "! #{$?.exitstatus}" unless Proxmox::LXC.find!( name_or_id).enter @out.host = name_or_id
@out.failed "Exitstatus #{$?.exitstatus}" unless Proxmox::LXC.find!( name_or_id).enter
} }
ct_cli.cmd :exec, "Executes Command in CT", min: 4, &lambda {|name_or_id, *command| ct_cli.cmd :exec, "Executes Command in CT", min: 4, &lambda {|name_or_id, *command|
connect connect
STDERR.puts "! #{$?.exitstatus}" unless Proxmox::LXC.find!( name_or_id).exec *command @out.host = name_or_id
@out.failed "Exitstatus #{$?.exitstatus}" unless Proxmox::LXC.find!( name_or_id).exec *command
} }
ct_cli.cmd( :migrate, "Migrates halted CT(s) to an other host", min: 2, &lambda {|target, *names_or_ids, fire:, timeout:, secs:| ct_cli.cmd( :migrate, "Migrates halted CT(s) to an other host", min: 2, &lambda {|target, *names_or_ids, fire:, timeout:, secs:|
connect connect
node = Proxmox::Node.find_by_name! target node = Proxmox::Node.find_by_name! target
per_argument names_or_ids, print: "\e[1;34mMigrate CT %s:\e[0m" do |name_or_id| per_argument names_or_ids, print: "Migrate CT:" do |name_or_id|
ct = Proxmox::LXC.find! name_or_id ct = Proxmox::LXC.find! name_or_id
task = ct.migrate node task = ct.migrate node
wait task, text: "Migrating", timeout: timeout unless fire wait task, text: "Migrating", timeout: timeout unless fire
end end
}).tap {|c| opts_wait c } }).tap {|c| opts_wait c }
ct_cli.cmd( :volume_move, "Moves volume to an other storage/pool and marks old volume as unused.", min: 11, aliases: %i[volmv mv], &lambda {|name_or_id, volume, destination|
ct = Proxmox::LXC.find! name_or_id
ct_volume_move ct, volume, destination
ct_cli.cmd( :start, "Starts CT(s)", min: 4, &lambda {|*names_or_ids, node: nil, fire:, timeout:, secs:| ct_cli.cmd( :start, "Starts CT(s)", min: 4, &lambda {|*names_or_ids, node: nil, fire:, timeout:, secs:|
connect connect
per_argument names_or_ids, print: "\e[1;34mStart CT %s:\e[0m" do |name_or_id| per_argument names_or_ids, print: "Start CT:" do |name_or_id|
ct = Proxmox::LXC.find! name_or_id ct = Proxmox::LXC.find! name_or_id
start ct, node: node, fire: fire, timeout: timeout, secs: secs start ct, node: node, fire: fire, timeout: timeout, secs: secs
end end
@ -51,7 +60,7 @@ def cli_ct
ct_cli.cmd( :stop, "Stops CT(s)", min: 3, &lambda {|*names_or_ids, fire: nil, timeout:, secs:| ct_cli.cmd( :stop, "Stops CT(s)", min: 3, &lambda {|*names_or_ids, fire: nil, timeout:, secs:|
connect connect
per_argument names_or_ids, print: "\e[1;34mStart CT %s:\e[0m" do |name_or_id| per_argument names_or_ids, print: "Start CT:" do |name_or_id|
ct = Proxmox::LXC.find! name_or_id ct = Proxmox::LXC.find! name_or_id
stop ct, fire: fire, timeout: timeout, secs: secs stop ct, fire: fire, timeout: timeout, secs: secs
end end

View file

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ def cli_qm
opt( :timeout, "-tTIMEOUT", "--timeout=TIMEOUT", "Wait for max TIMEOUT seconds (default: endless)", default: nil). opt( :timeout, "-tTIMEOUT", "--timeout=TIMEOUT", "Wait for max TIMEOUT seconds (default: endless)", default: nil).
opt( :secs, "-sSECONDS", "--seconds=SECONDS", "Check every SECONDS for state (default: 0.2)", default: 0.2) opt( :secs, "-sSECONDS", "--seconds=SECONDS", "Check every SECONDS for state (default: 0.2)", default: 0.2)
qm_cli.cmd( :status, "Lists VMs with status", aliases: [nil], &lambda {|target=nil, sort: nil, node: nil, status: nil| qm_cli.cmd( :status, "Lists VMs with status", aliases: [nil], &lambda {|target=nil, sort: nil, node: nil, status: nil, tags: nil|
hosting_table target: target, state: state, sort: sort do |push| hosting_table target: target, status: status, sort: sort, tags: tags do |push|
node_opt( node). node_opt( node).
each( &push).lazy. each( &push).lazy.
flat_map {|n| [ Thread.new( n, &:qemu) ] }. flat_map {|n| [ Thread.new( n, &:qemu) ] }.
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ def cli_qm
}). }).
opt( :sort, '-s', '--sort=COLUMNS', "Sort by COLUMNs eg hn for host and name ([s]tatus, h[a], [i]d, [n]ame (default), [h]ost, [u]ptime, [c]pu, [m]em, [d]isk)", default: 'n'). opt( :sort, '-s', '--sort=COLUMNS', "Sort by COLUMNs eg hn for host and name ([s]tatus, h[a], [i]d, [n]ame (default), [h]ost, [u]ptime, [c]pu, [m]em, [d]isk)", default: 'n').
opt( :node, '-n', '--node=NODE', "List only hosted by this NODE"). opt( :node, '-n', '--node=NODE', "List only hosted by this NODE").
opt( :status, '-S', '--status=STATUS', "Filter for status (running, stopped, ...) (default: no filter)") opt( :status, '-S', '--status=STATUS', "Filter for status (running, stopped, ...) (default: no filter)").
opt( :tags, '-t', '--tags=TAGS', "Filter by comma-seperated tags. All tags must be present for CT")
qm_cli.cmd :exec, "Executes Command in VM via qemu-guest-agent", min: 4, &lambda {|name_or_id, *command| qm_cli.cmd :exec, "Executes Command in VM via qemu-guest-agent", min: 4, &lambda {|name_or_id, *command|
connect connect

View file

@ -163,7 +163,14 @@ class TablizedOutput
end end
@stdout.puts \ @stdout.puts \
@header.each_with_index.map {|s, i| @header.each_with_index.map {|s, i|
"#{' ' * (@maxs[i] - s.length)}#{s}" #"#{' ' * (@maxs[i] - s.length)}#{s}"
pad = ' ' * (@maxs[i] - s.length)
case @format[i]
when '<'
}.join( ' | ') }.join( ' | ')
ls.each_with_index do |l, i| ls.each_with_index do |l, i|
@stdout.puts \ @stdout.puts \

View file

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ module Proxmox
end end
class AlreadyExists < Exception class AlreadyExists < Exception
end end
class AlreadyLocked < Exception
def self.cnfstr2hash str def self.cnfstr2hash str
str. str.
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ module Proxmox
end end
def rest_put path, **data, &exe def rest_put path, **data, &exe
data = __data__( data) data = __data__( **data)
STDERR.puts "PUT #{path} <= #{data}" if $DEBUG STDERR.puts "PUT #{path} <= #{data}" if $DEBUG
__response__ Proxmox.connection[path].put( data, __headers__( :'Content-Type' => 'application/json')) __response__ Proxmox.connection[path].put( data, __headers__( :'Content-Type' => 'application/json'))
rescue RestClient::Exception rescue RestClient::Exception
@ -227,6 +229,12 @@ module Proxmox
attr_reader :name attr_reader :name
def __update__ **data
data[:status] &&= data[:status].to_sym
super **data
private :__update__
def === t def === t
@name =~ t or @vmid.to_s =~ t or @sid =~ t @name =~ t or @vmid.to_s =~ t or @sid =~ t
end end
@ -241,8 +249,8 @@ module Proxmox
@name = @node @name = @node
end end
def offline?() @status.nil? or 'offline' == @status end def offline?() @status.nil? or :offline == @status end
def online?() 'online' == @status end def online?() :online == @status end
def lxc def lxc
return [] if offline? return [] if offline?
@ -292,7 +300,12 @@ module Proxmox
d = rest_get @rest_prefix d = rest_get @rest_prefix
d[:starttime] &&= Time.at d[:starttime] d[:starttime] &&= Time.at d[:starttime]
d = {exitstatus: nil}.merge d d = {exitstatus: nil}.merge d
__update__ d.merge( node: @node, t: 'status', upid: @upid, task: @task) __update__ d.merge( node: @node, upid: @upid, task: @task)
def __update__ **data
data = data.merge t: 'status'
super **data
end end
def initialize def initialize
@ -337,9 +350,16 @@ module Proxmox
class Hosted < Base class Hosted < Base
def refresh! def refresh!
__update__ rest_get( "#{@rest_prefix}/status/current").merge( node: @node, t: @t) __updata__ rest_get( "#{@rest_prefix}/status/current").merge( node: @node, t: @t)
end end
def __update__ **data
data[:tags] = (data[:tags]||'').split ';'
data[:status] &&= data[:status].to_sym
super **data
private :__update__
def === t def === t
@name =~ t or @vmid.to_s =~ t or @sid =~ t @name =~ t or @vmid.to_s =~ t or @sid =~ t
end end
@ -405,6 +425,7 @@ module Proxmox
cnf[:unprivileged] &&= 1 == cnf[:unprivileged] cnf[:unprivileged] &&= 1 == cnf[:unprivileged]
cnf[:memory] &&= cnf[:memory].to_i cnf[:memory] &&= cnf[:memory].to_i
cnf[:cores] &&= cnf[:cores].to_i cnf[:cores] &&= cnf[:cores].to_i
cnf[:tags] &&= cnf[:tags].split ';'
cnf.update cnf.delete( :lxc).map{|k,v|[k.to_sym,v]}.to_h if cnf[:lxc] cnf.update cnf.delete( :lxc).map{|k,v|[k.to_sym,v]}.to_h if cnf[:lxc]
cnf cnf
end end
@ -416,12 +437,38 @@ module Proxmox
when true then r[k] = 1 when true then r[k] = 1
when false then r[k] = 0 when false then r[k] = 0
when nil then r[:delete].push k when nil then r[:delete].push k
when Array
case k
when :tags
r[k] = v.join ';'
else r[k] = v
else r[k] = v else r[k] = v
end end
end end
r.delete :delete if r[:delete].empty? r.delete :delete if r[:delete].empty?
STDERR.puts r.inspect rest_put "#{@rest_prefix}/config", **r
rest_put "#{@rest_prefix}/config", r end
def lock reason, &exe
cnf = config
raise Proxmox::AlreadyLocked, "Machine #{self} Already locked for: #{cnf[:lock].inspect}" unless cnf[:lock].nil?
r = rest_put "#{@rest_prefix}/config", {lock: reason}
if block_given?
return yield
def unlock
system 'pct', 'unlock', @vmid.to_s
raise Proxmox::UnlockFailed unless $?.success?
#rest_put "#{@rest_prefix}/config", {delete: %w[lock]}
end end
def resize disk, size def resize disk, size
@ -726,8 +773,9 @@ module Proxmox
end end
def initialize() rest_prefix end def initialize() rest_prefix end
def to_s() "#{@node.node}:#{@storage}" end
def to_s() "#{@node.node}:#{@storage}" end def active?() 1 == @active end
def enabled?() 1 == @enabled end
class Content < Base class Content < Base
def rest_prefix def rest_prefix