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2021-04-19 20:35:39 +02:00
class PVE::Cli
def cli_qm
cli.sub :qm, "Virtual Machines", aliases: %w[v vm qemu], &lambda {|qm_cli|
qm_cli.cmd :list, "List VM-IDs", aliases: ['ls'], &lambda {|node=nil|
2021-04-19 20:35:39 +02:00
nodes = Proxmox::Node.all
nodes = nodes.select {|n| node == n.name } if node
nodes.flat_map do |n|
n.qemu.map {|c| c.vmid.to_i }
end.sort.each {|c| puts c }
qm_cli.cmd( :migrate, "Migrates VM(s) to an other host", min: 2, &lambda {|target, *names_or_ids, fire:, timeout:, secs:|#, online:, restart:|
#if online and restart
# raise UsageError, "You have to decide for one migration-mode: --restart or --online."
#online = !restart or online
node = Proxmox::Node.find_by_name! target
per_argument names_or_ids, print: "\e[1;34mVM\e[0m %s:\n" do |name_or_id|
qm = Proxmox::Qemu.find! name_or_id
task = qm.migrate node #, online: online
wait task, text: "Migrating", timeout: timeout unless fire
#opt( :online, '-o', '--online', "Online-migration: Does not shutdown or interrupt running VM. Opposite of --online, Default", default: nil).
#opt( :restart, '-r', '--restart', "Restart-migration: Does shutdown or interrupt running VM. Opposite of --restart", default: nil).
tap {|c| opts_wait c }
qm_cli.cmd( :start, "Starts VM(s)", min: 4, &lambda {|*names_or_ids, node: nil, fire:, timeout:, secs:|
per_argument names_or_ids, print: "\e[1;34mStart VM %s:\e[0m" do |name_or_id|
qm = Proxmox::Qemu.find! name_or_id
start qm, node: node, fire: fire, timeout: timeout, secs: secs
}).tap {|c| opts_wait c }
qm_cli.cmd( :stop, "Stops VM(s)", min: 3, &lambda {|*names_or_ids, fire: nil, timeout:, secs:|
per_argument names_or_ids, print: "\e[1;34mStart VM %s:\e[0m" do |name_or_id|
qm = Proxmox::Qemu.find! name_or_id
stop qm, fire: fire, timeout: timeout, secs: secs
}).tap {|c| opts_wait c }
qm_cli.cmd( :wait, "Wait till VM is in state", &lambda {|name_or_id, state, timeout: nil, secs: nil|
qm = Proxmox::Qemu.find! name_or_id
wait qm, state, timeout: timeout, secs: secs
opt( :timeout, "-tTIMEOUT", "--timeout=TIMEOUT", "Wait for max TIMEOUT seconds (default: endless)", default: nil).
opt( :secs, "-sSECONDS", "--seconds=SECONDS", "Check every SECONDS for state (default: 0.2)", default: 0.2)
qm_cli.cmd( :status, "Lists VMs with status", aliases: [nil], &lambda {|target=nil, sort: nil, node: nil, status: nil|
hosting_table target: target, state: state, sort: sort do |push|
node_opt( node).
each( &push).lazy.
flat_map {|n| [ Thread.new( n, &:qemu) ] }.
each {|n| n.value.each &push }
opt( :sort, '-s', '--sort=COLUMNS', "Sort by COLUMNs eg hn for host and name ([s]tatus, h[a], [i]d, [n]ame (default), [h]ost, [u]ptime, [c]pu, [m]em, [d]isk)", default: 'n').
opt( :node, '-n', '--node=NODE', "List only hosted by this NODE").
opt( :status, '-S', '--status=STATUS', "Filter for status (running, stopped, ...) (default: no filter)")
2021-04-19 20:35:39 +02:00
qm_cli.cmd :exec, "Executes Command in VM via qemu-guest-agent", min: 4, &lambda {|name_or_id, *command|
2021-04-19 20:35:39 +02:00
STDERR.puts "! #{$?.exitstatus}" unless Proxmox::Qemu.find!( name_or_id).exec *command
qm_cli.cmd( :resize, 'Resize a disk', &lambda {|name_or_id, disk, size|
qm = Proxmox::Qemu.find! name_or_id
task = qm.resize disk, size
wait task, text: "Resizing #{qm.sid} #{disk} to #{size}"
qm_cli.cmd 'help', '', aliases: ['-h', '--help'], &lambda {|*args| help qm_cli, *args }
2021-04-19 20:35:39 +02:00