2011-01-21 15:37:37 +01:00

406 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/gforth
\ variable cr-count
\ : cr cr cr-count dup @ 1+ swap ! ;
\ : cr-reset 0 cr-count ! ;
\ : page page cr-reset ;
\ 2-rot ist bei gforth anscheinend nicht definiert
: 2-rot { a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 } c1 c2 a1 a2 b1 b2 ;
needs ansi.fs
\ at-xy? war mal bestandteil von gforth:
: read-cdnumber ( c - n | read a numeric entry delimited by character c)
>r 0 begin
key dup r@ -
swap 10 * swap [char] 0 - +
r> 2drop
: at-xy? ( -- x y | return the current cursor coordinates)
ESC[ ." 6n"
key drop key drop \ <esc> [
[char] ; read-cdnumber [char] R read-cdnumber
1- swap 1-
: escape ( -- addr len ) s\" \e" ;
: csi ( -- addr len ) s\" \e[" ;
: sgr ( u -- ) ESC[ 0 .r [char] m emit ;
: term-size form ;
: term-height ( -- i ) term-size drop ;
: term-width ( -- i ) term-size nip ;
: cursor@ ( -- x y ) at-xy? ;
: cursor! ( x y -- ) at-xy ;
: cursorx@ ( -- x ) cursor@ drop ;
: cursory@ ( -- y ) cursor@ nip ;
: cursorx! ( x -- ) cursory@ cursor! ;
: cursory! ( x -- ) cursorx@ swap cursor! ;
: cursor' ( i c -- ) swap dup if ESC[ 0 u.r emit else 2drop then ;
: cursor^ ( i -- ) [char] A cursor' ;
: cursor_ ( i -- ) [char] B cursor' ;
: cursor> ( i -- ) [char] C cursor' ;
: cursor< ( i -- ) [char] D cursor' ;
: screen^ ( i -- ) [char] S cursor' ;
: screen_ ( i -- ) [char] T cursor' ;
: isnewline? ( c -- i ) dup 10 = swap 13 = or ;
: isspace? ( c -- i ) dup 9 = over 11 = or swap 32 = or ;
: anyspaces? ( c -- i ) dup isnewline? isspace? or ;
: clearwspace ( c -- c )
9 of 32 endof
11 of 32 endof
13 of 10 endof
endcase nip
variable typewriter-delay
: typewriter-type ( addr len -- )
typewriter-delay @ -rot
over + swap +do
dup ms i @ emit
50 typewriter-delay !
variable scroll-delay
: scroll-type ( addr len -- )
dup 1 < if 2drop exit then
term-width over - dup cursorx@ - swap cursorx!
-rot 2dup type scroll-delay @ ms dup 1 + cursor< 2dup type s" " type
rot scroll-delay @ swap 1 +do
dup ms -rot dup 2 + cursor< 2dup type s" " type rot
2drop drop
10 scroll-delay !
variable ptype-indent \ Zeile Einruecken
variable ptype-curx \ cursorx@-emulation durch zaehlen.
: ptype-cursorx@ ( -- i ) ptype-curx @ ;
: ptype-curx@! ( -- ) cursorx@ ptype-curx ! ;
defer ptype-type
' type is ptype-type
: ptype-word ( addrw addrc c -- addrc+1 )
-rot \ c addrw addrc
dup -rot over - ptype-type \ c addrc
swap emit 1+ \ addrc+1
: ptype-init ( addr len lenm x -- addre lenm lenl addrw addre addr )
dup ptype-indent @ \ addr len lenm x x indent
swap - \ addr len lenm x indent-x
dup 0>= if
cursor> drop ptype-indent @
else drop then
{ addr len lenm x } addr len + lenm x addr addr len + addr
: ptype-newline ( lenm lenl addrw addrc -- lenm lenl addrw )
10 ptype-word \ lenm lenl addrw=addrc+1
ptype-indent @ dup cursor> swap \ lenm lenl0 addrw
: ptype-space ( lenm lenl addrw addrc -- lenm lenl1 addrw )
32 ptype-word \ lenm lenl addrw=addrc+1
swap 1+ swap \ lenm lenl+=1 addrw
: ptype-anychar ( lenm lenl addrw addrc -- lenm lenl addrw addrc )
2over <=
\ lenm lenl addrw addrc
rot tuck over swap - \ lenm addrw lenl addrc addrc-lenl
2over drop >= \ lenm addrw lenl addrc addrc-lenl>=addrw
if \ Wort ist laenger als eine Zeile -> muss umgebrochen werden.
1- -rot 1- -rot 2dup - \ lenm lenl addrc-1 addrw addrc-1-addrw
ptype-type ." -" nip 1 swap dup \ lenm lenl addrw=addrc-1 addrc-1
else \ Wort erst in der naechsten Zeile ausgeben.
nip 2dup - negate -rot \ lenm addrc-addrw addrw addrc
rot ptype-indent @ dup cursor> + -rot
rot 1+ -rot
: ptype' ( addre lenm lenl addrw addre addr -- )
\ addre ist fuer die schleife unwichtig
+do \ lenm lenl addrw
i dup c@ \ lenm lenl addrw addrc c
case \ lenm lenl addrw addrc c
10 of ptype-newline endof
32 of ptype-space endof
drop ptype-anychar
loop \ addre lenm lenl addrw
swap ptype-curx ! nip tuck - ptype-type
: ptype ( addr len -- ) term-width 1- ptype-cursorx@ ptype-init ptype' ;
: ptype-reset ( -- )
0 ptype-indent !
0 ptype-curx !
; \ Nicht einruecken
: beep 0 term-height 2 - cursor! 7 emit s" *beep* not" type ;
variable ok-
: block? ok- @ 0= throw ;
: block! ( i -- ) ok- dup @ throw ! ;
: !block ( i -- ) ok- @ <> throw 0 ok- ! ;
\ Es folgen ein paar syntaktische Textauszeichnungen.
: {i} ( addr -- addr ) 7 sgr ;
: <i> ( -- ) block? ['] {i} , ;
: {/i} ( addr -- addr ) 27 sgr ;
: </i> ( -- ) block? ['] {/i} , ;
: {b} ( addr -- addr ) 1 sgr ; \ bold
: <b> ( -- ) block? ['] {b} , ;
: {/b} ( addr -- addr ) 22 sgr ;
: </b> ( -- ) block? ['] {/b} , ;
: {u} ( addr -- addr ) 4 sgr ; \ underline
: <u> ( -- ) block? ['] {u} , ;
: {/u} ( addr -- addr ) 24 sgr ;
: </u> ( -- ) block? ['] {/u} , ;
: {fc} ( addr -- addr ) dup @ 30 + sgr cell+ ; \ frontcolor
: <fc> ( -- ) ['] {fc} , , ;
: {/fc} ( addr -- addr ) 39 sgr ;
: </fc> ( -- ) ['] {/fc} , ;
: {bc} ( addr -- addr ) dup @ 40 + sgr cell+ ; \ backgroundcolor
: <bc> ( -- ) ['] {bc} , , ;
: {/bc} ( addr -- addr ) 49 sgr ;
: </bc> ( -- ) ['] {/bc} , ;
: {br} ( addr -- addr ) cr ptype-reset ;
: <br> ( -- , xt-{br} ) ['] {br} , ;
: {animation} ( addr , xt -- addr ) dup @ ['] ptype-type defer! cell+ ;
: <animation> ( xt -- addr u- , xt-{animation} xt ) ['] {animation} , , ;
: {/animation} ( addr -- addr ) ['] type is ptype-type ;
: </animation> ( -- , xt-{/animation} ) ['] {/animation} , ;
: <tw> ( -- , xt xt ) ['] typewriter-type <animation> ;
: </tw> ( -- , xt ) </animation> ;
: <scroll> ( -- , xt xt ) ['] scroll-type <animation> ;
: </scroll> ( -- , xt ) </animation> ;
\ Es folgen ein paar blockorientierte Kennzeichnungen.
: {h} ( addr , len -- addr )
term-width over @ - 2 / \ addr width-twidth/2
dup ptype-curx ! cursor>
cell+ {b}
; \ header
: <h> ( -- addr 0 , xt-{h} 0 ) [char] h block! ['] {h} , here 0 , 0 ;
: {/h} ( addr , len -- addr1 )
{/b} cursorx@ 1+ \ addr x
over @ term-width swap - 2 / 1- \ addr x indent
cursor> \ addr x
cursorx@ +do ." =" loop \ addr
cr cell+
: </h> ( addr len -- , xt-{/h} len0 ) ['] {/h} , dup , swap ! [char] h !block ;
: {p} ( addr -- addr ) cr ptype-reset cell+ ; \ paragraph
: <p> ( -- addr u0 , xt-{p} 0 ) [char] p block! ['] {p} , here 0 , 0 ;
: {/p} ( addr -- addr ) cr ;
: </p> ( addr len -- , xt-{/p} ) ['] {/p} , swap ! [char] p !block ;
: {li} ( addr -- addr )
2 cursor> 32 sgr ." *" 39 sgr
4 ptype-indent ! 3 ptype-curx !
: <li> ( -- addr u0 , xt-{li} 0 ) [char] l block! ['] {li} , here 0 , 0 ;
: {/li} ( addr -- addr ) cr ;
: </li> ( addr len -- , xt-{/li} ) ['] {/li} , swap ! [char] l !block ;
33 constant table-color
: {|} ( addr -- addr )
dup @ dup ptype-cursorx@ - \ addr > >-i
dup 1 < if
1- spaces
ptype-curx ! table-color sgr ." |" 39 sgr cell+
: <|> ( i -- addr , xt-{|} i ) block? ['] {|} , , ;
: {-} ( addr -- addr ) cr dup @ 0 table-color sgr +do [char] - emit loop 39 sgr cell+ cr ;
: <-> ( i -- addr , xt-{-} i ) block? ['] {-} , , ;
variable enumerationCount ( -- addr )
: {||} ( addr -- addr ) \ increments enumeration count and prints prefix
enumerationCount dup @ 1+ dup rot !
2 cursor> 0 u.r ." ." space
5 ptype-curx ! 0
: <||> ( -- , xt-{||} ) block? ['] {||} , ;
: {/||} ( -- ) cr ;
: </||> ( -- , xt-{/||} ) ['] {/||} , block? ;
: {en} ( -- )
5 ptype-indent ! \ 6 Zeichen weit einruecken
0 enumerationCount ! \ resets enumeration count
: <en> ( -- , xt-{en} ) block? ['] {en} , ;
: {/en} ( -- ) ptype-reset ;
: </en> ( -- , xt-{/en} ) ['] {en} , block? ;
256 Constant max-line
Create line-buffer max-line 2 + allot
0 Value fd-in
: open-input ( addr u -- ) r/o open-file throw to fd-in ;
: printsource ( from to addr u 1/0 -- )
{ showLines }
open-input cr 0
1+ line-buffer max-line fd-in read-line throw
swap 2over rot tuck >= if
tuck <= if
dup 0 <# #s #> \ ... i str l
dup ptype-indent @ \ i str l l indent
dup ptype-curx ! 1- \ i str l l indent
swap - dup 0< if drop else cursor> then \ i str l
showLines if
33 sgr type ." |" 39 sgr \ ... i \ Eingerueckt Zahl ausgeben
else 2drop \ Eingerueckt keine Zahl ausgeben
swap line-buffer swap ptype cr
else nip
else nip nip
2drop 2drop
fd-in close-file throw
: printCodeHeader ( end start namelen addr 1/0 -- ) \ prints source code header containing line numbers
{ showLines }
swap 2swap \ addr namelen end start
2dup > if swap then \ addr namelen start/end end/start
showLines if dup 0 <# #s #> nip else 0 then ptype-reset 1+ ptype-indent !
2swap \ start end addr namelen
showLines printsource
: {source} ( -- ) dup dup dup dup @ swap cell + @ 2swap cell 2 * +
@ swap cell 3 * + @ 1 printCodeHeader 4 cells + ptype-reset ;
: <source> ( addr len from to -- , xt-{source} ) ['] {source} , , , , , ;
: {file} ( -- ) dup dup dup dup @ swap cell + @ 2swap cell 2 * +
@ swap cell 3 * + @ 0 printCodeHeader 4 cells + ptype-reset ;
: <file> ( addr len from to -- , xt-{file} ) ['] {file} , , , , , ;
: {np} ( -- )
0 sgr \ Alle Bildschirmeigenschaften zuruecksetzen
page \ Bildschirm leeren
variable np-sign
0 np-sign !
: {/np} ( -- )
\ 30 sgr 40 sgr
np-sign @ dup if execute 0 np-sign ! else drop then
0 term-height dup cursory@ - 2 / dup 0< if drop else screen_ then 2 - cursor!
: <np> ( -- addr , xt-{/np} xt-{np} )
\ Wir legen jede Anfangsadresse einer Seite auf den Stack (Achtung, in umgekehrter Reihenfolge)
['] {/np} ,
['] {np} ,
: {!!} ( addr -- addr+2 )
dup @ \ addr straddr
swap \ straddr addr
cell+ \ straddr addr
tuck \ addr straddr addr
@ \ addr straddr strlen
ptype \ addr
: !! ( len0 addr1 len1 -- len , xt-{!!} addr1 len1 )
['] {!!} ,
dup \ len0 addr1 len1 len1
rot , , \ len0 len1 len1 addr1 -> len0 len1
+ \ len0+len1
:noname ( -- ) 34 parse save-mem !! ; :noname 34 parse postpone sliteral postpone !! ; interpret/compile: !"
:noname ( -- ) \"-parse save-mem !! ; :noname \"-parse postpone sliteral postpone !! ; interpret/compile: !\"
: pres_page_cur ( addr -- addr ) ;
: pres_page_from ( addr -- addr ) cell+ ;
: pres_page_to ( addr -- addr ) 2 cells + ;
variable pres-restore 3 cells allot
\ faddr: erste Seitenzeigeradresse (letzte Presentationsseite)
\ laddr: letzte Seitenzeigeradresse (erste Presentationsseite)
\ paddr: derzeitige Seitenzeigeradresse
: page_steps ( laddr paddr 0 [u] -- u )
\ u muss ungleich 0 sein. falls u nicht vorhanden: 1
dup 0= if 1 then \ laddr paddr 0 u
: validpage? ( faddr laddr paddr -- faddr laddr paddr u )
2dup <= \ faddr laddr paddr u
2over drop rot tuck >
rot \ faddr laddr paddr u u
if drop cell - 1 \ faddr laddr paddr-1 -1 \ paddr-overflow
else if cell+ -1 \ faddr laddr paddr+1 -1 \ paddr-underflow
else 0 \ faddr laddr paddr 0
then then
: showpage' ( paddr -- )
dup cell - \ paddr paddr+cell
@ swap @ \ naddr addr \ Seiteninhaltsadressen
begin 2dup >
dup cell+ swap \ naddr xtaddr xtaddr
@ \ naddr xtaddr xt
execute \ verschiebt eventuell den Zeiger noch weiter, wenn es Parameter erwartet.
: showpage ( faddr laddr paddr -- faddr laddr paddr0 0 )
validpage? 0 tuck 2-rot drop \ i 0 faddr laddr paddr0
dup showpage' 0 2rot drop \ faddr laddr paddr0 0 i
if beep then
2over swap pres-restore !
pres-restore cell+ !
over pres-restore 2 cells + !
: n ( faddr laddr paddr 0 [u] -- faddr laddr paddr 0 ) page_steps cells - showpage ;
: g ( faddr laddr paddr 0 u -- faddr laddr paddr 0 ) cells nip nip over swap - showpage ;
: p ( faddr laddr paddr 0 [u] -- faddr laddr paddr 0 ) page_steps cells + showpage ;
: u ( faddr laddr paddr X -- faddr laddr paddr 0 ) drop showpage ;
: q bye ;
: r ( -- faddr laddr paddr 0 )
pres-restore dup @
swap cell+ dup @
swap cell+ @
variable psee_
: psee' 20 0 +do [char] - emit loop cr psee_ @ xt-see ;
: psee ['] psee' np-sign ! ' psee_ ! u ;
: <presentation> ( -- addr0 0 addr1 , xt-{np} ) here 0 here ['] {np} , ;
: </presentation> ( 0 <addr...> -- faddr laddr paddr 0 !! endaddr 0 0 0 0 <...addr> )
here \ 0 <addr...> faddr
begin swap dup \ 0 <addr..> addr0 faddr
while , \ 0 <addr..> faddr
repeat \ .s cr
drop \ faddr
here dup 0 \ faddr laddr paddr 0
\ u \ Praesentation starten