2009-06-04 22:28:28 +02:00

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Feature: Manage Albums
In order to make a gallery
As an contributor
I want to create and manage albums
Scenario: Albums List
Given the following album records
When I go to the list of albums
Then I should see "Dizin"
And I should see "Tehran"
And I should see "Delhi"
And I should have 3 albums
Scenario: Collection List
Given I have collections titled "Iran", "India"
And I have albums titled "Dizin", "Tehran" in collection "Iran"
And I have albums titled "Delhi" in collection "India"
When I go to the list of collections
Then I should see "Iran"
And I should see "India"
And I should have 2 collections
And collection "Iran" should have 2 albums
And I should have 3 albums
Scenario: Create Valid Album
Given the following user records
| email | password |
| | megmeg |
When I am logged in as "" with password "megmeg"
And I am on the list of albums
And I have no albums
When I follow "New Album"
And I fill in "Title" with "Norway"
And I fill in "Description" with "The land of the midnight sun"
And I press "Create"
And I should see "Album created!"
Then I follow "All albums"
And I should see "Norway"
And I should have 1 album