457 lines
9.6 KiB
457 lines
9.6 KiB
* jquery.scrollable 1.0.2. Put your HTML scroll.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Tero Piirainen
* http://flowplayer.org/tools/scrollable.html
* Dual licensed under MIT and GPL 2+ licenses
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses
* Launch : March 2008
* Version : 1.0.2 - Tue Feb 24 2009 10:52:08 GMT-0000 (GMT+00:00)
(function($) {
function fireEvent(opts, name, self, arg) {
var fn = opts[name];
if ($.isFunction(fn)) {
try {
return fn.call(self, arg);
} catch (error) {
if (opts.alert) {
alert("Error calling scrollable." + name + ": " + error);
} else {
throw error;
return false;
return true;
var current = null;
// constructor
function Scrollable(root, conf) {
// current instance
var self = this;
if (!current) { current = self; }
// horizontal flag
var horizontal = !conf.vertical;
// wrap (root elements for items)
var wrap = $(conf.items, root);
// current index
var index = 0;
// get handle to navigational elements
var navi = root.siblings(conf.navi).eq(0);
var prev = root.siblings(conf.prev).eq(0);
var next = root.siblings(conf.next).eq(0);
var prevPage = root.siblings(conf.prevPage).eq(0);
var nextPage = root.siblings(conf.nextPage).eq(0);
// methods
$.extend(self, {
getVersion: function() {
return [1, 0, 1];
getIndex: function() {
return index;
getConf: function() {
return conf;
getSize: function() {
return self.getItems().size();
getPageAmount: function() {
return Math.ceil(this.getSize() / conf.size);
getPageIndex: function() {
return Math.ceil(index / conf.size);
getRoot: function() {
return root;
getItemWrap: function() {
return wrap;
getItems: function() {
return wrap.children();
/* all seeking functions depend on this */
seekTo: function(i, time, fn) {
// default speed
time = time || conf.speed;
// function given as second argument
if ($.isFunction(time)) {
fn = time;
time = conf.speed;
if (i < 0) { i = 0; }
if (i > self.getSize() - conf.size) { return self; }
var item = self.getItems().eq(i);
if (!item.length) { return self; }
// onBeforeSeek
if (fireEvent(conf, "onBeforeSeek", self, i) === false) {
return self;
if (horizontal) {
var left = -(item.outerWidth(true) * i);
wrap.animate({left: left}, time, conf.easing, fn ? function() { fn.call(self); } : null);
} else {
var top = -(item.outerHeight(true) * i); // wrap.offset().top - item.offset().top;
wrap.animate({top: top}, time, conf.easing, fn ? function() { fn.call(self); } : null);
// navi status update
if (navi.length) {
var klass = conf.activeClass;
var page = Math.ceil(i / conf.size);
page = Math.min(page, navi.children().length - 1);
// prev buttons disabled flag
if (i === 0) {
} else {
// next buttons disabled flag
if (i >= self.getSize() - conf.size) {
} else {
current = self;
index = i;
// onSeek after index being updated
fireEvent(conf, "onSeek", self, i);
return self;
move: function(offset, time, fn) {
var to = index + offset;
if (conf.loop && to > (self.getSize() - conf.size)) {
to = 0;
return this.seekTo(to, time, fn);
next: function(time, fn) {
return this.move(1, time, fn);
prev: function(time, fn) {
return this.move(-1, time, fn);
movePage: function(offset, time, fn) {
return this.move(conf.size * offset, time, fn);
setPage: function(page, time, fn) {
var size = conf.size;
var index = size * page;
var lastPage = index + size >= this.getSize();
if (lastPage) {
index = this.getSize() - conf.size;
return this.seekTo(index, time, fn);
prevPage: function(time, fn) {
return this.setPage(this.getPageIndex() - 1, time, fn);
nextPage: function(time, fn) {
return this.setPage(this.getPageIndex() + 1, time, fn);
begin: function(time, fn) {
return this.seekTo(0, time, fn);
end: function(time, fn) {
return this.seekTo(this.getSize() - conf.size, time, fn);
reload: function() {
return load();
click: function(index, time, fn) {
var item = self.getItems().eq(index);
var klass = conf.activeClass;
if (!item.hasClass(klass) && (index >= 0 || index < this.getSize())) {
var delta = Math.floor(conf.size / 2);
var to = index - delta;
// next to last item must work
if (to > self.getSize() - conf.size) { to--; }
if (to !== index) {
return this.seekTo(to, time, fn);
return self;
// mousewheel
if ($.isFunction($.fn.mousewheel)) {
root.bind("mousewheel.scrollable", function(e, delta) {
// opera goes to opposite direction
var step = $.browser.opera ? 1 : -1;
self.move(delta > 0 ? step : -step, 50);
return false;
// prev button
prev.addClass(conf.disabledClass).click(function() {
// next button
next.click(function() {
// prev page button
nextPage.click(function() {
// next page button
prevPage.addClass(conf.disabledClass).click(function() {
// keyboard
if (conf.keyboard) {
// unfortunately window.keypress does not work on IE.
$(window).unbind("keypress.scrollable").bind("keypress.scrollable", function(evt) {
var el = current;
if (!el) { return; }
if (horizontal && (evt.keyCode == 37 || evt.keyCode == 39)) {
el.move(evt.keyCode == 37 ? -1 : 1);
return evt.preventDefault();
if (!horizontal && (evt.keyCode == 38 || evt.keyCode == 40)) {
el.move(evt.keyCode == 38 ? -1 : 1);
return evt.preventDefault();
return true;
// navi
function load() {
navi.each(function() {
var nav = $(this);
// generate new entries
if (nav.is(":empty") || nav.data("me") == self) {
nav.data("me", self);
for (var i = 0; i < self.getPageAmount(); i++) {
var item = $("<" + conf.naviItem + "/>").attr("href", i).click(function(e) {
var el = $(this);
return e.preventDefault();
if (i === 0) { item.addClass(conf.activeClass); }
// assign onClick events to existing entries
} else {
// find a entries first -> syntaxically correct
var els = nav.children();
els.each(function(i) {
var item = $(this);
item.attr("href", i);
if (i === 0) { item.addClass(conf.activeClass); }
item.click(function() {
nav.find("." + conf.activeClass).removeClass(conf.activeClass);
// item.click()
if (conf.clickable) {
self.getItems().each(function(index, arg) {
var el = $(this);
if (!el.data("set")) {
el.bind("click.scrollable", function() {
el.data("set", true);
// hover
if (conf.hoverClass) {
self.getItems().hover(function() {
}, function() {
return self;
// interval stuff
var timer = null;
function setTimer() {
timer = setInterval(function() {
}, conf.interval);
if (conf.interval > 0) {
root.hover(function() {
}, function() {
// jQuery plugin implementation
jQuery.prototype.scrollable = function(conf) {
// already constructed --> return API
var api = this.eq(typeof conf == 'number' ? conf : 0).data("scrollable");
if (api) { return api; }
var opts = {
// basics
size: 5,
clickable: true,
loop: false,
interval: 0,
speed: 400,
keyboard: true,
// other
disabledClass: 'disabled',
hoverClass: null,
easing: 'swing',
// navigational elements
items: '.items',
prev: '.prev',
next: '.next',
prevPage: '.prevPage',
nextPage: '.nextPage',
navi: '.navi',
naviItem: 'a',
// callbacks
onBeforeSeek: null,
onSeek: null,
alert: true
$.extend(opts, conf);
this.each(function() {
var el = new Scrollable($(this), opts);
$(this).data("scrollable", el);
return this;