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require "authlogic/i18n/translator"
module Authlogic
# This class allows any message in Authlogic to use internationalization. In earlier versions of Authlogic each message was translated via configuration.
# This cluttered up the configuration and cluttered up Authlogic. So all translation has been extracted out into this class. Now all messages pass through
# this class, making it much easier to implement in I18n library / plugin you want. Use this as a layer that sits between Authlogic and whatever I18n
# library you want to use.
# By default this uses the rails I18n library, if it exists. If it doesnt exist it just returns the default english message. The Authlogic I18n class
# works EXACTLY like the rails I18n class. This is because the arguments are delegated to this class.
# Here is how all messages are translated internally with Authlogic:
# Authlogic::I18n.t('error_messages.password_invalid', :default => "is invalid")
# If you use a different I18n library just replace the build-in I18n::Translator class with your own. For example:
# class MyAuthlogicI18nTranslator
# def translate(key, options = {})
# # you will have key which will be something like: "error_messages.password_invalid"
# # you will also have options[:default], which will be the default english version of the message
# # do whatever you want here with the arguments passed to you.
# end
# end
# Authlogic::I18n.translator =
# That it's! Here is a complete list of the keys that are passed. Just define these however you wish:
# authlogic:
# error_messages:
# login_blank: can not be blank
# login_not_found: is not valid
# login_invalid: should use only letters, numbers, spaces, and .-_@ please.
# consecutive_failed_logins_limit_exceeded: Consecutive failed logins limit exceeded, account is disabled.
# email_invalid: should look like an email address.
# password_blank: can not be blank
# password_invalid: is not valid
# not_active: Your account is not active
# not_confirmed: Your account is not confirmed
# not_approved: Your account is not approved
# no_authentication_details: You did not provide any details for authentication.
# models:
# user_session: UserSession (or whatever name you are using)
# attributes:
# user_session: (or whatever name you are using)
# login: login
# email: email
# password: password
# remember_me: remember me
module I18n
@@scope = :authlogic
@@translator = nil
class << self
# Returns the current scope. Defaults to :authlogic
def scope
# Sets the current scope. Used to set a custom scope.
def scope=(scope)
@@scope = scope
# Returns the current translator. Defaults to +Translator+.
def translator
@@translator ||=
# Sets the current translator. Used to set a custom translator.
def translator=(translator)
@@translator = translator
# All message translation is passed to this method. The first argument is the key for the message. The second is options, see the rails I18n library for a list of options used.
def translate(key, options = {})
translator.translate key, { :scope => I18n.scope }.merge(options)
alias :t :translate