Princely ======== Princely is a simple wrapper for the Prince XML PDF generation library ( It is almost entirely based on the SubImage Prince library found on this blog post: I have taken the helpers and made them a little bit more generalized and reusable, and created a render option set for pdf generation. The plugin will also automatically register the PDF MimeType so that you can use pdf in controller respond_to blocks. Example ======= class Provider::EstimatesController < Provider::BaseController def show respond_to do |format| format.html format.pdf do render :pdf => "file_name", :template => "controller/action.pdf.erb", :stylesheets => ["application","prince"] :layout => "pdf" end end end def pdf make_and_send_pdf("file_name") end end Render Defaults =============== The defaults for the render options are as follows: layout: false template: the template for the current controller/action stylesheets: none Resources ========= Trac: Copyright (c) 2007 Michael Bleigh and Intridea, Inc., released under the MIT license